what is meant by China (Community)

what is meant by China // Community

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Feb 1, 2003, 9:35am
Ok, I have been silent long enough, my interpetation of what he is saying
about the name China is that the AWGate slightly resembles a China theme. I
think I am correct on this because I believe I have seen a older post made
about this issue.
Although I have spoken to many at AWI about Alpha Prime (AW world) allowing
tourists back in, it was made clear to me, that Alpha world will never be
graced with the presence of tourists.
Plus why bother, I tried to make up the difference of AW world's loss to the
tourists by opening up my world A!!CT to tourists and making it big enough
to acommidate their right to build.
The results have been hatered from citizens and other tourists alike by
repeated deletion of their builds, vandalism, telegrams to me and chat at
A!!CT's GZ about how A!!CT sucks ect.
So I understand what he (Yanst) is going on about although I am not
familiar with this person.
When I call out to the community saying my world (which is open to all as a
public build world) needs Financial help, everyone turns their back on ya.
I know not everyone is rich, I for one am not, I am just a person who
realizes you can't open a P-10 world to open build, there is not enough
land. So I wanted to do something cool for the community and at the same
time use my world to grant tourists a sense of what it is like if they
became a citizen. True some take advantage of the free ride, but they do not
stay long. But many have signed up as citizens to.
In closing, many have left AW universe in recent weeks to take advantage of
PeaceCity's giving out Universe rights to kids. The same ones I was
criticized for having as CareTakers in A!!CT, yes many have left A!!CT to go
to this PeaceCity universe and ya know what? I have not seen one person
criticise S at MY (not even once) for allowing teenagers to have control over
his universe. (go figure)
Another note, how am I expected to personally feel, when most posts from me
or about A!!CT world are blocked or ignored by most in AW? Or criticized?
Should I bother renewing this world again next December? Just a hint, I
don't think so, I think to some degree, A!!CT should have remained (EXPIRED)
Just my thoughts sorry I bored ya all
MrBruce A1CTWorld at aol.com

d a n

Feb 1, 2003, 11:29am
[View Quote] > PeaceCity's giving out Universe rights to kids. The same ones I was
> criticized for having as CareTakers in A!!CT, yes many have left A!!CT to
> to this PeaceCity universe and ya know what? I have not seen one person
> criticise S at MY (not even once) for allowing teenagers to have control over
> his universe.

Not all kids ^_^ might i add that many of the people who work on the art and
maintenence are over the age of 21.

D a n


Feb 1, 2003, 1:00pm
What does China have to do with A!!CT?

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Feb 1, 2003, 2:39pm

My sympathies go out to you regarding the difficulties you've have
maintaining A!!CT community. You've done a wonderful job with the struggles
you've had to face. I do understand what you mean by the negative aspects
of the community which try to tear down and destroy well meaning attempts at
creating a positive, good society. I've learned defeating evil has to be
faced head on, can't bow down, can't quit, can't turn back. It is a slow
and difficult process to work through and overcome, but it can be overcome.

I see tourists walking in AWGate ask the question, "What is this game
about." Many times my answer has been, it's not a game, you can build and
so forth here. But I believe I've changed my mind about that. It's about
experiencing how the world is, how it formed into communities, how the
communities broke down, tolerance, good overcoming evil. (There is evil on
the internet.) The first most prominant evildoer in Alpha World was King
Punisher, I believe. Whether those evil doers are put in place to roll play
or they genuinely do mean harm makes no difference, it has to be dealt with
and attempts must be made to overcome. It is the game of the world.

Now, I'm saying all this, yet, I am having my struggles as well. I have
gained knowledge by watching how the world is, and by reading various things
on the internet, most especially at the United Nations web site. I'm drawn
to them because they believe in denouncing and overcoming inequality and
more in all forms by peaceful means. I like that idea very much. But
peaceful means isn't as easy as one might think. It starts within yourself.
You can't just go out into the world and be a leader of peace and go home
and fuss with your little brother. Attempts have been made to draw me away
from watching how the world is, and some very well meaning people have told
me it is best to not get involved. To those people, I ask you, if you had
been through an event that knocked your heart and soul out on the ground,
would you pick them up, turn around and walk away? Would you become a
rebel? Or would you search for peace within yourself, your surroundings,
your country, your world? And if you saw someone else struggling, would you
help them, walk away or take advantage of them and conquer them? No, I'm
not married to it, I can and do enjoy movies, travel and other activities.
But I won't turn around and walk away. Again, I know I am still struggling,
but I am trying. I've made my choice which is peace. Not Communism, peace.

Which brings me to the China theme. To the ones here that question if I am
a China hater. The answer is absolutely not. If you recall, Alpha World
almost loaded a complete China theme. They uploaded textures, but we never
got the full use of the avatars. I'm not completely sure why this happened,
but I remember about the time it happened. I remember what was going on
with me when it happened. And I do believe it was a very negative
situation, in which I very much tried to tolerate, recover and move on. I
do not like the China theme in Alpha World because it came at time when
something very negative happened. I think of Alpha World as China because
of the theme that was almost put in use, and the fact that it has turned
into communism and it has to stop. I do not like communism, I like freedom.
And I know all of you do, too. I know this place well enough to know you
people must be sick about what Alpha World has become. I've tried to push
all kinds of buttons. I've tried leaving, it doesn't work. The place stays
the same. I left because I thought it was something wrong in which I did
that was the reason why Alpha World changed. The only button that seems to
work is trying to build and rebuild the community with the help of those
that will give their time and effort, tolerance and never stopping or
turning back on the path to good and peace. My computer isn't the fastest,
so I am limited on where I can go and what I can do. But I do feel even
that can be worked around for the benefit of ridding Alpha World of
communism. Communism must leave this place and the old Alpha World must
return, community, tourists and all.

The bottom line is we can make 1,000 new Alpha Worlds, Peace Worlds,
A!!CT's. We can have all the new technologies in the universe, all the
little buttons and pretty colors, another new avatar, another new beta,
another new bot, but it really means nothing without community and the
freedoms that are earned, won and enjoyed with it. I love the first Alpha
World and I don't want to see it die. MrBruce, I'm sure you don't want to
see A!!CT die. My hope is for others to join in trying to rid the AW
universe of things that attempt to detoriate, destroy and bring distress to
citizens and potential citizens.

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Feb 1, 2003, 4:40pm
Yes, definitaly

but, mr, bruce

you can open a public build world size p-10

townsq world is that size (tourist enabled)

and were fairly popular

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Feb 2, 2003, 6:41pm
Revision: China and all other countries are welcome to stay around Alpha
World. But it needs to be liberated, nice ~n~ peaceful-like.

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Feb 2, 2003, 6:44pm
[View Quote] You're protesting the Chinese culture. I've yet to see any evidence you're just
protesting Chinese gov't. Besides you said that's what you were doing, regardless of
your actual actions. You seemed to dislike the Great Wall clone, which is very much
a part of the Chinese culture and has absolutley nothing to do with Communism.



Feb 2, 2003, 6:53pm
> me it is best to not get involved. To those people, I ask you, if you had
> been through an event that knocked your heart and soul out on the ground,
> would you pick them up, turn around and walk away? Would you become a
> rebel? Or would you search for peace within yourself, your surroundings,
> your country, your world? And if you saw someone else struggling, would
> help them, walk away or take advantage of them and conquer them? No, I'm
> not married to it, I can and do enjoy movies, travel and other activities.
> But I won't turn around and walk away. Again, I know I am still
> but I am trying. I've made my choice which is peace. Not Communism,

If you knew anything about communism, and also about a related political
theory known to the world as socialism, or even anything about marxism, you
would realise that what you just uttered there was the most delicate, pearl
like string of beautifully ununciated bullshit this NG has seen since
....errr....hmm, let me think about this one.

Go take political theory 101 please, an then comment on communism in general
please - did you know that communisim is seen in almost all political theory
circles as one of the most ideal forms of government (in theory) that this
world has seen? No, you dont know that do you. Have you read any Marx? Have
you read the Red Book? Have you read any Thomas More - hell, I'd even settle
to call you knowledgable if you've read some bloody Ken McLeod. Hi Mr
Freedom, your right you know! WE gotta look out for those GOD DAMNED PINKO

Help! Its the Red Menace! Gasp! Squeel! Oh no, the ching chiongs are after
us!!! Ohhh, yellow peril!!

My god, I bet you have a life sized print of McCarthy above your bed dont
you...next to those mirrors...

> Which brings me to the China theme. To the ones here that question if I
> a China hater. The answer is absolutely not. If you recall, Alpha World
> almost loaded a complete China theme. They uploaded textures, but we
> got the full use of the avatars. I'm not completely sure why this
> but I remember about the time it happened. I remember what was going on
> with me when it happened (ed - wow, you remember? Yeah, I remember back in
Nam (CompuNam that is), those god damned geeks runnign around int he jungle
throwing cd's at me and begging me to play Worms...)And I do believe it was
a very negative
> situation, in which I very much tried to tolerate, recover and move on. I
> do not like the China theme in Alpha World because it came at time when
> something very negative happened. I think of Alpha World as China because
> of the theme that was almost put in use, and the fact that it has turned
> into communism and it has to stop. I do not like communism, I like
<snip blah blah blah>

> that can be worked around for the benefit of ridding Alpha World of
> communism. Communism must leave this place and the old Alpha World must
> return, community, tourists and all.

Fuck me drunk, but can you be any more clueless?

Talk to us in a few years, when you have the benefit of hindsight in being
able to actually understand what kind of a garbzage speel that was you just
uttered. And if after a few years you dont actually understand what garbage
you just uttered, you have my permission to remove yourself from the gene

Have a nice day.

Peace! Love! Tentacles, hail all leaders, its the Red Peril!! Woot!


sw chris

Feb 4, 2003, 8:17pm
Well, I'll just say it right now, since nobody else is moderating. :)

Watch the language, please.


p.s. Communism is all well and good. But it's the human factor that I'd
have a problem with.

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Feb 5, 2003, 6:46am
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I'm not a child, and I'll do and say what I bloody well want to, newbie.


sw chris

Feb 6, 2003, 5:05pm
I was cordial when I said that. Even semi-joking. And yes, that has been
the general concensus since this newsgroup started. Look where it's got us.


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Feb 9, 2003, 11:36am
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It was a bad day, I have those a fair bit :)

Sorry if I was a tad abrupt, and yes, I will mind my langauge....but when it
comes to bigots, sorry, I dont really hold back all that much so you'll have
to excuse me if I come out flaming :)


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