Slow Moving Throughout AW (Community)

Slow Moving Throughout AW // Community

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Sep 11, 2002, 7:40pm
it's better than not having a video card I'm sure.

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Sep 11, 2002, 9:31pm
Barely. Trident's video cards are *not* for use in 3D programs. The CPU by itself doesn't fare very well in 3D rendering, hence the 3D accelerator board was born. The unit might even be built into the chipset and have no actual AGP port, which means that he couldn't actually get a decent video card (ie: Geforce2/Radeon or greater) without replacing the motherboard. Running a decently powerful video card on a PCI bus would be pointless because of the *extremely* limited bandwidth (the PCI bus would be a bottleneck between the video card and the system CPU/RAM).

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Sep 12, 2002, 10:15am
No, you're NOT sure; hence, you're wrong. Do some basic computer hardware research before replying next time.

[View Quote] > it's better than not having a video card I'm sure.
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Sep 12, 2002, 11:57am
> No, you're NOT sure; hence, you're wrong. Do some basic computer hardware research
before replying next time.

Eep you're such a putz. No video card = no visual display. Your monitor can't just
psychically display data your cpu sends it. There is a distinct difference between
video card and 3d video card, which I assume you meant.

He was sure, and he was right. Unless you were spouting your speculative nonsense
that "trident doesn't make the best video cards in the world, so they're worse then
looking at a blank screen."



Sep 12, 2002, 12:34pm
Why does anyone even bother to reply to this Meep person? I'll bet that if
you do some statistics on these newsgroups that you will find that Meep has
wasted more time complaining about people for no reason than he has ever
done helping people. I know that in the last 2 weeks at least he hasn't done
anything useful. The only times I've seen him try and help people is to
direct them to his website and tell them to get a clue in some caustic and
abusive fashion.


Sep 12, 2002, 12:56pm
your right.....but sometimes you just gotta fight fire WITH fire...:)

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ncc 72897

Sep 12, 2002, 1:03pm
Exactly. That's the only language those immature AWteen kids understand.

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Sep 12, 2002, 2:32pm
[View Quote] Get unstuck on this AWTeen stuff. He's older than 25 and lives in his parents
basement and doesn't like AWTeen.


ncc 72897

Sep 12, 2002, 4:22pm
I was agreeing with binary saying "fight fire with fire".

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Sep 12, 2002, 5:07pm
They should all be banned to awteen, because he would fit in there.
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ncc 72897

Sep 12, 2002, 7:18pm
Yeah, and their world changed into a P-50. That's more than sufficient for

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