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filmkr // User Search

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Mar 31, 2002, 7:47pm
For those of you who are questioning the Validity of this report let me add to
the warning that it is very true!

Thommas Mower of Lansford, PA using IP citizen name Dark Mod
329466 Has indeed been offering the passwords.

We have evidence which has been handed over to the F.B.I. pertaining to this
criminal act.
It is a crime to be in possession of stolen property, to sell stolen property
and to have stolen the property. As you can tell, this child admits to his

If your password has been stolen and offered by this individual you may wish to
contact your local Police Department and request that they take a criminal
complaint. Show the evidence of this going across the state lines and they will
contact the F.B.I. for you.

The site which Thommas was offering the file on was shut down Saturday, March
30, 2002. As you can see from some of the messages here, the child is
attempting to find a new home for the file.

It is strongly suggest that you use a password at least 18 in length,
upper/lower case along with characters to help slow these people who think
hacking is fun.

Thanks to Attorney General John Ashcroft, the seizure of PC's as evidence is
moving along strongly and has held up already in the courts against users under
many various Federal and State criminal cases.

I strongly suggest that people refrain from even the thought of using the

Filmkr & InSaNiTy
Heartfall Productions

[View Quote] > WARNING - Could anyone hosting any object path change its password!
> 67 Object Path Keys Compromised - Everything from AW to the Gor worlds,
> change your OP passwords NOW!
> The source of the codes has been destroyed - Anyone found using the PW's
> without the owners permission will have the owner and AWC to answer to!
> Once again - Change your PW's now - I cannot reviel who is on the list, the
> safest bet is to completly change every object path. Andras has a tool
> available -
> - Mark


Mar 31, 2002, 7:47pm
For those of you who are questioning the Validity of this report let me add to
the warning that it is very true!

Thommas Mower of Lansford, PA using IP citizen name Dark Mod
329466 Has indeed been offering the passwords.

We have evidence which has been handed over to the F.B.I. pertaining to this
criminal act.
It is a crime to be in possession of stolen property, to sell stolen property
and to have stolen the property. As you can tell, this child admits to his

If your password has been stolen and offered by this individual you may wish to
contact your local Police Department and request that they take a criminal
complaint. Show the evidence of this going across the state lines and they will
contact the F.B.I. for you.

The site which Thommas was offering the file on was shut down Saturday, March
30, 2002. As you can see from some of the messages here, the child is
attempting to find a new home for the file.

It is strongly suggest that you use a password at least 18 in length,
upper/lower case along with characters to help slow these people who think
hacking is fun.

Thanks to Attorney General John Ashcroft, the seizure of PC's as evidence is
moving along strongly and has held up already in the courts against users under
many various Federal and State criminal cases.

I strongly suggest that people refrain from even the thought of using the

Filmkr & InSaNiTy
Heartfall Productions

[View Quote] > WARNING - Could anyone hosting any object path change its password!
> 67 Object Path Keys Compromised - Everything from AW to the Gor worlds,
> change your OP passwords NOW!
> The source of the codes has been destroyed - Anyone found using the PW's
> without the owners permission will have the owner and AWC to answer to!
> Once again - Change your PW's now - I cannot reviel who is on the list, the
> safest bet is to completly change every object path. Andras has a tool
> available -
> - Mark


Mar 31, 2002, 7:47pm
For those of you who are questioning the Validity of this report let me add to
the warning that it is very true!

Thommas Mower of Lansford, PA using IP citizen name Dark Mod
329466 Has indeed been offering the passwords.

We have evidence which has been handed over to the F.B.I. pertaining to this
criminal act.
It is a crime to be in possession of stolen property, to sell stolen property
and to have stolen the property. As you can tell, this child admits to his

If your password has been stolen and offered by this individual you may wish to
contact your local Police Department and request that they take a criminal
complaint. Show the evidence of this going across the state lines and they will
contact the F.B.I. for you.

The site which Thommas was offering the file on was shut down Saturday, March
30, 2002. As you can see from some of the messages here, the child is
attempting to find a new home for the file.

It is strongly suggest that you use a password at least 18 in length,
upper/lower case along with characters to help slow these people who think
hacking is fun.

Thanks to Attorney General John Ashcroft, the seizure of PC's as evidence is
moving along strongly and has held up already in the courts against users under
many various Federal and State criminal cases.

I strongly suggest that people refrain from even the thought of using the

Filmkr & InSaNiTy
Heartfall Productions

[View Quote] > WARNING - Could anyone hosting any object path change its password!
> 67 Object Path Keys Compromised - Everything from AW to the Gor worlds,
> change your OP passwords NOW!
> The source of the codes has been destroyed - Anyone found using the PW's
> without the owners permission will have the owner and AWC to answer to!
> Once again - Change your PW's now - I cannot reviel who is on the list, the
> safest bet is to completly change every object path. Andras has a tool
> available -
> - Mark


Mar 31, 2002, 7:47pm
For those of you who are questioning the Validity of this report let me add to
the warning that it is very true!

Thommas Mower of Lansford, PA using IP citizen name Dark Mod
329466 Has indeed been offering the passwords.

We have evidence which has been handed over to the F.B.I. pertaining to this
criminal act.
It is a crime to be in possession of stolen property, to sell stolen property
and to have stolen the property. As you can tell, this child admits to his

If your password has been stolen and offered by this individual you may wish to
contact your local Police Department and request that they take a criminal
complaint. Show the evidence of this going across the state lines and they will
contact the F.B.I. for you.

The site which Thommas was offering the file on was shut down Saturday, March
30, 2002. As you can see from some of the messages here, the child is
attempting to find a new home for the file.

It is strongly suggest that you use a password at least 18 in length,
upper/lower case along with characters to help slow these people who think
hacking is fun.

Thanks to Attorney General John Ashcroft, the seizure of PC's as evidence is
moving along strongly and has held up already in the courts against users under
many various Federal and State criminal cases.

I strongly suggest that people refrain from even the thought of using the

Filmkr & InSaNiTy
Heartfall Productions

[View Quote] > WARNING - Could anyone hosting any object path change its password!
> 67 Object Path Keys Compromised - Everything from AW to the Gor worlds,
> change your OP passwords NOW!
> The source of the codes has been destroyed - Anyone found using the PW's
> without the owners permission will have the owner and AWC to answer to!
> Once again - Change your PW's now - I cannot reviel who is on the list, the
> safest bet is to completly change every object path. Andras has a tool
> available -
> - Mark

Is It Posible

Apr 6, 2002, 9:59pm

I know that both you and Andras meant to be helpful but... Your description
here only teaches new kiddies how to take things they shouldn't be taking...
You ignored one of the reasons that a path might Password ALL their objects...
that is unauthorized path use... Some users might be happy just to use the
common objects on a high speed server... thus draining resources from the legit
user... Bandwidth on commercial services costs money and webmasters who provide
deluxe services deserve to protect the resources of their paying customers.

I agree that the issue mentioned does present an item for webmasters to review
but placing the information on how to crack the password in 30 seconds is not
acting responsibly. That just opened the doors for people to now try and steal
more than before... see my point? I know your intentions meant well.

[View Quote] > Here's how this works.. It's called a "clear text exploit". If I have a
> plain zip file.. let's say (that's not password protected) and a
> encrypted (the file was added with a password) then I can decrypt
> the in about 30 seconds, no matter the password length.
> When you password protect your zip files, the password becomes a key (just a
> long string of numbers and letters) used to encrypt the file after it is
> zipped. The same "key" must be used to decypt the file. When you decrypt
> the archive, you enter your password, which the program changes into the
> "key" (one password always generates the same key), and then uses that key
> to interpret the file.
> The "clear text exploit" no only yeids the file that was encrypted (which
> you already knew anyway), it also unviels the "key" that was used to encrypt
> it. Once the key is discovered any file can be decrypted....
> So, let's say I downloaded a fresh version of from AW's object
> path. Then (after discoving the URL for you OP) I download the password
> protected version of from your site. I run the clear text attack
> useing these two files. I learn what the key is, and can use that key to
> find your password and decrypt the rest of your objects.
> Lesson to be learned: Don't encrypt objects that don't need it. Only
> encrypt your coustom objects, the one's that no one else will have an
> unencypted version of. (Exactly what andras said earlier..)
> --
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jeremy Booker
> JTech Web Systems
> ( -- Coming Soon)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
[View Quote]

Is It Posible

Apr 6, 2002, 11:38pm
Posting the reason it might be avoided is one thing... posting HOW TO is not
acting responsibly as it offers the way to be a thief... Not every one is a
hacker... but there are many that will try a new thing simply because it was
put in front of them... SIMPLY, there was no need to discuss the how to... only
the fact it could present another problem...

[View Quote] > Don't kid yourself. Anyone who wants to steal objects either already knows
> this or could find out very easily. It's the "honest" people that likely
> don't know about it. By making the information public, the "playing field"
> is even.
> Security through obscurity is not really security at all :)
> -Agent1
[View Quote]

Is It Posible

Apr 6, 2002, 11:45pm
Think you do need some sleep... yes some of the objects are PUBLIC... but the
server they reside on is not, nor is it's bandwidth FREE. Perhaps if you read
the full post while awake you would have understood better..

AW gives many of the objects... so do I if asked... but the services would be
drained if every one climbed on a path simply because they could, therefore
hurting the honest user who appreciates paying for quality services. We do not
charge users to use the free objects... we simple collect a small fee to cover
the bandwidth, equipment and the support services. Our users love us and they
send their friends and anyone they meet because of that fact. Our custom made
objects are added there for our customer's added enjoyment.

There is plenty out there for free... stealing is NEVER right.

Filmkr & InSaNiTy

[View Quote] > Normally I don't bother to post but every once in a while someone says
> something that gets my back up.
> I take from filmkr (AKA Insanity) telling everyone off like kids that
> perhaps he had not thought about the implications of passwording public
> objects in your object path rather than leaving them unpassworded as they
> were already on non passworded public access paths. Thus making his and
> others custom objects vunerable to being taken when simple logic could have
> prevented it in the first place.
> Perhaps some would say that taking public objects and passwording them is
> the same as taking other peoples property and then denying them access to
> it. Not to mention the fact that he has also pointed out by his own distain
> of this subject being aired that his own object paths are not as fully
> secure as they could be. Perhaps if people spent their energy's correcting
> this problem rather than posting here about how stupid others are the world
> would be a safer place and noone would be any the wiser to who is secure and
> who is not.
> All that most people here are trying to do is help others in the community
> from the minority and share there knowledge on how to make a more secure
> environment. Some times to do this you have to explain the reasoning behind
> something in order for people to understand why to do it or what could
> happen if they don't.
> Now I will shut up and go back to sleep ;)
[View Quote]


Apr 18, 2002, 1:16am
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All stocks have been down this year, although AW's is down for it's own lack of
management and marketing... but the U.S. Economy does play a small factor...
But be upset at yourself that you did not buy it at .45 and sell at .68 during
it's spike when JP buys back stocks to make it look like there is interest in
the company stock... If you note items from the past. AWLD has previously
announced buy back decisions to attempt stock purchase interest. I never saw it
work for them though because at the core investors look at the company's plan
and AW in all these years still fails to market to the public. Again I note...
no advertising on television, no product bundling, no retail boxed software
sales off the shelves. If they want to learn how to market, perhaps they should
run to Best Buy and purchase a copy of the SIMMS and read the box. LOL When we
offered AW a 30 second commercial for television the reply was "we will try
radio first" Nothing like selling color TV's to the blind... That more
explains their stock failure... Investors want to see potential... The
software has it... but management lacks the insight to get the job done. In all
these years they have failed when they could have easily had hundreds of
thousands of users in here... it's so simple... They need to wake up and start
understanding their market share and quit trying to convince corporations who
see right through them. This is not a corporate toy... and because they are
dinning the wrong clientele while beating up their actual users they will
continue to fail to reach their potential user base... I could easily bring in
100,000 new users by years end... probably more like 1 million... Like I said,
it is simple... and please... don not ask me "why don't you then" It's
business... and I don't do marketing or commercials for free *S* But if they
ever got serious we would accept an escrow account and upfront certified
funds. Not interested in chasing funds anymore... been there, done that...
wastes our time.

[View Quote] > Have a look at a three month chart of their stock:
> -Builderz
[View Quote] --------------029C3C2605BE1BE8B5243A9B
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All stocks have been down this year, although AW's is down for it's own
lack of management and marketing... but the U.S. Economy does play a small
factor...&nbsp; But be upset at yourself that you did not buy it at .45
and sell at .68 during it's spike when JP buys back stocks to make it look
like there is interest in the company stock...&nbsp; If you note items
from the past. AWLD has previously announced buy back decisions to attempt
stock purchase interest. I never saw it work for them though because at
the core investors look at the company's plan and AW in all these years
still fails to market to the public.&nbsp; Again I note... no advertising
on television, no product bundling, no retail boxed software sales off
the shelves.&nbsp; If they want to learn how to market, perhaps they should
run to Best Buy and purchase a copy of the SIMMS and read the box. LOL&nbsp;
When we offered AW a 30 second commercial for television the reply was
"we will try radio first"&nbsp;&nbsp; Nothing like selling color TV's to
the blind...&nbsp; That more explains their stock failure...&nbsp; Investors
want to see potential...&nbsp; The software has it... but management lacks
the insight to get the job done. In all these years they have failed when
they could have easily had hundreds of thousands of users in here... it's
so simple... They need to wake up and start understanding their market
share and quit trying to convince corporations who see right through them.
This is not a corporate toy... and because they are dinning the wrong clientele
while beating up their actual users they will continue to fail to reach
their potential user base...&nbsp;&nbsp; I could easily bring in 100,000
new users by years end... probably more like 1 million...&nbsp;&nbsp; Like
I said, it is simple...&nbsp; and please... don not ask me "why don't you
then"&nbsp; It's business... and I don't do marketing or commercials for
free *S*&nbsp; But if they ever got serious we would accept an escrow account
and upfront certified funds.&nbsp;&nbsp; Not interested in chasing funds
anymore... been there, done that... wastes our time.
[View Quote] --------------029C3C2605BE1BE8B5243A9B--

Read this.

May 24, 2002, 7:33pm
Bad a math Carl? Your comment is factually wrong.
It says that JP and Rick sold approx. 25% of their own personal shares of AW
Their shares were only approx. 50% of AW shares, therefore 25% of that is far
less than AW selling half as you wrongly commented.
It also falls in line with the intended merger that was reported. Simply put...
They cashed out cheap for a few measly dollars when they found a buyer willing
to take some of the paper. After taxes they get far less and even at sale it was
only $90,000.00 each. That is hardly a reason to even open up a company.

[View Quote] >
> txt
> It says half of AW was sold.

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 7:23am
For the record.
1. Glitter Kitty, you do not even know me, you never met me in your life.
2. You jump to believing the rants of one person's claims.
3, Evidence has shown that the hysterical party is one who was "Forever
Shocked" by the 5 minute ejection of a person off a webmaster's server. That
fact in itself should have any intelligent party raising an eyebrow and
considering the reliability of the source.


A. ) InSaNiTy has NEVER given away any exclusive use products to anyone other
than the person who ordered the exclusive design. 1,000's of exclusive items
have been sold and honored exclusive.

B.) The ranting is entirely without basis. The avatar being cried "exclusive"
is one that has been sold at for many years.
The "Satin Dove" which is shown there. Also available in various colors just
are the Dragon Flies which also have been advertised for years which can have
other colored versions made for a few dollars more.

The party who purchased her dove simply paid a few dollars more but in the
end with the total order received a discount. The doves have never been sold
exclusive. Perhaps the party was confused and misunderstood the fact that
license only permitted her to use the dove in "one world owned or operated by
the purchaser". In fact, that party has admitted she gave a copy of the dove
to another world owner, a direct license violation.

I nor my partners appreciate the trash mouthing a few of you are doing here.
Before you go off speaking about what you do not know, try and remember that
there are laws in the United States.

[View Quote] > avs
> violations,
> ... and this is the man whom Alpha thinks is appropirate to judge the
> standards of the community
> As they say ... you spend enought time around sh*t and you start to smell
> like it. ;-|
> Glitter

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 25, 2002, 7:32am
Might I suggest you get an education child? Hmmm It was nationally televised to the world not too
long ago about how Vice President Dick Cheney underwent Cardiac Surgery. He even had a device
implanted and returned to work without hardly a day's lost time. Just because medicine has found faster
procedures does not mean they are not serious by any means.

My suggestion to you is get a dose of reality and try speaking to some spiritual leader who might teach
you some decency and respect. Your words, agenda, the lies you speak... they are vulgar and despicable.
You have never even met me yet you spew forth ill will and hate.

may some better light pass your way...

[View Quote] > Amazing he hasn't had more "SERIOUS CARDIAC SURGERIES" over this ...... Very interesting
> indeed........ you'd think all this controversy woulda killed the poor guy by now........ well,
> hell, I guess that two day bed rest patched him right up :O/ I need HIS doctor... guy performs
> outright MIRACLES....
> Now he's back to his little intimidation games again, huh ? Figures........ Real tough guy you are
> there Insanity....... fighting for your life yet you STILL have plenty of strength a couple days
> later to fire off some abusive emails, huh ? will you EVER learn ?? lying and cheating ppl just
> ISN'T nice and isn't just forgotten.........
> absolutely disgusting.......

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 3:45am
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Simply because there are several who continue to try and terrorize others and
post lies here to attempt many harm, I will post the facts below.

1. Never refused a refund ever. There are users who have received refunds from
us within the 30 days. This disgruntle party here was never refused a refund.
They were simply pointed to the 30 day refund policy.

2. No one here ever refused to deliver any avatars. The fact is that the
disgruntle party sent an e-mail and a telegram stating that she "Canceled" her
avatar request and stated she did not want them sent to her. This cancellation
was well beyond the 30 day time window and a large amount of work was already
performed on the order which she approved of.

3. We are not obligated to ever refund anyone's money when irrational hysteria
is the basis of the request.

Enough said already...

Hoping that people will find some peace, health & healing ...
Tip for the day... go get some sun light...

Filmkr & InSaNiTy
One and the Same, as it's always been stated throughout history...

> what i demanded a refund of is the $160 i paid him in advance for 5 avatars,
> which he never delivered. he refuses to refund my money, and he refuses to
> deliver the avatars. that's more than a 'dishonest factor' -- that's a
> crime -- it's called fraud.
[View Quote] --------------B7E038342B5E94B5FD11B742
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Simply because there are several who continue to try and terrorize others
and post lies here to attempt many harm, I will post the facts below.
<p>1. Never refused a refund ever. There are users who have received refunds
from us within the 30 days. This disgruntle party here was never refused
a refund. They were simply pointed to the 30 day refund policy.
<p>2. No one here ever refused to deliver any avatars. The fact is that
the disgruntle party sent an e-mail and a telegram stating that she "Canceled"
her avatar request and stated she did not want them sent to her. This cancellation
was well beyond the 30 day time window and a large amount of work was already
performed on the order which she approved of.&nbsp;
<p>3. We are not obligated to ever refund anyone's money when irrational
hysteria is the basis of the request.
<p>Enough said already...
<p>Hoping that people will find some peace, health &amp; healing ...
<br><b>Tip for the day... go get some sun light...</b><b></b>
<p><b>Filmkr &amp; InSaNiTy</b>
<br><b>One and the Same, as it's always been stated throughout history...</b>
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>what i demanded a refund of is the $160 i paid him
in advance for 5 avatars,
<br>which he never delivered.&nbsp; he refuses to refund my money, and
he refuses to
<br>deliver the avatars.&nbsp; that's more than a 'dishonest factor' --
that's a
<br>crime -- it's called fraud.
[View Quote] --------------B7E038342B5E94B5FD11B742--

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 4:03am
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You might wish to speak to legal council... the posts in here show many veteran
users suggesting to you that you made you opinion known and that all your
continued posts appear to be nothing more than "attacks"

Myself... I clearly see your attacks and your attempts to mislead readers.


1.No one was ever defrauded.
2.You do not know me and have never met me.
3. You post hateful, slanderous, misleading information in the form of libel for
the sole purpose of defaming and damaging a person and a legitimate, legal
company's business and interrupt in business relations.
4. Your allegations are 100% false and baseless... your sources are gossip and

Formerly requesting that you cease this deliberate attack and defamation

I am Formerly requesting that Active Worlds stand up to it's posted policy by
Tom Forney as official AW spokesperson, that users like yourself be banned from
posting personal attacks.

What happened Tom? Why is Active Worlds not following it's posted policy here?
Why is Active Worlds supporting this hate bashing spree which has now plagued
another AW newsgroup? AW has banned others but sadly this time is showing
discrimination and bias to allow hate crimes to be committed.

[View Quote] > Is it worth sending someone to court for $160? Practically speaking it
> usually isnt. The US justice dept did a survey on this a few years back
> (sorry I dont have a URL for it) whereby they discovered that almost 50% of
> the population had at some stage in the 10 year sample period been defrauded
> of up to $500 and failed to prosecute because of the difficulty involved ...
> it simply wasnt worth it. So YP, just because fraud isnt challenged doesnt
> mean it didnt happen ... 1 in 2 people here (statistically speaking) with be
> defrauded just like ambivalent. The catch (wait for it) was that most of the
> sample surveyed stated they had found their 'revenge' by other means, most
> typically advertising the fraud in the community some how .... isnt it funny
> how some things never change!! Gotta love how the USA works.
> regards
> Glitter in Australia
[View Quote] --------------BA303D3EBBBA5856119EB901
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You might wish to speak to legal council...&nbsp; the posts in here show
many veteran users suggesting to you that you made you opinion known and
that all your continued posts appear to be nothing more than "attacks"
<p>Myself... I clearly see your attacks and your attempts to mislead readers.
<p>1.No one was ever defrauded.
<br>2.You do not know me and have never met me.
<br>3. You post hateful, slanderous, misleading information in the form
of libel for the sole purpose of defaming and damaging a person and a legitimate,
legal&nbsp; company's business and interrupt in business relations.
<br>4. Your allegations are 100% false and baseless... your sources are
gossip and hearsay.
<p>Formerly requesting that you cease this deliberate attack and defamation
<p><b>I am Formerly requesting that Active Worlds stand up to it's posted
policy by Tom Forney as official AW spokesperson, that users like yourself&nbsp;
be banned from posting personal attacks.</b>
<p><b>What happened Tom?&nbsp; Why is Active Worlds not following it's
posted policy here?&nbsp; Why is Active Worlds supporting this hate bashing
spree which has now plagued another AW newsgroup? AW has banned others
but sadly this time is showing discrimination and bias to allow hate crimes
to be committed.</b>
[View Quote] --------------BA303D3EBBBA5856119EB901--

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 8:45pm
Goober, in theory you are correct. I even agree with you in majority to your
However... Several people including myself have written to
abuse at have written Tom directly... and have even phoned Tom at
AW. Each response has been another excuse which directly conflicts with Tom's
posted AW policy prohibiting personal attacks and HATE posts. The bold was used
as emphasis to the fact that the serious question is out there...
This has been going on now for many weeks and it has traveled over several news
groups. It is a shame such trash is allowed and that AW is ignoring following
their own policies of banning users for personal attacks. Foul language, even a
personal attack of my parents was made and is public record... I simply would
like to see AW keep to their policies and NOT discriminate against myself by
allowing hate crimes to be committed against myself or any other user here.

[View Quote] > No need to get your bold text in a know, Insanity. The reason Glitter
> hasn't been kicked out is the same reason no one else has ever been
> kicked out (with a couple exceptions): No one's paying attention! If you
> want let Tom know what's going on, you need to contact him directly, not
> post it here in the NGs. He's not going to see it buried way down in a
> pointless thread!
[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 27, 2002, 9:07pm
Hi Binary,
Your question is reasonable... However the answer is complex and it is truly
not appropriate to post here.
However, two of the important facts are:
1. Never refused a refund.
2. Never refused delivery of avatars.

As for more facts... the hysterical and libelous comments from the disgruntle
person are so far from the truth. Further facts are that the person has seen
the avatars she had ordered and approved of their texturing and added features
with exception of one avatar . She claims nothing was ever done. Another fact
is that the person sends such vulgar e-mails, no one would care to read the
trash. In other newsgroups she has claimed so many other excuses and if I
recall, stated she would never even accept them if sent to her. So you see...
we are on top of this as best we can be here...

We would hope she would let a judge hear this... that would allow us a counter
suit for all the slander and libel as well as the intentional interference with
business relations of our customers among other things.

We also hope that the BBB would become involved so that we could reply to them
and that they could then explain the facts of life to the person. As it is now,
the person has violated licensing rights by sharing the avatars with other
worlds. Therefore we are owed licensing fees for those avatars she distributed

So there ia always a bigger picture... the full picture is so simple... she
order many items... she received the majority of her order, in the process she
"freaked" out over a five minute ejection and then took continual bad advice
from people who are not worthy of clear unbiased thoughts. She has not been
rational ever since. Therefore we cannot do anything at this point until a
rational third party becomes "legally" involved. That is something I can only
hope happens soon.

Peace, health & healing to all...

InSaNiTy & Filmkr

[View Quote] > ok I'm done pondering....hehehhehe just a thought here.....
> Filmkr....If you are not returning the moneys cause you've put too much time
> into the avatars....then why not just give them to her since they must be
> almost complete? it makes no sense to say "I've put too much time into
> them to refund her money", then have nothing to show for your time. This
> just stikes me as questionable.
> Leo :) aka BinaryBud
[View Quote]

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 12:08am
Noting from your "EXPERIENCE" of buying into GOSSIP and BS as well as you being a person posting HATE
messages... well... I personally would not trust a single word from your mouth... You sure speak about
everything you know nothing about and were never any part of...

As for FACTS... In the United States of America, when you check into any private hospital there is a
form they immediately offer you to sign asking if you would like your hospital stay to remain
confidential. They explain that signing the form would even prohibit your own family from finding out
you were there. Privacy is still an option in the U.S. Why you may ask? To keep idiot slime balls
from bothering patients could be one reason *S*

Again... might I suggest an education??

Stop wasting everyone's time filling this news group with your false tales and continuing HATE CRIME
based gossip attacks.

GET A LIFE DUDE!!! Your credibility is as worthless as your lacking intellect as you have shown well
throughout four news groups now.

[View Quote] > Just not true..... if you were in the hospital and I knew your real name, I could just call and ask
> the information desk your room # ( under the guise of perhaps, wanting to send a card or flowers )
> and they'd give it to me....... simple as that.......
> I speak from experience...... Thats what I saw every day for three years

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 1:00am
"johnny b" <uniquect at> "if you were in the hospital and I knew your real name, I
could just call and ask
the information desk your room # ( under the guise of perhaps, wanting to send a card or flowers ) and
they'd give it to me....... simple as that.......
I speak from experience...... Thats what I saw every day for three years"
"johnny b" <uniquect at>

<<<Those were your words and you closed by saying that you spoke from "experience". You were not
stating an opinion, you were off posting foolish statements and attempting to back them up as yourself
being an "experienced" person who " saw every day for three years"

So considering that you look to lies, gossip and hate for your information... it is no wonder you do not
even recall your own written words in these hate posts. Your history in the AW news groups has been a
slew of hate toward not only myself, but others as well. Once again, I remind you... you have never
ever met me... yet you run at the mouth with your "opinions" 100% based on your gossip fed imagination
and warped paradigms.

Stop sluing the newsgroups full of your "opinions" You say you have manners? Show some and flush next
time instead of posting it here. In "my" opinion, that would make the mass majority of news group
readers very happy.

[View Quote] > Hey Lars...... in case you hadnt noticed...... I've got EVERY right to state my opinion here......
> dont like it ? filter me.....
> Btw.... already GOT an education..... and obviously one that taught me manners and self
> restraint..... attributes you obviously haven't mastered yet.......
> Ohh yeah... keep tossing those words "HATE CRIME" around.... Seems to me, I havent ever used any
> racially inflammatory words or insults.... nor any horrendous statements regarding your religious
> beliefs, Killed you cause I dont like white people, spray painted any swastikas on your door, or
> burned your church down...... ( in case YOU need an education, THOSE are "hate crimes", you know
> SOOO much about the law, or so you claim..... go look it up)
> I'm just stating my opinion here.... If I dont happen to like you, so be it..... last time I looked,
> there WAS no law that said i couldn't
> Filter me any time you so desire, if I'm so insignificant........

Cy Nominations Officially Open!

Jun 28, 2002, 6:02am
Not to appear rude by any means, but in my opinion a much better suggestion is
for you to mind your own business.
I am not the first to suggest this to you...
I say this because you started trash mouthing some of the leading members of the
AW community and showed them very little to no respect.
So when you mention things like the community needing something I cannot respect
your voice seeing how you have trashed what the community has decided as well as
it's leaders.
The only point I have been able to sum up from all of this is that you had a
personal vendetta to prove since you have ignored so many people who posted all
along this past week telling you to quiet your ranting.
Bear in mind that your ranting is solely based on gossip and an agenda fueled in
Hate to deliberately harm one person, their business and the community as well
in the process.

Had you wanted to come off looking level minded and intelligent, perhaps you
would have suggested that the disgruntle party not create herself a legal
quagmire but rather pick up the phone and politely resolve the issue with the
company's customer service representative. Instead, you ignored that person's
hysteria and merely added fuel to it offering nothing good to anyone whatsoever.

These have been my opinions... and compared to yours I feel they are by far,
more sound.

[View Quote] > Could I suggest that this situation might be resolved by the following ...
> The two parties sit down in the same world and, politely, discuss their
> differences one last time in a meeting presided by bitmaster (he seems to
> have the support of both sides to a degree) and come to a resolution which
> would involve some (partial) refund or deliverance of goods if found
> appropriate.
> Perhaps the community does need a person of balance and integrity to help
> with small community disputes such as this in the interests of goodwill.
> Perhaps the person could set up a kind of charter by which hosting
> providers, avatar makers, model builders, etc would agree to and in return
> get some little badge to put on their site which says they're a member of
> that community charter (sort of like a baby industry standards group). A
> newbie could see the badge and feel safe buying from that provider. You know
> the sort of thing
> Hopefully this will need to be the last thing I post ... I'll leave it to
> the three parties above to discuss ... if you want my help I'll be happy to
> give it.
> Glitter
> (on holiday and posting via dial up(yuk) so cant reply as quick as before)

A Step in the Right Direction...

Jul 1, 2000, 11:22am
I see everyone writing about this is missing the big picture as much as AW has
when it comes to producing a profitable e-commerce company. sold
for billions $$$, Geocities, Xoom, Yahoo, and many, many others all has
successful stock because they have USERS!!!! They DON'T rip the USERS off by
charging them. They do what the television networks have done for ages. Allow
free use of the content in exchange for advertising dollars. It is not rocket
science at all to look at the example of years of industry standards and

'They would have to charge more for worlds'... That's a laugh! Does Geocities or
Xoom charge for their FREE web spaces? They have spent way more money that AW
will ever dream of seeing on the equipment to host the FREE sites. But then
again, they are professionally managed and profit from advertising sales in
exchange for the exposures they generate from a FREE user base.

If you don't believe this, just simply compare the stock prices of these
companies, their board of directors and then go look ad the steep and steady
decline of AWLD on NASDAQ.

AWLD reported on 3-16-2000 to the SEC that some Australian company would pay
them $15 million for AW malls... give me a break... dream on... if there is a
fool out there that will pay $15 million for air please let me know... I sell
him mine for a he[[ of a lot less *S*

The renderware engine is worth less than $50k, the browser, even netscape
offers out for free, geez... look what it cost to develop AW in the first place.
Are you going to get me to believe some fool would pay $15 million for what they
could create on their own for less that $100,000? After all concept is not
copyright able and renderware is available to anyone who buys its license so
creating 3D malls could be done profitably with PROPER management, a skilled
and educated board of directors and a company that lives off good will and not

Karma has a way of making things balanced.. is it any wonder AW has problems
when they have a history of not paying bills or abiding by contracts? There is a
long list of sites out on the net of many AW users who have quit, been upset,
been harassed, had their world names stolen etc. . This all adds up in the
end... bad faith, bad business.

Just one point of view. I am an American, my first amendment right to free
speech is important to me. In AW however, that constitutional right is
obstructed and could have you ejected from their public worlds, go figure!

If you read all the various newsgroups pertaining to AW you will find a whole
lot of complaints. Add all those up and compare it to the ones who praise the
development, services, product or management and I believe you may see the
reason it's a dog business wise. My guess is that less than 1% would be praise,
even if you could ever find a post like that. But you sure as he[[ can find a
bunch of serious complaints dating from day one. That should easily tell anyone
to place their money into companies with a future, good honest management and a
successful PLAN! In other words run as far away from AWLD stock as possible.

[View Quote] > I agree with what you say about how AW will never be able to profit from
> E-commerce if they chrage for citizenships. I know that if I am visiting a
> website and to view their inventory and buy stuff I have to download a file
> that takes a while to download JUST to view their stuff, I will most likely
> go else where. There would be consequences of not charging for memberships;
> worlds would have to cost much more for example.
> Oh well.
> --
> -Mike Nelson-
> AW Cit BirdMike (292200)
> Owner of AW Worlds A-Build & A-Centre
[View Quote]

HaPpY Holidays - Free Objects

Dec 24, 2001, 1:07pm
HaPpy HaPpy & a * * MeRrY MeRrY * * To All...

No matter which holiday you celebrate, here are some free object gifts
our family at Heartfall World Hosting Services to you... The pyramids
new items.
EnJoY *S*

Our prayers are for Peace, Health & Healing for All...

HaPpY Holidays,

InSaNiTy, Filmkr, and all our associates
Friendly, Affordable, Reliable, Experienced & Helpful World Hosting

good bye <NAC> and expired property

Feb 8, 2002, 1:35pm
I wonder why everyone lives in fear instead of hiring a lawyer to protect
their rights. Now when you bought your citizenship it was for the purpose of
protecting your builds. The current AW site even states one of the privileges
and features are "Your property remains under your control and ownership, and
cannot be deleted by other users." Now whoever would delete it would be a
"user", even if that "user" were to be the company or a bot controlled by a
company "user"

In addition... for world owners to be told that their FREE citizenships would
not be free any longer... well how is that legal? The e-mails from the p-10
and p-20 worlds I have purchased state that they are FREE citzenships.
Therefore not renewing them sure seems like a legal issue as what I bought is
not being fulfilled... after all... the software license fee is a ONE TIME
fee... and the cost of renewals needs to remain in what the courts would
consider proper and customary. I believe that the court would find that AW
benefited from the license fee and was pleased with the pricing they had
stated when the license was purchased. Therefore to revoke what was already
given would therefore be incorrect and not proper. Since the purpose for the
company would be solely financial gain, the court might consider punitive
damages to prevent the company from such wrong doings in the future...

These are just my questions and opinions... but I keep seeing so much that I
know would make a judge cringe... yet no one stands up as a body and stops
they wrong doing...

[View Quote] > Well.....hmmmmm.....If this comes to pass, could someone please contact me
> so I can request that the Cy Award winning sites be kept?
> Either that or we could take pictures of the sites and post them on a link
> on the Cy pages. Hey...maybe we'll do that anyways!

No choice

Feb 9, 2002, 4:04am
I am glad you posted that your were over billed by AW and that it cost you
dearly. I posted last fall about how AW was double billing and was negligent
for not fixing the error for over a week and all I got was flame responses
and even was banned. Everyone supported AW and considered people like
yourself fools for not paying better attention which I will always feel was
wrong on their part.

[View Quote] > I left AW in 1996 because of the many improves that eventually rendered
> my computer inable to cope. I simply could keep buying thisngs to keep
> AW alive. I came back to AW in DEC 1998 and it did ok on my new
> computer. Sot I registered again and was given my "way old" cit number
> back. Things were good in AW until the 3.1 upgrade. I met all the
> requirements to run it but still had major graphics problems. Yea, I
> might have been able to sue, but I didnt care . I bought a new graphics
> card that cost 80$ just to see if it would fix the graphics bug.. Stupid
> me!!! I can't afford to keep jocarey or my cit.. I can keep my cit.. but
> its no good without my beloved world. Once one ones a world there is no
> I think that the people that feel between March and DEC cutoff
> were at a disadvantage.. kind of puts us on the spot...... well I dont
> have the money.. And I'm kind of fraid of AW on this billing
> thing.. they billed us twice last time.. which cause a cascade
> effect at the bank.. ENDED UP COSTING 300 !!
> for anyone that doesnt understands. All our money is accounted for.. a
> double billing id like a nigthmare
> now on to nicer things::
> to Daphne-- for beleiving in me
> to Kalis-- for always being there
> Diane-- thanks for all you do
> Jamey-- <<hugs>>
> cut off

World hosting and free downloads

Feb 20, 2002, 12:12am
Since you know no factual data nornny why not just keep your mouth shut?
Heartfall World Hosting is one of the largest most reliable hosting services
around. It has been around for many years
and hosts hundreds of extremely satisfied customers. The service they get is the
the reason they refer so many of their friends. You just can't seem to help
yourself from making comments can you? It's a shame you cannot post anything
useful to readers other than those opinions. I posted replies because I was sick
of the abusive nature people had in the world builders newsgroups. Kids like
yourself who just like to flame rather than offer anything of value. If you wish
to see the things that the Heartfall group does for users view some of these
pages. We spend our time making new and innovative ways
for people to make unique worlds like A!!usion , SouI <cap i and Serenity To
show users what they can do other than flat worlds. We are always helping
people 7 days a week.

[View Quote] > Oh, I think you just haven't given this thread enough time. *wink*
> Well, I think the problem with Insanity's post was the non-professionalism
> in the post itself, not in the site (although I do like alterlink's better).
> What was so non-professional about it? He replied back to stupid comments.
> In the process, he looked fairly stupid himself, and let the flamers know
> that he was actually there to be targeted. Plus, he spammed the newsgroup 3
> or 4 times every month, it seemed. His approach in advertising his servers
> was more door-salesman'ish, casual, even an attempt at friendliness (but
> look where friendliness gets ya). That's not neccessarily a badthing, but it
> sure backfired. When looking for a world server, I, the dumb consumer, looks
> for less talking, more hosting. Get your point out, I'm not looking for an
> acquantance. You basically have what I need or don't. It's like searching
> for a free web host, you don't look for conversations with the web host, you
> just need someone to put up your pages. Alterlinks posted the features, and
> let us do the walking ourselves. Insanity tried to bs the newsgroup in
> his/her posting. Honest hosting? That was a name of the thread for god sakes
> (assuming insanity made up the post header, Outlook really screws me with
> that find feature and deleting old messages). he tried to sell the server
> rather than let the server try to sell itself.
> I hope some of this provides any insight on why I, at least, react
> differently to this post than to others. The lesson being "If you want to
> make a conversation about a product, you're bound to get one."
> Nornny
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 1:15pm
From what I can tell AWLD has made not formal request nor have they
stated it was them. I have seen someone who has a screen name of Mcgrim
claim it was AW work but here is the problem.

1. The IP is located in the Atlanta area as being owned by COX
Communications. That indicates that it is a cable internet connection of
a private household.

2. Considering that of #1 it means the imformation collected went to
someone's PERSONAL PC and not a corporately owned computer within AW's
offices. The IRS might find this tactic very interesting!

3. Seeing how it was a private PC outside of AW's offices this DIRECTLY
constitutes a VIOLATION of world owners privacy.

Now.. if you wish you might want to contact abuse at cox and tell them of
the illegal activities that IP has been up to.

I have no problem with AW advancing their product but there are laws in
the U.S. Just because they want to contract out to someone to sit at
home and write some software additions does not mean they are legally
allowed to violate privacy issues or TOS agreements of isp's. Regardless
of AW's excuses it still boils down to this individual having your data
on his PC.

Until someone starts taking AW into court and forcing them to operate
within the Laws they will continue to do as they please believing that
AW users are idiots that will accept any abuses from them they wish to

The software that Roland has written is great... it is a shame that the
company operating it is not. Just like the FREE citizenships that came
with all of our worlds. I know that I will file suit if they fail to
replace them when I renew the worlds. I have the e-mails stating here
are your FREE cits. They can do what they like with new accounts and
change licenses however they wish on those but they better sober up to
what they already have done and abide by those words FREE!!!! I am not
out to hurt AW at all. I am out to FORCE them to act legitimately for

Take care all... it is so sad to see so many people everyday hurt
because AW could care less about them. The type in this post are simply
my opinions and that GOD I am an American where that is legal!

[View Quote] > This is exactly the point, especially if a world is not
> hosted on an AW server.
> The idea of a keyword search is good, the way it is done
> (or just tested) is not.
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 4:49pm
AW may or may not own the software but the contents of the world become copyrighted
property of their creator under U.S. Law and AW offering up a right to a stranger
outside of it's offices to come in and copy any portion of what you wrote may very
well be considered copyright infringement among other things. The attitude that AW
has free reign to ignore the LAWS of the United States is absurd. Even a signed
contract does not hold up in court if the contents of that contract do not abide by
the laws of the state and jurisdiction. Someone just needs to slap AW with a hefty
lawsuit on a few of these questionable activities and sober them up!

I own a PC, and I wrote a screenplay... you going to tell me the motherboard's
manufacturer has rights to that copyrighted work? AW sold their rights in exchange
for the $$ they received... they licensed use of software and advertised it's uses
like "creating" your builds. The own the rights of their copyrighted software, that
does not allow them to rewrite the rules and backdate them when they already sold
the license. Adapt a new one for new users yes, but you can't go back and change...
that is fraud... as simple as buying a house and ten years later someone coming and
saying they rewrote the license and now the garage is no longer yours *S* That
could conistute deception, false advertising and fraud to say the least.

It's a shame they don't make an effort to do GREAT things and drive in Thousands of
users rather than keep abusing the current users and letting the chatter all be
negative like it has been for months now.

If they are trying to be a legitimate and viable company then they need to learn you
don't get their by violating your client base and abusing them weekly! If the
excuse is that they are testing then heck, create a play universe and do the testing
there. the software is free to them, they have enough worlds to copy from of their
own. What this shows is once again the lack of any intelligent or legitimate
management let alone any form CLASS! Simply put... AW can care less about the users
or the people who have purchased worlds! Their absurd actions show that clearly!
So this person AW allowed Cit one copies more than was supposed and quits... then he
has all that data on his private PC and AW has allowed it... I can see a judge no
dealing out the punitive damages for AW's lack of integrity and protecting such
vital information.

[View Quote] > What you are failing to get into your head is that, using your analogy, the so
> called "private property" is just leased not owned. Gads, as the property owner,
> aw doesn't need your persmission to come in. It is only a courtesy that
> property owners notify before entering NOT a legal requirement. Ask any apt.
> complex owner. they always reserve the right to enter. and remember that even
> though the software sits on your computer, AW still owns it.
> Holistic
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 5:01pm
Last week we found that a user was attempting to sell Path passwords. This has led
to a criminal complaint being filed that is now being looked into by the F.B.I.
The evidence is pretty damning. Attempting to sell stolen property of any kind
across state lines is serious and federal. Now that person said it was done via a
browser which certainly sounded odd. Now Mgrimn announced he used a supreme pass
to gather information. That certainly places the activity under a very highly
suspicious nature. The passwords that were stolen included commercial property.
Based on AW's own figures reported to the SEC on the value of such object property
the crime is very much a felony and not just under state laws. This one was
interstate and includes several federal violations. All I can say is GOD help the
guilty and all those who in any way aided or contributed to the crime. The expense
of retooling a path is not small and either is law enforcement's investigations.
This activity by someone outside of AW's office certainly smells very fishy and
simply should have never taken place. There is no legitimate reason for it.

[View Quote] > silenced, I am not even going to bother with this. read the agreements that
> you clicked on when you installed the software. and aw didn't search the
> worlds.... gads people get a grip.
> have a wonderful weekend....shutting down now...byebye
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 6:24pm
Wrong Binary... I know you have been around for ages. AW owns the software perhaps... that is really to be seen, but that aside,
when they SELL and give with that SALE, "FREE" items which the "FREE" items became part of the advertised "Inducement to
purchase" then they have to honor those FREE items. As for use... they are not allowed to claim rights to intellectual property
designed by others. AW does not create the Laws of the United States... they must abide by them! They sold worlds and
advertised certain reasons for owning a world of your own. They cannot go back and change that unless they wish false
advertising, fraud and a array of other suits and charges brought upon them. Like I said, do what you want to new people but
we purchased worlds that came with "FREE" Citizenships that renewed with the world payments. Keep in mind the worlds were
purchased with ONE TIME Software fee. The world license was the only renewable part. The FREE Cits can NEVER be legally
charged for so long as the world renewal fees are current.

Now I would think since AW posted they had financial problems and needed to hike prices for that reason the last thing they
should be doing is placing themselves in legal jeopardy for foolish reasons that will gain them zero but cost them everything!
Have they not noticed the masses that have left because of their BAD BLOOD Tactics of the past 45 days?

[View Quote] > ownership is the key...... AWCOM owns it all people sheeesh.... if ya don't like what they do then go elswhere it's real
> simple.
> nobody is forcing you guys to go through all this pain your bringing it upon yourselves...:) lol
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 6:27pm
Read again KAH! I was pointing out how AW DOES NOT!!!! Own the copyrights to
other's intellectual property. I showed an example of how absurd people who
are saying AW owns the software so they have free rein over to do as they wish
is simply not legal! I am very well versed in intellectual properties,
copyrights, entertainment and the publishing arts.

[View Quote] > and I have trouble believing your comments have gotten this stupid and
> pointless :-)) following your line of thoughts the AWC can't possibly own
> the AW software, the company that manufactured their motherboard does. So
> then the AWC are breaking laws like hell (well, after your way of thinking,
> which is, off course, the stupid way)... and everything on any computer
> belongs to the motherboard manufacturer. They have access, but NOT
> ownership! The contents of a world is the COPYRIGHTED, INTELECTUAL PROPERTY
> of it's owner!!! Not the AWC's!!! What about using your brain next time you
> post?
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 6:32pm
Feeble excuse! Let them play their tests in their own worlds! Create a second universe for it.. that takes about 5 minutes
time. Don't invade private owners property and then use an excuse that loose. He does not even reside in AW's offices. Why
should I trust this person at all who violated my privacy and property? Heck, test in Flagg's 50 worlds... most of the worlds on
the list are AW Owned... stay out of the privates! As it sits now the FBI has to look into him as well as AW since they also had
access to the property which was stolen. Just as they would have to look into everyone who had keys to an apartment that was

[View Quote] > sheeesh you guy make me laugh Mr. Grimm was freak'in testing his software to improve what your complaining about.... the
> software.... take a chill pill and go outside for a bit hey?
> Leo :)
[View Quote]

Spy bot

Feb 22, 2002, 6:39pm
I never Implied AW had any rights to do those things, read again. I have stated
from the very beginning though out this all that AW is acting out illegally and
with no regard to world owner's property rights whatsoever.

My mention of screenplay copyrights was to show an example to those who are
crying AW owns it all and can do as they please. My Reply = There are laws and
they CANNOT "Legally" read my entire posts and you will see that.

[View Quote] > So
> You implied it in your previous response to Filmkr.
> No, but it sounded like you believe they have every right to copy things.
> So, AWCom has no right to take anything without permission.
> What about not bringing other topics in to boost your ego?
> -Silenced

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