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Customs Aide

Feb 9, 2005, 9:13pm
hmmmmm, amusing stories ;)

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Reason why Alphaworld GZ never changes?

Feb 24, 2005, 1:47pm
I agree with AWI in that AlphaWorld GZ should remain as it is as a testament
of the past. But.....should that mean mass billboards in the general
vicinity of GZ should be a part of that preservation? Are these what we want
new users to the program to be bombarded with as a record of AW's great
history? I for one should hope not. I mean, if someone threw trash on the
ground, shouldn't someone clean it up, or should that too be preserved as

I think there should be a caretaker group who should clean up the mass of
billboards very quickly as they give the first impression that there is no
policing at all. If you ran a forums (or similar) online, wouldn't you clean
up all the mass spam/trash etc so users could actually see the true content
of which they came to the site for and not be blinded by spam or trash? And
what sort of users would such a badly maintained site attain by giving this
impression? Definitely not those of higher education, but more likely those
whom may be considered less desirable.

In my opinion, and this is why I no longer build in AlphaWorld, it looks
poorly maintained. And I, from a professional point of view, prefer to
impress upon perspective clients that maintenance and their overall
enjoyment is a top priority. I would want all to see the true value of what
I am trying to sell, and not be blinded or distracted by those attempting to
do so with their billboards.

I wouldn't bring my perspective clients into a dirty office (AlphaWorld),
for fear of losing that client. Your doing a great job AWI and I value your
vision.....but perhaps some true professionalism in ALL facets of business
would secure your position for the future and detour it from the direction
AlphaWorld appears to have taken.

Just my opinion of course,
John Dough
arcworld at

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New web pages

Feb 20, 2005, 3:35pm
Very nice site Imagine, great graphics, Ive added it to my AW resources
pages :)

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OT: Need A Laugh?

Feb 23, 2005, 3:21am
Sure made me laugh! Funny how the simplest things do that! ;)

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GOR world owners

Feb 23, 2005, 3:46am
Too bad one can't devote his/her time and obvious skill in webwriting to
things more productive and useful to everyone. Many things bother many
people about many different cultures & ethics, and it's a good thing we ALL
don't have the gullibility to even consider devoting our time in creating
even more hatred in a world already full of indifference over futile things
that perhaps bother us. Otherwise the internet would be an awefully sad
place as I'm sure we all could write hate sites for days endlessly. I for
one prefer to devote my time to more productive goals than hate mongering.

Just my opinion of course!
John Dough
arcworld at

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New Lows

Mar 9, 2005, 4:32pm
Very well said Tart Sugar :)

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Complains lol

Mar 10, 2005, 5:18pm
The main and most prominant reason I like AlphaWorld is the fact that builds
created a decade ago are still there. And I for one think AWI has done an
exceptional job in keeping it that way for all to see for years to come. I
also don't think many would appreciate it if they had built near GZ or
anywhere in AW for that matter only to find their build destroyed years
later in the name of progress. Where would AWI integrity be then?

I mean....why would anyone build there if they knew their builds could be
destroyed in favor of a new 'train system' made by a newer user? And then 10
year later that same 'train system' was ripped out for a newer one! If
everything got changed every time a new user decided they wanted change, all
the older users would then get upset. Where's the winning middle ground
here? I fail to see the feasability or the logic behind those wanting
change. A new world perhaps, but destroy the old? Sorry, no logic there.

IDEA: Perhaps buy your own world, and if your real lucky, maybe nobody will
complain about your GZ in the years to come. If I changed my GZs everytime
some wished it, I don't think I'd have much time for anything else!

Just my opinion of course ;)
John Dough

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Re:Complains lol

Mar 10, 2005, 5:37pm
How can AWI be held responsible for someone hacking into your world server.
The fault lies within your servers security, not AW!. And from the sounds of
it, you gave this "hacker" your PW? Then, the fault therin lies in your own
security perhaps?

As far as people "hacking" models from others OPs, there again, the onus of
security is on the owner of that server or object path, why don't they
password protect the models? If someone stole from my OPs, it would be my
fault, not theirs nor AWIs for simply walking in my open door. And it isn't
really "hacking" to simply type in the url to your models and download them,
if you leave that path open, then it is surely going to be used. And sure,
passwords can be broken, but at least they won't be so easily attainable and
like my pappa used to say, "keeps the honest crooks honest"...why blame AWI
for something that only you, the OP Host, can stop?

I suggest perhaps tightening up your security measures, and renewing them
frequently, this is the only way to keep those "theives" out. We all hate
theives and I agree with the concern there, but only we the users can stop
that, AWI can do nothing in respect to our personal security precautions.

Just my opinion of course :)
John Dough

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Buyer Beware!

Mar 10, 2005, 5:41pm
I received the same emails, good idea to post a warning to others :)

John Dough

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Happy Canada Day!

Jul 8, 2006, 1:48am
Did someone say Canadians don't have alcohol & guns? *chuckles*

Some facts...

2002 Statistics:

Although it is known fact that the US (200 million firearms) has more
firearms per capita than Canada (8 million firearms), it is also known fact
that a much higher percentage of Canadians (82%) own firearms than Americans
(25%). Another very interesting fact is that the death rates by firearms
(murder/suicide/accidental) in the US is almost 'doubled' that of Canada.

Oh yea, and we do celebrate in much the same way here as you do, even on the
4th of July (some are known to party continuously through from July 1st!),
Canadians like to party too ehh! And we have the real beer! lol

So... is it better or "lucky" to bring your guns to any such celebration to
have fun?
Besides... boating seems much more fun than shooting something imo ;)

Btw... its Stampede time here, if you really want to see what a party is,
guns and all, you should see the Calgary Stampede. July 4th celebrations are
mere one-nighters compared to 10 days of Calgary Stampede action! And some
of those July 1st revellers still haven't stopped!
Sure glad I live in the country! *grins*

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Happy Canada Day!

Jul 8, 2006, 1:51am
Sorry for the mispost

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