pelican // User Search

pelican // User Search

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Jul 17, 2005, 1:56pm
I am starting this nonsensical waste of time just waste of nonsense.

From this day forward, this post shall be the beginning of the "Longest Post
Ever". Whenever you post on the newsgroups, you must come back to this one
and reply that you've posted somewhere else.

Now, of course I cant force anyone to post here but I want everyone to know
that this, like many chain letters, this can carry certain consequences to
not posting. I've heard that one woman had hair grow from under her
fingernails for not posting (and that sucks because you have to buy special
shampoo and all (btw, 'Nail and Shoulders' is on sale at Walmart this week))

Another woman's children....they actually......mis-behaved! Can you believe


Jul 20, 2005, 3:37pm
I think it would behoove the other posters that they got posted and told
about not posting here....afterall,they may be in your world when they start
growing hair under their nails..and u will have to listen to them whine.

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Jul 24, 2005, 11:08pm
No more posts? A pox on your haircut!

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Celebrity Encounters?

Jul 20, 2005, 11:24pm
I dated Martha Quinn (from the old MTV music show) when I attended college
in NY city. She went on to marry Bobby Brady from the Brady Bunch.
Pfft...her loss.......(whimper)

Oh yeah and Paul Tutle (Orange County Choppers) lives about 20 minutes from
me. We're not talking anymore.

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AWUniv / AWTeen Building Contest Cancellation

Jul 24, 2005, 11:12pm
Gee, I wonder why?

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Add yourself to our new 'Directory'

Jul 25, 2005, 2:00am
It's official. The new directory has been setup and is officially ours. I
came back from the weekend to find the website packed with new entries. :)

The directory provides a way for people to look up world locations of
citizens in Activeworlds and other uni's. You can also look up a world's
citizen list which will provide a list of citizens for that world (useful if
you are considering becoming a citizen yourself).

The response has been positive and everyone is enjoying the new added 'photo
feature' (optional). Add the URL of your photo image and let everyone know
who they're dealing with!

You may add yourself to the directory more than once if you wish. You would
do this, let's say, if you are CT of many worlds, or a citizen in more than
one, several identities, etc.

In the near future, we will be able to search by state/province. Sometimes
I've wanted to talk with someone from my area and I could never find anyone.
Now I can. :) Please remember that all information you put in the directory
is completely optional.

I'll be looking for a good domain name shortly.

I hope everyone enjoys this new tool for us to use. :)

Add yourself to our new 'Directory'

Jul 25, 2005, 2:03am

Add yourself to our new 'Directory'

Jul 25, 2005, 3:15am
I'm making updates as we speak, so if the page doesnt load, try again in a
few minutes.

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Add yourself to our new 'Directory'

Jul 27, 2005, 11:14pm
The countries are coming as I can write them in...I have to list every
province everytime I add a country...I'll get Brazil and the Netherlands
next then, thanks Lioness!

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America, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)

Jul 25, 2005, 6:32pm
Will we still be the Country of choice and still be America if we
>continue to make the changes forced on us by the people from other
>countries that came to live in America because it is the Country of
> Think about it .
> All I have to say is, when will they do something about MY RIGHTS?
>celebrate Christmas, but because it isn't celebrated by everyone, we
can no
>longer say Merry Christmas. Now it has to be Season's Greetings. It's
>Christmas vacation, it's Winter Break. Isn't it amazing how this winter

>break ALWAYS occurs over the Christmas holiday? We've gone so far the
>way, bent over backwards to not offend anyone, that I am now being
>offended. But it seems that no one has a problem with that.
> This says it all!
> This is an editorial written by an
> American citizen, published in a
> Tampa newspaper He did quite a job; didn't he? Read on, please!
> I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we
> are offending some individual or their culture. Since the
>attacks on Sept. 11,
> we have experienced a surge
> in patriotism by the majority
> of Americans. However, the dust from the attacks had
> barely settled when the "politically correct! " crowd began
>complaining about
> the possibility that our patriotism was offending others.
> I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against
>who is seeking a better life by coming to America. Our population is
>entirely made up of descendants of immigrants. However, there
> are a few things that those
> who have recently come to
> our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.
>idea of America being a
> multicultural community
> has served only to dilute our sovereignty and our national
>As Americans, we
> have our own culture, our
> own society, our own language and our own lifestyle. This culture
>been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and victories by
>millions of men and women who have sought freedom.
> We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese,
>Russian, or any other language.
> Therefore, if you wish to become part
> of our society, learn the language!
> "In God We Trust" is our national motto. This is not some
>right wing, political slogan.. We adopted this motto because Christian
>and women,
> on Christian principles, founded this nation, and! this is clearly

> It is certainly appropriate to display it
> on the walls of our schools. If God
> offends you, then I suggest you
> consider another part of the world as
> your new home, because God is part
> of our culture.
> If Stars and Stripes offend you, or
> you don't like Uncle Sam, then you
> should seriously consider a move
> to another part of this planet. We
> are happy with our culture and have
> no desire to change, and we really
> don't care how you did things where
> you came from. This is
> our land, and our lifestyle. Our First Amendment gives every
> right to express his opinion and we
> will allow you every opportunity to do so!
> But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about our
> our pledge, our national motto, or our
> way of life, I highly encourage you to
> take advantage of one other great American freedom,
> It is Time for America to Speak up
> If you agree -- pass this along;
> if you don't agree -- delete it!

America, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)

Jul 26, 2005, 2:21pm
Wow....listen to all you haters. Everyone is so eager to bash America based
on our head guru's decisions. Well, just for your info, George Bush isn't
the United States, we, the people are.

And here's my point. Every newsgroup user in here was so quick to lash out
on a controversial issue that they ended up offending me, and my country
without first getting any facts. I personally contribute to foreign
countries for food and medicine. My government doesn't tell me to do that
nor does it give me any 'perks' because I do.

We keep lashing out at fellow citizens who are part of OUR country
(activeworlds) almost in a terrorist manner, with aims to destroy. Why? Are
we that angry?

Let's take a step back and look at for what reasons the newsgroups were

Which of the following just doesn't fit in?

1. Hey everybody! Invitation to Party in MadeUpWorld! Come all and have fun!
Best dj's playing for free!

2. I'd like to show everyone my newest build that I'm proud of at AW 00000N

3. I've modeled a new castle set that I think everyone would like. Please
stop in for a gander..........

4. Free sprites for everyone!

5. If you weren't such a f**king idiot, I'd beat the s**t outta you.

C'mon. Let's all play nice. Look at what you all went 'postal' over! A copy
of an email that has been circulating for 4 years. Haha. That's funny.
That's like me all of a sudden getting mad at Winston Churchill for what he
said at breakfast years ago. (I have no idea what he said at breakfast, in
case he ever did)
Let's all put away the big's time we all came together and
worked as one unit to improve our 'community' as a whole...not single out
someone for remarks they made.

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America, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)

Jul 27, 2005, 2:38pm
with a name like "Roadkill", I wouldnt even mention the word 'terrorist' if
i were you..hehe

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America, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)

Jul 29, 2005, 4:03am
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America, love it or leave it...(wait, I'll get you the door)

Jul 29, 2005, 4:03am
Cant we just blow up the lightbulb?

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Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 27, 2005, 2:46pm
Several more countries have been added to accommodate more citizens. The
response is huge. Thanks everyone.

If you haven't added yourself yet, please do. If your country isn't
available, please drop an email to stout552002 at and I'll make it a
priority to do those countries first.

Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 27, 2005, 11:13pm
Good suggestions..Unfortunately, the Gate blew me off....and aw gz has heard
me over and over ....hehehe

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Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 29, 2005, 2:24am
yeah, it's in there, just not on those little flags on the front page...just
hit refresh
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Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 29, 2005, 2:25am
thanks richard...getting all thr provinces and states and territories is the
issue really.

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Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 29, 2005, 2:32am
truckerette may have been the only cit that entered who input alpha as their
world...I have nticed some people entering several worlds as their primaryy
world so I have to figure out a way to seperate those. You can enter
yourself many times if you'd like, each time using a different world as your
primary. Then when you are searched, several records come up, each with a
different world name.
I think ive gotten rid of that ugly photo problem (Mine) popping up when you
can find a record. I know about the "returning to alabama" issue. Im waiting
on something before i fix it. If you edit your profile, just make sure the
dropdown box reflects the correct state.
and yes Lioness.. I did delete your other record. sorry.

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Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 29, 2005, 2:34am
I will make that function available in the future. That will be a powerful
feature. It has long been needed, the ability to contact all the world
owners. I don't know who they all are. I'm not sure anyone except AWI knows.

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Lookup Directory for Citizens

Jul 29, 2005, 3:58am
I think I might just waste the secondary world field. Here's the issue. When
you "Search" a database, the database will list all of the records that
MATCH your criteria. Let's say you want to search for ALL users who have a
primary world that says "Alphaworld".....

If your record says "Alphaworld and TheBeans" that doesn't MATCH.
Yes, the first part does, I know, but it isnt an exact match in its

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New website for friend want input

Jul 29, 2005, 2:10am
That site was for me? Yeah, so America has issues. What's new? If it isn't
social security, it's the Kennedy assassination cover-up. If it isn't the
Pope, it's the DaVinci Code. If it isn't Roswell, it's those damned little
pieces on the space shuttle.

And once again I'm answering some flame by someone, in this case, The Derek,
whom I don't even know. Why must everyone always aim shit at people? What is
wrong with you?

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hate in AW

Jul 28, 2005, 2:35pm
You want to focus on controversy?
I visit the world Loralyne on a suggestion by Heu and upon entering I meet a
tourist named "Alexis" who is from Italy but visits the US. We talk for a
few minutes and I notice that the 'entry av' is a female tourist, and I
change to a male. then she realizes I am a male and freaks out for no
apparent reason. The owners of the world come by and hear her calling me
"faggot", "homo", and "rapist" and remarks like homosexuals should be
shot..and do nothing about it. I even asked them to eject her and she
admitted to saying those things but they did nothing. Loralyne is a G rated

This is an edited copy of chat (alot of french was being spoken by others
that i deleted)
Yorda: weird?

"Alexis": WELL I'M GONNA BE SO......

Yorda: hi Pelican

Yorda: hi Alexis

Pelican: this is the first time i came here...and your tourist av is a
female first on the list, thus you become a female

Pelican: hi Yorda

"Alexis": WAT EV


"aLpHa": coucou yorda ;-)

"Alexis": UR A HOMO!!!!!!

Yorda: welcome Pelican and Alexis:)

Pelican: thank you alexis

"Alexis": RAPEST!!!!!!!!!!!

Yan.: ?

Yorda: .. Yan?

Yorda: Yan?

Pelican: geez, alexis and i were having such a nice convrsation too

Yorda: :)

Yan.: oui?

Pelican: alexis...will get banned for statements like that

Yorda: .. tu dis: ? lol

Yorda: tu dis: ? lol

"Alexis": 2 BAD I DON'T TALK 2 FAGIT'S

Yorda: who you are?

Pelican: Where's Heu?

Yorda: on Allusion

"Alexis": UMM LET MY GUESS A..............FAGIT!! !!??!?!

Yorda: as usual

Yorda: .. bonne chance

Yorda: bonne chance

Pelican: is someone going to eject her for calling me these things or do i
brin g charges against this world thru aw

[Julie]: ! pas si facile

[Julie]: pas si facile



Yorda: what sort of things?

Pelican: Calling me asshole, faggit, rapist

[Lucy]: je vous y envoie de suite Yan.

Yorda: in whisper?

Pelican: no

Pelican: outloud

Yan.: un soucis?

Yorda: I didnt heard


Yorda: if I did I would stop it

Pelican: excuse me?

"Alexis": YEA U DID

Yorda: Alexis?

Pelican: alexis....why dont you call me those things now?

"Alexis": YES YORDA?

Yorda: please be polite ok? :)

"Alexis": SURE YORDA

Yorda: oki:)

Pelican: im outta here

Yan.: oki :)

"Alexis": C YA

hate in AW

Jul 28, 2005, 3:36pm
It at first appeared that Yorda was more than a citizen being the text
appeared as console messages. I find out I was wrong. I spoke with the true
owner of Loralyne who is also not supportive of such behaviour. Yes, this
was just an annoying tourist incident.

(now, let me find her...muahahahahah)
*gets out spitball shooter*

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Thank you Heu for setting it straight

Jul 28, 2005, 3:49pm
I want to thank Heu for getting the right people together in a multi
language situation and straightening out what could have hurt a world that
had nothing to do with hate. Laura, the owner, is a beautiful person and is
very gentle and kind natured. She spent alot of time deciphering my cryptic
french along with Heu's translation ability. Thank you, both of you.

Thank you Heu for setting it straight

Jul 29, 2005, 1:55am
Except, Vie posted a total of 4 times in the NG's? and, let's see..whether
it's a problem with a tourist or citizen, it was still an issue. We have
learned to become complacent about tourist problems, we merely say 'accept
it, they are tourists'. The truth is, we shouldn't accept it. Unfortunately,
AWI accepts it because without the initial "step in" of foul-mouthed,
build-deleting, graffiti-spreading tourists, AWI's population would probably
sit at a standstill or, worse yet, decline. So, alas, we accept it. We play
"good little citizen" and we follow the guidelines. Well pffft to those

Yes, we have the ability to 'mute' our offenders but why would / should I
have to mute them, I have already been offended! Thus, the whole mute
function is moot. That's like having a bullet-proof vest that you can put on
but only after you've been shot.

The issue is, we, AS A COMMUNITY, have a problem with tourists and our
current methods do not protect the cits from verbal or other attacks.
Several ideas come to mind. None are a perfect solution but maybe AS A
COMMUNITY we can come up with a program that will allow a comfortable
transition for tourists to be introduced to the worlds in AW.

One idea, although it may be a programming nightmare, what if there were
several plateaus of worlds. Not too much unlike security levels in a
website. The 'A' level or introduction level would include worlds like
AWGate, and heavily moderated worlds. This would also be good for AW in a
matter of marketing too. Tourists and new cits can earn there way to
different world levels....Their attitude/contributions/assistance counts
towards their status and can lift them to higher plateaus. Let's say, only
level 3 cits can be world owners. It can be a big psychological game with
newbies. They earned their status, thus they respect it. We would have alot
of newcomers feeling great about themselves after they attained that all
important plateau they sought!

Just something to kick around, like I said, it may be far from perfect.. I
thought I'd at least try to come up with a solution instead of just griping
about cits who use the ngs.

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Thank you Heu for setting it straight

Jul 29, 2005, 3:54am
wow.....have you seen a psychologist about that?

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CY Update

Aug 11, 2005, 11:59pm
A message from Lites who is having difficulty posting to the newsgroups.....

I penned a post in response to all those that have gone before. I then
decided it was in keeping with the energy of previous posts and that is not
what I wanted to accomplish, so deleted it.
Suffice it to say, there is room for more award ceremonies than just the Cy
awards. I am one of the 'older generation' that was actually encouraged by
Mark's approach to the awards. I found it extremely refreshing that there
was a different view on things, and a sincere attempt by Mark to enlist the
help of people, heretofore, who had not been involved before. There is so
much talent in AW, in the way of builders, programmers, modelers and other
contributors that just have not gotten the visibility they so deserve.
Fortunately, I am not any of the above, so can speak openly :)
Mark, and volunteers that have been working on this event: Please do not be
discouraged. I sincerely hope that you go forward with the momentum that you
have gained and design an award ceremony that is appropo
I sincerely hope that you go forward with the momentum that you have gained
and design an award ceremony that is appropriate for the new AW and all that
implies. There are many people out and about AW who supported you, yet have
not gotten involved in the foray of the newsgroups.
That is not to say that the Cys are not important and do not have their
place. Sustain the Cy with the people that you think are most appropriate
for the task. I do however, agree with previous posts, that there is room
for more than ONE award in AW. I also think it is so important that the
youth of this virtual reality, have their voice and lead the way to the
So, from one "old" lady in AW, please go forward Mark and staff, with the
innovative ideas you had. I think it will be an immense contribution to the
AW Community and I look forward to seeing what you develop.


Objects makers in AW

Aug 17, 2005, 11:42am
Why is my name coming up in this Tallan? Everytime I turn around there seems
to be a problem looming and you're the root of it. For everyone's
info....the Clipper ship is mine. I made it from scratch including the
For the skeptics...

and for anyone not believing the pics and whom needs further proof, here is
the source file for the clipper.

Now, since Ive had to do this to clear my name yet once again from all you
attention hungry citizens out there, yes Tallan, I mean you, I will never
again give away my models to anyone. The clipper ship is now -public domain,
retexture it, bend it, shape it, stuff it in Tallan...i dont care. The ship
is now copyright and royalty free.

Once again Tallan, you have succeeded in making yourself look ridiculous.
And, you have not heard the last of me.

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Objects makers in AW

Aug 17, 2005, 11:47am
hey Tallan,
Someone just told me you gave them a set of tunnels that were the rest of
Starheart's free set! If that's true, you're giving away other people's
models or you are hyping your own models to be part of someone else's set
which isnt true. I saw the tunnel set that you made. One problem, they dont
fit anything! I'm letting starheart know and letting him take care of it.
*kiss kiss you little devil you*

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