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gnu32 // User SearchINACTIVITY IN NGApr 26, 2005, 5:32pm
Why does any of what i type suggest to you that i'm an old man? I don't
sound like one, not all old men are "grumpy" [View Quote] [567] - Before you askMay 4, 2005, 1:51pm
If they pounded their keyboard, AW would be crap, and don't come up with
that "AW IS crap" excuse Its 3.6, if you haven't noticed, and sure its been a long time but you cannot call them lazy. They update the program with small fixes that make it better for users,3.6 came with new features. So you can just shut up, they're doing what they can, you cannot just call them lazy and keyboard bashers just because of minor bugfixes that come every month or so. They only have a small group of developers, they aren't one big software cooperation. [View Quote] World WindMay 4, 2005, 1:44pm
[View Quote]
Looks more updated than Google's Keyhole
What are the other diffrences though? World wind has some good features, but is it better than keyhole? World WindMay 7, 2005, 12:40pm
I think thats a pre-1995 image of where AW's offices would be, from the
Terraserver from Microsoft [View Quote] AW TV StationsMay 12, 2005, 4:45pm
As discussed before, the Streaming media feature in AW is very basic.
Streaming media Television just can't be done for AW, as lack of playlist support means we're forced to upload large loops of video with adverts and shows pieced together. [View Quote] AW TV StationsMay 12, 2005, 6:53pm
Its called working with what we have
Smarts? We used them, and we did not fail miserably, as we came up with the smart solution of frame by frame. The problem with you is that you expect the best, although im suprised your not complaining about the basicness of Active worlds What do you suggest then? Before you say Video, Read my other post [View Quote] AW TV StationsMay 12, 2005, 8:40pm
Becareful when you pick ignorance over common sense
Whats with the recent flood of posh "Tend to my needs im the best" people here? [View Quote] AW TV StationsMay 13, 2005, 1:41pm
That was uncalled for, She's just asking a small thing about your name,
and you insult yourself by assuming she thinks your being a sissy by choosing sweets as a name. [View Quote] AW TV StationsMay 13, 2005, 2:17pm
PeaceKeepers: A Modest Proposal (rant)May 7, 2005, 12:36pm
I think what he had in mind was that the bot looks at chat but does not
display it to the PK or save it to a file. To avoid things like listening out to things they wouldn't like, the bot would have a fixed list of words or phrases to listen to that cannot be edited by the PK. The list goober suggested would be used, without any strict ones like "hacking". And then it listens for them and then alerts the PK,again not showing them any chat. This way, the PK would not be able to give fake chat logs if they feel uncomfortable with what ever was said and they won't be able to hear your private conversations, just the bot. And the list should not be strict but listen out to concerning things. For example, saying "Fuck", unless it was in GZ, would not sound like its being directed as an insult and so should not be alerted (Unless a worry feature is included, but that could then leave the PK to be over-reactive) but if the phrase "Fuck you" or any other phrases that sound like directed insults were heard, then the bot would alert the PK. The whole PK Bot thing is a good suggestion, the only little problem i find with it is asking for PK help. Kathryn was right about the telegram bit, but there is the possibility that a tourist was witnessing a vandiliser doing his bit to wreck things. The "PK Help" phrase is a good idea, but then theres the problem of idiots who try their hardest to waste PK's time and ruin it for others by saying it very far away and then running off. So unless the bot is quick enough to alert the PK that the person ran off, it would annoy the PK and anyone looking for help. [View Quote] PeaceKeepers: A Modest Proposal (rant)May 7, 2005, 7:55pm
It needs to be moved to GZ and be powered by a bot so the PK's dont have
to manually edit it (Which 90% of the time they forget) [View Quote] PeaceKeepers: A Modest Proposal (rant)May 10, 2005, 1:46pm
Then what AW can do is host a bot like customs aide (Or edit customs
aide) that works with the PK's so we don't have to rely on the PK's to start their bots [View Quote] ;o))May 9, 2005, 1:41pm
Why do you insist on poking the fire with a stick covered in a rag
soaked with flammable liquids? You always are asking for a slap O_O Good luck [View Quote] support for swf filesMay 9, 2005, 1:39pm
For animations, AW uses strips of JPG's that are recognized by their set
size, not Gifs. SWFs would take an extrodinary amount of time to develop in AW and would certainly lag things up [View Quote] Bush HackersMay 9, 2005, 1:38pm
Well im not suprised, Someone with minimal internet experience would
have had that happened to them. But Bush using paypal? X_X Although i was expecting you to post a url to a news post about some recent thing i heard involving Bush being moved to a secure room underground because a massive dark cloud was heading for the whitehouse X_X [View Quote] Notice: Annual Invite DayMay 10, 2005, 1:43pm
Enabling tourist build in AW is a very very bad idea
However the rest of it, Excellent, hope we get a decent amount of people [View Quote] Notice: Annual Invite DayMay 10, 2005, 10:15pm
I can see the very happy faces of vandilisers X_X
Probably just overreacting, but that could still happen [View Quote] Notice: Annual Invite DayMay 11, 2005, 1:52pm
X_X at Forgetting take size in account, but its possible there would be
the usual Tourist Vs Citizen falling out and one's build getting vandilised. Also the possibility of experimenting and managing to squeeze things into cracks of unclaimed space around AWGZ Although it won't matter if the PK's were to treat the day so much as an important day a whole team would need to watch over (Although only the core or the best ones,we won't want a team of dodgy PK's getting angry over a little thing in chat or deterring away potential customers) So that they can deal with such problems [View Quote] Notice: Annual Invite DayMay 20, 2005, 1:12pm
Ah, theres another problem then, the stream of people coming into GZ
complaining about their unprotected vandilised builds =P [View Quote] More guides for buildersMay 23, 2005, 9:29pm
Ah, was just a few time outs, working now =D
[View Quote] wb NGs!! 7000s 7000wMay 25, 2005, 12:44pm
(Yes, here i come)
2 Times is enough, no need to spite him, you'll just look like an idiot And its called a signature, use that feature for advertisements [View Quote] what's up with this?May 24, 2005, 9:14pm
Wait a second..
"Rossyfox e: *breaks up with you* Jonno Huskylab e: omgno" =O What happened there ;_; [View Quote] Xelagot 3.611 - terrain bugfixMay 25, 2005, 7:48pm
Theres still that bug where windows doesnt shutdown while X1 is running X_X
Or is that normal/a bug within the SDK? [View Quote] Xelagot 3.611 - terrain bugfixMay 25, 2005, 9:13pm
For me, when ever X1 is running, even when explorer has not crashed,
Windows XP refuses to shut down. Looking at Taskman , it seems like that when shutdown starts, logonui is executed and stays executed. However, with X1 running, theres normal behavior like disconnection, some programs exiting and logonui running but then logonui exits after 5 seconds and shutdown doesnt commence. It seems like it tries to shut down X1 but something in X1 is causing Logonui to give up. [View Quote] Re: I Can't hear Midi With Midi On in SettingsMay 27, 2005, 2:14pm
Well at least Jacob having beta rights explains why AW is basic
[View Quote] We need more towns in AWMay 28, 2005, 8:26pm
I would, i have enough inspiration for creativity and already have
builds dotted around that could make good builds, but my only big weakness: Actually keeping it updated, or even bothering to do anything with it Once i start a project, 50:50 chance i won't ever complete it either due to busyness or the fact my inspiration dies down almost too quickly [View Quote] Streaming MediaMay 28, 2005, 8:23pm