HELP (Community)

HELP // Community

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Apr 7, 2001, 10:31am
Hi there, can anyone help me. All my AW applications have stopped
connecting. Browser, World server and bots. No ISP problems or blocks. Cant
figure out if there are any relevant Registry keys that relate to AW
connectivity. Got to AW's tech support answering machine :) Have tried to
email AW tech support......slowly going mad.......<strangled
noises>...Anyone ?


Apr 7, 2001, 10:51am
Just for the browser :

No relevant registry entries, the only thing I could imagine is that
your internet explorer is damaged or its setup is wrong. Check for a
not existing proxy entry in IE - for example. If IE has trouble AW
will have trouble too.

Or Zone Alarm, something like that?

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tony m

Apr 7, 2001, 5:56pm
Are you on a LAN (Local Area Network, i.e. is your computer on a
network)? If you are using Zone Alarm, make sure that both Local
Security and Internet Security are set to Medium.

- Tony M (a.k.a Tony56) [tony at]
"Through Cyberspace, we are Virtually United"
"Points to Ponder: If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the
opposite of Progress?"
[View Quote]


Apr 7, 2001, 6:03pm
I'm on cable modem which uses lan settings to connect and yes i'm set to
medium, the only thing that changed recently was that MSN messenger was
installed. I have subsequently found out that others running off the same
router in our area can send to the AW server but not receive whilst dial up
users in our area can connect. Now how strange is that ?

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Apr 7, 2001, 9:55pm
One of the common problemsthat happen every so often is your TCP/IP will
become dammaged. You might need a tech person walk you through another
reinstall of that. BUT do it if nothing works. IE, Mail, Ftp, AW, World,
etc. If nothing works... It could be your TCP/IP. But make sure you
have your WIN98 or WIN95 install cd rom or floppy handy for that type of
install. Or ask a friend with your operating system to loan you their
so you can re-install it.

ananas <vha at> wrote in <3ACF0A3A.6070B87F at>:

j b e l l

Apr 7, 2001, 10:14pm
a similar thing happened to me.. when i had zone alarm it worked fine for about a year (i'm exagerating, probably) and then all of a
sudden, no changes made, my world server and zone alarm are no-longer compatible.. i found it odd..


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Apr 8, 2001, 12:08am
Zonelarm sux man. Get Norton Personal Firewall, $50 and altho they say it isn't enough for servers, they then tell ya how to install it
on NT Server LOL. Very flexible.

[View Quote] > a similar thing happened to me.. when i had zone alarm it worked fine for about a year (i'm exagerating, probably) and then all of a
> sudden, no changes made, my world server and zone alarm are no-longer compatible.. i found it odd..
> --
> --
> J B E L L
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
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Apr 8, 2001, 7:41am
Thanks for the info guys but i'm not currently running a firewall so that
cant be it. This just happened spontaneously as far as i can see. The only
thing i did that i can think of is that someone installed MSN messenger on
my system which i subsequently uninstalled

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Apr 8, 2001, 8:44am
First thing to check when you have connection problems is if your machine can reach the target. Open an MS-DOS prompt window (Start/Programs/ or Start/Programs/Accessories depending on the OS) and type "tracert". If you want to save the trace in a file (might be helpful for your ISP or AW support) type "tracert>c:\trace.txt". With the trace you can see where the connection problem is. If you get a "1 Destination host unreachable." it probably means you are behind a proxy and you'll have to add the proxy address and port in aworls.ini


[View Quote] > news:3acf08ab$1 at


Apr 8, 2001, 9:11am
Yep, thanks for the advice but i'm already talking to AW server admin and
they say that data packets from my IP are getting to them and being
returned, they're just not getting back to me so i think it's a router
problem with my ISP. Traces to the server are giving
me 90ms max from here in the UK but still no connectivity for any AW
applications !

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Apr 8, 2001, 3:59pm
Since you're still having problems. You are not running an Unreal
Tournament server are you? :)
At one point I mapped port 7777 on the server machine to another machine
running UT. When I tried to enter my world some time later I had
forgotten about the mapping and couldn't figure out why I could get in
but no objects got loaded and nothing got recorded in the world log. I
was pretty frustrated before I found out :)


lord perception

Apr 9, 2001, 3:38am
[View Quote] Try another ISP and see if it the problem goes away. I too have had this
problem recently.

One night when I discovered this problem I disconnect from my main ISP and
connected to a free provider, The connection to AW was fine, played around
for about two hours without any problems what so ever, I then reconnected
back to my main ISP and the problem returned.


Apr 9, 2001, 4:44pm
cant do that mate, cable modem slaved to one ISP

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