3.1 Complaints *sigh* (Community)
3.1 Complaints *sigh* // Community
Feb 14, 2001, 10:00pm
The reason why sounds are worse for some and better for others (they sound
way better for me) is that AW switched from the old crummy sound system to a
proper DirectSound system... When you get pretty bad sounds on DirectSound
it usually means you have a pretty bad sound card.
[View Quote]"myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
news:3a8a7257 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ok Anduin on the part for example of the CY awards I agree with ya there,
> but the objects I'm mainly talking about, are like signs, pict's and so
> forth. Now the CY award and other personal stuff I can understand but
> the big deal with the bigger and better signs and pict's? Or like walks,
> floor pieces and so on? I did an object yard (very small one) and had all
> the objects up and I saw what they look like (in WildAW) and personally, I
> don't see why they can't be used in Alpha as well. I mean if they can be
> used in WildAW why not Alpha too?
> I'm glad to see I'm not the only one having the sound problems. Ummmmmm Oh
> boy I know I'm gonna catch hell over this next statement but I just gotta
> say it because PPL do agree with me, but.......
> I think AW should fix ALL the bugs in ONE version before they put out a
> version AND i feel that AW should make sure the NEW versions are bug free
> before asking people to upgrade. Like the sounds for example. When I got
> 3.0 I didn't notice quite as many bugs as quickly as I do in 3.1. Right
> at this point, (forgive me for saying this, but) 3.1 SUCKS with a few
> exceptions.
> Anduin. I'm sorry but I don't agree with ya on the commands. I think if AW
> advertises the new commands and they are able to be used in the private
> worlds they should be able to be used in Alpha too. I mean they allow
> commands for texture and color, why not these new commands too? it's the
> same thing just different commands. AW has advertised for some time now
> they have these "wonderful" commands in 3.1 and everyone is gonna love
> Well how is everyone gonna love them if they don't have access to them?
> many worlds do you know that allow Tourists to build? I don't know of too
> many myself. it makes it hard for people to enjoy the new 3.1
> Hey everyone upgrade 3.1 we have great features, new commands and you all
> are gonna love them. But you can't use them in Alpha world because we
> want you to.
> THAT Anduin is basically what they are saying. they advertise it, ya
> but what they advertise they don't allow ya to have access to UNLESS you
> in a "private" world and I don't think that's right! Basically 3.1 is
> totally USELESS to MANY users and I don't think it's right to ask them ti
> upgrade to somethint they won't have access to. That's just the way I see
> too.
> P.S.
> Told ya's I'd be back. lol
Feb 15, 2001, 1:28am
actually you couldn't because there's a "max light radius" thing added to
the options - worlds - features box.. my guess is that the new command is
more of an all or nothing type deal..
[View Quote]"casay" <casay2 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a8aabe9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
: Light is restricted because you could flood your neighbors property with
: Huge abuse potential so a light radius limit was added to the world
: Casay
: "myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
: news:3a8aa81e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
: > Ok I'm back again. (as if that's a surprise)
: >
: > Facter, I can understand SOME of your reasoning but not all. The command
: > thingy's as far as the rotations go, THAT part I can understand, but
: > about the lighting etc.? I feel that if the commands can't be used in AW
: > then WHY have them even mentioned or available? As far as using them in
: > private worlds, the same goes there as YOU feel it does in AW. I think
: it's
: > a waste of money, space and time having 3.1. As far as that so called
: > "option" you say AW gives it's BULLSHIT (pardon my language) We hit NO
: > what happens everytime we come to AW? We get the SAME damn
: > has a newer version of AW do you want to run and install it?"...Quite
: > frankly, it's a pain in the ASS to hit NO each time you wanna come to
: > As far as you saying that the 3.1 bugs are better than 3.0, I see MORE
: bugs
: > in 3.1 than 3.0. As far as the sound, it IS crappy and NOT everyone can
: > afford to get a new sound card. First of all, my PC isn't even half paid
: for
: > and I'm NOT allowed to upgrade or anything to it until it's paid for. My
: > income is LESS than $700.00 a month and I can't afford it. I think AW
: needs
: > to (like someone else said in their post) put the options separate so we
: > don't keep getting the 3.1 shoved down out throats.
: >
: > I think all these excuses AW is giving to us all here is BULLSHIT
: > pardon my language) EVERYTIME we turn around AW is upgrading and the
: > problems seem to worsen our computers. We get errors, we have this
: problem,
: > that problem yaddie, yaddie, yaddie and what does AW do? NOT a DAMN
: > except say...E-mail us with the problem then ya'll send us back an
: > that is not only complicated for a newbie such as myself but also filled
: > with excuses. I've gotten some of your E-mails with explanations on how
: > do this n' that and haven't been able to make heads nor tails out of
: > Sorry but I am angry here and so are a few others.
: >
: > Oh and Myrth...My AW sounds WERE off for your information and the the
: sounds
: > EVEN for IE wouldn't work.And yer nasty message BACK to me was NOT
: > neccessary either. You were VERY rude to me and it was totally uncalled
: for.
: > I wasn't RUDE to you. All I did was expressed my opinions and
: > You COULD have been a little more nicer ya know. I didn't do anything to
: > you! As far as my asking about the "Z" objects, that's ALL I was doing.
: And
: > I DON'T go to WildAW because I don't like the fog OR the lighting there.
: > do you think I fought so damn hard to have it removed from Alpha World?
: > DUUUUUH!!! I only go to WildAW on rare occasions and usually it's for a
: Bday
: > build or something like we all did for Flagg but that's IT! As a rule I
: stay
: > AWAY!!!!
: >
: > Col Klink. LOL no I wasn't dissin hippies. It was the only word that I
: could
: > think of to describe what I was hearing. lol
: >
: >
: >
: >
: >
: >
Feb 15, 2001, 3:12am
Please reread what I said, we are saying the same thing I think. Also, it
was reported in the Beta NG when 3.1 first came out about the abuse
potential, then it was added to the world settings as an option.
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a8b4cc4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> actually you couldn't because there's a "max light radius" thing added to
> the options - worlds - features box.. my guess is that the new command is
> more of an all or nothing type deal..
> --
> J B E L L
> http://platinum.awjbell.com
> G O I N G P L A T I N U M
> "casay" <casay2 at home.com> wrote in message
> news:3a8aabe9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> : Light is restricted because you could flood your neighbors property with
> it.
> : Huge abuse potential so a light radius limit was added to the world
> option.
> : Casay
> : "myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> : news:3a8aa81e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> : > Ok I'm back again. (as if that's a surprise)
> : >
> : > Facter, I can understand SOME of your reasoning but not all. The
> : > thingy's as far as the rotations go, THAT part I can understand, but
> what
> : > about the lighting etc.? I feel that if the commands can't be used in
> : > then WHY have them even mentioned or available? As far as using them
> : > private worlds, the same goes there as YOU feel it does in AW. I think
> : it's
> : > a waste of money, space and time having 3.1. As far as that so called
> : > "option" you say AW gives it's BULLSHIT (pardon my language) We hit NO
> and
> : > what happens everytime we come to AW? We get the SAME damn
> message...."AW
> : > has a newer version of AW do you want to run and install it?"...Quite
> : > frankly, it's a pain in the ASS to hit NO each time you wanna come to
> AW.
> : > As far as you saying that the 3.1 bugs are better than 3.0, I see MORE
> : bugs
> : > in 3.1 than 3.0. As far as the sound, it IS crappy and NOT everyone
> : > afford to get a new sound card. First of all, my PC isn't even half
> : for
> : > and I'm NOT allowed to upgrade or anything to it until it's paid for.
> : > income is LESS than $700.00 a month and I can't afford it. I think AW
> : needs
> : > to (like someone else said in their post) put the options separate so
> : > don't keep getting the 3.1 shoved down out throats.
> : >
> : > I think all these excuses AW is giving to us all here is BULLSHIT
> (again,
> : > pardon my language) EVERYTIME we turn around AW is upgrading and the
> : > problems seem to worsen our computers. We get errors, we have this
> : problem,
> : > that problem yaddie, yaddie, yaddie and what does AW do? NOT a DAMN
> thing
> : > except say...E-mail us with the problem then ya'll send us back an
> E-mail
> : > that is not only complicated for a newbie such as myself but also
> : > with excuses. I've gotten some of your E-mails with explanations on
> to
> : > do this n' that and haven't been able to make heads nor tails out of
> them.
> : > Sorry but I am angry here and so are a few others.
> : >
> : > Oh and Myrth...My AW sounds WERE off for your information and the the
> : sounds
> : > EVEN for IE wouldn't work.And yer nasty message BACK to me was NOT
> : > neccessary either. You were VERY rude to me and it was totally
> : for.
> : > I wasn't RUDE to you. All I did was expressed my opinions and
> complaints.
> : > You COULD have been a little more nicer ya know. I didn't do anything
> : > you! As far as my asking about the "Z" objects, that's ALL I was
> : And
> : > I DON'T go to WildAW because I don't like the fog OR the lighting
> : WHY
> : > do you think I fought so damn hard to have it removed from Alpha
> : > DUUUUUH!!! I only go to WildAW on rare occasions and usually it's for
> : Bday
> : > build or something like we all did for Flagg but that's IT! As a rule
> : stay
> : > AWAY!!!!
> : >
> : > Col Klink. LOL no I wasn't dissin hippies. It was the only word that I
> : could
> : > think of to describe what I was hearing. lol
> : >
> : >
> : >
> : >
> : >
> : >
> :
Feb 15, 2001, 4:36am
ahhh got it.. thanks for being civil about my stupidity...
[View Quote]"j b e l l" <jbell1983 at home.com> wrote in message
news:3a8b4cc4$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
: actually you couldn't because there's a "max light radius" thing added to
: the options - worlds - features box.. my guess is that the new command is
: more of an all or nothing type deal..
: --
: J B E L L
: http://platinum.awjbell.com
: G O I N G P L A T I N U M
: "casay" <casay2 at home.com> wrote in message
: news:3a8aabe9 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
: : Light is restricted because you could flood your neighbors property with
: it.
: : Huge abuse potential so a light radius limit was added to the world
: option.
: : Casay
: : "myssie" <yonkers21 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
: : news:3a8aa81e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
: : > Ok I'm back again. (as if that's a surprise)
: : >
: : > Facter, I can understand SOME of your reasoning but not all. The
: : > thingy's as far as the rotations go, THAT part I can understand, but
: what
: : > about the lighting etc.? I feel that if the commands can't be used in
: : > then WHY have them even mentioned or available? As far as using them
: : > private worlds, the same goes there as YOU feel it does in AW. I think
: : it's
: : > a waste of money, space and time having 3.1. As far as that so called
: : > "option" you say AW gives it's BULLSHIT (pardon my language) We hit NO
: and
: : > what happens everytime we come to AW? We get the SAME damn
: message...."AW
: : > has a newer version of AW do you want to run and install it?"...Quite
: : > frankly, it's a pain in the ASS to hit NO each time you wanna come to
: AW.
: : > As far as you saying that the 3.1 bugs are better than 3.0, I see MORE
: : bugs
: : > in 3.1 than 3.0. As far as the sound, it IS crappy and NOT everyone
: : > afford to get a new sound card. First of all, my PC isn't even half
: : for
: : > and I'm NOT allowed to upgrade or anything to it until it's paid for.
: : > income is LESS than $700.00 a month and I can't afford it. I think AW
: : needs
: : > to (like someone else said in their post) put the options separate so
: : > don't keep getting the 3.1 shoved down out throats.
: : >
: : > I think all these excuses AW is giving to us all here is BULLSHIT
: (again,
: : > pardon my language) EVERYTIME we turn around AW is upgrading and the
: : > problems seem to worsen our computers. We get errors, we have this
: : problem,
: : > that problem yaddie, yaddie, yaddie and what does AW do? NOT a DAMN
: thing
: : > except say...E-mail us with the problem then ya'll send us back an
: E-mail
: : > that is not only complicated for a newbie such as myself but also
: : > with excuses. I've gotten some of your E-mails with explanations on
: to
: : > do this n' that and haven't been able to make heads nor tails out of
: them.
: : > Sorry but I am angry here and so are a few others.
: : >
: : > Oh and Myrth...My AW sounds WERE off for your information and the the
: : sounds
: : > EVEN for IE wouldn't work.And yer nasty message BACK to me was NOT
: : > neccessary either. You were VERY rude to me and it was totally
: : for.
: : > I wasn't RUDE to you. All I did was expressed my opinions and
: complaints.
: : > You COULD have been a little more nicer ya know. I didn't do anything
: : > you! As far as my asking about the "Z" objects, that's ALL I was
: : And
: : > I DON'T go to WildAW because I don't like the fog OR the lighting
: : WHY
: : > do you think I fought so damn hard to have it removed from Alpha
: : > DUUUUUH!!! I only go to WildAW on rare occasions and usually it's for
: : Bday
: : > build or something like we all did for Flagg but that's IT! As a rule
: : stay
: : > AWAY!!!!
: : >
: : > Col Klink. LOL no I wasn't dissin hippies. It was the only word that I
: : could
: : > think of to describe what I was hearing. lol
: : >
: : >
: : >
: : >
: : >
: : >
: :
Feb 15, 2001, 9:03am
3.1 should've just been lighting. Lighting is good. Roland should have held
off on the rest and did it RIGHT. It's easy to make clientside encroachment
checks for all in-scene objects. Lighting someone else's property is OK as
it looks cheezy if it doesnt happen. Moving and rotating objects would start
moving before the encroach checks and as it moves, it is encroachment
checked at each step and instead of causing the object to be deleted, just
make it invisible! Nothing difficult there. Now making the server process
all this would be ludicrus but AW sucks CPU cycles and should use them for
somthing productive.
This little spot is dedicated to my girl, Jessie.
She paints her nails, and she dont know, he's got her best friend on the
She'll wash her hair, his dirty clothes, for all he gives to her. And he's
got posters on the wall
Of all the girls he wish she was, and he means everything to her. Her
boyfriend, he dont know,
Anything, about her... She's just the flavor of the week.
AW Citizen 305004 "Wing"
bathgate at prodigy.net
eyemwing at teleport.com
ICQ #101207433
[View Quote]sw comit <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
news:3a8b1882$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Are you crazy? The midis sound awesome now, almost mp3 quality. As for
> and rotate being restricted, that's to keep people from encroaching. I
> think 3.1 was a waste of time since a majority of the AWians can't use it.
Feb 15, 2001, 10:46pm
[View Quote]wing <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
news:3a8bb76e at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> 3.1 should've just been lighting. Lighting is good. Roland should have
> off on the rest and did it RIGHT. It's easy to make clientside
> checks for all in-scene objects. Lighting someone else's property is OK as
> it looks cheezy if it doesnt happen. Moving and rotating objects would
> moving before the encroach checks and as it moves, it is encroachment
> checked at each step and instead of causing the object to be deleted, just
> make it invisible! Nothing difficult there. Now making the server process
> all this would be ludicrus but AW sucks CPU cycles and should use them for
> somthing productive.
> --
> Wing
> This little spot is dedicated to my girl, Jessie.
> She paints her nails, and she dont know, he's got her best friend on the
> phone,
> She'll wash her hair, his dirty clothes, for all he gives to her. And he's
> got posters on the wall
> Of all the girls he wish she was, and he means everything to her. Her
> boyfriend, he dont know,
> Anything, about her... She's just the flavor of the week.
> AW Citizen 305004 "Wing"
> bathgate at prodigy.net
> eyemwing at teleport.com
> ICQ #101207433
> sw comit <swcomit at swcity.net> wrote in message
> news:3a8b1882$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> move
Feb 16, 2001, 8:43pm
Creative sound cards set the standard for all other sound cards its why you
see sound blaster compatibal on every sound card out.
Creative sound cards are basicly the best out and are defently the best bang
for your buck 59 buck for live value 99 for live 159 i think is curent for
sb live platnum.
Now creative web cams do suck so does their vid card :)
I had a creative anihhilator 2 mx evil evil card and have the creative
webcam 2 its a POS
[View Quote]"rolu" <rolu.university at bigfoot.com> wrote in message
news:3a8b0bbb$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> "wing" <bathgate at prodigy.net> wrote in message
> news:3a8ae84c at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> Ensoniq,
> Creative? Sucks? huh? Surprises me someone actually would come up with
> Creative makes very good sound cards for years already. Oh well.. there
> always unhappy people.
> rolu