
HELP! I don't understand terrain and objects in the C++ SDK... (Sdk)

HELP! I don't understand terrain and objects in the C++ SDK... // Sdk

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Jan 19, 2003, 10:44pm
I don't understand how to add/change terrain and objects, let alone query
them. Could someone pelase help me with this, since the AW SDK site does a
pretty bad job of explaining.


Jan 19, 2003, 10:50pm
adding objects is easy :-0 all you have to do is learn how to build them :-)
terrain is harder, since you have to be CT, and then, you can only change it
(unless you have Demeter)


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strike rapier

Jan 20, 2003, 4:30am
Adding Objects....

long add_object(long iObNum, long x, long y, long z, long yaw, long tilt,
long roll, char *description, char *action, long owner)
aw_int_set(AW_OBJECT_X, x);
aw_int_set(AW_OBJECT_Y, y);
aw_int_set(AW_OBJECT_Z, z);
aw_int_set(AW_OBJECT_YAW, yaw);
aw_int_set(AW_OBJECT_TILT, tilt);
aw_int_set(AW_OBJECT_ROLL, roll);
aw_string_set(AW_OBJECT_DESCRIPTION, description);
aw_string_set(AW_OBJECT_ACTION, action);
return aw_object_add;

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baron chazrad

Jan 20, 2003, 8:45am
".duo." <ncommons at> wrote in
news:3e2b4677$1 at

> I don't understand how to add/change terrain and objects, let alone
> query them. Could someone pelase help me with this, since the AW SDK
> site does a pretty bad job of explaining.

join the club, terrain is about the best kept secrets of AW. The manual is
so totally inadequate you are better off not reading it, and go by trial
and error. Dont try to expect anything from this newsgroup, because those
that 'are in the know' hate to share their 'unique' knowledge



Jan 20, 2003, 1:51pm
Pretty sure they mean how to query.


strike rapier

Jan 20, 2003, 4:14pm
Example 2 on the SDK website :o

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Jan 20, 2003, 4:23pm
Not very well documented.


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Jan 25, 2003, 10:17am
TY for the object adding function Strike :-P

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strike rapier

Jan 25, 2003, 10:59am
It would of course help to include char *objectmodel as well :)

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Jan 25, 2003, 12:27pm
In case you couldn't tell by the function name, aw_int_set takes an int value, not a long. You didn't use all of the variables passed to the function, and you didn't include the name of the object. When you call a C function that has no parameters, you must still include the brackets (eg. return aw_object_add();)


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