AW 4.0 (Community)

AW 4.0 // Community

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Mar 9, 2004, 10:14am
Nope, that is not my point - my point is why using acronyms of a certain
language when universal pictograms can be used as well (and,
design-wise, look even better).

The rating system is a different thing though, since it is specific to
one country (not language) only.

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Mar 9, 2004, 10:19am
The light source limit derives from one of the graphic engine
implementations (DirectX, IMO it works well in opengl and software mode
- which have other problems). I doubt they will switch to another one to
solve it.

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Mar 9, 2004, 12:36pm
Actually DirectX can do many light sources but it for some reason can't
in AW.

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strike rapier

Mar 9, 2004, 4:08pm
[View Quote] I have the Active Worlds voice chat that the core alpha team were given.
Its a very nice tool, very small and compact, pleanty of features and an
excellent infact, it should be even better when intregrated into the

> In my previous post, I sort of thought that the AW chat would be a
> "walkie talkie" type of voice chat just between two people who wanted to
> initiate a conversion. They would "connect" to each other and send the
> voice data back and forth between themselves. That's why I questioned
> the thought of the world server having to handle the voice stream.

There is a 'whisper' mode but the main type is confrence.

> But if everyone in a world is going to be talking all at once, then yes,
> I guess it would make more sense for the server to handle that or at
> least direct where the voice streams are going. I hope there is some
> limit or radius with it though, like someone outside of visual range or
> X amount of cells away won't be able to hear you or something.


Mar 9, 2004, 5:56pm
[View Quote] Pictograms for AFK? If you mean "Zzz" for asleep... they A, have
nothing in common and B, people will still not know what it means. In
fact, maybe even MORE than that didn't know what AFK stood for.

Why not draw a little person walking around on the button? At least
they wouldn't be at the computer, but again, it's overly complex for
something so simple. Don't know what an acronym is? Why not read? I'm
starting to think the USA isn't the only one with bad reading habits, or
lacking the ability thereof., there, I saved
you years of pain. :-\


Mar 9, 2004, 5:58pm
[View Quote] [View Quote] Weren't the Alpha testers supposed to sign some non-disclosure
agreement. Surely you've broken it numerous times if there was. If
not, that was a bad move AWI.

tart sugar

Mar 9, 2004, 6:08pm
Is that why I've been seeing so many ppl in The Gate doing this ....
/me blah blah blah ? lol
What am I missing? Wnat does that do??

Tart Sugar
/me used to be Snow White, but I drifted.

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tart sugar

Mar 9, 2004, 6:11pm
I still ppl in The Gate who don't know what LOL means.

Tart Sugar
I used to be Snow White, but I drifted.

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Mar 9, 2004, 6:52pm
[View Quote] Displays your line at left without ":" and tab, so where in 3.4 you see:
Mauz: /me smiles
then in 3.5 you would see:
Mauz smiles


strike rapier

Mar 9, 2004, 7:03pm
VoIP has been talked about in public many, many times... Everyone knows it
exists, and I have given no important technical specs on it except that to
say it is a very very good program.

- Mark R

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Mar 9, 2004, 8:35pm
I'm glad there is VoIP, AW will finally be worthwhile.

[View Quote] > VoIP has been talked about in public many, many times... Everyone knows it
> exists, and I have given no important technical specs on it except that to
> say it is a very very good program.
> - Mark R
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Mar 9, 2004, 11:59pm
*points to universe welcome message* download 3.5 beta there

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Mar 10, 2004, 1:45pm
Thanks for the response, but when I said "There," I meant the 3D program
at Have you ever tried their voice chat? It isn't
half bad, but I'm not quite sure how their "radius" or limiting of
distance works because I could hear people across a wide distance that
weren't even close to where I was standing.

Also, do you have any idea if AW will allow streaming ShoutCast servers
to be put on objects like stereos and such?


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Mar 17, 2004, 12:39pm
A lot of people who come on the net from non-English countries use
English net acronyms like AFK and LOL... if you look at postings on
Usenet for example that aren't in English.

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Mar 17, 2004, 6:59pm
[View Quote] Also true. Acronym databases aren't just for hoots and giggles. When
did looking up what something meant lose value over changing it to a
"standard platform" that will still confuse the fuck out of people,
newbies and net denizens alike?

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