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Question to all (Community)
Question to all // CommunitymyssieFeb 14, 2001, 5:19pm
I have a question to ask everyone but I want you to really think about this
question for a sec. ok? and NO getting rude because it's ONLY a question. *glares at myrth* lol if you did a build in a Private world that you spent MANY hours on and worked very hard on for someone as a gift (for example....Bday build or baby build) and you even stayed up ALL night to make sure it was done and perfect for the individual. If the world owner decides they want to delete your build as well as builds done by a couple other people, wouldn't you want to be notified ASAP so you can make arrangements to either A.) Move the build (provided they are the same objects), B.) Take screen shots or C.) Both. Now for you world owners, pretend you do NOT own a world but you are building IN a private world ok? Wouldn't you want to be notified in SOME way that your build that you worked so hard on for so many hours is going to be demolished? If you worked hard on a build and spent many hours on it to make it perfect for someone and you went back at a later date to find the build demolished, would you NOT be angry, hurt and upset? I think (yes here I go again thinking. lol) I think that if a world owner is going to demolish someones build they should atleast be given the courtesy of a few days notification. I feel that should be an AW law. A few of us have recently become victimized in this manner and without warning and I think it stinks. No my post here has NOTHING to do with Chucks Party's post at all. That is old news. I'm here with the new news. I realize that world owners have the right to do as they please in their worlds and that they have the right to delete anything they want to even if it belongs to someone else, but I feel that it's only courtesey that the builder is given notice and ample time (3 days to a week) to do what they need to do (delete it themselves, take screen shots or move it) I honestly don't think that this is asking too much from world owners. I myself am a world owner and co ower of another world and I have to tell ya, I would NEVER even THINK of pulling a stunt like this! NEVER!! I would atleast give notification first. alphabit phalphaFeb 14, 2001, 5:36pm
Dear Myssie,
Having been a world owner with dear friends who had built in worlds in which we lost, I fully understand the hurt it can cause. I don't like to use the word "victimized" as it's a pretty strong negative word, and seems is used pretty often now a days, and maybe the boy who cried wolf tale enters my mind each time anymore;) Let's far A'A has had a flood...(Alpha just had to try out the new bmwater.rwx...LOL) earthquake...(That one was me and my misunderstanding of prop dump and load)....there were a few others...I can't remember as they were definate TRADGEDIES....right A'A clan?:) Anyway....did I get a "bit" off topic there? regards to your question.... My approach on this would be to first speak to the builders and let them know that things were going to be changing. However...circumstances come into play sometimes. For instance....(rhetorical questions here)...Do I have a builder that is unapproachable? Do I have a builder that would talk about me negatively if I let them know and they said I couldn't do it because it would DEVISTATE them? (spelling) Because of the past world stability problems, I now have folks create in A'A that fully understand that she's an everchanging world, and one's that see (visions) of greater builds with each fantastic version AWCom, Inc. creates and releases:) myrthFeb 14, 2001, 6:43pm
I have had this happen to me several times, maybe thats why I'm so bitter :P I woudl appreciate if they notified me they were going to delete it, it would be even better if they told me in advance it wasn't a permanent structure. I've learned to not participate in other people's projects unless I know them really well, otherwise it just ends up in hurt. I built an entire town for someone in a world once and 3 days later it was gone.. arg... -Myrth [View Quote] captain mad mikeFeb 14, 2001, 7:29pm
Yes I agree it would be nice. (not intended to be rude but...) Thus AWCOM
invented the telegram (on AW). Now it just falls to the world owner. andrasFeb 14, 2001, 8:32pm
I'm a world owner (Storage) where we have public building rights to everyone since 1996. I just HATE to touch (delete) others work. We even have the tourist protection program too :) On the other hand - if a bad crash occurs I could lose a few days of work. I just can not go around and notify our 200+ builders about! If we find abandoned lots with just covering we try to contact the builder first (with pretty good success) before doing anything with it. We even try to get those who build on excluded parts of Storage and offering them to move their buildings to a free location. This is a chore we have to deal with as world owners.
There are different approaches but usually those worlds tell you up front that your build could be demolished. I am not familiar with those since I rarely build. World owners are different - like all the ppl. Sometimes they can't even give any notification (like if they just let the world expire) or it is a trial world. We have to live with the differences. </rant> Andras [View Quote] roluFeb 14, 2001, 9:00pm
it would suck... but the world owners can do what they want. But if you are
a nice world owner, you wouldn't do something like this. rolu [View Quote] casayFeb 14, 2001, 9:18pm
I agree 100% it would be a nice courtesy if world owners notified before
deleting. I'm sure some do, others don't and that's goes along with how different ppl are in AW. Although is costs more to own a world this is one reason why many have decided to get one. When you build in a private world you're expecting someone to continue paying every year to keep it going. There's no assurance that someone will re-new one though. I've built some great places in worlds that no longer exist. Xavworld comes to mind. It's no longer around. My chidren and I spent almost a week straight making a home there. I didn't ever expect her not to change the world though as I knew she might at any time. She had before, her right to do so though since she was the one paying for the license, hosting etc. I did take screen shots of it. At least my kids and I do have a great memory of creating our dream house. I've always appreciated worlds like Storage and Nova and those world owners have taken a lot of time to open them up to building. Places like Friends! have done the same although you have to ask. If you want something forever though you can't rely on someone else to not get bored with their world and/or have an earthquake or something happen. ( Like Bit did). I know from your other posts that money is tight for you but getting your own world might be something to save up for. Hosting a small world on your PC works well so you won't have the hosting costs at least. Then you'll have your creations forever and can even make your own objects at that point too. :-) *that's when it really gets fun* Just my .02 Casay [View Quote] myssieFeb 15, 2001, 1:12am
Thank you all for your input it's much appreciated and I figured most would
feel the same way I and many other's do. Without giving the identity of the world, world owner etc. here is MY situation (similar to Chuck's Party) I spent many hours one night doing a special build for someone with 2 other builders several months ago. Lastnight I was talking to an individual about this build I did (no names mentioned)and this individual was anxious to see it because they saw another build of mine that they thought was awesome. Well I took them to this world to see this build of mine (that I was proud of and worked so hard on) and the only thing left was about 3 or 4 pieces of ground, and a couple other objects. THAT was it. The other 2 people who participated in this build also had their builds deleted.I was horrified to see it gone and very hurt. The world owner and I do speak and I am friends with the owners sibling and I don't understand why this deleting spree occurred. Many of you on here know me and know I'm NOT a hard person to talk to. As far as the world crashing or whatever, the world didn't crash. I looked around the world for a while to see if maybe it had and everyone elses builds were STILL there. And before anyone asks, NO the world wasn't still in my cache. I hadn't been to this world for a couple months and I dump my cache once a week and I haven't been there so there's no way the world was already in my cache. As far as the amount of builders being notified (as mentioned in one of your posts) I can understand if there are 200+ builders, but this world only had a couple builders. If the world was 200+ then all the builders still can be notified without grams being sent. All you have to do is put the warning on your world options thingy and have the Immigration Officer tell the builders for you. Have the builders gram you or put a sign on their build where it can be seen. You can also put signs at GZ to alert them and word would get around fast. You KNOW how fast things get spread in AW. lol But Anyways, the whole point of this is that I feel World owners SHOULD give warning before deleting your hard worked on builds. It CAN be done, and I'd like to see AW make it an AW Law that world owners HAVE to notify their builders. It would only be right. j b e l lFeb 15, 2001, 1:40am
this is why I do most of my builds that will be intriquette or take a lot of
time in a AWLD world.. cuz then i can make sure it won't be removed... -- J B E L L G O I N G P L A T I N U M [View Quote] j b e l lFeb 15, 2001, 1:41am
it works fine for me.. sometimes it'll freeze for a brief period but if i
wait it out it seems to unfreeze.. -- J B E L L G O I N G P L A T I N U M [View Quote] j b e l lFeb 15, 2001, 4:37am
ignore this.. got posted to the wrong thread..
-- J B E L L G O I N G P L A T I N U M [View Quote] truthFeb 19, 2001, 2:32pm
Okay, here goes nothing.
First, allow me to apologise if I replied to this wrong (this is for the readers of this thread) Its the first time I have ever posted to such a "group". I chose reply to group, rather than sender, as I am hoping all will get to see this and not just Myssie. NOW...Myssie, how dare you! Or, have you forgotten the gram you sent me stating "we can no longer be friends?" I replied...OKAY. You attack my brother even though you did not name him and call me friend at the same time?????? Talk about nerve! We are NOT friends, and just for anyones own information THIS is what happened. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Truth...the "sibling" in the above thread. One year ago, a baby site was created by Myssie and two others in my brothers world. It was a gift, to me, and my son and his wife, congradulating (spelling?) us on the birth of my granddaughter madison. *smiles* a wonderful effort indeed, and my son and his wife and yes, even myself, were all very pleased with it. What a way to celebrate such a joyous occasion? *smiles* Well, this babysite, a year later...well, not quite a year, she will be a year old on March 30th....My brother deleted the site. You see, there were urls, that no longer worked...all you saw on some things was fuzzy snow. What myssie neglects so conveniently to mention is that NO ONE had been to the site, or updated it in MONTHS. What she also neglects to mention is that the durn site was deleted nearly THREE months ago. What she also neglects to mention, is that she herself has not built anything in my brothers world for OVER a year, except the baby site, and that the two other people who helped build the site...ONE, hasnt' been in that world, or even activeworlds itself in nearly a year, BUT her house still stands in the world on the lower level, right where she left it and the OTHER person who helped build the babysite deleted her own property on her own, of her own volition. (proper word?) Also, this person who deleted her own property does not mind that the babysite was deleted. I know this, becuase I spoke to her myself..we have been, and still are good friends. I as the world owners "sibling" had no prior knowledge of the babysite being deleted...nor did I mind when I found out. I knew, that no one had bothered to visit it anymore in nearly a year and I knew that some of the urls in the site did not work anymore. I also knew, was my brothers world and his own choice to make. Myssie, how bout we get an activeworlds law made....BUILDERS OF A WORLD should at least VISIT and build in that world more often than once a year??????? As for your having contact with my brother and actually speaking with him...lets not lie about that either. YOU HAVEN"T SPOKEN TO HIM SINCE THE SITE WAS CREATED UNTIL YOU FOUND OUT THREE MONTHS LATER AFTER THE FACT THAT IT WAS DELETED. How dare you come in with half truths?? How dare you grumble about something you have not given one whit about since its creation? I think, you are more mad that you could not brag on what you did... Allow me to state this one last thing.....I am tired, of your tantrums, and I am glad, that when you found out the site was deleted, you chose to not be my friend, becuase my brother told you in a gram he is tired of you and your ranting and raving over bull___. I told you when you grammed me fussing about the site being gone, to take it up with the world owner. I have no control over what goes on in there, nor would I wish to have is not my world. Your childish attitude creates problems for your own self. Is there no one you meet, that you do not eventually have a problem with? It must be so very nice, to be so perfect that you can constantly find fault in others for silly little things...*sigh* Do not attack, grumble or what ever, in reference to myself or my brother again, unless you are willing to state the WHOLE story. Should a world owner let the builder know? Yes, of course...UNLESS that builder hasn't bothered to build or visit or gram in nearly a year. You didnt' even go back to build more did you? NOPE. You went back to show off what you had done. Tell me Myssie, was that site for yourself? or for the kids to celebrate the baby being born?? Grow up, and while your at it..leave us, alone. Truth. [View Quote] --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.231 / Virus Database: 112 - Release Date: 2/12/01 |