Attn: Beta testers (Community)

Attn: Beta testers // Community

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Sep 2, 2001, 4:37pm
If any of you on the beta list has a copy of Linux installed in a dual boot config, I'm interested in having you try somthing.

I'd like to find out if AW works AT ALL under Linux. I suspect that as 2.2 functions under WINE, 3.2 will do so as well, at least in
OGL mode. Email me if you're interested in trying it out.


Sep 18, 2001, 4:41am
to bad I'm not on beta :P


Sep 18, 2001, 4:51am
On another note, I have wanted to try this myself for a while, stupid closed betas, I
don't get why AW can't let everyone on them but not let everyone submit
bugs. I also suspect that OpenGL mode would work fine as it works fine with half-life, etc. The new version of
mesa (v3.5) supposively has "100% OpenGL Conformance" so I do not see why
OGL would not work. I use the nvidia drivers for GL but have mesa
installed for other reasons (to compile wine with OpenGL support for
instance). Software mode would most definitely work as it does
on 2.2. Although 2.2 does not work perfectly under linux/wine(telegrams don't always
send, the bar that shows the frame rate etc is missing, contact list
shows everyone as online, telegrams always unread) I do suspect that
OpenGL would definitely improve the frame rate. Linux seems to run 2.2
pretty fast although my computer is relatively fast so this seems to be

jfk2 builder

Sep 18, 2001, 5:02am
A long time ago [about 10 months] the only way to beta test this CLOSED
game was to know someone who was allready on the beta test team and get
their PPW and submit your own info to get yourself on the beta test
team. BUT that was for a game called 'Hostile Space" Maybe it'll work
that way for AW. but it's worth a try.

"xero" <lx_xero at> wrote in
news:20010918.024132.1350573793.16489 at

> On another note, I have wanted to try this myself for a while, stupid
> closed betas, I don't get why AW can't let everyone on them but not
> let everyone submit bugs. I also suspect that OpenGL mode would work
> fine as it works fine with half-life, etc. The new version of mesa
> (v3.5) supposively has "100% OpenGL Conformance" so I do not see why
> OGL would not work. I use the nvidia drivers for GL but have mesa
> installed for other reasons (to compile wine with OpenGL support for
> instance). Software mode would most definitely work as it does
> on 2.2. Although 2.2 does not work perfectly under
> linux/wine(telegrams don't always send, the bar that shows the frame
> rate etc is missing, contact list shows everyone as online, telegrams
> always unread) I do suspect that OpenGL would definitely improve the
> frame rate. Linux seems to run 2.2 pretty fast although my computer
> is relatively fast so this seems to be why.


Sep 18, 2001, 11:31am
Uhh... why bother giving the beta browser to people that can't/won't report bugs? So they can play with it? There's a reason it's in beta.


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Sep 18, 2001, 9:14pm
People are always submitting bugs and things get messy and unorganized.
Roland even stated he gets more done in closed beta, rather than a beta test
open to everyone. Personally, I like the closed beta, because it means that
it will be debugged earlier and, therefore, released earlier.
- Syntax -

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Sep 18, 2001, 11:32pm
Of course theres a reason its in beta, its still being devloped and needs
the bugs worked out, still don't see a reason why people can't play with
it. I've used plenty of programs that are in developement/alpha/beta on
sourceforge but I suppose that's different since it's opensource. I still
think it is pretty foolish to keep it closed off to others, I don't see
why a certain group of people should get the right to try the new
features before everyone else beta or not. I do not think that is fair.


Sep 19, 2001, 9:08am
Well, it's not fair. Roland can admit it to you. But we're living in ideas.
The idea that no one will scream and shout when their memory or computer is
destroyed from a bug (hey, it happened in 3.1, I believe). The idea that no
one will bother Roland with the same bug report he just got a minute ago.
He's still trying to do his job, releasing a new program. He can't be held
back by the AW mass. If his job requires to get a little help, he has the
right to close beta.


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