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crazy pills // User Search

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need a free custom avatar i know never gonan happen eh?

Jul 4, 2003, 4:02pm
i sure hope so :-)
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need a free custom avatar i know never gonan happen eh?

Jul 9, 2003, 10:42pm
ty ty,,i shoudla posted imagien already made me one before this post no
offence but hers is better. good try ty for ur help but hers has seqs and
more umm character
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P r D o

Jul 10, 2003, 3:37pm
Kol not to pick a fight but how can we know ur tellign the truth and not a
bent and twisted version of it? you are infamous for doign things then
denying them.

i'd giev exampels but thats just not my bag.

if u really want to knwo wats going on fat chance my cit was suspended for 3
days once and i never found out why alklk they said was youll get a 3 day
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P r D o

Jul 11, 2003, 3:47am
lol half objects and avvis i salso think a good idea woudl be to make them
liek 1/300th the size lil microscopic things and then have oen giant avvi
who runs aroufn and looks liek godzilla mwhuuuu ha ha ha ha ha
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Mr X, Mr Y and Mr Z

Jul 11, 2003, 3:42am
I dont get it
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Mr X, Mr Y and Mr Z

Jul 13, 2003, 6:29pm
i was beign sarcastic and looser ? lol
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In Case You Havnt Read it...

Jul 13, 2003, 11:05pm
Ok I CrAzY PiLLs am looking for the following for awteens Summer Bash party
by tuesday;

AW Bands-to play the gig
AW Radio Stations-to broadcast us music
AW Dj's- to play music for people
AW Tv Stations- to cover the party

In Case You Havnt Read it...

Jul 14, 2003, 2:04pm
Kol you would knwo abotu rude
cross burner
cross burner
cross burner
Ahem *adjust tie*
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out of control gk bot

Jul 18, 2003, 2:13am
i was in awgate cuz alaskan shadow told me a tourist was looking for me and
he was posing as a diff name but was actually "confederate" i said the

out of control gk bot

Jul 18, 2003, 2:14am
MysticalRose: LMAO!!!

BLizzarD X: *snuggles DM* you ok?

CrAzY PiLLs: its roadkill now

Julionna K: *yawns and waunders off to find something to do*

Rocky1: I never clean frigs i buy new

"Leroy": I heard that Brock is happy that the ATA attacked you Crazy

MysticalRose: Come on Cady! Don't give up yet!

Dark Mistress: *snuggles back* Yeah...just kinda sore

CrAzY PiLLs: leroy=confederate

[Customs Aide]: You have been ejected for unacceptable language

Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate

Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from awgate

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out of control gk bot

Jul 18, 2003, 1:00pm
i find it was funny when i got back from my ejection. every 1 said stuff
like "you got ejected for saying confederate?" and like gks and alot of
peeps at the gate left...pretty funny...the bot wont let us tal kabout the
civil war either then hmmmm?
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Ohhh ayyyyyy oh! Everybody....

Jul 27, 2003, 6:26pm
they dont have grades???yes they do alot of my british friends have grade
levels, are you sure your not in a "special" class??? lol that woudl explain
the music, and the self centered egotism (is that a word?)

j/k luv ya striek (no not like that ya perve)
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Aug 9, 2003, 3:31am
heres a log that will amuse you;
[AW GameBot]: You are in the way of the game! Please move off of the game
board (or I'll have to eject you!). :)
[AW GameBot]: Thank you!
[AW GameBot]: You are in the way of the game! Please move off of the game
board (or I'll have to eject you!). :)
JessieLuv: Heya Rock.......
[AW GameBot]: You have been ejected for staying on the game board
Immigration Officer: You have been ejected from aw

I got ejected for steppign on a chess board sorry if this got posted in
html, i copied and pasted


Aug 9, 2003, 2:55pm
luv you too ryan
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Aug 9, 2003, 5:35pm
LoL Mark is at a time in hsi life in which hes gender bending... he can
tdecide whether hes gay, straight, male, female, etc,

If you read this message you have too much free time...
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Usage of Disabled Citizen

Aug 9, 2003, 8:11pm
its all true if he did take legal action though aw may shut down 0_0 highyl
unliekly bu theres a chance

10,000 dolalr lawsuit for umm emotional damages?
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Why does everyoen hate me!

Aug 11, 2003, 5:41pm
everyone whos important in soemway in aw hates me!!!!!

personal biases keep me from gettign aw jobs, and alot of power positions
are very hipocritical!

Why does everyoen hate me!

Aug 11, 2003, 9:02pm
Fien this here an apology what ever the hell i did to al lof you to make you
hate me im sorry, is it the way my names spelt sorry, can tchange that, is
it the way i build sorry, il lnever buio again, is it the way i talk il
lshut the hell up..just stop beign total asses and i will too!
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Why does everyoen hate me!

Aug 11, 2003, 9:44pm
not what i menat andras, i meant what do you wnat me to chaneg my name? want
me to chaneg how i build, two seperate thigns ,i knw ohwo to chaneg my name
but why should i chaneg who i am so that the ylike me :-(
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Why does everyoen hate me!

Aug 12, 2003, 6:50pm
yes sir :-)
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How the hell did weebo fidn my secret stash!

Aug 12, 2003, 6:51pm
god he musta eaten the super crazy pills, coo coo*twils finger*

so weebo wanan explain what happened? or just gonan sit there and rant?

The creation of a new Public World

Aug 24, 2003, 8:39pm
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Aug 27, 2003, 5:05pm
i was watching G4 the game network, and it angered me to see they featured
Second life stuff, iv never seen aw get good reveieews, or any reviews at
all, awi needs some commercials on tv radio, and before movies(in theatres)

they need more stuff than they got, they need to submit themselves to
magazines, pc mags, game mags, and hobby mags, im sick of seeing second life
getting used over the cult favorite aw!


Aug 27, 2003, 6:16pm
lol carl u saw it too... also iv seen commercials late at night...

and no a cheap commercial on a channel that is in select packages for cable
and satelite would cost very cheap, advertise late at night when geeks are
watchign and are all oooooooh

or even get a banenr on another website

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Aug 27, 2003, 10:24pm
yeah sorry i meant to say there their all ripoffs that cant get it right
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Aug 27, 2003, 11:53pm
ummm errr i did i got into beta a LONG time ago, i got the url a long time
befoe you probably heard of it
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Great new UNI

Aug 27, 2003, 10:43pm
Sprial Matrix is a great New universe that recently started up, after a
bumpy start its moving along greatly.

Cits starting at 14.99 and worlds fairly priced, everything is cheaper than
youd find in the aw uni.

So checkit out

Or just to register goto;

Another "Work This Out"

Aug 29, 2003, 9:19pm
spiral matrix is kewl

state the obviouse easy puzzle!
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Sep 2, 2003, 1:43pm
*crys* pedofiles taking their agression out on children o nthe net help
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They keep on thinking up better ideas!

Sep 2, 2003, 1:35pm

take a bight it wont hurt
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