Multiple simultaneous names (Wishlist)

Multiple simultaneous names // Wishlist

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Mar 31, 2003, 9:54am
I wish there was a syntax in AW to specify more than one name when sending a command to a named object.

For example, if the * character could be used as a wild card, then you could put...

create name thing.a

create name thing.b

activate light name=thing.a, texture wood1 name=thing.*

of alternatively, if a symbol such as & or + could be recognized as joining names, then you could do something like...

create name firstone

create name anotherone; adone texture metal1 name=firstone&lastone

create name andanother, animate lastone&me stone 15 15 100, astart; adone animate firstone&me wood 7 7 1000, astart firstone&andanother

create name lastone

...where each separate line represents the Action field for a single object.

(Anyone out there actually understand what I just said?)


jacob the hero

Apr 1, 2003, 9:54pm
That's Great idea, Technozeus! I love that!
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Apr 2, 2003, 1:09am
Thanks. Me too. :) I'm glad someone understood it. I was getting a little worried when nobody replied to that question. :)


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Apr 2, 2003, 8:19am
no offense but i dont think he understood that, afk...
*was making my last post rounds for tonight*
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Apr 2, 2003, 8:45am
Well, I did ask if anyone understood it... and he's the only one to reply so far. :)


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