Remember... (Community)

Remember... // Community

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Mar 12, 2002, 10:29pm
Then maybe the states needs to see what Europe's doing right in that


Mar 12, 2002, 10:40pm
Not everyone shares the same views.. that's why people attack others.

What's right to the europeans isn't right to us, or what's right to us may
not be right to the Japanese.

If we could just get alone despite the fact we have likes and dislikes.
It's the feeling of prejudice that just because we're from a country that
does these things that we're all bad. Like many Europeans harbor the
feeling that the US is bad and they hate all of them. It's the same
prejudice as the kkk has towards black just because of their skin color, or
the black panthers towards the whites because of their skin color.

The whole point of the Al-queda/Bin laden attacks is that we support free
will and the values that we do. We stand for everything they hate so much.
We didn't attack them because we hate everything they stand for so much.. we
attacked them because of their actions against us and others.. yes against
us, we need to protect our own values. They may not be the same as others,
they may not be what you see as right, but they're right in our eyes.

It's never right to attack someone just because they're different, but it is
perfectly ok, at least in my eyes, to defend yourself against someone who is
attacking you. You can hate everyone you want, but you should never act on
that hate premeditated.

That's what I think is "right."


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Mar 12, 2002, 10:41pm
> If we could just get alone despite the fact we have likes and dislikes.

alone is along.. sorry

sw chris

Mar 12, 2002, 10:51pm
As I recall, the US's last foray into Africa was a little less than

SW Chris

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sw chris

Mar 12, 2002, 10:52pm
What about the people in Jerusalem who are being killed by the

SW Chris

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sw chris

Mar 12, 2002, 10:58pm
You are a little misinformed, I think. They're not planning on rebuilding
the WTC anytime soon. In fact, most of the $10 million + in donations goes
to the victims of the tragedy, not to some government.

In fact, please, quit complaining about what you're not getting. Even a
country as large as the United States doesn't have enough resources to aid
everyone at the same time. I find it interesting that everyone complains
that the US isn't helping them when they do the most aid and relief than any
other country in the world. The US is the most generous country, but you
are right. Some of us are high on ourselves. :)

SW Chris

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sw chris

Mar 12, 2002, 11:00pm
Complaints? I see no complaining going on. Just rememberence.

SW Chris

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Mar 12, 2002, 11:01pm
This is "community"? If we can't get along in here, Virtual Reality, where
no government really prevails, or even should, where I don't have to know
what your race, sex, age, ideology, or allegiance is, how do you expect
perfection out there in real life where there will always be good versus
evil and every shade in between? It doesn't come from colors or countries,
it comes only from individuals in both places. Like or dislike me as an
individual, not because I am an American, (although I love my country for
what it means to me.) and I will do the same for you, and will respect your
love of your country as I hope you will respect mine.

[View Quote] No as a matter of fact it showed that your country was fairly rich "These
oil revenues and a small population give Libya one of the highest per capita
GDPs in Africa," but it also said "little of this income flows down to the
lower orders of society" but do I blame that on Libyan individuals? "Viewing
himself as a revolutionary leader,( Qadhafi) used oil funds during the 1970s
and 1980s to promote his ideology outside Libya, even supporting subversives
and terrorists abroad".

[View Quote] "especially since i have never seen a begger, or homeless person in the
street. and also, the houses and cars i see.."

Well you are asking me to take you word for that.then why don't you take the
word and actions of the average American then.they generally want peace,
freedom and safety the same as you, not your oil, gold and other riches. Ask
ME what I see every day, don't get your information about Americans from
your own country or anti-US sources.

[View Quote] "no its u americans that need to stop believing what CNN and ABC tell u!"
Our news sources are wrong and evil but everyone else's are OK I suppose.
Now, where do you get YOUR news, direct e-mail from Qadhafi?

[View Quote] "but i couldnt give any less of a shit bought what happened in america" And
then you said."u people dont see beyond ur own country do u?" Justify these
two statements you made. Are they contradictory? Or what's OK for you doesn'
t pertain to us? I, for one, (and I know I was not alone) was grieved for
his family when Qadhafi's own son was reportedly killed some years back just
as I was when recently a young girl of an American family was murdered.

I won't quote your statements about this.they are there, but you say the US
doesn't help poor or sick citizens of other countries..but then go on to
name a couple incidents where we did..but only because we could gain? Can't
win can we?

[View Quote] "lol, i remeber hearing something bought the WTC being hit before, and when
they rebuilt it, it was ment to be very emm, bomb proof :)" You really think
that's funny? Unfortunately those who rebuilt the WT Center in the early 90'
s did not imagine what other's were capable of doing purposefully and
directly and unprovoked by those individuals, slaughtering innocents in the
name of "justice"..or wasn't retaliation or to protect
themselves.besides, it wasn't a bomb that did it. They duped their own
citizens into sacrificing their own lives and lives of so many others, for
what? Who did it benefit? Those people not only proved that they thought US
citizen's lives were valueless but so were the lives of their very own

[View Quote] "what bought the millions of people dying in africa cuz of desieses that
wouldnt cost ore
then $5 per person to cure, and do u give a shit bout them? dont think so.."
If everything you DON'T know about Americans were sacks of wheat..we'd never
have to worry about world hunger again.

sw chris

Mar 12, 2002, 11:02pm
I watch Bill O'Reilly for my news. I also occasionally catch Sky News in
Britain and watch ABC and CNN. I think my view of the world is quite

SW Chris

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sw chris

Mar 12, 2002, 11:05pm
Um, they are the top five providers with respect to their gross domestic
product. The United States gives the most in dollar value.

SW Chris

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zeo toxion

Mar 12, 2002, 11:28pm
Im not complaining you are...we dont just go bomb people for no reason ok.
If someone does something to start a war *ahem* then we arent going to sit
here and do nothing.

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zeo toxion

Mar 12, 2002, 11:32pm
So getting bombed is us doing something wrong?

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lioness e

Mar 13, 2002, 10:07am
I'm a bit confused,...silly me. Here is Gandolf, reminding us to JUST
REMEMBER!! Why is everyone so intent on bending this thread??????? How did
this thread turn into a battlefield of words. How did this thread turn into
an ugly bantering of who's country contributes the most, or who's country is
better than the others????? That tragedy cost thousands of lives. A lot of
them were people from other countries, either visiting or working in the US
at the time. It wasn't only an American loss. It was a world wide loss and
regardless of which country it was in, it SHOULD be remembered as a
TRAGEDY!!! Not picked apart by people who "think" they know what happened.
That isn't the point here. The point is, and I repeat yet again, it is a
tragedy of world wide proportions. This particular thread shouldn't be about
who is giving how much relief to other countries or for what. It shouldn't
be about anything else going on in the world today. It is about grief, and
anger, and compassion for the surviving families struggling to meet
expenses, find new jobs, raise their kids who are now missing a parent due
to what happened on 9/11. And not just in America. There are families
affected from England, Germany, France, Africa, Japan, and many others. We
here in America need to recognize that they weren't all Americans. And you
in other countries need to recognize this isn't just about America being
attacked, or us losing a landmark. The world is now suffering from a loss of
innocence. We all are suffering from an overabundance of hatred and
violence. All of us are in this together. Let's stop picking apart mere
words and get back on this thread shall we????? Time to take stock in our
hearts, not in the comparing of one country to another or who's right vs
who's wrong. Let's grow up a little folks. Let's just take one small moment
this week to contemplate what happened. Let's "feel" something for once,
shall we?

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Mar 13, 2002, 12:36pm
lol, u mean the one person for ever 10 palestinians killed?
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Mar 13, 2002, 12:39pm
no, but they shouldnt go bombing people who are building up weapons to
protec them selfs, or ruin a whole country because they didnt wanan give
someone over until they had proof? well thats it, not gonna reply anymore, u
people have diffrent views. no one wants america to help em, just to leave
em alone and stop causes problems!
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Mar 13, 2002, 12:45pm
if this is such a community whys everyone so sad bought the 10 people who
died in america, instead of the millions of people dying in other countries?
u know in india that the police go around in the morning with vans, and put
all the dead people they find in a truck? they use sticks to check if there
still alive with which they poke them! now are u saying that the september
11th thing was even a quater as bad as what is happening now, everyday?

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Mar 13, 2002, 12:45pm
You know, I really regret making this post. You've turned it into a nasty
arguement. Can we just leave it now please?


Mar 13, 2002, 12:46pm
just like the arms there giving to rebels to help em get the resources?
before u answer look everything up, see beyond the propaganda u are shown
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Mar 13, 2002, 12:49pm
lol, k first, libyas not perfect. and second, u saying that the september
11th thing didnt get u a bunch of money from other countries? or more power
in other countries?
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Mar 13, 2002, 2:48pm
u can thank me for that :) just what pisses me off is that everyones getting
soo upset bought this little incident, and making it look like the end of
the world, instead of the real issues...
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Mar 13, 2002, 3:46pm
boy, your a hoot....... oh BTW it's spelled "about" :)

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Mar 13, 2002, 4:10pm
Yes, you are right and let me be the first to apologize to Gandalf for being
one of those who changed the focus of that important post. I guess the fact
that the focus of the events of 9/11 CAN be changed in such a way enrages me
enough to have caused me to do that. I will always grieve for the victims
and their families, as apparently will Gandalf and many other human beings.
I guess I was just amazed that it's not the same for everyone.

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Mar 13, 2002, 5:55pm
We don't. We only bomb people who violate rules they agreed to or attack
unprovoked. We gave Afghanistan quite a bit of proof, he was already
charged with attacking the WTC the first time and admitted to doing it. And
they harbor al-queda troops.. they had their warnings. If it wasn't for
America the world would be a less hospitable place.. If you're not going to
reply then don't. ;) Everyone has different views, that doesn't make them
worth any less just because they're from a different country then you.


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Mar 13, 2002, 6:14pm
You don't define the loss of innocent lives as a "real issue?" You are one
morbid individual. You're always complaining that the US doesn't care and
doesn't give enough blah blah blah. Why don't *you* do something about it?
We do help, more then you think.. there may be an alterior motive but that's
life.. I'm sure that all countries that do it have one that they'll get some
sort of exchange out of it. We just display it more being a superpower..
everyone nitpicks our mistakes and doesn't look at all the good we've done.

The attack on the US was unprovoked.. we can't help that people are dying.
Yes, we can send money, but we have our own problems to deal with first. In
case you didn't realize, we're a relatively new country.. compared to the
European countries. They've had more time to work out economic and socials
issues that we haven't yet.

We weren't the only country to lose civilians in that attack. I personally
didn't lose anyone but I feel very sad for everyone died. There was no
point to the attack, and there's no point to tell us that things that happen
in our country are so insignificant. I don't think we ever told the world
they had to make a big deal out of it..

You seem to jump to a lot of conclusions about my country. Tell me
something good your country has done for mine. Can you? Why should we help
you first if you don't want to help us now? I'm sure Libya hasn't sent
money to the disaster relief agency in America.

Another thing.. if you hate the way we act, why are you using our services?
;) Windows, hotmail, outlook, they're all owned by Microsoft which is an
American Company. Or is our society not as bad as you claim?

If I sound peeved, sorry.. I just get worked up when people pinpoint another
person or country and go "hey I'm better." (or "hey my country's better")


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Mar 13, 2002, 6:50pm
this site is just a little of what we're doing :

Yes, it's run by an American owned organization. Just in that page alone
we're donating approx $26.85 million. That's quite a lot of money.. so
tell me how we don't help others in need..



Mar 13, 2002, 7:42pm
Well, do you know of any country that sent us money or aid? I don't :)
And power, I don't think we have any more power than we did before.

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sw chris

Mar 13, 2002, 8:16pm
Ratios have nothing to do with this, SWE. I'm not defending Israel for what
they've done. But you seem to be defending Palestine as if they weren't
doing anything wrong. Here's the facts: Both sides are wrong in some form
or another. It doesn't matter how many on each side were killed, it still
remains that both sides are wrong.

SW Chris

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sw chris

Mar 13, 2002, 8:17pm
Yeah. That's about right. And as far as the money issue goes, he is
absolutely correct.

SW Chris

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sw chris

Mar 13, 2002, 8:22pm
It's all bad, as far as I can tell. Doesn't matter how many people died.
September 11 is different because its the first time terrorists have
actually succeeded and killing over 4000 American citizens at once. It is
also different because they didn't die from natural causes. Their lives
were taken by others. Does that make it somehow more special than any other
problems? No, but it IS the six month anniversary, and for those who want
to remember America's fallen, they should be allowed to do so.

SW Chris

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sw chris

Mar 13, 2002, 8:29pm
I was making a statement of fact, not conjecture. It doesn't need to be
backed up and propoganda has nothing to do with it.

America's foray into Somalia was not received well by the local populace.

I said this in response because your post pretty much said that you wanted
America to come help you out. If you feel that strongly, write to the
American Ambassador to Libya, if there even is one. Is there one? I'm not
sure. :(

SW Chris

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