gnu32 // User Search
gnu32 // User Search
Jul 14, 2005, 2:03pm
This would be the typical reaction of the teen you have described:
The fact that a teenager (Or adult) had sympathy for someone who has
just passed away is completley diffrent from the above.
Indeed PAGE wouldn't like you posting a chat log here and complaining
about a little language and what possibly could be your worrying vision
for the CY's:
"And for Community and Spirit, oh Fucking great, its"
Yes like Strike is going to make the Cy's very colorful. He is doing his
bit for the community, and a little language forces you to bitch and
moan about something so small.
Have some respect and some sympathy, and be thankful that Strike is
doing something for the community rather than using the newsgroups as
the City Chatlog dump.
[View Quote]ORB wrote:
> I knew Page passed away when tunablues sent the grams to us all. I didn't
> behave like you guys are. Someone with authority in an AWI owned world
> ought to behave with dignity and manners. Yeah I truly get upset about how
> some of you teens behave. Go figure. I'm sure Page wouldn't like it
> either.
Jul 14, 2005, 3:40pm
This isn't about trying to get a cy award, that is total bullshit
Ross is sticking up for his freinds and your still bitching.
Do you see the future of AW in the hands of noone? Of course you do, it
would be pathetic
[View Quote]
> You keep sticking up for them too please ok? See if you jump on that wagon
> you'll get a CY for your efforts. I see the future of AW in the hands of
> some of you and I think it's pitiful.
Jul 14, 2005, 8:16pm
Yes, i'm not the one using the community as a reason for posting logs
and a very stupid opinion of someone
[View Quote]ORB wrote:
> "Stop with the stupid "community" excuse, goddamn it people can read
> theres no need to be an attention whore and repost everything you post." -
> "Gnu32" <simplaza at simplaza.net> wrote in message
> news:42d6a38b$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> The above taken from another topic in the Worldbuilders Group.
> Nice Gnu very nice.
Jul 15, 2005, 1:19pm
*attempts to push the subject line off the viewing limit*
[View Quote]ORB wrote:
> No, that still isn't "ALL" of what this is about. It's much much more. The
> rest is too complicated to explain here although I might try. This fragment
> shows some of what you can expect in the future. I won't explain further
> since you don't seem to understand as you are doing the same thing in your
> "I'm a GK, I'm a GK!!" state of mind. You tell people not to bring their
> NewsGroup topics to the Gate yet you bring your GK topics to the NewsGroups.
> Such as when you were in your heated battle with Alaskan Shadow about
> something that occured at the Gate yet you took upon yourself and went way
> beyond GK means to come here venting over that incident. By now most of us
> know that yes indeed you are a GK! We can't all be so perfect Tart.
> I perceived that encounter with that tourist and Strike for the timing and
> situation that it appeared to me out of interpretation which was affected by
> things he and some of his friends have done in the past. Also my past
> experience with Strike in the NewsGroups and in my frist covnersation with
> him in AWUniversity where I was just as kind to him as everyone else around
> me and he turns on me with his Holier than thou - know it all attitude.
> Just as rude and ornery as he could be. Because he knew programming? It
> wasn't because someone had passed away near the time of that conversation.
> I'm sorry that he's felt opressed for so long but I am not the adult that
> caused that. He had a horrible snot nosed attitude long before he ever met
> me. Could be all the supression he had due to how things have been in CY
> and in the NewsGroups prior to that.
Jul 16, 2005, 12:50pm
Oh shut the fuck up you ignorant elder
[View Quote]ORB wrote:
> NO it wasn't! My goal wasn't to get Strike in trouble. I haven't got time
> for your constant bs. I'm done with discussing anything further with you ..
> because I don't even know you nor do I care. For you to think I do would be
> another of your misjudgments.
Jul 17, 2005, 10:47am
Stop being a Nazi, no one cares, you were originally bitching about
Strike, either keep to that and stop trailing off into blaming a whole
other group of people because they go against you.
And besides, thats probably from some small world like Wolfw1 or a
stupid vMist TV world
[View Quote]ORB wrote:
> This is from one of your own friends about how you teens behave. He was
> speaking about AWTeen:
> "All of the world meetings that I have been to have either ended in
> confusion, or a global lockdown on chat. When they don't get everyone
> pissed off, something goes wrong otherwise..."
> "Jaguar Hahn" <jaguarhahn at gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:42d928fd at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 17, 2005, 3:44pm
[View Quote]ORB wrote:
> not all teenagers are rotten little demons only a few .. thankful that it's
> at a minimum
Jul 17, 2005, 4:55pm
You've gone from reporting Strike, to hating him, to hating teenagers,
and then liking a select few (Your children albet, if you somehow
managed to get married)
[View Quote]ORB wrote:
> Don't over generalize you wot not.
Jul 16, 2005, 8:13pm
When i change an mp3 playing on a world in world settings, it has a
50:50 chance of screwing up my whole system and disabling sound until a
system restart >_<!
Its annoying, audio stops playing. When i test audio on players, they
seem to be playing but they stay stuck on 00:00. When i test system
sounds in control panel, the sounds seem to play forever (Example, the
button should go from play symbol, stop symbol and back 1 second when i
play the Astriek sound, but it stays at the stop symbol)
Its fixed after a restart, but im not going to that everytime
It seems like it started to happen after installing itunes, although i
can't see why it should screw up when i even never have itunes running
in a windows session
Last time, it came back all of a sudden but thats it, can't get it fixed
now =/
Why is it that AW seems to be causing this problem X_X
Jul 17, 2005, 2:07am
Its not randomly restarting, i just said its fixed after a restart,
probably in wrong wording X_X
I'll reinstall WMP 10 and sound drivers like Strike suggested and see if
that does anything, if not i'll reinstall itunes and see if that does
[View Quote]Tony M wrote:
> When your system randomly reboots, it's almost always a hardware problem
> rather than a software problem. I would check critical components such
> as the power supply, CPU, etc. If it's not onboard, perhaps the sound
> card itself is now going out of comission?
> It may also be faulty drivers -- have you tried updating the drivers for
> your sound card?
> On 7/16/2005 5:13 PM, Gnu32 wrote:
Jul 17, 2005, 3:46pm
I don't know PAGE, but he sounded like a great guy. Seems like a great
loss for the PK department too =/
Rest in peace PAGE
[View Quote]baron wrote:
> Forwarding some words from Satin Moon/PK46, PAGE's wife, that she would
> like to share with the AW community. The very least we could do is
> retire his PK number (PK17) and ask AWI to build a flame memorial for
> PAGE in the yard of our AW GZ Peacekeeper build. The whole PK
> organization mourns for this great loss, RIP friend.
Jul 17, 2005, 8:42pm
Oh noes, not beer, wkd plz
[View Quote]Tart Sugar wrote:
> *sends SR a case of his favorite brew*
> C.O.D.
> heh heh heh
> "Strike Rapier" <markyr at gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:42daa95c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 18, 2005, 1:58am
Any bloody mary's?
[View Quote]Strike Rapier wrote:
> Hmmm,
> WKD.. so so, I prefer Bacardi Breezers actually.
> It is quite wierd, when I chat with my cousins and uncle they are quite
> distraught that I do not drink beer.
> Personally I like the odd shandy, but beer for beers sake no thanks. Vodka
> and Rum alcopops any day, although Smirnoff ice is like drinking liquified
> sugar, quite foul if you drink more than a bottle.
> Favourite for decent parties is double vodka shots mixed with Britvic still
> orange, although I once went to a bar that did these cans of chilled still
> orange and it was the best of the drink I have ever had.
> Thank God I don't drink that often :P
Jul 18, 2005, 5:49am
I didn't know this newsgroup was a base for girl magazines X_X
Apparently my cousin spoke to Vanessa of big brother
[View Quote]Seiya wrote:
> Have you ever had a celebrity encounter? If so state them, seems like a cool
> topic!
> Me, I met Bruce Willis while working at a theme park 2 summers ago, I gave
> him and his kids a ride on the bumper boats lol.
> And I saw Mark Fuhrman (OJ Simpson trial prosecutor) at a safeway store like
> 8-9 years ago shopping for something.
Jul 19, 2005, 1:10pm
Time for a takeover from SimPlaza it seems!
[View Quote]TheMask wrote:
> newman111 wrote:
> I do. I have dedicated servers that allow me to do it as many times as I
> want ;)
> I'm speaking :)
Jul 19, 2005, 5:02pm
SimPlaza shall over come this problem, with a plunger.
Delicious Crime, i shall hurt its arms
[View Quote]TheMask wrote:
> I poop on SimPlaza regularly ;)
Jul 20, 2005, 12:31pm
Although i've yet to try it, Deer Park Alpha 1 (Firefox 1.1) apparently
has the majority of bugs fixed and has much better performance
[View Quote]Strike Rapier wrote:
> IE tends to have only several bugs now, compared to several hundred mostly
> security ones in FireFox ;)
Jul 20, 2005, 8:40pm
Who said it was for sale/profit? X_X
[View Quote]Strike Rapier wrote:
> Someone needs to shoot the marketing guru who came up with that name.
Jul 21, 2005, 9:48am
Don't worry, ORB stopped and apologized, no need to copy what she did.
[View Quote]Aura Lily wrote:
> Importance is only relevant to those that care. Not that I am a cy award
> material quality modeler or anything but since you are doing it strike count
> me out. Might just be me but your arrogance really puts me off. Goes for
> the bot too, I could careless if its the best bot ever. I would never
> condsider using it. Again, might just be me.
> Chloe Bowen aka Aura Lily
Jul 21, 2005, 3:47pm
Oh shut up, it is being ruined because people like you crawl out from
their holes and start screaming.
If you hate kids and dis-agree to whoever is going to be in charge of
something, fine. Don't express that bullshit here though, if you
disagree you should have explained why in a civil manner, not post a
chatlog and expect everyone to fear language.Take your negativity
elsewhere, you don't want to repeat my mistake. And as for Aura Lily,
take your stupid views elsewhere, it doesn't matter what strike posted
before, thats the damn past, are you expecting that to happen in the
Cy's? Probably with you shoveling shit into his face.
"Thanks for coming to the CY's, now get the fuck out of here"
Not going to happen
[View Quote]ORB wrote:
> UP WITH THE BS AND SPEAK OUT ABOUT IT! Quoting you : " if your name comes
> back up again... hey
> maybe something will happen to YOU?"
> Quoting you again: "You really do take all "KIDS" on
> AW are evil. You need to chill the fuck out and get a new view on life
> on that fact, moron." YOU ARE AN IDIOT MASK !!!!!
Jul 21, 2005, 6:59pm
Im referring to the brazilian kids that play Tibia, who are a nusiance,
so it matches Orb perfectly
[View Quote]Vera wrote:
> Ops I am the "BRASILIAN ONE" kid... and whats the problem??? Are you going to
> tell me that I am ignorant and such just because I was born in
> BRASIL??????....Or because my english is not perfect????? bring it on:)))))))))
> rotfl...
> ORB wrote:
Jul 20, 2005, 3:55pm
And with major upgrades released at a pace of once a year, its not
really that useful
[View Quote]R i c h a r d wrote:
> Oh and AW justify it by giving you a years support and upgrade.
Jul 20, 2005, 8:39pm
Interesting question, how much has AW received from all the universes
[View Quote]poseidon wrote:
> Universes are over priced because AWI doesn't seem to have a problem selling
> them for those prices =P
> Poseidon
> "Gnu32" <simplaza at simplaza.net> wrote in message
> news:42de9014 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 27, 2005, 10:41am
By using the word "engaging", that would automatically bring images of
people "engaging" you with hugs X_X
[View Quote]Strike Rapier wrote:
> I know they want it all 'nice' but IMO that scene was disturbing and would
> make me turn right around and leave.
> IMO AWGate should be engaging, with people discussing things (other than the
> weather) and topics that will make people stay to partake in them, and
> return to partake in others. Gate also needs a chess and checkers bot which
> would be BRILLIANT, as well as more aware GK's.
> AWGate needs to engage the people that come by and encourage them to
> register - not make them feel like they are in VR Tellytubby land which will
> just make them thing something along the lines of 'freaks' and leave; and
> the business logic behind this: Since when did 8 year olds have credit
> cards?
> If anyone DOES want to sit about and hug all day, I will be glad to make
> something that puts you in a loving cuddly environment, where no chat line
> may have less than 64 consecutive ( and )'s. Meanwhile AWGate can engage the
> visitors.
> Yes, I know a fair few will be annoyed by this, and I know there is a
> substantially high probability of Lioness saying I need hugging :O oh wellz.
Jul 27, 2005, 1:13am
Completely sick, these kids are asking for their throats to be slit.
Damn them for messing with my project >_<!
Anything being done about these vandalisers?
Aug 5, 2005, 5:05am
Pretty interesting, sounds like josh
[View Quote]Gnu32 wrote:
> http://awdeleters.com/
> Completely sick, these kids are asking for their throats to be slit.
> Damn them for messing with my project >_<!
> Anything being done about these vandalisers?
Aug 5, 2005, 12:15pm
If you lisened to the convo, you'll actually hear josh asking permission
But anyway, its fake
[View Quote]Ciena wrote:
> Isn't it against the law to record a ph conversation without the other
> person knowing it?
> "Gnu32" <simplaza at simplaza.net> wrote in message
> news:42f30fa5$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Jul 28, 2005, 11:53am
Well done for pouring diesel all over the newsgroups
[View Quote]The Derek wrote:
> http://www.openyourdamneyes.com
> made just for you pelican ;-)
> no really a friend wanted me to make him this site, i told him 2 weeks,
> i ahve about a week and a half left. Im not totally finished but i
> wanted ot get some stuff started on the message boards so he would have
> something to read and debate on when i showed him the site.
> its a political website. Takes a different approach to things than youre
> probably used to.
> Please if possible say something on the boards and id like any input!
> thanks!
Jul 31, 2005, 2:28pm
Sweet jesus at Pixel avatars with cel shading-like effect
[View Quote]Mauz wrote:
> The AWEC Festival opening block party yesterday was a blast,
> thank you organizers :)
> For those who missed it, here's a couple shots of our startling,
> highly disciplined and organized mass gymnastic displays:
> http://mauz.info/awpics2005/AWEC_07292005_235727b.jpg
> http://mauz.info/awpics2005/AWEC_07302005_001433b.jpg
Aug 3, 2005, 11:45am
Keep to the topic please =O
<insert blank post here>
[View Quote]Steve R wrote:
> I want the whole jar of cookies..
> Yes.. cookies... mmmm..
> LtBrenton wrote: