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Bots bots and more bots!

Feb 3, 1999, 9:33pm
Bots everywhere! :) They've even setup their own news group! :)


Feb 7, 1999, 1:59pm
Zelda 64 does make aw look like a junk yard, and the day night passage is a nice effect to...

[View Quote] > Played Zelda64 yet? It's got plants that grow back SMOOTHLY after Link slices 'em up. AW looks outdated more and more with each new game release. Sad...
[View Quote]


Feb 7, 1999, 2:02pm
Thats a good idea :)

maybe I can do it or get someone to do it, it may go good with some other ideas
I've been working on,

Such as a AI simulator where you put a few animals into a world, than eventually
they will mate and spawn other bots with the whole predator prey food chain
thing going on at the same time, and also I was thinknig if there was only a way
to get around avatar restrictions not only could the animals evolve mentally but
also physically were the program could edit the rwx file to include a new gene
and than upload that file ot the server and use it as its avatar...

[View Quote] > This ecosystem idea reminds me of an idea I had a while back, and I believe
> other people have talked about it as well....
> Sort of a "sim life" program that will allow cetrain objects to "grow".
> You could have the bot cause plants and trees to grow and reproduce at a
> given speed. (the growth would obviously would have to take place at a
> much accelerated rate :)
> The idea is simple - you build an "acorn.rwx". The bot checks the timestamp
> on it and when its x minutes old, it replaces it with "z_oak_sapling1.rwx".
> Then "z_oak_sapling2.rwx" and so on as the tree grows. Once it gets so big,
> it has a certain chance of "spawning" an "acorn.rwx" nearby.
> Plants that grow naturally could belong to cit #0 so anyone could come along
> and cut 'em down when they wanted to build in a given area.
> If done in a public building world, it would give much more meaning to the
> concept of gardening - if you planted flowers and deleted weeds, you would
> have a nice garden. If you let your land go and never took care of it, it
> would beome overgrown. This would entice people to return to their homes and
> care for them even after they have finished building.
> If you made the plants themselves "z" objects, then you couldn't just place
> full-grown plants - you could only place "seed" objects that would grow into
> a full plant over time. So, you couldn't just put a line of mighty oaks
> around your house, but would have to plant then and wait. :) Since its a z
> object you can't move it once it starts growing - you can only delete it or
> let it grow.
> This would make for quite a dynamic world. Anyway, its another one of those
> ideas that has been in my head forever and will never see the light of day
> 'cause im too dang busy. :)
> Shamus Young
> Artwork / World Developer
>, Inc
> Email: shamus at
> Personal Homepage:
> ================================================
> - - --= A C T I V E W O R L D S =-- - -
> See the future of the net in a 3D interactive world!
[View Quote]

Deer Bot

Feb 9, 1999, 11:35pm
Trees wont be fun if their avatars and plus the person would need a million bot
limit :)

[View Quote] > I think Animal bots are a GREAT idea for AW. It would allow much more
> interesting things to be seen outside of small worlds building limitations,
> as avatars can go well beyond them. Like the tree idea posted above, they
> could grow into HUGE areas in even the smallest worlds because if they are
> actually avatars then building limitations have no effects on them. Just be
> sure to keep them low vert guys! Don't want to overload the smaller systems
> too much! heh heh.
> -raiven-

Deer Bot

Feb 10, 1999, 12:04pm
Plus it'd be better to use objects for weather and trees :))

[View Quote] > That is why there should be a larger bot limit if a user has caretaker
> rights in the world they are to be used.
> :)

Deer Bot

Feb 14, 1999, 10:48pm
Bot limit is a universe setting and COf has bot limit set at 3 for all users in all

[View Quote] > Currently the deer react to any avatar or robot they see. No distinction is made
> between lions, dogs or rabbits.
> I believe the bot limit is three at the moment. I assume that a 2.1 world owner
> has the ability to configure this. I guess 3 is what COF implemented in their
> worlds.
> Edward Sumerfield.
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 5, 1999, 12:25am
We need more bot ideas, everyone is stuck on those dumb greeter bots,
and chat bots :) we need something new and useful. And well game bots
have seem to of worn their selves out and no one plays with them
anymore, when was the last big soccer tournament in awgames??

Bots get boring...

Feb 5, 1999, 9:19pm
Well what other so called applications can be made with the SDK?

you know what I don't think there is any other things that can be developed with the SDK.

[View Quote] > Duh...why do you think I made such a big deal about Roland promoting "bots" as the main feature of the SDK? Helllloooooooo...
> <roll eyes>
> Anyone done a NON-bot SDK app for AW yet? (rhetorical question)
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 5, 1999, 9:22pm
Wow Cubic your starting to sound like some *other* people, maybe you should stop
and think to your self, OTHER people have ideas and they have the right ot
express them and you should keep your trap SHUT!

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 7, 1999, 1:56pm
I did something like this with hambot :)

a new tree would appear every 10 seconds...

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 7, 1999, 8:32pm
Lets see the reason why people wanna do this in aw is that its much easier to
use premade 3d engines and servers than to go off and develope a whole new one,
it's not like you have to goto those worlds that have thjese eco-systems in them
hell you could avoid them all together so people have the right to put bots in
their worlds without wasting your bandwidth...

[View Quote] [View Quote]

Bots bots and more bots there everywhere till the sdk comes out buwahahaha!

Sep 5, 1998, 8:13pm
One good thing is the amount of those annoying bots that announce your
name when you enter will be reduced :)

If a greeterbot is alone does it still greet?

Sep 7, 1998, 1:27am
If a greeterbot is alone does it still greet? :)

If a greeterbot is alone does it still greet?

Sep 7, 1998, 5:21pm
Was only a joke was checking to see if anyone was posting to this ng :)

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Sep 9, 1998, 12:08am
any of you know where I can find a c compiler?


Sep 11, 1998, 1:00am
I"ll just get VC++ :)
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Bots get boring...

Feb 8, 1999, 10:23pm
Hmmm... good point you have there... gotta have something to control the
population of trees but than we got to have something to control the population
of squirells :)

[View Quote] > If there are EcoBots that go about "seeding" the vacant land on worlds like
> AW, the bot designer had better think through the ecological consequences.
> Suppose you can have a bot that periodically rebuilds an acorn into a
> seedling, a seedling into a small tree, etc., and then randomly produces
> acorns from that tree, and seeds them elsewhere. It won't take long for this
> tree to multiply itself into a plague of trees: 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000,
> 100000.... That's because there is no real ecology here: the acorns have no
> squirrels to eat them, the trees have no storms to topple them, no parasites
> to sap them, no lumbermen to chop them down, and no rival vegetation to shade
> them into obliviion.
> If you think that robobuilders are a menace because they let vandals pave
> over vacant lands on worlds like AW, just wait till you have worlds overrun
> with thousands of copies of a single oak object, all made by one cute little
> EcoBot that had nothing to do but plant oaks. Just like the homesick
> Australian who introduced rabbits to Australia, or the flower-loving
> Americans who brought Swamp Loosestrife into the New World, to clog up the
> remaining swamps and wetlands.
> This is a great idea, but be sure to order bots that will make an ecology
> that you want to live in.
[View Quote]

Help? :)

Sep 10, 1998, 1:17am
Ok when I use the compiler it says theres to many errors in aw.h than I
run it with the .lib included and it generates the proggy ut the proggy
crashes the second I open it...

Help? :)

Sep 10, 1998, 10:22am
Maybe I should try saving it as C++ huh? :)
[View Quote]

Other vers?

Sep 11, 1998, 8:08pm
It'd be nice if we could get the sdk for the following :)

1. Visual Basic
2. Other C++ compilers
3. Java

BUGS! :)

Sep 11, 1998, 11:22pm
ok I run and compile the proggie with no errors but get htis whne I run
it wiht my cit#

Exiting due to signal SIGSEGV
General Protection Fault at eip=0000000f, error=9a00
eax=0000061e ebx=00050100 ecx=00000000 edx=0000b418 esi=00000054
ebp=0004e2c8 esp=0004e2b1 program=E:\DJGPP\BIN\BYTEBOT.EXE
cs: sel=00af base=83d24000 limit=0005ffff
ds: sel=00b7 base=83d24000 limit=0005ffff
es: sel=00b7 base=83d24000 limit=0005ffff
fs: sel=0087 base=00011240 limit=0000ffff
gs: sel=00c7 base=00000000 limit=ffffffff
ss: sel=00b7 base=83d24000 limit=0005ffff

Call frame traceback EIPs:

Cool stuff...

Feb 7, 1999, 10:50pm
I was messing around with building and obejct changing commands I made a
bot that makes a object orbit GZ some cool stuff first time I've messed
with it :) will aid me in a larger project I'm working on :))

Cool stuff...

Feb 8, 1999, 8:47pm
Hmmm... lets see the blimp in AWGames was programmed by me. Tis not very hard to do...

[View Quote] > So, AlphaWorld has a blimp that "orbits" its GZ. Your "accomplishment" is no big deal...
[View Quote]

Cool stuff...

Feb 8, 1999, 10:19pm
Lets see you program a bot... All you can do is cut-down and complain so shut up and go
somewhere else where people may actually like you...

[View Quote] > Big deal (again), Byte.
[View Quote]

Cool stuff...

Feb 8, 1999, 11:04pm
I do not have low self-esteem, I think you do... Your the one cutting people down so you can feel better... and I did no make the "bot" orbit GZ I made the bot move objects around GZ and I was telling everyone else it is some rather interesting stuff and that it will help me in a bigger project I am doing... so you can shutup k?

[View Quote] > Ah, Byte...<sigh>'ve missed the point of my original response to your post in this thread (as usual). I simply meant that just because you got some bot to orbig a GZ doesn't make you special, especially considering COF had one oribitting AlphaWorld's GZ long before you even "attempted" your "feat". In fact, you probably just copied it, so I don't feel like you deserve any praise and your post was an obvious call for external gratification based on your low self-esteem. Sad, man, sad...
[View Quote]

Cool stuff...

Feb 9, 1999, 1:38am
You know what eep? I'm starting to see why AW.COM anned you, cause your an ASS yeah little man you heard me your an ASS so why don't you shut the f*** up and go find some other 3d program to flame people in eh? Sicne the day I met you I knew you were an ass and your gonna be an ass all your life...

[View Quote] > Once again I state in an altered form: whoopety-do. Have a medal, champ. Do you need such external recognition from making such an announcement? It would be the same if I made an out-of-the-blue post saying I just learned how to make RWXs. Big fucking deal. LOTS of people know how to make RWXs. LOTS of people make bots. BIG DEAL! Duh.

Weather algorithm.

Feb 8, 1999, 8:53pm
One idea is use tourist property so they could be removed another way is
if roland was up to programming is make a way for bots to build and when
people build under or over these objects would not return a BI

[View Quote] > I don't know much about bots, but wouldn't clouds cause a problem with
> the Building Inspector in worlds with registries? How would you
> solve this problem without doing away with the registry?
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Feb 21, 1999, 4:28pm
Hmmm... maybe teleport worlds would make great rail roads like AWGate
and a few others :)

[View Quote] > Naw, AW, meta, yellow & mars would make better railroads, i think...
> i want boardwalk! waaaaaaaaa!!! (you can keep baltic, rjin- mind if
> i camp out in your hotel lobby for a few years? here's $6 to cover
> the rent :-)
> grover
[View Quote]

Lame question :)

Oct 9, 1998, 9:51pm
does AW_AVATAR_GESTURE the thing that responds to seqs played by poeple
or is what makes the bot do a gesture?

Eliza Bot Sample

Feb 10, 1999, 12:14pm
LOL I just had an interesting conversation with the bot, where can I get the

[View Quote] [View Quote]

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