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Port Scanning FYI

Mar 2, 2002, 12:15am
Dammit, just when it was starting to get good . . . .

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Port Scanning FYI

Mar 2, 2002, 12:38pm
Citizen number is 302100. Doesn't really matter what you say, I am a
nice model citizen, wont find any garbage on me. Oh well. :)

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Mar 5, 2002, 7:56pm
"Build 402 of the Active Worlds 3.2 browser was released on Tuesday,
March 5, 2002. This upgrade contains changes necessary to implement the
transition of citizenship renewals from an annual to a monthly basis. All
previous browser versions (including 2.2, 3.0, and 3.1) have been disabled.


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Mar 5, 2002, 8:26pm
I think they are just repeating from the previous notes. For Build 400,
it said the same thing.


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Mar 7, 2002, 7:23pm
I might be coming to Austin July 7 - 16 for some technology summit. I
went last year and Austin is quite an awesome place. I would love to live
there, or go to college there, or something. :)


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Mar 12, 2002, 8:07pm
Mmmm . . . lets see. You have some warped views for some reason. Anyways
.. . . the US spends millions of dollars on AIDS research and trying to find
a cure, for the whole world too, go figure, that includes Africa. We send
people over there with supplies and help, but what do we get: "USA Sucks!"
Mmmm the whole Kuwait thing, well Iraq invaded Kuwait, so we helped Kuwait,
its as simple as that. Our country doesn't favor any one religion, thats why
we haven't helped out with the whole Palestine/Isrealie thing because its
basically a religious war. If we joined one side, people would be like "THEY
HATE MY RELIGION AND THEY LOVE THE OTHER ONE!" and we would get bashed by
people even more.
I am sure if what happened here happened in your country, you would feel
bad. There was some Australian before (or something like that) that said
that we deserved it or something because we are a horrible country and we
don't help people. Whenever disasters happen, we are like the first to send
aid; we send people, supplies, and money. Since when have other countries
sent stuff to us when something happened. When we have bad earthquakes, does
any other country come help us, no, not that I know of. And, when people
decided they wanted to attack us, did anyone send any help? Mmmm . . . don't
think so. Where is that aid from China, or how about England, Germany,
Ireland, Russia, Libya? Mmmmm no clue. We always get shit on. It seems like
no one really notices the good we do, and focuses on our mistakes. Everyone
makes mistakes, even your perfect country of Libya.

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Mar 13, 2002, 7:42pm
Well, do you know of any country that sent us money or aid? I don't :)
And power, I don't think we have any more power than we did before.

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Tourist Build DELETED In Hamsterville

Mar 22, 2002, 11:08pm
Alright, you are taking this way too far. AWC did not delete "your"
building, it was some little kid that had the only intention of pissing you
off. Anyways, what makes you think you can just take over a building
anyways? Just because a tourist built it, and it can be deleted, doesn't
mean you have to take it and claim it as your own (meaning plastering your
name all over it). I have come across tons of tourist builds, but I have
never claimed one as my own to try and "save" it. Converting a building made
by a tourist is destroying history just as much as someone deleting it. Oh,
and I repeat, it was not AWC that deleted it, nor their fault. Calm down,
make a new one, your own new one, and be happy.


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Apr 1, 2002, 9:26pm
If you actually read the posts, you would know that Strike wasn't the
one that got all the passwords for the different OPs. How 'bout you *read*
next time?


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Ban Cyclone Cit#340396

Apr 18, 2002, 11:50pm
I believe it was great of MrBruce to post the warning. It doesn't mean
every world owner should ban the person immediately, just take MrBruces
warning into consideration whenever Cyclone, or whoever he ends up being at
the time, is in your world. Watch the person, see what he does, if you are
willing to risk it so you can get possibly more evidence of the guys
wrong-doings to help get the ball rolling in AW's banning court. But, if you
don't want to take the risk, just ban him from your world. Its best to
investigate things, however; maybe find out whats going on yourself. My
advice: Do what you seem is right for you and your investment (world).

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