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Mar 17, 2005, 11:29pm
How would I go about using the AwSdk3.dll with IIS and ASP anyone know?


Mar 19, 2005, 2:11pm
Done and it works
[View Quote]

Web based imigration

Mar 23, 2005, 10:17pm
No hes after server side citizen creation once you register on a website.

Web based imigration

Mar 23, 2005, 10:17pm
And I've created web based things for AW recently and In the passed I've
done paypal IPN its not hard at all.

VB Update?

Mar 31, 2005, 4:18pm
Is AwSdk3.dll gonna get updated from Build 39 to the latest?

VB.NET Timers & AwSdk

Mar 31, 2005, 6:27pm
Why does this not work properly?

This is only a sample for a real project, the timer works. The timer writes
saying hello world but the bot does not say hello world nor does it write
said hello world to the console. Any attempt to call the SDK from the timer
cause it to exit the sub? Events all work whats up wtih the timer?

Imports System.Timers
Imports AWSDKLib3

Module Module1

Dim sdk As AwSdk3

Sub Main()
Dim aTimer As New System.Timers.Timer(100)
AddHandler aTimer.Elapsed, AddressOf OnTimedEvent

sdk = New AwSdk3
sdk.QuickStart('logininfo here)
aTimer.Enabled = True
aTimer.AutoReset = True

End Sub

Private Sub OnTimedEvent(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As

Console.WriteLine("Saying Hello World!...")
sdk.aw_say("Hello World!")
Console.WriteLine("Said Hello World!...")

End Sub
End Module

VB.NET Timers & AwSdk

Mar 31, 2005, 9:15pm
Well i used aw_wait -1 because thats what they used in the C++ aw sdk
examples which are designed for console applications i just modded it to be
VB.NET.. Theres no exceptions it just aborts the sub the moment it hits
AwSdk? Ill have a play..

VB.NET Timers & AwSdk

Apr 1, 2005, 12:20am
This is Visual Studio 2003 using .NET Framework 1.1

Whats the difference between:




VB.NET Timers & AwSdk

Apr 1, 2005, 12:37am
I stuck in break points and I would assume if it was blocking it would
highlight the Sdk.aw_say line before runnning that line which it doesn't it
does the console.writeline i hit play then it rights to the console but
never raises the line involving the sdk nor anything after it.

[View Quote]

VB.NET Timers & AwSdk

Apr 1, 2005, 8:50pm
Its constantly writing the the line "Saying hello..." but never anything
after that, it enters the sub over and over.

VB.NET Timers & AwSdk

Apr 3, 2005, 10:58am
aw_wait 0 aw_wait 1 all have the same effect

VB.NET Timers & AwSdk

Apr 3, 2005, 10:59am
Partial work around but it seems a bit messy to me?

Imports System.Timers
Imports System.Threading
Imports AWSDKLib3

Module Module1
Dim sdk As AwSdk3
Dim awwaitthread As Thread

Sub Main()
Dim aTimer As New System.Timers.Timer(100)
AddHandler aTimer.Elapsed, AddressOf OnTimedEvent

sdk = New AwSdk3
sdk.QuickStart('login code here)
aTimer.Enabled = True
aTimer.AutoReset = True
awwaitthread = New Thread(AddressOf awwait)

End Sub

Private Sub OnTimedEvent(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As

Console.WriteLine("Saying Hello World!...")
sdk.aw_say("Hello World!")
Console.WriteLine("Said Hello World!...")

End Sub
Public Sub Awwait()
End Sub
End Module

VB.NET Timers & AwSdk

Apr 3, 2005, 11:01am
sdk.aw_wait 0 works too

Caution for bot producers

Apr 7, 2005, 11:12pm
What makes me wonder is why somone would need to google localhost, I mean
even if they wanted to it doesn't take a rocket scientist to enter localhost
in the universe host box, Plus do people really think that applications for
AW would have pages on how to hack them? I mean ok you'll get pages telling
you how to hack windows but windows has a bit of a larger user base then AW.

The other thing that I wonder is how come the words localhost and hack seem
to bring up your page in the search results strike ;)

SDK through proxy

May 11, 2005, 10:59pm
Couldn't you tunnel it in someway HTTP, SSL or something?

3.6 VB SDK Wrapper Build 41

Jun 23, 2005, 12:45pm
Corrected Example

Private Sub CallBack_Timer()

' Gets events and callbacks
Sdk.aw_wait (0)

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

' The declaration of needed strings and integers.
Dim Login_Host As String, Login_Port As Integer, Login_Name As String,
Login_Number As Long, Login_Password As String, Login_Description As String,
Login_World As String, Login_X As Integer, Login_Y As Integer, Login_Z As
Integer, Login_Yaw As Integer
'Login_Number should be a long as Integer will not store most peoples
citizen numbers
' Set the strings and integers.
Login_Host = "auth.activeworlds.com" ' Host.
Login_Port = 5670 ' Port.
Login_Name = "VB Example" ' The name of the bot.
Login_Number = 12345678 ' Your citizen number. EQUALS MISSING
Login_Password = "secret" ' Your privilege password.
Login_Description = "VB Example 1." ' Bot description, can be read by
Universe admin
Login_World = "AW" ' The world the bot needs to join
Login_X = 0 ' Bot X
Login_Y = 0 ' Bot Y
Login_Z = 0 ' Bot Z
Login_Yaw = 0 ' Bot Rotate

' Initializes the bot needs.
rc = Sdk.aw_init(AW_BUILD)

' Sets the events and callbacks.
Sdk.aw_event_set AW_EVENT_AVATAR_ADD

' Connect to the universe.
rc = Sdk.aw_create(Login_Host, Login_Port)

' Send login data. And login.
Sdk.aw_string_set AW_LOGIN_NAME, Login_Name
Sdk.aw_int_set AW_LOGIN_OWNER, Login_Number
Sdk.aw_string_set AW_LOGIN_PRIVILEGE_PASSWORD, Login_Password
Sdk.aw_string_set AW_LOGIN_APPLICATION, Login_Description
rc = Sdk.aw_login()

' Enter the world.
rc = Sdk.aw_enter(Login_World)

' Set position and becomes visible.
Sdk.aw_int_set AW_MY_X, Login_X
Sdk.aw_int_set AW_MY_Y, Login_Y
Sdk.aw_int_set AW_MY_Z, Login_Z
Sdk.aw_int_set AW_MY_YAW, Login_Yaw
rc = Sdk.aw_state_change()

Callback.Enabled = True

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)

' Clears memory

End Sub

Private Sub sdk_EventAvatarAdd()

Avatar_Name = Sdk.aw_string(AW_AVATAR_NAME)

Sdk.aw_say "Hi " & Avatar_Name

End Sub

3.6 VB SDK Wrapper Build 41

Jun 23, 2005, 12:48pm
* Overflow as Login_Number was only an integer not a long.
* Invalid procedure or sub because Login_Number 123456789 has no equals
* The events aren't actually raised as the timer is never setup in code nor
does the preperations state to set the timers interval in the development
time. I prefer setting it at run time then it is definately set and also is
not pointlessly calling aw_wait while the sdk isn't even initialised.

3.6 VB SDK Wrapper Build 41

Jun 24, 2005, 11:28am
Yes with option explicit you would also need to dim Avatar_Name as a string.
[View Quote]

SDK for PayPal or 2checkout?

Jul 24, 2005, 1:56pm
I've done this before you need to use PayPal IPN as well as the AwSdk. But I
wouldnt do it for free cause I don't have the time.

SDK for PayPal or 2checkout?

Jul 24, 2005, 5:11pm
*thwack* You use the SDK to create the citizenship once the payment has been
verified using paypal IPN! You do this using either php or active server

VB.NET(2005) Working SDK Code.

Nov 25, 2005, 2:02pm
I just add it to my toolbox and drop it straight on a form in vb.net its not
that hard and appart from a couple imports is identical to using it as we
did in VB6

Re: Spiraware Productions Open for Business

Feb 9, 2006, 9:20pm
Yeah might wanna rethink the name. But whos gonna work for $15 per sale,
bots aren't that cheap to make but no one out there will pay more than a
little bit for a bit unless they're really desperate.

[View Quote]

Xeon Bot Build 1 Released

Apr 26, 2003, 11:41pm
I have just completed my first bot intended for public use. Although its
very basic I plan to advance on it. I have made many far more advanced bots
designed for specific tasks but these were for personal or private use.
Other bots I have made for public use are still not finished like Dynamic
RPG Bot. These I hope to finish in the future.

Xeon Bot currently acts as:
*Chat bot
*Greeter bot
*Customs Aide

I plan on building a scripting system and/or a dictionary system simular to
the system used in preston.

To download the bot go to: http://xeonsoft.d2g.com/xeonbot/

Xeon Bot Build 1 Released

Apr 27, 2003, 12:04am
PS sorry im thottalling the web server ill try find a host for the download

Xeon Bot Build 2 Released

Apr 28, 2003, 7:48pm
Build 2 is not the planned version of build 2 many features are not included
they will be added for build 3. Build 2 is mainly bug fixes of build 1 and
some template features which will be built up on in build 3

Xeon Bot Build 2 Released

Apr 28, 2003, 10:51pm

Xeon Bot Build 3 and Dynamic RPG Bot Beta

May 23, 2003, 8:06am
You can now get both bots from this url:

Request for script or program

May 29, 2003, 11:13pm
That things hell to aline the objects in the right place and to get them to
all fit but when its right its good.

New Committee

Jun 18, 2003, 11:35pm
He really bugs me with some shit on here sometimes

Preston and Xelagot

Jul 7, 2003, 12:57am
but 5674 being DLP is what the owner of DLP would exept to see Starfleet

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