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Objects makers in AW

Aug 17, 2005, 11:51am
We allow behaviour like this?

Telegram from TaLLan, sent Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:01 PM:
fuck you asshole you sorry son of a bitchy

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 18, 2005, 11:18am
Roadkill, we have the distinction in the English language also. Free is
free. If you understood the nuances of the English language, you would know
what that is but, I understand what you are saying. Thus, we have made
several alternate words in our language that "imply" free of charge but with
license still holding. Words such as "Complimentary" and "Free Trial"
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The Tallan Game

Aug 17, 2005, 10:00pm
The top ten reasons Tallan is an attention whore.

#10. New Threads!......

ENZO please read !!

Aug 22, 2005, 12:42pm
Bravo Baro,

Moral of the story? "It's better to be pissed OFF than pissed ON"


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Aug 22, 2005, 1:44pm

You know how much I have admired your work and respected you as an
individual. I pray that you will keep the lines open here and you will not
sever this connection entirely.

Somewhere along the road, many citizens forgot what it is to be a modeler.

I remember as a child, pulling out a cart with wheels I had. I loaded it
with Instant Ice Tea mix and a big pitcher of water filled with ice. I
rolled it all out near the road with a sign scribbled in crayon on a 3 x 5
index card...hardly noticeable from in front of the cart not to mention from
a passing car. I waited all day hoping to sell some iced tea just so I could
buy a Halloween costume that I had seen at the local store.

The sun climbed out from behind the shade tree I was under and started to
take it's toll on me. I wasn't drinkin', I was sellin'. Red, sweaty and
exhausted, I struggled on with the goal of that costume stuck in my head. It
was the best costume. It was just a ghost but I had never seen one like this
before. A long flowing white outfit that caught the breeze and looked like
something from out of 'the beyond'. I was gonna be the most famous kid on
the block with this costume come Halloween.

I was determined to sell some iced tea. That costume was just a few iced
teas out of my grasp. That did it. I waited for a car to drive by and I
started waving my arms and jumping up and down. Lo and behold, my first
customer. I saw my first dime on it's way. Ten cents closer I was gonna be.
What a nice lady. She gave me a quarter and told me I should go inside cause
it was too hot outside. Twenty-five cents woohoo!!! It wont be long now with
people like her around. Another car...and then yet another! I raised my
price to 25 cents! Why not? Everyone was okay with a dime , why not a
quarter?!! Oh boy, another car! "Yes sir, would you like to buy some iced

"Yes son, that would be nice on a day like this. Twenty-five cents? That
sounds like a good price! I'll take one"

And with that, my hand slipped off the glass pitcher and it smashed on the
ground. It shattered as did my dream.

The man graciously helped me pick up the broken glass and put it in the cart
so I could bring it back up to the house. Little did I know that the wet
glass and melting ice that was in the cart had soaked through the bottom of
the container of Iced Tea. When I lifted it off the cart, the bottom tore
open and spilled out everywhere. My eyes filled with tears. I couldn't even
get a new pitcher now.

When my parents came home from work that day, I was beaten for breaking a
valuable pitcher and not knowing better. Ah, our parents, what did they know
would affect us years later.

Needless to say, my parents found it in their hearts to buy me that ghost
costume. I was so filled with joy when they gave it to me. It was far and
few between that I got anything store bought growing up.

Halloween day arrived and I scrambled home from school and quickly threw on
my new costume. Yep, one-size-fits-all, that was my size alright. Off I went
to 'streets around the corner' unknown. Here goes me strutting down the
road, plastic pumpkin bucket in one hand swinging back and forth. I KNOW I
am going to be the king of the costumes this year!

There! Up ahead! Those are my friends! There's Pete, he's a pirate (so
passé), and there's Michelle....yep..a cat. I knew it. I darted up to meet
them but as I did, I tripped on the curb, fell, and tore my new costume. It
was ruined. And the parts that were salvageable had blood on it now because
I scraped my hand. My Halloween was ruined. I sulked back to my house where
I was yelled at for being clumsy.

A modeler crafts his iced tea, his models, sweats in the sun, putting in
hours and hours of work with not one car coming by. He creates a giant
clipper ship full of iced tea to pass out to everyone. Sometimes for a
quarter, sometimes for a dime, sometimes for free. Guaranteed though, no
modeler will ever afford a ghost costume without outside resources. And it
seems that in activeworlds especially, there are always curbs to help you
fall. I know one thing for sure, these blood stains will never come out.

I don't blame you for leaving activeworlds Susan. I am a few iced teas away
from leaving myself. Please keep in touch.

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New Models - Railroad town

Aug 25, 2005, 11:25am

New Models - Railroad town

Aug 25, 2005, 10:36pm
hahah...Railroad Stop Cafe....(and yes, it does look like strip club) hehe
I'd hate to see what you fot out of the modl further away "Tattered Teddy
Toy Store"

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1950's style diner model

Aug 27, 2005, 2:11am
Manufactured in Harrison, NJ, this 1950's style railroad conversion diner is
the perfect wayside structure for roller-skating "pinkies" and "hop"ped up

I'm done..seeya.

Aug 29, 2005, 1:01pm
Besides entries of new models I have made, I have made possibly 2 other
posts to the newsgroups in the last 6 months. Neither do I talk to a Tallan
here because he slanders me nor have I in the last 6 months. However, his
partner and cohort OneSummer has been my friend and her and I have gotten
along well. We have always been friendly to one another and I try to help
her whenever she needs something.

When the problem with Tallan arose with me, OneSummer asked that she not get
involved in any way. I respected that out of concern for the fact she says
she isn't feeling all that well. I prayed for her well-being and always
stuck up for her when anyone even looked coss-eyed at her.

I'm asking myself why? I recently received several grams from OnSummer to
other people here in activeworlds about me saying things about Tallan. It
seems that OneSummer and Tallan are in this together.

Telegram from (name not disclosed), sent Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:11 AM:
# 1 ) Telegram from OneSummer, sent Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:20 PM:
well I think its because Pelican hangs there and wrote really bad stuff
about him in the newsgroup but I am not enovoled
# 2 ) Telegram from OneSummer, sent Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:21 PM:
this is one of his postings The top ten reasons Tallan is an attention
# 3 ) Telegram from OneSummer, sent Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:23 PM:
and he said TaLLan has a small weenie and such, I don't think (name not
disclosed) knows all the bad things he said ...

Turning our attention to OneSummer......

What do you call someone who says they are your friend to your face and then
spreads rumors behind your back? OneSummer, if you have a problem with what
I have said about anyone in here, you bring it up with me instead of
spreading rumors throughout activeworlds which is what started all this in
the first place. Spreading rumors is behin people's backs are just methods
of gathering attention..and we already know what we call those people.

I'm done..seeya.

Aug 29, 2005, 4:32pm
After contemplating why these things are being said about me and done to me,
I realize that it's not anyone's fault that they get caught up in this. I
know that because of physical conditions, emotional anomalies, many people
have to lead less than 'exciting' lives unfortunately. To no fault of their
own. I forgive those of you who have lashed out at me directly or otherwise.
I'm here because I love you guys.

As far as OneSummer, yes, I did say "attention whore" but that's all...(and
honestly, I find nothing wrong with that statement) I see it was merely a
miscommunication by someone along theis electronic game of "telephone" that
we're playing. I'll always love OneSummer. She is a kind and giving citizen
of activeworlds.

Now, If I can be the attention whore for a minute.....

I've made mistakes in the past here, I think Ive paid dearly for them and
I'm sure I'll make more mistakes. All I know is I try my hardest to do
what's kind and right. Sometimes out of anger (I have high blood pressure) I
let everyone know how used I feel. I think Ive contributed alot to
activeworlds and I will continue to do so even if some people don't feel
they need me here.

When someone came to me and said they couldnt afford a cit, I gave them my
world cit and borrowed money from someone for my own. I've taught people how
to build, and built without expecting anything in return. I've helped many
worlds grow while I too learned more about activeworlds technology. Ive
never asked for anything back. I've always done for people to the point of
lacking of my own well-being. Now that Ive patted myself on the back, you
don't have to, nor does God.

I'm renegging on my 'goodbye' to activeworlds. I'm allowed. I am not one of
the modelling wannabes in here. I think I've earned my title as 'modeler'
(although I'm still learning). 18 months ago, one man here said he was going
to take down aw's modellers. He said that they were all thieves. This one
man's interpretation of the copyright laws unfortunately became an
unGodly.... erm... obsession(?)... But let's take a close look at what he
has said.

I have seen many citizens who are budding modellers....yes, haha, some may
be thieves but I dont call them that. Why would I destroy their dream? I
show them what they should do. It's a complex web of laws that dictate what
is actually copyrightable. It's alot of work but how do you tell a newbie
that without scaring them away from modelling? Modelling a sellable object
primarily requires you model from scratch and also make textures from
scratch (although there are some allowances for modifying CERTAIN pieces of
artwork) If you make everything from scratch, you will not have any

There are but a few citizens who have devoted their time here to creating
art through 3D objects. If you want to be one of those people, plan on
spending many hours modelling, screwing up, remodelling, screwing up again,
retextutring, retexturing, retexturing...and phew....when you're all done,
put a sign on it...and it will sit there. Maybe no one will ever buy it. So
now, if you still have the ambition, start again on a new model and go
through the entire process again and again until you finally find something
that someone likes enough to buy it. And believe me, you're gonna sweat out
of pores you never knew you had. But when you finally do sell your first
object, your first piece of artwork. It's highly rewarding. So, if it's in
you...stick with it.

But if it's not in you, don't pretend to be a modeller...we have many
homebound citizens whose only income is that which they can do at the
computer. For every model you sell, or give away, you're taking food out of
someone's mouth. If you still feel the need to do that, fret you answer to

So, in a lot of ways, that "obsessed" (for lack of a better term) person is
right. And he does all the real modellers a service by weeding out the
wannabes. Now, it's clear who is left. Those who are "true" modellers and
those who will sweat from new pores to get there. I've sweat from wayyy too
many pores to leave. God bless everyone who has helped me thus far.

So, now it's over. The task that was started by one was accomplished and we
can all go about our business again.

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I'm done..seeya.

Aug 29, 2005, 9:54pm
I agree. I would love the perfect world where I can model as I see fit and
just create and design. Unfortunately, I dont have that luxury for several
reasons I wont go into. Thus, I try and make a little money modelling. So do
some others here. and I know you wouldnt want to take that away from them.

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Damned German Nazis! - Fruit and Nutcase!

Sep 16, 2005, 6:04pm
If a Tic-Tac exploded, would that leave everything in mint condition?

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New models from Pelican

Oct 17, 2005, 7:37pm
Just a few new models. They can be viewed in Pelican world. Also, Pelican
world is now tourist enabled.


Homes from the Jordan river

Road and sidewalk textures

Asian temple

for your enjoyment....

Apr 30, 2006, 2:22am

These models and others are available in Pelican world.

What's a 'pergola' anyway?

May 1, 2006, 10:23pm

These and other models available in Pelican world.

Yes, these are the same models you see in Activeworlds. When you buy a
Pelican model, you receive the same high quality renderability as the
pictures above. In fact many of you already have purchased my chopstick sets
and octopi for your own worlds. Feel free to drop by and look around.

Oh, and an added surprise, there's an archaelogical 'dig' going on
in Pelican world. Can you find the entrance?

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