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foxy // User Search
foxy // User SearchHey any one know where I can get some Ai programs?Mar 7, 2000, 5:53am
> Well you read the subject now tell me where they are at!
> > -- > Horizons Hi Horizons, I don't know if it is really what you want, anyway it's some good sites about AI: Foxy. "Area's full"Jul 13, 1998, 11:44am
Yes, this will be a great idea too !
Foxy. (alias Manta ;) ) [View Quote] > I'd rather have checkboxes, pull-down lists, and an edit field (for URLs, sign text, etc). All that command typing sucks. > [View Quote] "Area's full"Aug 5, 1998, 6:31am
Well, let me try to explain again my first idea about this...
In fact, I want tosay that is the AW-BROWSER try to compress/uncompress ascii sequence (like "create", "bump", ...) into a sequence of "token" coded in 1 byte. That's mean, the user type in "Bump teleport X.XXn Y.YYe ..." then the browser translate this in a binary sequence like "01 02 'N' XX XX 'E' YY YY..." where each entry is a byte. And when a user open windows to edit object's property, the browser translate the binary sequence into the original ascii sequence. I know my english is really bad, but I hope, you have now understand the original idea !? ;)) Manta a écrit dans le message <35A9B9DD.2D43549B at>... >Hi all, > >I'm a french user and I speak a VERY very bad english, so I'll try to >post this message in french and if someone can translate it for me, it >will be nice... > >Si j'ai bien compris le fonctionnement des attributs, ils sont sauvés en >mode texte, et transitent de cette maniere. Donc si l'on construit >plusieurs objets avec des attributs dans une même zone, on obtient un >"Area full".. > >C'est normal, un "create animate me" tient sur 17 octets.. Imaginons que >le browser soit cabable d'analyser la sequences ASCII de la commande et >de la transformer en token (donc en la codant sur 1 SEUL octet), on >pourrait facilement reduire le risque d'"Area's full". Ainsi il serait >facile (pour le/les programmeur(s) de AW) de creer un jeu de token du >style : >Cmd #0 : "create animate" >Cmd #1 : "bump" >Cmd #2 : "solid off" >Cmd #3 : "solid on" >Etc... > >Ce genre de programme ne nécessite pas de technique très lourde à mettre >en oeuvre et pourrait grandement améliorer la qualité des constructions >!! > >Merci d'avance à l'âme charritable qui voudra bien traduire ce texte >pour moi ;) > > > > Clickable URL's & Teleports on ChatscreenOct 1, 1998, 11:13am
Include me too in the beta-testers list !
;o) -- Cyril COGORDAN (Foxy) avatarsFeb 18, 1999, 7:55am
Somtimes Eep, you're a real cretin ! :o(
-- Cyril COGORDAN (Foxy) Ailleurs, "Un autre état d'esprit". (Mirror site) Eep² <eep at> a écrit dans le message : 36CB5415.84B35FFB at [View Quote] Happy New Year!!!Jan 3, 2000, 1:00pm
Happy New Year John and to all AW members ;o)
Foxy. "John Viper" <ticklejw at> a écrit dans le message news: 386df344$1 at > Welcome to the future! > > Happy New Year to all!!! :-) > > -- > John Viper (A.K.A.: Jeffrey W. Tickle) > <- Ultra > page of stuff (IE4+ req'd) > MAKE MONEY JUST FOR USING YOUR COMPUTER!!!!! > > "When I became a Starfleet Captain, I swore I > would never involve myself in one of these > paradoxes: the Future is the Past, the Past is the > Future.. It all gives me a headache." -Kathryn > Janeway > > > |