"Free" Camera Movement with the mouse ala Games like quake 1-2/unreal (Wishlist)

"Free" Camera Movement with the mouse ala Games like quake 1-2/unreal // Wishlist

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black mantis

Jul 11, 1998, 11:50pm
Ok people ive had only a qwik scan tho this group this morning and im no
to shure this feature has been requested ( Mind you im not shure Cof
actually reads this group *G* )

Anyways ..the most inviting and original feature of Aw is its 3d
immersive qualitites .. it what sucks many of us in and keeps us here
and its what draws aw apart from other chat progs.

What im requesting / suggesting /wishing for in my Xmas stocking is
"free" 360 degrees camera mapped to the mouse movements .. and the
standard arrow keys on the keyboard similtaneously mapped to translate
this view ( ie. move you around )

so you would be cruisnig around like games: quake and unreal etc...
with free 360 feild of view ( one hand on the keys and one on the mouse

Now think about it If this was a selectable option ,, you would feel
more immersed in the evironment, you could be looking at the scene via
a number of muose rotated veiwpoints almost simitaneously ,, and walking
around with ease. Thus making navigating 3d worlds a more realistic and
exciting experience.

Rememeber Aw has its roots in videogame technology AND the video
game/industry technology is one AWs biggest and most innovative
competitors. People buy a 3d game and hook into the net chat and kill
chat and play chat and evolve ( ala Ultima Online/ Diablo/ Quake2 /
Unreal) its the standard theses days ,, COF listen up or become left
behind as people get wowed by the "bells & whistles" of your


Black Mantis

# "Black Mantis operations"
# Low polygon modeling / 3d-2d design services
# Custom ActiveWorlds Modelling and Avatars services
# http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~bmantis/bmops/
# bmantis at labyrinth.net.au


Jul 12, 1998, 10:16am
A good idea, but I use the mouse very often to answer messages in ICQ,
answer telegrams, build and other stuff. But I`m sure there are many
who wants that as an option in settings (c:

Cheers (c:



Jul 12, 1998, 10:43am
exec grover.cfg
+mlook :)


[View Quote] > A good idea, but I use the mouse very often to answer messages in ICQ,
> answer telegrams, build and other stuff. But I`m sure there are many
> citizens
> who wants that as an option in settings (c:
> Cheers (c:
> -CyberTwins

http://www.grovers.com/ ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-.__
steve at synergycorp.com `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ). `-.__.`)
(_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-'
Custom Objects and Avatars! _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,'
___________________________(il),-'' (li),' ((!.-'__________


Jul 12, 1998, 2:48pm
hmm along the same lines as message sets... multiple .ini files (and
teleports and contacts too of course) would go a long way to curing the
troubles of those who have more than one person using the same AWB :)

[View Quote] --
Dthknight - dthknight at earthlink.net - ICQ: 2603180
Dthknight Central: AW 1875N 2225W
Home Page: http://home.earthlink.net/~dthknight/

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it." - Alan Kay

black mantis

Jul 12, 1998, 8:21pm
Well your mouse could be released from focus with a key press or double clik
etc :)

essentially this wouldnt be such a hard thing to impliment (im guessing ok :O)
... what would prove somewhat annying is .. the view rotating into objects thus
you find your staring from within various walls etc .. but id prefer this to
what whe have now :)) .. I shudder to suggest camera angle colision detection
and shifting :)

Cheers :)

Black Mantis

[View Quote] > hmm along the same lines as message sets... multiple .ini files (and
> teleports and contacts too of course) would go a long way to curing the
> troubles of those who have more than one person using the same AWB :)
[View Quote]

# "Black Mantis operations"
# Low polygon modeling / 3d-2d design services
# Custom ActiveWorlds Modelling and Avatars services
# http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~bmantis/bmops/
# bmantis at labyrinth.net.au

edward sumerfield

Jul 13, 1998, 4:40pm
The problem of movement control is solved in 90% of 3d programs using a
simple configuration feature. Then we could set them up the way we want
them. Everyone is going to be different, so solve the problem via

Edward Sumerfield, esumerfd at msn.com

[View Quote]


Jul 21, 1998, 10:14pm
I'm not sure if I'm following this one correctly. We have a mouse mode..
where you can turn and walk with the mouse, and look up and down with the

Is what's being requested a second mouse mode?.. Where you move around using
the keyboard, but can also turn with the mouse, and can look up or down with
the mouse instead of it moving you forward and backward?


[View Quote]


Jul 21, 1998, 10:40pm
I think he means "mlook". Instead of the mouse moving forward+back, and turning
left+right, the mouse is trained to the eyeball. move up, look up. move down,
look down. move left, look left, etc. In games like quake, this in utterly
indespensible when you have to shoot at a monster on a ledge above you! (not to
mention the grappling hook in CTF <g>). It took some getting used to, but now i
can never go back.
On top of that, i remapped the keyboard. Now, the arrow keys walk
forward/back, and the right/left arrows slide me left and right instead of
turning. I auto-run, so shift can be re-wrote to quick switch to the
super-shotgun if i'm surprised (don't want a rocket to explode off a monster 2'
in front of me!) etc. In AW, if I wanted to do this, I would have to hack the
source code. But most games, such as quake, let you configure the functions to
whatever keys you wish. Maybe, he uses the arrows to walk, and wants the mouse
to be able to "look" instead of move? But no two people have the same
preferences. Which is why the "customize keyboard" option is often the first
thing people look for!


[View Quote] > I'm not sure if I'm following this one correctly. We have a mouse mode..
> where you can turn and walk with the mouse, and look up and down with the
> keyboard.
> Is what's being requested a second mouse mode?.. Where you move around using
> the keyboard, but can also turn with the mouse, and can look up or down with
> the mouse instead of it moving you forward and backward?

err.. yeah. in not so many words :)

> TechnoZeus
[View Quote]


Jul 21, 1998, 11:26pm
Something like that. See the Tomb Raider series for another example. You =
hold a
key down ([Insert]) and, using the arrow keys, can pan the 3rd person
perspective camera around. You can also look around while running/walking=
holding down the [Insert] key=97but only left and right since you're alre=
holding the up or down keys to go forward or reverse.

But I doubt AW will add something like that anytime soon. COF has much mo=
basic problems to work out...

[View Quote] > I'm not sure if I'm following this one correctly. We have a mouse mod=
> where you can turn and walk with the mouse, and look up and down with t=
> keyboard.
> Is what's being requested a second mouse mode?.. Where you move around =
> the keyboard, but can also turn with the mouse, and can look up or down=
> the mouse instead of it moving you forward and backward?


Jul 22, 1998, 2:26am
As for customized controls, the bad side to that, is that it's harder to
teach people stuff when you don't know how it's set up to work... that would
effect teaching almost anything in Active Worlds, since it's all done
through the user interface. Most of the programs that I've seen partially
make up for that "bad side" by making it easy to find a list of available
controls... which is generally sufficient, but would still make it difficult
to instruct a person in a multi-person interactive environment like
ActiveWorlds where people help each other rather than shoot each other. For
example, I would like to see the distance one key click moves an object
customizable... but then I could no longer make a statement like "now click
the same arrow key exactly 20 times to move the object 10 meters" without
wondering if it will actually move the correct distance.


[View Quote]


Jul 22, 1998, 6:38pm
Well, people just coming on would presumambly be using the defaults... And no
matter how your system is set up, who, for example, doesn't remember that the
arrows move and CTRL shoots? The controls are easy enough to remember to teach
ppl woth. And it would probably be even easier if they saw a list of commands
put together. In fact, thats how i learn to play a game in most cases- by just
looking at the customize keyboard screen!


[View Quote] > As for customized controls, the bad side to that, is that it's harder to
> teach people stuff when you don't know how it's set up to work... that would
> effect teaching almost anything in Active Worlds, since it's all done
> through the user interface. Most of the programs that I've seen partially
> make up for that "bad side" by making it easy to find a list of available
> controls... which is generally sufficient, but would still make it difficult
> to instruct a person in a multi-person interactive environment like
> ActiveWorlds where people help each other rather than shoot each other. For
> example, I would like to see the distance one key click moves an object
> customizable... but then I could no longer make a statement like "now click
> the same arrow key exactly 20 times to move the object 10 meters" without
> wondering if it will actually move the correct distance.
> TechnoZeus
[View Quote]

black mantis

Jul 22, 1998, 11:11pm
Ok peeeps what i mean is 8 degress of freedom .. ie smooth free camera movement in
FIRST person beyond the orthagonal updown
left right

so think of the camera moving in all directions is as if mapped to the inside of a
sphere ,, i e lookign up down behind at all angles ,, you dig not the obligatory
one plane up and down

hope that makes sence


Black Mantis

[View Quote] > Something like that. See the Tomb Raider series for another example. You hold a
> key down ([Insert]) and, using the arrow keys, can pan the 3rd person
> perspective camera around. You can also look around while running/walking and
> holding down the [Insert] key—but only left and right since you're already
> holding the up or down keys to go forward or reverse.
> But I doubt AW will add something like that anytime soon. COF has much more
> basic problems to work out...
[View Quote]

# "Black Mantis operations"
# Low polygon modeling / 3d-2d design services
# Custom ActiveWorlds Modelling and Avatars services
# http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~bmantis/bmops/
# bmantis at labyrinth.net.au

chris barney

Nov 4, 1998, 2:23pm
Yes, I agree, this would make AW a much more imersive experiance. I want
one in my X-mas stocking too!!

[View Quote] > Ok people ive had only a qwik scan tho this group this morning and im no
> to shure this feature has been requested ( Mind you im not shure Cof
> actually reads this group *G* )
> Anyways ..the most inviting and original feature of Aw is its 3d
> immersive qualitites .. it what sucks many of us in and keeps us here
> and its what draws aw apart from other chat progs.
> What im requesting / suggesting /wishing for in my Xmas stocking is
> "free" 360 degrees camera mapped to the mouse movements .. and the
> standard arrow keys on the keyboard similtaneously mapped to translate
> this view ( ie. move you around )
> so you would be cruisnig around like games: quake and unreal etc...
> with free 360 feild of view ( one hand on the keys and one on the mouse
> ,)
> Now think about it If this was a selectable option ,, you would feel
> more immersed in the evironment, you could be looking at the scene via
> a number of muose rotated veiwpoints almost simitaneously ,, and walking
> around with ease. Thus making navigating 3d worlds a more realistic and
> exciting experience.
> Rememeber Aw has its roots in videogame technology AND the video
> game/industry technology is one AWs biggest and most innovative
> competitors. People buy a 3d game and hook into the net chat and kill
> chat and play chat and evolve ( ala Ultima Online/ Diablo/ Quake2 /
> Unreal) its the standard theses days ,, COF listen up or become left
> behind as people get wowed by the "bells & whistles" of your
> competitors.
> Cheers
> Black Mantis
> --
> ___________________________________________________
> # "Black Mantis operations"
> # Low polygon modeling / 3d-2d design services
> # Custom ActiveWorlds Modelling and Avatars services
> # http://www.labyrinth.net.au/~bmantis/bmops/
> # bmantis at labyrinth.net.au
> ___________________________________________________

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