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Get into the holiday Spirit. Bring back tourist building in Alpha World! (Wishlist)
Get into the holiday Spirit. Bring back tourist building in Alpha World! // WishlistferruccioDec 8, 2004, 8:46pm
It would be a great Christmas gift to allow tourist building in Alpha World
again (forever). This would be one positive change that would appeal to everyone who is concerned about the preservation of Alpha World's history. colorDec 8, 2004, 11:06pm
Re: Christmas Gesture of Letting Tourists build in AlphaWord(permanently)
This is an excellent suggestion that would GREATLY enhance the active use of AW world and also promote citizenship purchase. Previously, when tourists were able to build in AW, I brought in friends to view my work, they tried building and were inclined to stay, because they had left their 'mark' in AW. They soon became citizens, to acquire the permanent build feature and other aspects of citizenship. Most people use AW for a few areas of interest: 1. Chat 2. Interaction (games, rpg, etc) 3. Creativity (exploring worlds, building, etc) Both Chat and Interaction require a certain amount of people to make it viable. Busy full chat areas make for interested prospective clients, and Worlds filled with people promote registration by getting the tourist involved in activities or building. *But most of all, Registration Fee does affect citizen enrollment. Speaking from my experience, when I first entered AW I signed on quickly because the fee at $20yr was easily affordable. Unfortunately, this is not so for the current price. It would be wonderful if there was an Additional Gesture of discounting Citizenship purchase or renewals during this Holiday Season. AWI did this in the past and it was a great gesture of Good Will and Support of the AWCommunity by AWI. Perhaps this would make it possible for some of our active, loyal clients of AW, to return to citizen status, after slipping into Tourist mode, due to the high price of citizenship renewals. Activeworlds is a fun program and those of us that use it, would like the world to join us! The more the merrier. Pamela CoLor [View Quote] > It would be a great Christmas gift to allow tourist building in Alpha World > again (forever). This would be one positive change that would appeal to > everyone who is concerned about the preservation of Alpha World's history. ltbrentonDec 9, 2004, 4:49pm
No need for that, free protected tourist building is available in Tourist
World Go to "tourist" or telegram/email me for more information or to request some building space. Note: It would be a very nice christmas gesture if AW were to look at my citizen project application again and accept it (or at least talk about it properly rather than just rejecting it). I'm running out of space! -LtB- [View Quote] ferruccioDec 9, 2004, 9:23pm
Yes, there are many different tourist worlds in Active Worlds, with you
neglecting to name some more of them, hinting at merely advertising your own world, but nothing will compare to Alpha World when it comes to the original intent for which this program was made. Also, tourist builds are unprotected in Alpha World, so they will still have the desire to register as citizens to get protected builds. Your "tourist" world does nothing but hurt the situation by giving tourists incentives to not subscribe. Not to mention, you completely avoided the point Color made regarding how tourists, intermingled with citizens, would make Active Worlds a funner experience for everyone, tourists and citizens alike. Take your advertising elsewhere. [View Quote] sw comitDec 9, 2004, 10:14pm
God only knows it might inspire some people to renew in hopes of starting a
city. That was pretty much the only reason I became a citizen - to build a city. Alphaworld is like the best place to start a city due to its size, but there's only several still alive now >_< [View Quote] ltbrentonDec 10, 2004, 12:02pm
Sheesh guys, why are you so closed-minded? Do you not realise that some of
us cannot afford to register, and thus find themselves persecuted by other tourists and/or citizens? I have no problem with tourist builds in other worlds being unprotected. I do however have a problem with tourist builds being VANDALISED just for the sake of vandalism. I wouldnt have so much of a problem if builds were completely deleted to make way for new builds, but I feel that tourists need protection for their builds. Gawd, I'm just trying to provide a service. What is wrong with that? I am not in breach of any AW regulations by advertising my world, so if you have a problem with that, it's simple. Dont visit the world if you dont like it. Remember - tourists are people as well as you. They're equal, so treat them as equals please. Brenton out. -LtB- [View Quote] themaskDec 10, 2004, 12:05pm
[View Quote]
We never said we ever went to your world. It would be best for tourists to be able to build in AlphaWorld where there is an unlimited amount of land. That's the idea. Not to say, "Oh, no screw AlphaWorld, just come to my world and let them build here!". You also even said you were running out of space. -- Signed, TheMask :: Owner of Delusional-Minds Hosting :: Free world hosting.. Just a T-Gram will do it. ltbrentonDec 10, 2004, 12:41pm
I never said "screw alphaworld" I just said that if people wanted to build
and have their builds protected, they could come to Tourist. I've been here for a while now, and ever since I started Tourist as a 3D homepage, I've met nothing but opposition and people bent on destroying me. As a matter of fact, I am seriously considering not renewing my cit/world when they run out. Then you can just go and pick on someone else trying to help. Brenton out. -LtB- [View Quote] brantDec 11, 2004, 10:26pm
No need. Just go to AWTeen instead, which has terrain and better
objects anyway. And don't tell me only teens go there - I'm almost 22 and still visit all the time. -Brant ferruccioDec 12, 2004, 1:10am
Yet again someone misses the point. Despite its size, AWTeen is still very
crowded, with ugly terrain spikes/walls all over the place. Plus, a citizen can simply use a seeker bot (I've still seen them used even though they are banned) and massively delete tourist buildings. It would be much harder in Alpha World. [View Quote] alexthemartianDec 12, 2004, 1:20am
johnfDec 12, 2004, 4:07pm
johnfDec 12, 2004, 4:09pm
I mean if somebody makes one that just spends all its time finding and
deleting property to get around bans? John [View Quote] sweDec 12, 2004, 4:26pm
no way to stop it O_Ounless you have another bot to check if the bot is
going around, deleting tourist builds. or if the bot is jumping around alot (people seeking bots). -SWE [View Quote] alexthemartianDec 12, 2004, 4:48pm
any world with bots enabled and tourist building will have this problem,
even alphaworld if they enabled tourist building [View Quote] brantDec 12, 2004, 10:42pm
See, the problem with the world is simply its name. If it didn't have
that word "Teen" in it, most likely teens would congregate there, but others would also feel safe entering. And Daphne (may she rest in peace) was in her fifties when she helped organize a number of events, so you certainly would by no means be the most chronologically gifted person there :) brantDec 12, 2004, 10:44pm
I remember this discussion from August 2000. At the time, a "discussion
area" was placed at 1300n 0e, and everyone posted signs there voting on whether seekerbots should be allowed. Seekerbots won out by one vote. It's interesting to see how, four and a half years later, time repeats :) |