Life imprisonment for hacking crimes (General Discussion)

Life imprisonment for hacking crimes // General Discussion

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Oct 1, 2001, 9:16pm
The U.S. Congress is currently debating a law that would consider
"individuals suspected of causing minimal damage to networked
computers" as terrorists, subjecting them to penalties as harsh as
life imprisonment. This law would designate those who create even
relatively harmless viruses and trojan horses as terrorists and
subject them to these penalties.

In other words, if this law is passed, those who continue to spread
these childish fake "Stock Quote Bots" and other trojan horses could
find themselves up against stricter penalties than a simple ISP
account closure should the proper authorities be notified.

Take a look at the full article at


Oct 1, 2001, 9:23pm
Not only the US, Europe has the same idiots and the same laws
are discussed (or even in effect?) in Bruxelles too, together
with other laws that enable the state to encroach into anyones
privacy. So we will have to say WB to Stasi and Gestapo soon :(

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Oct 1, 2001, 10:42pm
oh, I forgot one thing :

Several of us are potential criminals, because using tracert
and other network diagnostic utilities already might be seen
as an illegal hack attack. They will need larger prisons.

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Oct 1, 2001, 10:47pm
Perhaps, and I don't agree that someone should go to prison for a minor
hacking offense, but maybe the people who steal passwords, hack into
computers, and write viruses and trojan horses and think they own AW will
start to realize that what they are doing is a serious crime.

mike zimmer

Oct 1, 2001, 11:14pm
I saw this on TechTV.

Why send a little kid who defaces a website or makes a little Trojan to life
in jail when someone kills a person and gets 30 years? That is just pretty

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nomad 1

Oct 1, 2001, 11:34pm
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Unfortunately, in the grand scheme of things, it seems that corporate and
interests are becoming more important that the those of the individual. The
life of a single
individual barely makes a blip on the screen when money is concerned. I
doubt this proposed
law will make it to life (this time), unaltered, however you can count on
interests to attemp to gain as much out of the recent world events as

My 2 cents worth.

NoMad 1

sw comit

Oct 2, 2001, 12:08am
It says *up* to life imprisonment, that being the worst penalty for doing
something like, oh I dunno, the code red virus maybe?

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lady jude

Oct 2, 2001, 1:58am
Bravo Brant :o)

Couldn't have said it better myself.

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Oct 2, 2001, 3:20am
Even stealing a password must not be criminal but can be sport
or even be helpful if you inform the admin about the successful
hack without causing further damage.
Using it to cause damage or to steal data is where it starts to
be criminal.

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Oct 2, 2001, 9:13am
i agree with Mike. why do something like that? there are just too many
stupid people in this world...



Oct 2, 2001, 9:21am
oh, man, this time they're going WAY too far!!!! I'm glad I don't live in
the US nor European Union, don't want these lunatics to govern me!


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Oct 2, 2001, 10:28am
As I said - I'm not afraid of the terrorists - I'm afraid of what our
governments are going to do in response to the terrorists. The media is
causing people to panic, and if you watch CNN all day, you'd probably
support these sort of measures too. It's been well past time that everyone
move on - I hate to say it but a lot of people are starting to become
obsessed now.

Just my three cents.


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sw chris

Oct 2, 2001, 5:10pm
Three words: Fox News, baby. :D That'll solve all your problems right
SW Chris
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

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young phalpha

Oct 2, 2001, 6:29pm
There's a HUGE difference in taking out very huge buildings, 6000 people dead, and the Dow
dropping, and that of making a "StockQuoteBot" which *might* steal about 10-20 passwords of
peoples which is usually fixed by AW banning him and people sending a simple email to AW to get
their password back or something... of course there can be other things that might be able to do
some "serious" damages to various things of their account or sending a virus to their computer,
but of course I won't say those because of certain wanna-be computer terrorists who would see a
plethora of ideas...

[View Quote] In other words, if this law is passed, those who continue to spread
these childish fake "Stock Quote Bots" and other trojan horses could
find themselves up against stricter penalties than a simple ISP
account closure should the proper authorities be notified.

Take a look at the full article at

tony m

Oct 2, 2001, 9:26pm
The only way I cold understand this law is if government computers are involved. Otherwise... pfft!

[View Quote] >The U.S. Congress is currently debating a law that would consider
>"individuals suspected of causing minimal damage to networked
>computers" as terrorists, subjecting them to penalties as harsh as
>life imprisonment. This law would designate those who create even
>relatively harmless viruses and trojan horses as terrorists and
>subject them to these penalties.
>In other words, if this law is passed, those who continue to spread
>these childish fake "Stock Quote Bots" and other trojan horses could
>find themselves up against stricter penalties than a simple ISP
>account closure should the proper authorities be notified.
>Take a look at the full article at

Tony M (fldmshl2013 at


Oct 3, 2001, 11:12am
Nah - if you want to become obsessed, CNN's better :)

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Oct 3, 2001, 5:09pm
I always preferred MSNBC... but maybe thats just me.


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sw chris

Oct 3, 2001, 6:58pm
Okay, let's compromise...!!!!! :D
SW Chris
Eagle Scout, Philosopher, Peacemaker, and... Kung Fu Master?

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