the end of xealgot bots (Community)

the end of xealgot bots // Community

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May 31, 2003, 9:56am
This is great news to hear. I'm glad to hear that you will be sticking
around in AW. Keep up the good work!



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May 31, 2003, 1:38pm
I was about to panic when I saw Xelag's post...thank goodness everything
came through in the end! Hurrah!


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Jun 1, 2003, 3:35pm
Let people donate money to you for these things as you are doing a good
service for the active worlds community.


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just in

Jun 2, 2003, 6:16am
Exellent news.... you are an invaluable asset to AW and the AW experience.

Thankyou for everything you have done and do for AW.

Regards, Justin

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Jun 6, 2003, 3:50pm

[View Quote] >Arrgg another techy hero lost. No xelagot now, preston's dead (old news),
>mapper's gone. AW's down to skin and bones in the end-user tools department


Jun 6, 2003, 5:53pm
Do you have trouble to decide - skin or bones ;)

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