
your fav bot ? (Bots)

your fav bot ? // Bots

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tag sva tag@tag@tag

Jul 14, 2006, 9:51am
hi :)

which type of Bot do you prefer ?

for me i prefer Preston, as i can do so much more with it
than anyother bot because i dont have any scripting
knowhow. ( although im trying to learn Evo )

i'm sure most of the users that can script will pick other
bots but in reality most AW's user base cant script.

so whats your fav ?


Jul 14, 2006, 10:27am
Mine is Xelegot. Sure hope Alex is going to upgrade it.
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tag sva tag@tag@tag

Jul 14, 2006, 10:34am
yeah i really hope he will too,
do you think hes moved on from AW
anyone heard from him ?


Jul 14, 2006, 12:23pm
I dont know. I have emailed him and haven't received a reply. I havent seen
him on either

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strike rapier

Jul 14, 2006, 12:49pm
[View Quote] Evo, of course! :)

Actually, on Evo its basic scripting is more along the lines of a sequential
list of commands, they are just based on the verbal commands ie:

To make the bot whisper to someone via a command, you say:

#whisper <the persons name>, <the message>

In the 'scripting' it basically executes sets of commands via the GUI
command input, the 'CIS Key' for these in the scripting language is always
$, so...

$whisper {}, Hi there {}

Quite simple, theres just sets of tags in brackets that you use.

- Mark Randall

"We're Systems and Networks..."
"It's our job to know..."


Jul 14, 2006, 7:27pm
I sent an email to him back on May 31st asking if he was going to make a 4.1
version of the xelagot.

He responded the next day saying he was working on it.

[View Quote]


Jul 14, 2006, 7:42pm
woner wahts taking him so long. everyone else has their bot converted to
4.1. I think he has lost interest in aw. he hasnt been on in months. I think
he either quit or is in another uni. I know he had a world in DLP. maybe he
is there
[View Quote]


Jul 14, 2006, 10:23pm
My favorite bot is the Xelagot. As a multiple world owner and universe
CT, the Xelagot has saved my bacon as far as build features more times
than I can count. One of my dear world partners had the good luck of
being one of XelaG's original bot Beta testers way back in early 1999. I
had an inside track on that program and got some superb training on it's
use. The bottom line...I need a buildbot more than anything else and
from what I've seen (minus the new 4.1 versions), it copies and places
builds, filters cit numbers and objects and backs up and wipes property
and terrain in a snap! That's all I need (although the Xelagot will do
much more).


Jul 17, 2006, 2:53pm
[View Quote] > woner wahts taking him so long. everyone else has their bot converted to
> 4.1. I think he has lost interest in aw. he hasnt been on in months. I
> think he either quit or is in another uni. I know he had a world in DLP.
> maybe he is there
[View Quote]


Jul 17, 2006, 2:53pm
[View Quote] > My favorite bot is the Xelagot. As a multiple world owner and universe CT,
> the Xelagot has saved my bacon as far as build features more times than I
> can count. One of my dear world partners had the good luck of being one of
> XelaG's original bot Beta testers way back in early 1999. I had an inside
> track on that program and got some superb training on it's use. The bottom
> line...I need a buildbot more than anything else and from what I've seen
> (minus the new 4.1 versions), it copies and places builds, filters cit
> numbers and objects and backs up and wipes property and terrain in a snap!
> That's all I need (although the Xelagot will do much more).


Jul 17, 2006, 3:59pm
I did not say evo was my fave bot i said xelegot is.
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tag sva tag@tag@tag

Jul 17, 2006, 5:21pm
i fully agree that Evo and Xeagologot (SP?) have much more features but i
and anyone else that knows
nothing about scripting can do alot more with a Preston as its all GUI
controlled, for instance
i set up a tour where a preston trleported an avie round the world read off
some interesting facts about certain loctions
had next / back and home commands all really easy for me to do, that would
be impossible for me to do on a bot that
needs a script if i couldnt get a pre-made one as i cant script, hey ive
been in AW for over 6 years if i could
get the hang of learning the language i would :) .

Ohh and a Preston can see chat in a world Global too if its a global bot

event phrase = empty
action = misc / log
reply field blank
long entry %a %r ( %a person's name who speaks / %r text thats said )

[07/17/06 20:19:17:] tag SvA testy speak

tag sva tag@tag@tag

Jul 17, 2006, 5:28pm
hahaha thats meant to be " log entry " :)


Jul 17, 2006, 5:51pm
[View Quote] > hi :)
> which type of Bot do you prefer ?
> for me i prefer Preston, as i can do so much more with it
> than anyother bot because i dont have any scripting
> knowhow. ( although im trying to learn Evo )
> i'm sure most of the users that can script will pick other
> bots but in reality most AW's user base cant script.
> so whats your fav ?

Tough question :)
If I need general tool, I prefer XelaGot (sorry Mark, your attitude drove me away from your Evo which seems a good bot too)
OTOH if I need a special bot for a particular task I prefer to write my own ( which is shared with the community :) like YASBB and Dem2RWX.

"It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)

tag sva tag@tag@tag

Jul 17, 2006, 5:59pm
> Tough question :)
> If I need general tool, I prefer XelaGot (sorry Mark, your attitude drove
> me away from your Evo which seems a good bot too)
> OTOH if I need a special bot for a particular task I prefer to write my
> own ( which is shared with the community :) like YASBB and Dem2RWX.
> --
> Andras
> "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson)

Okay expanding a bit i used to love hamfons buildbot, but it wasnt updated
to cope with the 3rd axis rotation, so i dont use that anymore
but for building stuff i use YASBB and the wonderfull PropTool, between them
chatbot and Preston i'm pretty much covered.

Ohh and i leave the terrain Stuff to Tengel as he's one of the best and
knows what hes doing lol


Jul 17, 2006, 7:03pm
I agree with you fully Andras and all points, though I dont write my own I
use yours.

- Karten

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Jul 17, 2006, 8:48pm
i like the xelagot bot myself
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strike rapier

Jul 18, 2006, 4:50am
[View Quote] Pftt, some people are just so hard to please.

- Mark

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