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Pie.... (General Discussion)
Pie.... // General Discussionmike zimmerJun 23, 2001, 2:13am
I like pie. Apple and Pumpkin. Turkey is good also. And you can't yell at me
for this. birdmikeJun 23, 2001, 3:00am
I won't yell, but please, let's make an effort to make this group worth
reading and keep the nonsense posts to a minimum, okay? [View Quote] syntaxJun 23, 2001, 3:43am
I agree with Birdmike. It's not a "general.pointless-crap" group, it's a
general.discussion group. If you have anything to discuss/tell that deals with something other than AW, post it here. -- Syntax syntax at [View Quote] sw chrisJun 23, 2001, 4:23am
eepJun 23, 2001, 7:24am
Bahahaha, you actually think you'll get any WORTHWHILE discussion here?? Why the FUCK do you think this newsgoup was created in the FIRST place, hmm? To get all the idiots out of the REAL AW newsgroups!
Have "fun", twits. <smirk> [View Quote] > I agree with Birdmike. It's not a "general.pointless-crap" group, it's a > general.discussion group. If you have anything to discuss/tell that deals > with something other than AW, post it here. > [View Quote] chucks partyJun 23, 2001, 11:07am
LOL I see the SNERTS are already trying to control this NG now too, LOL
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers 8-P~ ~ [View Quote] kahJun 23, 2001, 11:45am
agent1Jun 23, 2001, 2:28pm
I don't see why AW should have to host a newsgroup that is just full of posts like that. If it ends up being that way, I hope the messages are dumped every week or something.
-Agent1 [View Quote] sw chrisJun 23, 2001, 3:56pm
Then um... why are YOU posting here? Hmm??? :) Up till now I was hoping
this would be an eep free zone. SW Chris [View Quote] sw chrisJun 23, 2001, 3:59pm
Here here! :) There are some people that would have you believe that this
is a dumping ground for useless posts. It's fast becoming that. So let's try to turn that around huh? This newsgroup was created to supplement the community newsgroup so the rest of us who have been torn down in the community group can actually have a voice and participate in discussions and debates. Chris [View Quote] andrasJun 23, 2001, 5:23pm
eepJun 23, 2001, 10:26pm
Simply to have you idiots prove my point. Carry on, morons...<smirk>
[View Quote] > Then um... why are YOU posting here? Hmm??? :) Up till now I was hoping > this would be an eep free zone. > [View Quote] eepJun 23, 2001, 10:27pm
Wrong. These newsgroups were created exactly for you and the other idiots who mucked up the REAL AW newsgroups. Getting a clue yet, dingo? Didn't think through...
[View Quote] > Here here! :) There are some people that would have you believe that this > is a dumping ground for useless posts. It's fast becoming that. So let's > try to turn that around huh? This newsgroup was created to supplement the > community newsgroup so the rest of us who have been torn down in the > community group can actually have a voice and participate in discussions and > debates. > [View Quote] mike zimmerJun 23, 2001, 11:14pm
This post shows the real reason we have the General NG.
[View Quote] sw comitJun 23, 2001, 11:27pm
Dingo? Isn't that like an insult from the 70s? Owch that musta hurt, Chris
O_O Dingos are cool ^_^ -- SW Comit swcomit at Mayor of SW City President of Community Linkage Commission [View Quote] nornnyJun 24, 2001, 12:14am
??What's the difference between an old insult and a new insult?? Doesn't
matter, never head "dingo" used as an insult. Why would you want to call somebody a cute marsupial? Nornny [View Quote] kahJun 24, 2001, 11:30am
the real reason for having this was to get less flames in the Community NG
because of different opinions on what was on-topic. This NG is **NOT** here to let ppl post all kinds of crap, I have created an NG to fullfill that need if anyone needs it... ( news:// ) KAH [View Quote] birdmikeJun 24, 2001, 12:02pm
A dingo is not a marsupial, its a close relative of dogs and coyotes, and
they're not very cute. [View Quote] iceyJun 24, 2001, 12:41pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit [Image]dinaroo [View Quote] > A dingo is not a marsupial, its a close relative of dogs and coyotes, and > they're not very cute. > [View Quote] --------------FC7E40D41483DAD82B15C43B Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary="------------C468DF433208A46D81A809AD" --------------C468DF433208A46D81A809AD Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <img SRC="cid:part1.3B35FD06.ABBCB183 at" height=187 width=149>dinaroo [View Quote] --------------C468DF433208A46D81A809AD Content-Type: image/jpeg Content-ID: <part1.3B35FD06.ABBCB183 at> Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\nsmailCO.jpeg" /9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgHBwcJCQgKDBQNDAsLDBkSEw8UHRof Hh0aHBwgJC4nICIsIxwcKDcpLDAxNDQ0Hyc5PTgyPC4zNDL/2wBDAQkJCQwLDBgNDRgyIRwh 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jGzHc49KxUqi6G0o05a3PS6KKK6DnCiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooA KKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKACiiigAooooAKKKKAP/Z --------------C468DF433208A46D81A809AD-- --------------FC7E40D41483DAD82B15C43B-- nornnyJun 24, 2001, 1:04pm
I dunno, we've flame each other every single week of the year, before and
after all these "newbies" came (basically, everyone you see here is fairly new to the newsgroup). It was just the subject of the flames this time that finally made Facter and AWCOM snap to the point where they had to create an "Idiot's newsgroup." Let's recall just a few weeks. When we used to flame about Eep's website, Eep's banning, Eep's hyppocriticalness, and Eep's intentions, we flame about milk. People were basically just starting flames and threads that were finished just a few months ago, and they were too stupid or lazy to look it up and get over it. I mean. I mean, I don't think there was ONE discussion without the general newsgroup a few weeks ago that had anything to do with customer demands on AWCOM, new features and how they affect the community, or anything relevent or in the direction of a good community flaming and debate. Flames in these newsgroup aren't "bad," they do eventually get a lot done in showing where the community stands on topics. But people were just flaming out of emotion and bitterness the last round, arguing with no sense to them or any civility (yes, even Eep's flames come with some form of respect or civility). Plus, everyone new came barging in without a platform to stand on, which was really disappointing and mroe so annoying. The community newsgroup now are fairly nice. The flames and long threads are ALL still there, because AWCOM's intentions, I believe, was never to end those threads, but to let them be more than just a "Eep's mean" or "Like I've said 80,000 times before in this thread, it won't work" type of posts. I mean, seriously, just look at it. There are actually COMMUNITY events status' posted and we're getting NEW news, like this new world of AWCOM and stuff. I mean, did anyone REALLY ever see that before this newsgroup was made? Nornny [View Quote] |