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Querying Ejections and Citizen Numbers

Jul 3, 2003, 1:09pm
if you using the long method of log in not qiuck start u will need to set
events and call backs you want with sdk.aw_event_set(AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD) or

Private_Sub sdk_EventAvatarAdd()
Dim AvatarSession as long
Dim AvatarIP as long
AvatarSession = sdk.aw_int(AW_AVATAR_SESSION)
AvatarIP = sdk.aw_address(AvatarSession)
Msgbox AvatarIP

End Sub


Jul 4, 2003, 3:15pm
My Docs have been updated a bit im still working though it but it gets a bit
boring doing it so ill do a few methods when i get time. Also changed
download links to grimmsoft


XeonBot Build 4 Released

Jul 8, 2003, 5:50pm
This is the latest upgrade nothing new in this version but it is possibley
the last one. It depends whether i renew but this now hopefully a bug free
version of the Existing XeonBot but with a few commands to aide its own via


Replace XeonBot with the bots name minus the []

XeonBot void - logs the bot out
XeonBot come here - brings the bot to your location
XeonBot goto 0n 0w 0a 0 - sends it to a location
XeonBot go home - sends it to its origional location at login
XeonBot target [NAME] - selects a user for ejection
XeonBot shoot for [TIME] - ejects the user selected by the target command
for a certain pireod of time
XeonBot set my avatar too [NUMBER] - a public command to force avatar
changes (requires care taker)
XeonBot wear avatar [NUMBER] - changes the bots avatar
XeonBot quickseed [objectname] - seeds an object on the spot the bot is
standing on. This is know as quickseed as a full seed bot with all object
properties will be added in the next version if im stll here.
XeonBot owner - shows the bots own (public)
XeonBot version - shows the bot owner (public)

Pointless commands :

Hi XeonBot
Hello XeonBot

And oh well i suppose i can say leave your suggestions and comments here but
it will all be insults i bet. Ok im taking bets on who can guess the number
of insults ill get on this thred

XeonBot Build 4 Released

Jul 8, 2003, 5:51pm
Also changed from AwSdk.dll to AwSdk2.dll which is Build 32

XeonBot Build 4 Released

Jul 8, 2003, 6:27pm
Nothing about popularity just to prove to my self i can make a bot that
people can use. I started on a script language but havent finished yet... Im
gonna be including some larger features if i stay

XeonBot Build 4 Released

Jul 8, 2003, 9:04pm
Btw this bot is now used in Dream land park as its customs aide


Jul 9, 2003, 4:25pm
The AwSdkOcx5.Ocx isn't even a complete very of 3.3 SDK Grimm switched to
the new dll format as it was less time consuming than the ocx method. Theres
nothing really harder about at all. You just use sdk.aw_string()
sdk.aw_string_set() sdk.aw_int() sdk.aw_int_set() sdk.aw_bool()
sdk.aw_bool_set() there all you need worry about. So Sdk.AwChatMessage
becomes sdk.aw_string(AW_CHAT_MESSAGE) Although i have been thinking about
writing an AwSdkOcx6.Ocx wouldn't be a standalone you would use AwSdkOcx6
and it would basicly give you the Ocx front to the dll. You would need to
ship your applications with both files

Unofficial AwOcxSdk6.ocx INCOMPLETE TEST

Jul 9, 2003, 8:43pm
I have started work on an unoffical 3.4 ocx form sdk. This is not an
official AW release or Grimmsoft release. It is only an interface for
AwSdk2dll the ocx requires the dll sdk to run. I am asking for some people
try out the functions are events making sure nothing strange happens during
usage. The properties Sdk.AwAvatarName have not been added yet you will need
to use Sdk.AwString(AW_AVATAR_NAME) for now. While you are testing the
functions i will start work on adding the properties but there is about
200-300 of them


Unofficial AwOcxSdk6.ocx INCOMPLETE TEST

Jul 9, 2003, 8:46pm
Oops thats http://www.xeonsoft.co.uk/downloads/awsdkocx6beta.zip

Unofficial AwOcxSdk6.ocx INCOMPLETE TEST

Jul 9, 2003, 9:21pm
Yeah well ive given up explaining how to use the DLL everyone just has ago
at me and starts cryin about where a stupid bracket it so im making this its
built on BUILD 32 sdk so everything on is new. Plus it uses some of the
DLL's methods rather than the OCX's Besides im getting fed up of _'s

Unofficial AwOcxSdk6.ocx UPDATE BUT INCOMPLETE

Jul 10, 2003, 4:57am
I have updated the ocx to contrin all properties but only in read only.
Please check to see if ive missed any properties i took them from
http://www.activeworlds.com/sdk/ which i noticed was missing
AW_UNIVERSE_WELCOME_MESSAGE to change properties continue to use the
AwStringSet AwIntSet AwBoolSet


For now im continuing on Ocx files though talking to MrGrimm i might change
it to be an uncompiled user control or a class file so your exe doesn't
require 2 dependancies (Once ive completed all the properties read/write

Unofficial AwOcxSdk6.ocx ADD FUNCTIONS

Jul 13, 2003, 1:02pm
Ive added quickstop and a couple other odds and ends that were missing but
the properties aren't done yet

Oh and blame john for another imcomplete update if he didn't wine so much id
have finished all the properties first


XeonBot Build 5 Released

Jul 16, 2003, 4:06am
Add DJ Bot, Seed Bot, and an unstable feature to remove objects from your
world owned by a certain citizen number


Replace XeonBot with the bots name minus the []

XeonBot Follow [name]
XeonBot Follow me
XeonBot Stop Following

Re: XeonBot Build 5 Released

Jul 16, 2003, 4:06am
Oops forgot to cross post this time

Re: XeonBot Build 5 Released

Jul 16, 2003, 4:07am
Oh that worked i replyed and formed a cross post ;)

Unofficial AwOcxSdk6.ocx ?COMPLETE? Beta

Jul 16, 2003, 1:06pm
This SDK should be pretty much done.

sdk.AwWorldWelcomeMessage = "Hello" and other properties are now setable
like this

Properties that are read/write appear on the control's properties bar. This
might be seen as a feature but i made a bodge up somewhere probably using
Let instead instead of Set but ill leave it 4 now


XeonBot Build 6 Released

Jul 17, 2003, 7:56am
Fixes the DJ bot playing when not enabled Added a link to XS

XeonBot Build 6 Released

Jul 17, 2003, 7:56am

Unofficial AwOcxSdk6.ocx COMPLETE WORKING

Jul 18, 2003, 3:06pm
Ok ingnore beta 4 that was a bit screwed up an accident with fnid/replace


Unofficial AwOcxSdk6.ocx COMPLETE WORKING

Jul 18, 2003, 6:38pm

Unofficial AwSdkOcx6.ocx ixed UniverseTime

Jul 20, 2003, 1:22pm

Unofficial AwSdkOcx6.ocx ixed UniverseTime

Jul 20, 2003, 8:11pm
Yeah but if i add another its probably not gonna get read and ppl bug me for
fixes asap

Unofficial AwSdkOcx6.ocx ixed UniverseTime

Jul 20, 2003, 11:24pm
err no

Unofficial AwSdkOcx6.ocx ixed UniverseTime

Jul 21, 2003, 4:19pm
The problem with VB is with compiled exe's if u update the ocx it sometimes
refuses to load the control sometimes in side VB you need to re add the
control but from now on ill create a new post which will contain all updates


Jul 20, 2003, 11:35pm
sdk.aw_say sdk.long2date(sdk.aw_int(AW_UNIVERSE_TIME))

this shows my local time "
21/07/2003 02:28:05"

But the VRT Clock shows 23:28:05

AwSdkOcx6.ocx Thred

Jul 21, 2003, 4:22pm
Due the number of posts all posts will now be kept to this thread.

Fixes missing sdk.AwWorldFogEnable
Fixes AwWorldEnableTerrain capitalisation
Fixes missing Callbackterrainset


AwSdkOcx6.Ctl Final no ocx only ctl read for instructions

Jul 23, 2003, 2:23pm
Now i have a final release i am sending out the CTL file NOT the Ocx. The
reason for using ocx during testing was to stpo ppl f***ing around with it
and then breaking it and reporting bugs but now heres final

simpley open ur project remove any Ocx 3/4/5/6 components and go Project >
Add User Control

It will add AwSdk2 and AwSdkOcx6 to the toolbox put ur mouse over them to
see which 1 is which

Upgrading your existing AwSdkOcx bots to 3.4 with out mass recoding
Beginners or any excuss not to use AwSdk2.dll

Any bug fixes you need simpley edit the control your self


AwSdkOcx6.Ctl Final no ocx only ctl read for instructions

Jul 27, 2003, 12:39am
This another reason i didn't want to release a ctl right away cause idiots
would start to compile new AwSdkOcx6.ocx coursing even more dam confusion
and reference problems thanks alot john. id perfer if ud remove ur compiled
version and rename ur control as well

Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 5:55pm
I telegramed Calpantera about that he said he was thinking of the same thing


Telegram from Calpantera, sent Wed Jul 23, 2003 18:58:

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe even having the installers created,
code signed and hosted by AW


Trusted Sources

Jul 24, 2003, 5:57pm
Oh and john lay off smaping my site on AW www.xeonsoft.co.uk does aw related
bots and soon to host worlds. If ppl find Xw on there then fine but dont go
smapping a non related stuff spam for my bots if you have to.

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