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VB Removing a List Item by String

May 6, 2001, 6:02pm
lol, both of you do it the hard way! using ElseIf or Case is easyest!


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VB Removing a List Item by String

May 6, 2001, 6:58pm
why use ElseIf: it's correct programming syntax! Even if you CAN just use
If, EndIf, If, EndIf, that isn't the CORRECT way to do it...


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Web Based, Plugin

May 8, 2001, 10:45am
there's another VR chatting app called Blaxxun Explorer around...also based
on SnowCrash (before they changed their name they called themself
BlackSun)...it's a plugin...anyway, only the AWCI could've done it (they'd
NEVER give the source-code to anyone else to do THAT), so post this in the
wishlist NG :-))


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Prestons done?

Nov 25, 2000, 9:58am
where do I et those prestons from Faber? ppl say they are pretty good...

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VB: Chat Logging

May 12, 2001, 9:05am
Tip: if you want the latest, up-to-date info, use MSDN Online :-))


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announcing a new bot-developer tool: VBUBN

May 12, 2001, 9:09am
Got some news from the MBE/KAHBOT :-)) we're developping an ActiveX control
for VB, that will allow VB bots to be networked. We made this because all
bots could benefit as a great tool like the Xelagot server, but since that
only works for Xelagots, we're making a general tool. VBUBN stands for
Visual Basic Universal Bot Network and v1.0 beta will be released shortly
:-)) check out www.kahbot.com for all our bots :-))


announcing a new bot-developer tool: VBUBN

May 12, 2001, 11:38am
VBUBN2 v1.0.0 beta now released!!!!!! check out www.kahbot.com for ALL info
about it!!! I want feedback!!!


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announcing a new bot-developer tool: VBUBN

May 12, 2001, 11:39am
Apparently this would also be compatible with MS VC++...


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announcing a new bot-developer tool: VBUBN

May 13, 2001, 9:31am
well, looks like there are quite a lotta bot networks around...well, I
looked at Bone, but since it was C and because there was no reference to any
VB port, I discarded it. I got the idea from the Xelagot network (as
described on the website) but I also discarded it as it was Delphi, I didn't
know of m a k a v e l i's thingy (anyway, I started working on this project
months ago, and NO I didn't use months to write the VBUBN2 control, I
rewrote it on Friday).

And I just released VBUBN2 version 1.1.0 :-))


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announcing a new bot-developer tool: VBUBN

May 13, 2001, 2:43pm
dunno...send me a mail kah at kahbot.com


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announcing a new bot-developer tool: VBUBN

May 13, 2001, 4:17pm
Important announcements are and will be posted to the aw.vbubn.beta
newsgroup on the news://kahnews.cjb.net news server. Please subscribe if you
are/have plans of using the VBUBN Control with your applications.


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Wisper targets

May 14, 2001, 5:09pm
there's no reason for using a bot for persistent ejects anymore, just use
the World Ejections screen in the world properties (AW 3.0 and newer)


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Dec 2, 2000, 5:22pm
Hello all! I have just created a bot script-editor! you can find it at
http://members.nbci.com/kahworld/software/ . It's really easy to use too!

PS. Sunday 3rd. December 2000, the Christmas tree in KAH Town will be lit!
(aw 2222s 2143e)


Dec 2, 2000, 5:28pm
hehehe, forgot to mention the time. it's 17:00 VRT!
Welcome to all!
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Dec 3, 2000, 12:43pm
hmmm. seems like to other message didn't work properly. Well, anyway I
encountered a BIG bug yesterday when other ppl wanted to download it: the
download server was EXTREMLY sloooow! So now you can find it with upgrades
Now there are 2 upgrades!

What chance is there ....

May 17, 2001, 1:16pm
I'd gladly start a new NG (and tree) on the Tavido 3D newsserver
news://kahnews.cjb.net ) :-))

PS. just for the moment, we're having DNS trouble...

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What chance is there ....

May 18, 2001, 11:12am
just activated 4 new NGs on news://kahnews.cjb.net :
prog.CandCpp -NG for C and C++ stuff
prog.Delphi -NG for Delphi stuff
prog.Java -NG for Java stuff
prog.VB -NG for Visual Basic stuff

PS. the DNS problems have been solved now :-))

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VB: Storing Values in INI Files

May 20, 2001, 11:47am
also possible to use registry entries (I'll get flammed if I don't tell that
it should be used for communication with other apps)


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How do you code advanced whispers?

May 18, 2001, 7:08pm
List1.text?? and if you store names only, you can't do it (whispers are sent
to session numbers). Brant released some code for making session tables a
few days ago, check that out. and you have to use something like this if you
want to retrieve a session # from a list:
receive = List1.ListItem(List1.ListIndex)

PS. code NOT checked for correctness

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make up your mind!

May 20, 2001, 12:05pm
last week you whined about having programming NGs, and you got them. But
nobody seems to care about them now...If you DON'T want them after all,
please tell me so that I can close them.

PS. they're on news://kahnews.cjb.net

Anyone havea copy of the Paintball script from AWTeen?

Dec 16, 2000, 10:35am
well, I guess Brant has it (isn't he the owner of AWTeens?) maybe it's on
his website:
in the programs section.

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make up your mind!

May 22, 2001, 12:31pm
not 24/7 :-(( blame my phone company for ignoring *2* orders for a new line,
first sent in in February...

PS. it's up when I'm up :-)) unless the redirection fools mess up their DNS

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make up your mind!

May 23, 2001, 5:41pm
56k? uh, I don't live in the stone age...I have ISDN... modem, YUK! well,
it's very good for the purpose, it nearly doesn't use any resources (ok, the
NNTP server I use isn't any good, so that isn't a surprise, but still)...

PS. instead of critising ppl for theyr connection speed you might want to
try the offer...and anybody, citizen or not can post there, it's an
advantage over this server... ok, now you'll yell at me cuzz all the
dumbases can post as well then, but that ain't a problem, I've got filters
for that... read the info in news://kahnews.cjb.net/default.welcome

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Find in Bankbots

May 24, 2001, 7:50pm
Data controls...they're confusing, and you'd be better off having MS
Acces97... I like doing stuff my own way, so I call my DB files .bdb (stands
for Bot DataBase)... they're simple, plain ASCII files with data separated
with comas (,) and are 1 entry/line

PS. off course, you could do something better, more DB like...

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okay this has to be me being stupid I guess:)

May 25, 2001, 6:07am
hint: news://kahnews.cjb.net/prog.VB


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okay this has to be me being stupid I guess:)

May 25, 2001, 6:55am
now, if you actually tought before posting, you would realize that if nobody
posts there, the situation won't change. if you HAD posted there, other ppl
would see it, possibly answer you and ppl would start frequenting the NG.
but if you say that because there are no posts there, you won't post, you're
just being silly! even this SDK NG started off with 0 posts in it, you know!
it's really annoying trying to provide a nice service to ppl and then they
jump on you cuzz nobody has posted there, cuzz when they got what they
wanted they didn't care anymore!


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okay this has to be me being stupid I guess:)

May 25, 2001, 1:47pm
I've had larger traffic on the server today...guess that somebody's read
these posts... now, just like you demonstrated now, if nobody posts, nobody
reads. *try* and be logical, you have to post to get ppl to read and read to
get ppl to post :-))


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okay this has to be me being stupid I guess:)

May 26, 2001, 11:11am
he sayd "VB problem"... and remember that it was you that wanted programming


okay this has to be me being stupid I guess:)

May 26, 2001, 1:07pm
I have a similar mechanisn on an RPG bot I'm making: it has a var called
AvCount. when an av enters you have AvCount +1 and when an av leaves you
have AvCount - 1. all tough I don't use this for logging in and out, I use
it for tporting the bot, so that it joins somebody when they come, and goes
back to the standby position when they leave/register an account. I had that
problem as well when I was new to bots, it's because of
QuickStart/QuickStop. I'd rather use sdk.AwDestroy if I were you... and to
be sure, use the full login code...


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okay this has to be me being stupid I guess:)

May 26, 2001, 6:00pm
and I've explained why...and also, the redirectors seem to use a bit of time
between a request sent to their server before redirecting it to the DNS
entry for my IP...


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