the 4th dimention (Wishlist)

the 4th dimention // Wishlist

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Jan 19, 2004, 7:13am
there is a 4th dimention, and it is not time. if we were avatars in AW
then aw would be our 3rd dimention, but the people living outise aw (or
in real life) are in the 4th dimention. so a person in 4th dimention
could see us in a 3rd person view, which we as humans cant, becuase we
live in the 3rd dimention.


Jan 19, 2004, 7:19am
i ment for this to go in annother ng, whatever

[View Quote] > there is a 4th dimention, and it is not time. if we were avatars in AW
> then aw would be our 3rd dimention, but the people living outise aw (or
> in real life) are in the 4th dimention. so a person in 4th dimention
> could see us in a 3rd person view, which we as humans cant, becuase we
> live in the 3rd dimention.


Jan 19, 2004, 9:44am

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Jan 19, 2004, 2:29pm
ooh, I think he means IRL there is no such thing as 'third person view'


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Jan 19, 2004, 3:30pm
[View Quote] > there is a 4th dimention, and it is not time. if we were avatars in AW
> then aw would be our 3rd dimention, but the people living outise aw (or
> in real life) are in the 4th dimention. so a person in 4th dimention
> could see us in a 3rd person view, which we as humans cant, becuase we
> live in the 3rd dimention.

Perception of yourself has nothing to do with your awareness of
dimensions. There's quite a bit more than 4, in theory.


Jan 19, 2004, 6:12pm
i know, this was only my attempt to explain it using ActiveWorlds

i could explain it better.. but i think the best explaination is here

by the way.. this is what happens when you get extremly bored on a
weekend night, you research things about your brain or reality.

a week ago i was researching Lucid Dreaming, knowing you are dreaming in
your dreams in order to try to control what happens.

[View Quote] [View Quote]


Jan 19, 2004, 6:29pm
[View Quote] The Grandfather paradox is flawed. You cannot travel back and forth
through time, nor will it ever be physically impossible. There is no
past, there is no future, there is only a "now." We experience a past
through our awareness, but it doesn't actually exist in space-time. But
I guess you could argue that that's also a paradox... but if time travel
existed, or will exist in the future,... you'd surely know about it --
or it'd have been written about if experienced.


Jan 20, 2004, 5:04am
the topic was spelled wrong O_O supposed to be "dimension"


Jan 20, 2004, 12:46pm
Actually there is evidence to the contrary, although the past we travel into may not be our own, and there are many futures. The so-called Grandfather paradox only appears to be self-contradictory if the universe is assumed to have only linear time. Personally, I have always viewed time as having either ray-based multidimensional geometry or a geometry resembling that of quaternian or octonian space. We won't really know for sure until more tests have been done, or someone from the future explains it to us.


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c p

Jan 20, 2004, 6:32pm
no no no, time travel is only possible from the moment the first time
machine was/is/will be activated, Einstein spent the end of his life
investigating this principal, we now have means and capabilities of time
travel and distortion relative to temperature and speed, the satellites
orbiting earth lose about .01 seconds on their clocks every year because
their orbitals. Also we have a time machine concept worked upon it involves
lasers each rotated to make a helix, (watch the discovery channel) its a
brilliant concept, and you see how its possible.

but because of the distortion time travel is only possible from the moment
the first time machine is activated, which means the second our first
timemachine is activated we will know if it works because possibly hundreds
of particles of matter, from any dimension, or the future, will now exist in
the present, so therefore we will know success if a man pops out.
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Jan 20, 2004, 6:46pm
[View Quote] > Actually there is evidence to the contrary, although the past we
> travel into may not be our own, and there are many futures. The

If it is not our own, it would not be the past. The point at which you
begin to move through time would contridict the past theory as that
point in time would now be _YOUR_ present. You would then be unable to
return. You can only consider time travel an actual movement if you are
able to move freely back and forth (considering newton's laws of physics
of course.. but you seem to take assumptions for granted unless someone
states them)

> so-called Grandfather paradox only appears to be self-contradictory
> if the universe is assumed to have only linear time. Personally, I
> have always viewed time as having either ray-based multidimensional
> geometry or a geometry resembling that of quaternian or octonian
> space. We won't really know for sure until more tests have been
> done, or someone from the future explains it to us.

There is no construct to space-time. Think of a point in space, then
think of all the points as one. That's space-time. This basic
"non-construct" is what makes it impossible for time travel. This is
obviously my speculation but is so far proven true that there hasn't
been people flocking back in time to rape resources/trade on stocks/etc.

Now, as for interdimensional travel (moving between alternate
realities), that's a little bit more plausable and it seems that's what
you're trying to converse.


Jan 20, 2004, 6:55pm
[View Quote] > no no no, time travel is only possible from the moment the first time
> machine was/is/will be activated, Einstein spent the end of his life
> investigating this principal, we now have means and capabilities of time
> travel and distortion relative to temperature and speed, the satellites
> orbiting earth lose about .01 seconds on their clocks every year because
> their orbitals. Also we have a time machine concept worked upon it involves
> lasers each rotated to make a helix, (watch the discovery channel) its a
> brilliant concept, and you see how its possible.

Time travel is not possible. Space-time has no "axis" in which to
orient or control movement. Einstein obviously would've figured it out.
The loss of time is due to the loss of ohms in electrical circuts when
they begin to reach the speed of light. Electrons travel nearly the
speed of light, and when they power circutry, the circuts begin to loser
power (as the electrons are not able to keep up with the current
velocity of the object). It's not due to the speed at which you travel
through time (although it is through which you are moving in
space-time). But now it's starting to get cumbersome to explain so I'll

I did see that episode, and the man who invented it is an idiot.
Pointing a stream of electrons at another stream of electrons to form a
double helix does nothing but waste electricity. If it did work, at all
-- it doesn't even in concept form, the moment you turn it on.. it
should work and you would be able to communicate through time (and thus
allow for the production of computers which operate at peak effieceny).
But, this falls under another paradox where if you do something in the
future, you have to make sure you remember to do it or else it won't
happen and thus it becomes another grandfather paradox. The moment that
machine stops, the connection to _ANY_ future moment is severed. That
is, up until the point at which it was severed. I guess okhams razor
takes affect.

> but because of the distortion time travel is only possible from the moment
> the first time machine is activated, which means the second our first
> timemachine is activated we will know if it works because possibly hundreds
> of particles of matter, from any dimension, or the future, will now exist in
> the present, so therefore we will know success if a man pops out.

According to this theory we would've known already. Of course, if it
were at all possible. It's a hard concept I'll give you that much but
since that man hasn't popped out yet it doesn't exist ever.

If it would have to wait until our present reached that point, it
wouldn't be much of a time machine, would it? ;)


Jan 20, 2004, 8:30pm
This is an awesome conversation. Very interesting to read your different
views and theories on time travel (untill you get to yelling and
screaming -- don't -.-). About time we had a decent conversation in the
newsgroups lol.

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Jan 20, 2004, 10:43pm
[View Quote] LoL everyone yells when they discuss crap like this. Go talk to physicists.


Jan 22, 2004, 1:14am
i know.. i cant spell, and it is not even in the right NG, LOL

[View Quote] > the topic was spelled wrong O_O supposed to be "dimension"

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