byte me // User Search

byte me // User Search

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Oct 9, 1998, 10:07pm
Ok got some questions...

1. can I make my bot respond to a gesture?
if so can I get an example code in c

2. can I make my bot move in a foward in the direction a persons avatar
is facing when they do something?
if so can I get an example code in c

3. can I make my bot do something when an avatar gets close?
if so can I get an example code in c

Eliza Bot Sample

Feb 10, 1999, 3:42pm
I'm still trying to figure out were to get it :)

[View Quote] > well, its time for a "me too" note here :)
> Byte / Morrie.... please give me a hint as well for where to get to the
> eliza source code
> thanx :)
> Byte Me schrieb in Nachricht <36C19442.9A9CE07C at>...
> the
> world


Oct 10, 1998, 1:39pm
What about having a bot spawning in the position the person is and than
move foward and than after that doing a certain thing when someone is
within its range of detection?

Bot problem :)

Oct 10, 1998, 9:25pm
Ok I'm working on a bot and I have htis entered to reply to a gesture

void handle_avatar_change (void)
int rc;
char message[100];
if (rc = aw_int(AW_AVATAR_GESTURE)) sprintf(message, "Missle
aw_say (message);

it replies to all my gestures but I don't want it to respond to the walk
gesture (gesture 0) but it replies to it with a little square or the
words Miss
anyone know how to solve this prob?

Bot problem :)

Oct 11, 1998, 3:17am
thanx :)
[View Quote]

Another dumb question :)

Oct 13, 1998, 10:32pm
I want to get a bot to spawn in the place a person stands when they do a
certain action and than I want it to move in the direction their facing
any suggestions on how to do this in C? :)

Backdrop change sample #1

Oct 14, 1998, 11:58pm
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Ok heres a little program that will chaneg the backdrop and ground every
hour :) this bot does not physically show up in the world

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="backdrop.c"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Disposition: inline; filename="backdrop.c"

#include "aw.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
/*login stuff*/
/*this bot does not physically log into the world*/
int b;
int c;
main (int argc)
int rc;

if (rc = aw_init (AW_BUILD)) {
printf ("Unable to initialize API (reason %d)\n", rc);
exit (1);

if (rc = aw_create (0, 0, 0)) {
printf ("Unable to create bot instance (reason %d)\n", rc);
exit (1);

#define CIT_NUM 1
#define PASS Secret
printf ("Starting...\n");
aw_string_set (AW_LOGIN_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, Secret);
aw_int_set (AW_LOGIN_OWNER, CIT_NUM);
aw_string_set (AW_LOGIN_APPLICATION, "Backdrop change example #1");
aw_string_set (AW_LOGIN_NAME, "Backdrop");
if (rc = aw_login ()) {
printf ("Unable to login (reason %d)\n", rc);
exit (1);

if (rc = aw_enter ("Beta", 0)) {
printf ("Unable to enter world (reason %d)\n", rc);
exit (1);
/*what ground and backdrops to be used*/
char* backdrop[] = {"fr-day", "fr-nit"};
char* ground[] = {"frgrd-d", "frgrd-n"};
b = 0;
c = 0;
/*what changes the backdrops*/
do {
printf ("Backdrop changed\n");
aw_string_set (AW_WORLD_BACKDROP, backdrop[b]);
aw_string_set (AW_WORLD_GROUND, ground[c]);
aw_world_attributes_change ();
b = (b == sizeof (backdrop) / sizeof (backdrop[0]) - 1) ? 0 : b + 1;
c = (c == sizeof (ground) / sizeof (ground[0]) - 1) ? 0 : c + 1;
/*changes backdrop every hour*/
while (!aw_wait (60 * 60 * 1000))
aw_destroy ();
aw_term ();
return 0;


Backdrop change sample #1

Oct 15, 1998, 12:18am
This here fixes a little thing in the password :)

#include "aw.h"
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
/*login stuff*/
/*this bot does not physically log into the world*/
int b;
int c;
main (int argc)
int rc;

if (rc = aw_init (AW_BUILD)) {
printf ("Unable to initialize API (reason %d)\n", rc);
exit (1);

if (rc = aw_create (0, 0, 0)) {
printf ("Unable to create bot instance (reason %d)\n", rc);
exit (1);

#define CIT_NUM 1
#define PASS Secret
printf ("Starting...\n");
aw_int_set (AW_LOGIN_OWNER, CIT_NUM);
aw_string_set (AW_LOGIN_APPLICATION, "Backdrop change example #1");
aw_string_set (AW_LOGIN_NAME, "Backdrop");
if (rc = aw_login ()) {
printf ("Unable to login (reason %d)\n", rc);
exit (1);

if (rc = aw_enter ("Beta", 0)) {
printf ("Unable to enter world (reason %d)\n", rc);
exit (1);
/*what ground and backdrops to be used*/
char* backdrop[] = {"fr-day", "fr-nit"};
char* ground[] = {"frgrd-d", "frgrd-n"};
b = 0;
c = 0;
/*what changes the backdrops*/
do {
printf ("Backdrop changed\n");
aw_string_set (AW_WORLD_BACKDROP, backdrop[b]);
aw_string_set (AW_WORLD_GROUND, ground[c]);
aw_world_attributes_change ();
b = (b == sizeof (backdrop) / sizeof (backdrop[0]) - 1) ? 0 : b + 1;
c = (c == sizeof (ground) / sizeof (ground[0]) - 1) ? 0 : c + 1;
/*changes backdrop every hour*/
while (!aw_wait (60 * 60 * 1000))
aw_destroy ();
aw_term ();
return 0;

A way Cool Bot

Feb 20, 1999, 4:28pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

He said

"do you think we're deaf???"


[View Quote] > Sorry - what did you say? :)
[View Quote] --------------0562DE3E527935C325993774
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
He said
<b><font face="Kids"><font size=+4>"do you think we're deaf???"</font></font></b></h1>

<font size=-1>:)</font></h1>

[View Quote] </body>


A bit of help :)

Oct 16, 1998, 4:02pm
Heres an idea :)
can someone tell me how to make my bot read an ini? :)

AW Irc server :)

Oct 16, 1998, 6:23pm
I'd like to announce a irc server for aw at on port

come and talk to your freinds about issues in aw and even get support on
the sdk in the#sdk channel come all come one!

also I'd like to announce the release of SeedBot a nifty little program
that puts a seed object where you want it!

Re: User counts

Oct 18, 1998, 7:40pm
Only 2.1 servers don't count bots :)
[View Quote]

Bot communication

Oct 20, 1998, 11:29pm
A friend and I were discussing bot communication what you could do is
program eachb ot to pick up a certain range of seq #'s from a certain
avatar type
and lets say gestures 1 - 6 are for Bot1 and Bot1 can perform 6
different functions called upon by another bot and lets say Bot2 can use
7 - 14 it has 7 actions it can perform :)

Marketing research(sort of)

Oct 23, 1998, 12:58am
I like worlds with large heeping smelly piles of manuer all over :))
ok so maybe not
I like worlds with advanced objects (not to many vertexes now) and good
landscaping always good landscaping, no landscape no like :)
[View Quote]

A wittle help :)

Oct 23, 1998, 9:29pm
can I get a little help with sspawning extra bots? :) I need to spawn
some bots when a event is called upon :)

Desperate help needed ASAP

Oct 24, 1998, 4:15am

I'm working on my bot and I have the following code inserted to make a
bot spawn when a gesture is played but it doesn't work. and ideas on how
to make it work?

/*gesture spawning sequnce*/

void handle_avatar_gesture (void)
int rc;

if (rc = aw_int(AW_AVATAR_GESTURE)){
aw_create (0, 0, &bot2);
aw_say ("Gesture picked up, attempting spawn");
aw_instance_set (bot2);
aw_string_set (AW_LOGIN_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, "Zer099Fifty2");
aw_int_set (AW_LOGIN_OWNER, CIT_NUM);
aw_string_set (AW_LOGIN_NAME, "Test2");
aw_enter ("Space", 0);
aw_int_set (AW_MY_X, 0);
aw_int_set (AW_MY_Z, 0);
aw_int_set (AW_MY_YAW, 0);
aw_say ("Hello I've been spawned");

Bot positioning...

Oct 24, 1998, 7:08pm
Ok I was wondering if
it is inside avatar change :)

Bot positioning...

Oct 25, 1998, 2:05pm
Yes but is there a way to make my bot mvoe to the coords of the avatar
it noticed?

[View Quote]

Bot positioning...

Oct 25, 1998, 8:26pm
Is that C or C++? :)

[View Quote]

A little thought

Oct 27, 1998, 9:46pm
WEas thinknig that someone could make a chatprogram with the sdk for
citizens who don't wanna run the renderware drivers at the time the
follwoing would be possible if it was done

*teleport in the world

*world switching

*showing ps's, tourists, and citizens in their proper text

*whispering (2.1 worlds)

*list of people near you (showing PS's with a at next to their name,
tourists with "'s around their name and citizens as regular

*if you have caretaker in a world you can add ps's by clciking the
person on the list

*a 2d map of the positions of the avatars around you

*and a lot lot more!

A little thought

Oct 27, 1998, 10:59pm
Yes but I mean in a nice little windows GUI

[View Quote]

A little thought

Oct 28, 1998, 12:45am
Bots can detect if it is a PS :) (by seeing if the text is broadcast)
and their is an eject feature :)

[View Quote]

A little thought

Oct 28, 1998, 8:07pm
Read the webpages...

and avatar positions cna be detected by AW_AVATAR_CHANGE

[View Quote]


Oct 30, 1998, 7:28pm
Anyone know where I can find a freeware compiler for C or C++ that works
with the SDK?


Oct 31, 1998, 2:12am
About LCC it returns a problem in the sdk aw.h lines 238 - 258 (ones that use
AWAPI) at the begging LCC says they are undeclared...

[View Quote] > This is the only free compiler solution that we know about but you will not be
> able to statically link with the aw.lib file. You have to code using the
> aw.dll file. We have implemented solutions in this manner already so much of
> the base code is already done for you.
> Edward Sumerfield
[View Quote]

Cygwin32 Help

Oct 31, 1998, 4:00am
I downlaoded it rran it and tried to compile my program but it returned
problems with aw.lib any ideas?

New bot world online...

Jul 31, 1999, 1:09am
A new world has come online called AWBot.

The world will eventually become a resource for developers to test,
discuss, and learn about bots.

If you would like to help in anyway such as bot hosting, building, or
would jsut like info on the world e-mail me at byte_me1 at


Jan 10, 2000, 2:12am

a useful bot that allows you to program complex behaviors!

chekc the URL out to find out more


Jan 10, 2000, 2:12am
A useful bot! allows you to program complex bot behaviors!

bot ideas

Jan 2, 1999, 8:59pm
Well I'm thinknig of experimenting and doing something like that using aw_random to propb pick different locations and what kind of weather it will be...

[View Quote] > Weather bots: moving clouds (maybe even a morphing algorythm or two to give the effect of actual clouds), storms (rain, snow, hail, cats and dogs, whatever), fog, etc. Woo! Sure would look more realistic than animated textures on polygons that go too fast or are too jerky if repeating frames...

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