My complaint about the news groups (Community)

My complaint about the news groups // Community

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Mar 10, 2001, 9:09pm
Maybe the poeple complaining should teach a class about how to post in the
news group. Maybe start another news group for it.
What to snip; when to snip. When to use commas, quotations and qhestion
marks and how to put them in the proper order and places. Maybe add a course
on proper replies. How many question marks to use, when to use a smilly
face, when not to use one. For the people in countries other then america,
how to speak proper english, so they won't get blasted when they don't use
proper english grammer. And while you're at it lets not forget to make it
manditory for graduation that they must learn all there is to learn about aw
so they won't make the mistake of posting a newbe question. I am being
sarcastic BTW.
You poeple pick on to many people over the most childish things. Sure AMF
has had plenty of warning, and should be more responsible in his posting, I
agree with that. But, That doesn't excuse the battering you all do just
because some one is new or just because you don't agree with their post. Or,
because they don't have the same tech training as you. I am not mentioning
names, but we all know who you are. And because of you, a lot of people
choose not to post in the news groups.
In my opinion, if you don't have the answer to a question posted you
shouldn't post anything. If the subject of the post doesn't have anything to
do with you you shouldn't post on it. If a newbe posts something that isn't
apropriate then he/she should be guided in the right direction. I have
noticed that along with your guidance sofar you most always through in some
insult or snide remark, just to make them feel like dirt. You people who do
this are childish and should look at your own actions before trying to tare
down some one else for not knowing the so called news group rules. Well
along with the news group rules there are personal rules thoughen in by
members of the news group and that is what is childish.
Who cares if broken english is used as long as the person is understood. Who
cares if the quotations are missused as long as the post is understood. Who
cares if the seperation of paragraphs aren't there as long as the post is
understood. Who cares if things are misspelled as long as the post is
understood.You all complain about these things and other things yet you seem
to fully understand each and every post you are complaining about. I see
that complaining as childish; complaining just to complain and get your name
into the news groups to look like a big person. It's disgusting. Ok, that is
my opinion like it or not. My spelling is bad most of the time and I know my
punctuation is way off in this post, and I don't care, so don't bother to be
childish enough to attack me over it, cause I know you who are doing this
childish stuff understands full well what I am saying and who I am saying it



Mar 11, 2001, 2:10am
Maybe that's the problem?
[ To many complaints, responses to the complaints, and then
complaints to the responses to the complaints, and then..(etc.) ]
Well, you get the idea, I'm practicing the very same thing I'm
trying to point out here. :) <-- Valid Smiley
Yes I know it can be frustrating to wonder if your going to open a
post and find any real intelligent replies or just more bashing and I
also know that many posts by some individuals is part of their daily
routine to make sure they are always part of the action, put a few
newbies down just to make themselves feel bigger.
Well, I have been reading the NG's for quite a while now and at
times I laugh, I yawn or I just right click the group and press the
catch up button cause I didn't see any new interesting Subject headers,
only continuous threads of ( Ego Tripping NG Hounds )
I at times am very happy to see a nice flowing thread that started
with a question and actually ended up with a solution or even a
compromise, or an actual debate with all parties bringing in some
fantastic points of view to broaden the horizons on a subject. Those are
the times I consider the NG's being used as a community conversation
place and it makes me proud to be part of it. On the other hand, I also
have to realize as many do, the world is a grand mix of people with ever
changing attitudes and habits and I myself am a part of that.

Ok, here is my opinion on it all.

First off: ( Agreeing or disagreeing with me is not an option here. If
you do, cool, if you don't, that's your opinion and so be it. I think
it's time for a change myself and whether it does or doesn't would not
change who I am or how I feel or life in general, but I do have a voice
and I do count as a person. With that said... )

If the poster is being a pain in the arse on purpose and it's
obvious, your replies to that nature are just as much a pain in the

If the poster expresses themselves with over populated smiley's or !
( Big deal!! ) Who knows, maybe they are just so happy they can type
without having to worry about stuttering on all us fine folk?

So don't worry how your putting the message out, but please,
remember that your posting to NOT ONLY those that are rucking the muck
so to speak, but many others that are reading and are usually being
silent because of the same fears of being pulled through the same mud
hole. Ignore the bears, weasels and chipmunks and know that if it's
important enough to you, it could be important to someone else also.
If your post gets attacked, who cares? What are they going to do? Come
to your house and give you spelling lessons, punctuation lessons, etc..?
When the minority is the only group you see posting, they seem like
the majority of the NG's readers. (FALSE) They are only the minority
that like to type in the NG's and that's it! ;)
Ok, I'm done. I guess I'll stifle it for now. ;)
For those of you that actually read to the bottom of this, Hi there
and enjoy life for what it is and not for how people make it! :)

[View Quote] <*Snipped*> click the above link if you need to.


Mar 11, 2001, 4:27am
Excellent points by both you, Bits, and by Imagine. There are plenty of quiet readers who enjoy coming across nuggets of good information or a good debate in the NG's, and who learn to ignore the flame-style posts. When a well-meaning new person gets bashed unfairly for mistakes we all make when trying something new or for having difficulty expressing himself in English, I've seen some people post words of encouragement to the newbie. Perhaps more of us (including me) will do that. :)


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Mar 11, 2001, 6:30am
And by you Lara :o)
I remember shaking in fright the first time i posted.... is that really
encoraging and healthy for the life of a NG? Remember that you need fresh
blood and interest or these things die out, 'specially if the many are not
bothered listening to the few.

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Mar 11, 2001, 6:41am
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

.... and still no open newsgroup for tourists :(

[View Quote] begin:vcard
adr:;;Bornheimer Strasse 15;Bonn;;53111;Germany
email;internet:vha at



Mar 11, 2001, 10:40am
If this group would calm down some, you would be surprised with the wealth
of information on AW you would read by getting back posters like Bits,
Imagine, Lara, Kellee, etc.
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chucks party

Mar 11, 2001, 12:44pm
I stopped reading after the first paragraph, maybe you should read your
posts before you post something that has so many typos in it and leave
people alone. That's my complaint is that you have no room to complain, LOL

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Mar 11, 2001, 12:51pm
I agree with bitmaster, as always, on this. :) Just letting a fire die out
is the best way of preventing a flame war. But sometimes I feel like there
was never any big fires half of the time. Newsgroups will ALWAYS have their
pessimists and ego-trips. There's no such thing as a perfect newsgroup from
what I've seen. We each deal with different problems.

Sometimes it seems the "better half" (ie, the more experienced and
knowledgeable AWers of this newsgroup) are like the stressed out parents who
are afixiated with that black dot of mischief of the newsgroup and forget to
see that the rest of the paper is clean and white with a lot of helpful
information and debates. :)

Threads like these always seem to come out of left field a lot of time, but
it's better that they come out than never. Just look up above at the last
few days of posting, there IS a lot of useful information and maybe just one
or two "bad" posts, most of which are just entertaining hypothetical
situations (we're an idealistic bunch, we are. ;)). Yes, on certain weeks,
we have our downsides, but it's just like PMS (is that a bad comparison?),
we all have our mood swings.

There will always be egotistics, overly sensitives, angels, and harsh drill
seargents, but we can't run this newsgroup without one or the other. We just
have to let everyone "evolve" and mature. Anything new is scary, and no,
we're not neccesarily helping to lighten the fear, but we're not an
easy-going group to begin with. We strive for facts and information, not
socializing like in AW. But we DO respect people with the courage to jump
right into it and make mistakes, but to learn from it. I, for one, twitch at
the sight of a fellow teenager who can't accept that asking for asl in this
newsgroup is...rude? :) I go ballistic over some things, as everyone else
goes ballistic on other things, everyone can live through it. If people are
so anxious they can't POST to this newsgroup, trust me, if I stayed out of
this black hole called the community newsgroup and just watched from Earth,
I'd be a much happier man. ;)


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Mar 11, 2001, 3:32pm
Maybe you shouldn't have stopped after the first paragraph, then you would
have noticed that I was complaining about people like you, who dwell on such
insignificant matters such as misspellings, miss-punctuations, and misuse of
grammar instead of concentrating on the actual subject of the post.
I did not come to this news group to get spelling lessons and most people
understood what I typed. I did add at the end of my last post:
>My spelling is bad most of the time and I know
> my
> be
> it
Perhaps for those of you who aren't literate enough to be able to read
typos, I will have to post that line at the beginning of my posts from now
I'm not trying to start a flame here. I am simply pointing out that this is
exactlly what I was complaining about.
> I stopped reading after the first paragraph, maybe you should read your
> posts before you post something that has so many typos in it and leave
> people alone. That's my complaint is that you have no room to complain,

I will not stop posting just because I make typos; I (WE) shouldn't have to.
And I (WE) shouldn't have to be afraid to post for fear that some one like
you will complain and bash over my (Our) spelling instead of consentrating
on the actual subject of the post.
I could say the sam thing to you: STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT OUR SPELLING AND

[View Quote]


Mar 11, 2001, 3:38pm
Thank you, I feel the same way. It would be great to have knowledgeable
people posting here that aren't often heard from. And I don't blame them for
not posting the way it is now.
And thank you Bits, Lara, Kellee and Ananas, I was beginning to think I was
the only one here that felt this way on this subject.

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Mar 12, 2001, 3:36am
Here is my HUGE complaint

1 - Those darn FLAME wars.
Example :
Just In VS FriendPA &/or Chucks Party
And FriendPA VS Just IN
or Chucks Party vs Just In

this holds true for everyone else who is squabling over some stupid thing.

2 -
MIS-Spel, MIS-Typ

Look... Not all of us are Whiz Kids who have had 50 yrs of schooling
in how to type well OR spell well...
Just learn to read between the MIS whatever and enjoy the read.

3 - All the other I HATE you & YOU HATE me stuff.... Please
Where is the HELP i need info?
It's being shafted.

Create one more newsgroup heading called GARBAGE
and then all of these ppl that want to blame all the Just In's
And all the FriendAP'a & all the Chucks Party's and everyone else
can all go post in the GARBAGE one. Anyone who like to read that JUNK
can read the GARBAGE group.

But please.... Leave the general chat for the newbies and others who are
trying to find out some info
and need that info... It's hard to go through all the tons of CRAP to
find the really few messages that deserve to be read.

That is why i usually stay in the BOT & World Owners areas...
At least most of everything there is to read... Is not filled
with I HATE YOU's ir You are DUMMY or other CRAP.

Thanxxx to all of the noce ppl here...
I'll go back into the BETTER more enjoyable reading areas now.

Ohhhh..... For those of you that want to make a gripe...
FINE.... I can take it.
I might not read it for weeks though... But i can take it...
SO FIRE away with all your I HATE YOU & You HATE ME and SOMEONE HATES
AW or anything else you hate...

BUT that is my ONLY hate...


Mar 12, 2001, 3:51am
I realized that you are seeing the old email at the top of that last
comment i made...
I'll fix it.
SO now you will have the PROPER place to flame.
LOOK UP /\ /\ /\ The email is the proper one. The other was that
old 56k dial up one.


Mar 12, 2001, 4:03am
OK... I forgot to add one complaint...
You can see i'm not GOD and PERFECT...

But some ppl need to practice posting on the old BBS software...
Heck... You couldn't get anything past 99 lines if you tried.

And the old time FIDONET [Before Internet] would not allow for CRAP
like this for long...

HERE is an example...
How long does one of these LONG things have to go on before someone
finally waks up and kills off that CRAP you will see below the
arrows there...
That is just an example of hos most ppl that have never gone through
BBS school learned to do...
KILL off that long crap...

GUES WHAT EVERYONE... I'm Brave... So I KILL it off unless i actually
have to post using parts of it... BUT for this post only...
I will let you see how STUPID most of you act.


> Thats why I do post in here every so often - as I said, I have posted
> in here since these newsgroups first existed back on Russ's servers,
> and I do know the value of posting in here - but, I wont put up with
> disrespect, or slander or anything else such as that - I never have
> when I posted in here as a citizen, and I shant now.
> So, any posts in here can be construed as courtesy posts - as long as
> the courtesy is maintained on both sides then I shall do so, but if it
> is not, then as I said, there is no obligation for me to continue to do
> so.
> If I do post in here, there usually wont be many follow up's - because
> I
> not believe in flame wars and ther eis no way I will engage in them
> (been there, done that!) - also, alot of the time I post in here will
> be my personal opinion, and not the opinion of the company - whereas it
> does reflect the opinion of the company I will usually use the words
> "we"
> of "I" - but, I also will not be involved nor answer questions on
> company policy or any such things as that - it is not my department and
> I have no way to answer anything like that, nor can I answer anything
> to do with beta's or software enhancements or anything to do with
> programming =)
> I'm a techie and a web developer, and thats where I can help, with
> technical/web matters - anything else, and I'm afraid you'll need to
> ask someone else =)
> And, I will usually comment in here by just joining into a conversation
> -
> you guys have specific questions - please email them to
> support at - thats me, you know =P
> I do read these newsgroups every day, so know that what is said in here
> noticed =)
> Facter.
[View Quote]


Mar 12, 2001, 9:09am
[View Quote] Like you, now?

If you don't want to r
ead it, just don't. Nobody forces you, and apparently some people do think
it's worth the discussion. If you don't like it, fine to me, but don't try
to force people to stop discussing something. Just filter the thread out and
you are done.

> 2 -
> MIS-Spel, MIS-Typ
> Look... Not all of us are Whiz Kids who have had 50 yrs of schooling
> in how to type well OR spell well...
> Just learn to read between the MIS whatever and enjoy the read.

If you want to tell the group something, it can be expected that you take
some effort to be understandable. The people who can't type or spell should
learn to type and spell - not the other way around. If you get corrected on
your spelling or grammar - just *learn* from it.

> 3 - All the other I HATE you & YOU HATE me stuff.... Please
> Where is the HELP i need info?
> It's being shafted.

What's your point?

> Create one more newsgroup heading called GARBAGE
> and then all of these ppl that want to blame all the Just In's
> And all the FriendAP'a & all the Chucks Party's and everyone else
> can all go post in the GARBAGE one. Anyone who like to read that JUNK
> can read the GARBAGE group.

Not realistic. Nobody is going to post in a garbage group just because you
think it is garbage.

> But please.... Leave the general chat for the newbies and others who are
> trying to find out some info
> and need that info... It's hard to go through all the tons of CRAP to
> find the really few messages that deserve to be read.

Tons of crap? Where did you get that idea? Now listen, this is a community
newsgroup, and therefore people are discussing community things. This
includes disputes. Again, it's easy to filter out a thread if you get bored
with it. And now stop whining about this. It's getting boring.

> That is why i usually stay in the BOT & World Owners areas...

You should have stayed there if you can't handle this area.

> At least most of everything there is to read... Is not filled
> with I HATE YOU's ir You are DUMMY or other CRAP.

No - that's what *you* think is crap. Other people do not consider it crap.
Don't like it? Go back to the other newsgroups. But let the people here
discuss it if they want.

> Thanxxx to all of the noce ppl here...
> I'll go back into the BETTER more enjoyable reading areas now.

"better", hehehe. Sure.

> Ohhhh..... For those of you that want to make a gripe...
> FINE.... I can take it.
> I might not read it for weeks though... But i can take it...
> SO FIRE away with all your I HATE YOU & You HATE ME and SOMEONE HATES
> AW or anything else you hate...

I think you misunderstand something. Did I say I hate you? No. I disagree
with you. But that doesn't mean I hate you. That's a very big difference -
learn to see it.

> BUT that is my ONLY hate...


Mar 16, 2001, 11:48am
Chucks Party, you know there was actually nothing funny about what you said
right there, everyone makes mistakes im sure you have made many, its not
good to joke about that kind of stuff, because it happens to everyone. Want
me to laugh in your face because you spelled one word wrong on accident?
(Obviousely not) Need a quote Chucks? ok.... "If you have nothing good to
say, don't say it", there you go.... Chucks Party I hardly post on these
but you end up being one of these "Childish Figures" that I see going
around, always spending your time flaming another, or laughing at ones
mistakes, how would you feel in a reversed situation?

image2 at

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