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Backup bot wanted

Jul 24, 2002, 5:13am
The Xelagot on screen survey window has a world backup capability built in.
Start the Xelagot Survey Manager, then on the right third of the Survey
Manager are several tabs.
Select the BACKUP tab, hit Start, then hit OK to get it going.
Keep in mind that a 1000 x 1000 world will take a while, but you will get
the build backup that way.
Find the backup files in the Xelagot Survey\Backups\Active Worlds folder
Just remember it will take time depending on how many objects are in the
world, AND what kind of connection the bot is using to the internet.

Have Fun.

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Backup bot wanted

Jul 24, 2002, 12:01pm
Sorry bout that. Though SW City was a world, not an area of AlphaWorld.
At that point I agree, the Backup Tab wont help in this case.

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Xela and Avatar function

Feb 26, 2003, 7:13pm
Wonder if anyone has this or knows how to correct it.
I am running a beta world build 49 and have the beta Xelagot 3.411 I use
in that world.
All seems to be fine except for one thing,
the Xelagot Avatar options are ALL greyed out and appear to be disabled,
even in this beta world.

Anyone have any ideas why?

Karten of AW

X1,3.4 Versions

Mar 17, 2003, 4:53am
Look on the Xelagot website under Whats New that will take you to the
page where you can DL the beta 3.4 X1.

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Bot quirk...

Feb 19, 2004, 12:23pm
Are you running both bots off the same control panel?
Or starting it 'twice' to have a panel for each bot?

From what you are saying, it sounds like the two panel method.

If you run TWO panels (and thats easy to do, just start the bot twice) then
you have two seperate bots that will 'save' the same INI file when you close
them, BUT>

The bot you close LAST will get the 'good' save of the INI file, and any
changes you make on the other bot will be lost.

If you do not need two panels, the run just the one panel for both bots and
change between them using the BOT menu to switch.

Also, any script with the line RUN will automatically try to start up and
enter the last world it was in.

Hope that helps, as I have been through this problem myself in the past.


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Bot quirk...

Feb 19, 2004, 7:47pm
I fully agree with Alex's comment about problems with running it twice from
same folder and normally I dont do that on a routine basis.
And making sure a script has been changed for what you want soooooo easy to
miss, and have done that too.

Anyway glad we could both help you Lady.


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Xelagot 3.500 available

Apr 5, 2004, 6:39pm
Xelagant work Alex

Hopefully the next mod can have the one lil thing I Emailed ya about too


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World Server Information Bot?

Apr 5, 2004, 8:27pm
Xelagot enter world go to WORLD menu select World Attributes

the select the Varia tab

I believe that should have the information you are looking for

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X1 wish list...

Jan 12, 2005, 5:37pm
If you have any suppporting files for the script(s) OR saving files in a
folder OUTSIDER of User, check the security aspect of the new bot too.
ALL files saved must be within the User Folder and its children IF the
security switch is on.

I ran into this this past weekend of some scripts and realized my oops
after, and had to fix and rerun them.

As I said any data files the script reads or writes MUST be in the User
folder structure if the security is still on (and it is on by default.

Karten of Barrens and ReginaDN

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Terrain Shift Bot or Utility?

May 30, 2005, 12:39pm
Anyone know of a Bot or Utility that can shift existing terrain laterally
not just vertically?
Or 'cut and paste' sections of existing terrain to other areas?
Without going back to a terrain creating program?

Missing topics

Jun 20, 2005, 7:14pm
Is it just me, or did we lose a number of topic threads started between 5/30
and 6/17?


Missing topics

Jun 20, 2005, 11:38pm
*chuckles* no problem on the after midnight
I do have OE set to NOT expire anything so thats not it BUT
One thread under Bots in particular i was following and it went POOF
The thread about Bot Avatar Restriction scripting
Someone described a script they saw in use, and i was following the thread
and it dissappeared on me

I THINK a couple other threads poofed too, but i know THAT one did

BTW the original starter on that thread where did you see that script in

Karten, still scratching his head on this one

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World Backup Bot, Anyone?

Jan 29, 2006, 3:24am
the Xelagot can make full world propdump, full world Elevdump and a bot
version of world attributes with or without caretaker rights, with only TWO
world attributes at issue
If the Xelagot has Caretaker it can save the Object path but in neither
case can it save the Object Password
to save world attributes in Xelagot format go to xelagot menu World -->
World attributes --> Files tab
then under the CHECK group click ALL, then under the Load Checked
click From World, THEN under Save Checked click To File and give the
file a name
NOTE this is NOT an ATDUMP but it can be reloaded BY a bot with CareTaker

and not the Xelagot does NOT need admin panel access to do any of these


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your fav bot ?

Jul 17, 2006, 7:03pm
I agree with you fully Andras and all points, though I dont write my own I
use yours.

- Karten

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Xelagot delayed

Aug 5, 2006, 12:29pm
I received this telegram just a little before posting this:

Telegram from **********, sent 41 minutes ago:
Recieved this email 8/05/06
hi, i will start working on x1 in a few weeks. i broke my hand (fell off a
bike!) so i can't type well until the cast is removed. pass this on, as i'm
receiving tons of emails about x1, which i can't answer.
alex Grigny de Castro

We all pray alex's hand heals quickly and well, and the xelagot doesnt fight
with him too much.


Xelagot delayed

Aug 7, 2006, 1:42pm
*chuckles* Actually I signed that post as I was the one that received the
TGram and made the post.
Alex did not sent the TGram, it was someone else who will remain
unidentified on purpose, unless that person says its ok.

The point was why the Xelagot has been delayed anyway,
and we still hope Alex recovers quickly and can get the Xelagot up and
working again.


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special bot

Feb 2, 2004, 11:48am
Mapview.exe does a point field map, using a propdump of the world (from
either the world server or a Xelagot.

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Chat log option and outbound telegram logging

Nov 11, 2004, 6:38pm
I would like to see including in the AW Browser soon two things

First, on chat logging, have whispers to the browser noted as well as
whispers from the browser,
something like Harry: (whispers) this is a cool whisper
John: (whispers to Harry) it sure is
have an RTF logging option, where the color of the text on the screen is
saved with the log.

Second, I would like to see a built in outbound Telegram log, similiar to
the inbound telegram list,
so you can 'recall' who you sent telegrams to and what you said.
Both methods currently available are external tie-in applications and do not
always get the whole
outgoing telegram, and have odd date/time stamps as well.

Chat log option and outbound telegram logging

Nov 12, 2004, 6:55pm
Yes, I use TelePassGram and TGramLog both.
But, as I noted in my initial post, they both miss things at times AND
are external add-ins that need to be started seperately.


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Chat log option and outbound telegram logging

Nov 14, 2004, 9:10pm
Yes, I have Telepass on Windows startup, but you missed my two points.
Telepass is still an external application to the AW browser
AND it does miss a lot of text I send out in telegram.


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Fis the Contact List

Nov 13, 2004, 8:19pm
Would be nice, IF you could add a contact after putting on or taking off

Now, when you put a priv on or take it off, you cannot add anyone
until you totall restart the AW browser.

How about fixing this on the next update folks?


easy in-browser multi-path

Jan 10, 2005, 6:26pm
Since the object path is set by the world attributes on the world server,
and any scripts running on that references path, multiple objects paths in
the AW Browser would be irrelevant.
Only that individual would have that multi-path and not the path the world
owner has established.

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Picture Upload

Oct 10, 2005, 12:49am
Simple answer
The AW Engine requires a normal website for the objects, pictures and sounds
to work properly.
Even if you do have a web setting on your personal PC,
unless you leave it on AND on the internet 24/7 people will not get the
when your PC is off or even offline.
This is a limitation of the internet more than a limitation of the AW


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some cits can't even enter some Worlds that are public and aren't full.

May 22, 2002, 5:33am
I have seen this all too often. This is an AW glitch.
When, for whatever reason, you lose connection to the AW authentication
server, but are still in a world, then you try to go to another world that
does not allow tourists, AW sees you as a tourist, because the
authentication of the citizen number was lost.

Another effect of this is you will show offline to everyone else, will not
get and be able to send telegrams, and will not be able to join or be joined
by anyone.

If you have another account, log into that account briefly, then back to the
first account.
If that is not possible, or does not work, exiting and restarting AW will
Expect this about half the time when you WFS in a world.

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connection problems?

Jun 25, 2002, 1:43pm
AW Universe has been totally down since 10:41 AM VRT (8:41 East Coast).
Other universes served by AW are also down.
Looks to me like the Authentication Server is down at least, if not all the
Universe servers.
We just have to wait and see.

Server Problems

Apr 27, 2003, 3:12pm
I have noticed at least 2 of the crashes, and though i did not lose
i had to restart all the bots i run,since most could NOT get back into AW as
Bot Limit was exceeded
for no apparent reason, and the prior instances of the bots were arleady


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Galaxy Servers vs Sol Servers

Jun 3, 2003, 2:31pm
Look at the SolServer as a HomePage Galaxy (without the HomePage theme
Hosting by AW is included and NOT transferable to another host.
On the other hand, a Galaxy you have to seek out a host and pay for the
hosting seperately.
That's the main difference I see anyway.


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some cits can't even enter some Worlds that are public and aren't full.

May 22, 2002, 5:33am
I have seen this all too often. This is an AW glitch.
When, for whatever reason, you lose connection to the AW authentication
server, but are still in a world, then you try to go to another world that
does not allow tourists, AW sees you as a tourist, because the
authentication of the citizen number was lost.

Another effect of this is you will show offline to everyone else, will not
get and be able to send telegrams, and will not be able to join or be joined
by anyone.

If you have another account, log into that account briefly, then back to the
first account.
If that is not possible, or does not work, exiting and restarting AW will
Expect this about half the time when you WFS in a world.

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the end of xealgot bots

May 30, 2003, 4:02pm
As this should be.

As a heavy user of Xelagots, keep up the good work Alex, we need the Xelas
in ALL forms.


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computer ID

Dec 31, 2003, 2:02pm
Computer ID is helpful with some computers and not others.
Not all computers, expecially older ones and some newer ones, have that
function, or have it enabled.
Banning by citizen number and/or IP and/or Name (with a bot) is still the
best ways to maintain a ban on someone.
The Computer ID is not helpful and universal enough in most cases to be of
much help, except on specific ejections.


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