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<no subject> (Community)
<no subject> // CommunitywingMay 13, 2001, 11:54am
How in the hell did you get past my filter when none of your other rabid postings this morning did?
At any rate, abuse report sent to abuse at [View Quote] m a k a v e l iMay 13, 2001, 11:57am
shredMay 13, 2001, 2:19pm
What was the point of this post? There wasn't one. I always thought I would
never do this, but you are filtered along with your buddy, Chucks Party. Abuse report sent to abuse at [View Quote] tony mMay 13, 2001, 2:22pm
bGwgZXZlciBtYWtlIGluIHRoaXMgbmV3c2dyb3VwLiBZb3UgaGF2ZSB2aW9sYXRlZCB0aGUgY2hh cnRlciBvbiBudW1lcm91cyBvY2Nhc2lvbnMsIGFuZCB0aGVyZWZvcmUgSSB3aWxsIGJlIHNlbmRp bmcgYW4gYWJ1c2UgcmVwb3J0IHRvIGFidXNlQHJyLmNvbQ0KDQoiamZrMiIgPGpmazJyQGpmazJt dXNpY3NlcnZpY2VzLmNvbT4gd3JvdGUgaW4gbWVzc2FnZSBuZXdzOjkwQTA0MUQxOWdraWVmZmVy dHdjbnlycmNvbUBuZXdzLmFjdGl2ZXdvcmxkcy5jb20uLi4NCj4gLi4uDQo= jfk2May 13, 2001, 11:06pm
Well... This just prooves one thing... The reason that there so many
DMMIES in here that don't know how to post correct. That was a SIMPLE TEST. simple and very effective. I could have said This Is A test Of The JFK Music Services News Reader... But i like short & very sweet tests... And "..." is really short and really simple. I do tests to see the results when doing resettings. Many people don't do it and they get into problems by asking DUMMIES questions... I do it smartly... TEST POST to see if things come out correct. So... This prooves another thing... That all of those making the complaint and one bunch of BLEEPING BLEEPING BLEEPING BLEEPS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched my mouth for any little tots that might read this... And believe me... I think that this place has somehow turned into the little tots newsgroups over the last day or so... No one here has brains anymore save a few of us..... ME & Chucks Party and a few others... tony m <tony at> wrote in <3afeb4b1 at>: >This has got to be one of the most POINTLESS posts you will ever make in >this newsgroup. You have violated the charter on numerous occasions, and >therefore I will be sending an abuse report to abuse at > [View Quote] |