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avatars (Wishlist)
avatars // WishlistbootFeb 17, 1999, 7:39pm
what did you think about a basic avatar creator ?
i mean , a set of heads(differents forms and skin colors), hairs (short, long, blond, red, brown, black), arms (small , larges, naked, skin color), bodys (slims, fats, brawnys), legs(long, short,nakeds, skin color), and clothes (trousers, Tshirts, shorts, suits, dresses of differents colors), and perhaps accesories like hats, glasses etc ... . the set will be provided by the world (for speed improvement and coherence of the avatars) and every citizen could combine these elements to have a "real" personality ! I think that one of the most boring thing in AW is the fact that you ever look like someone else ! This could be the solution. (excuse my bad english I'm french ;-) ) Boot ! =?iso-8859-1?q?eep=b2?=Feb 17, 1999, 9:43pm
[View Quote]
> what did you think about a basic avatar creator ?
What do you think about reading previous responses to this question you posted before? > (excuse my bad english I'm french ;-) ) Idiocy isn't excused. > Boot ! Good idea. <boots you to the head> =?iso-8859-1?q?eep=b2?=Feb 18, 1999, 7:13am
Yes, yes, so you've stated MANY times before. Well, champ, you're a dink. Wee.
[View Quote] > Eep your an ass... foxyFeb 18, 1999, 7:55am
Somtimes Eep, you're a real cretin ! :o(
-- Cyril COGORDAN (Foxy) Ailleurs, "Un autre état d'esprit". (Mirror site) Eep² <eep at> a écrit dans le message : 36CB5415.84B35FFB at [View Quote] andras sarkozyFeb 18, 1999, 4:37pm
princess tiaFeb 23, 1999, 10:25am
Actually, haven't been keeping up with the NG's as much lately, so if this has
been discussed ad nauseum in this NG previous, sorry :) BUT, it's my understanding that has something in the works for making custom avatars that people can take anywhere in the worlds with them :) I've inquired in NG's before regarding plans on how this will be implemented but didn't see a response on that yet. Sven technology (i hope i have the name right) did Avatar maker, which i purchased and tried out. It was lots of fun to use. At the time (long time ago), i couldn't figure out a way to export an av made in that prog. for use in AW tho. People love to add touches of individualism to their own avs, so i think that if awcom implements a program such as this, it will be a lot of fun for aw users :) Just my personal opinion, but the current way of making avatars for aw seems to be rather labor intensive, and time consuming for me. Leftover, my partner in ZUZU world, works quite fast on these things, however. But he is a professional graphic artist, expeienced in 3D graphics and 2D graphics. So, I for one would be very interested in AWCOM's progress in this area, and look forward to it :) Princess Tia Zuzu World Zuzu AVs - Avatars for 3D Environments *feel this is applicable to the NG's i've crossposted it in, you know the drill..blah blah :)* [View Quote] > what did you think about a basic avatar creator ? > i mean , a set of heads(differents forms and skin colors), hairs (short, > long, blond, red, brown, black), arms (small , larges, naked, skin color), > bodys (slims, fats, brawnys), legs(long, short,nakeds, skin color), and > clothes (trousers, Tshirts, shorts, suits, dresses of differents colors), > and perhaps accesories like hats, glasses etc ... . the set will be > provided by the world (for speed improvement and coherence of the avatars) > and every citizen could combine these elements to have a "real" personality > ! I think that one of the most boring thing in AW is the fact that you ever > look like someone else ! This could be the solution. > > (excuse my bad english I'm french ;-) ) > > Boot ! > > |