M A T T situation (Community)

M A T T situation // Community

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Jan 16, 2004, 12:08am
Thanks for explaining the process. I had no idea if the docket listed
everything that was going on but I do see that is says "JURY TRIAL"
there. I'm not interested in anyones names really, but I am certainly
interested in monitoring the outcome of any legal processes.

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Jan 16, 2004, 12:57am
Alright E N Z O! Thanks for putting this little kid in his place. No longer
will my OP be tampered with.

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Jan 16, 2004, 12:36pm
Sorry to burst yer bubble dear, but you can't rely on that either. We don't
know the whole story. Apparently the man is the "alledged" father which
means he might not be M A T T's natural father. Even if he IS his natural
father, M A T T might have been legally using his mother's last name or
might have been adopted by a stepfather which would also change his last
name. So many variables. And if we assume he's using the last name of the
man being served with a supoena, the documents we are using it in might be
used by the defense to show it was not M A T T and was someone else. That's
the problem with "guessing" or "assuming" someone's name in litigation
matters. The defense will use it to get the defendant off. (was married
to an attorney, if yer wondering) ;-"D

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tart sugar

Jan 16, 2004, 12:48pm
Who the frig CARES what his real name is??? As long as MATT is gone!!!

Tart Sugar
<doing the Snoopy dance and bouncing off the walls, too>

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sw chris

Jan 16, 2004, 2:38pm
Excellent news. Thanks AWI.

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Jan 17, 2004, 1:26am
I am too. I hope AWI will keep us up-to-date on this as justice is
(hopefully) served.


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Jan 22, 2004, 8:48pm
While we are sure everyone understands that this is an ongoing legal
investigation and we can only share so much. We feel we can at least share
this much.

We have been informed by law enforcement officials that things are looking
very bad for "Matt" and that this investigation is now working in
conjunction with another investigation involving much more serious felony
charges. His computer has been seized and, in all likelihood, anyone that
had been working with him and whose names or IP addresses appeared in
"Matt's" computer should expect to be part of these investigations.

I would not expect to hear anything more from us anytime soon as these
things tend to take a long time from inception to actual court date, but
rest assured, "Matt" knows what is going on and is probably not sleeping
very well right now. It is very unlikely that you will be hearing from him
anytime soon.

We appreciate everyone's help and support, you all helped make this happen.


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Jan 22, 2004, 9:16pm
Thanks, JP, for the update :) I personally don't need details, but
knowing that this investigation is producing some sort of result is
encouraging, I think, for all of us :)


On 22 Jan 2004 17:48:31 -0500, "activeworlds"
[View Quote] >While we are sure everyone understands that this is an ongoing legal
>investigation and we can only share so much. We feel we can at least share
>this much.
>We have been informed by law enforcement officials that things are looking
>very bad for "Matt" and that this investigation is now working in
>conjunction with another investigation involving much more serious felony
>charges. His computer has been seized and, in all likelihood, anyone that
>had been working with him and whose names or IP addresses appeared in
>"Matt's" computer should expect to be part of these investigations.
>I would not expect to hear anything more from us anytime soon as these
>things tend to take a long time from inception to actual court date, but
>rest assured, "Matt" knows what is going on and is probably not sleeping
>very well right now. It is very unlikely that you will be hearing from him
>anytime soon.
>We appreciate everyone's help and support, you all helped make this happen.
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