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Xelagot 3.4 official release (with Trivia Bot)

Jul 8, 2003, 2:05pm
UPX got a 300KB VB EXE down to 72KB for me it rules i just use upx -9 -f
exename it works wonders

XeonBot Build 4 Released

Jul 8, 2003, 5:50pm
This is the latest upgrade nothing new in this version but it is possibley
the last one. It depends whether i renew but this now hopefully a bug free
version of the Existing XeonBot but with a few commands to aide its own via


Replace XeonBot with the bots name minus the []

XeonBot void - logs the bot out
XeonBot come here - brings the bot to your location
XeonBot goto 0n 0w 0a 0 - sends it to a location
XeonBot go home - sends it to its origional location at login
XeonBot target [NAME] - selects a user for ejection
XeonBot shoot for [TIME] - ejects the user selected by the target command
for a certain pireod of time
XeonBot set my avatar too [NUMBER] - a public command to force avatar
changes (requires care taker)
XeonBot wear avatar [NUMBER] - changes the bots avatar
XeonBot quickseed [objectname] - seeds an object on the spot the bot is
standing on. This is know as quickseed as a full seed bot with all object
properties will be added in the next version if im stll here.
XeonBot owner - shows the bots own (public)
XeonBot version - shows the bot owner (public)

Pointless commands :

Hi XeonBot
Hello XeonBot

And oh well i suppose i can say leave your suggestions and comments here but
it will all be insults i bet. Ok im taking bets on who can guess the number
of insults ill get on this thred

XeonBot Build 4 Released

Jul 8, 2003, 5:51pm
Also changed from AwSdk.dll to AwSdk2.dll which is Build 32

XeonBot Build 4 Released

Jul 8, 2003, 6:27pm
Nothing about popularity just to prove to my self i can make a bot that
people can use. I started on a script language but havent finished yet... Im
gonna be including some larger features if i stay

XeonBot Build 4 Released

Jul 8, 2003, 9:04pm
Btw this bot is now used in Dream land park as its customs aide

N,S,E,W module

Jul 10, 2003, 1:35am
Brant made 1 that goes both ways ill dig it up. But ive asked him i can add
it to Ocx6 or any alternative i come up with for giving the ocx interface.
Talking with grimm i might give out a class file or a user control rather
than a compiled ocx

XeonBot Build 5 Released

Jul 16, 2003, 4:05am
Add DJ Bot, Seed Bot, and an unstable feature to remove objects from your
world owned by a certain citizen number


Replace XeonBot with the bots name minus the []

XeonBot Follow [name]
XeonBot Follow me
XeonBot Stop Following

XeonBot Build 5 Released

Jul 16, 2003, 4:06am
Oops forgot to cross post this time

XeonBot Build 5 Released

Jul 16, 2003, 4:07am
Oh that worked i replyed and formed a cross post ;)

XeonBot Build 6 Released

Jul 17, 2003, 7:56am
Fixes the DJ bot playing when not enabled Added a link to XS

XeonBot Build 6 Released

Jul 17, 2003, 7:56am

XeonBot Build 7

Jul 28, 2003, 11:51pm
* Added override eject settings for words ie some words can be set to no
warning or have a longer ejection time
* Fixed bug where upcase letter in a word on the words list would not
trigger ejection


XeonBot Build 8 Released

Jul 29, 2003, 12:25am
* Fixed a typo that stopped override word settings from working
* Added to avatars list right click menu the option to see if someone has
been warned by customs aide
* Fixed logging out and back in would leave old values in the avatars info
storage system


XeonBot Build 8 Released

Jul 29, 2003, 12:27am
Sorry about releasing so soon but when u make a release and it makes it
doens't work proprely (rushed testing and being desctracted by people) it
became a pointless update so out with Build 8

XeonBot Build 9 Released

Aug 1, 2003, 12:05am
I know im very quick at new releases but i keep getting reports of
problems... with somehting like CA in dlp it cant just be shut down for a
week or to so i fix it.... and if i fix it i might as well fix it for
everyone lol.. maybe ill make an auto upgrade system


Someones done something worse than disassemble my bot...

Aug 8, 2003, 10:05pm
THEY MADE IT A DUCK :O http://www.xeonsoft.co.uk/ducksquad.jpg

Someones done something worse than disassemble my bot...

Aug 9, 2003, 12:39am
Ok this is wierd i started with me and ma bot now its this :

Someones done something worse than disassemble my bot...

Aug 9, 2003, 2:29am

XeonBot Build 10 Released

Aug 8, 2003, 11:02pm
Few more options to expand existing features


XeonBot Build 11 Released

Aug 16, 2003, 1:53am
Minor fixes and changes


XeonBot questions

Oct 8, 2003, 7:53pm
Ok just wondering what ppl think of XeonBot...
What do u like what dont u like what would u like added... post suggestions
to me... im a bit stuck on features right now

XeonBot Build 12 Released

Oct 22, 2003, 12:41am
Ive got around to making changes finally but ive been stuck on idea's for
general features. I dont want to add a function that would extremely
specific like a built in Paint ball bot but sort of general use things. I
have a few features that aren't exactly great that could do with
improvements. I would like to here what people would like changed or added
or taken out of the bot.

This version add's a chat relay bot which currently filters chat with
customs aide's bad word feature. Also console whisper and chat options, for
use with global mode. The chat relay is very basic cause im tired and its
3:30am so heres the URL and good night.



XeonBot Build 12 Released

Oct 22, 2003, 12:42am
Oh also forgot to mention one idea im gonna add soon is multiple
configurations. so when you load the bot you choose which set of settings
you want to load, or create a copy of current ones or a new set.

XeonBot Build 13 (Beta) Released

Oct 26, 2003, 1:22pm
This version try's out my new feature, autoupdate alerts. When running
XeonBot it will check for a new version. If there is one you have the option
for xeonbot to download it and update its self. You can disable these
options if you do not wish XeonBot to communicate with the update server.


XeonBot Build 14 (Beta) Released

Oct 26, 2003, 2:06pm
Since i made an error reading the ini auto updates where always disabled
unless =0 was set =*blank* would not count as enabled as well as if the
switch didn't exist.

This version try's out my new feature, autoupdate alerts. When running
XeonBot it will check for a new version. If there is one you have the option
for xeonbot to download it and update its self. You can disable these
options if you do not wish XeonBot to communicate with the update server.


XeonBot Build 14 (Beta) Released

Oct 26, 2003, 9:54pm
Yeah i keep forgetting

XeonBot Build 15 Released Probably Last ever.

Nov 9, 2003, 12:20am
XeonBot Build 15 is the final release of xeonbot. I think this bot has
become cluttered and isn't in a very expandable position as i had hoped. I
have plans on developing a new bot with much better

This update removes auto update, and finally yes fixes tab order!

Since i need to renew my dns2go account the main site is down the download
can be found at...


Also i am after suggestions and testers for the new bot

Event Alerter Bot Build 1 Released

Nov 11, 2003, 11:44pm
Event Alerter is a bot to alert you of events in your world while you are
working with out the Active Worlds Browser in focus. It plays sounds like
when you receive a telegram but for avatar and chat events. The bot features
multi universes, global mode, saving settings and replicable sounds (see the
application directory).


Event Alerter Bot Build 1 Released

Nov 12, 2003, 7:16pm
Possibley but it could add confusion for some users

Event Alerter Bot Build 2 Released

Nov 12, 2003, 7:26pm
This version fixes the unmasked ppw box even though the stored ppw was
encrypted it was visible on the form.


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