jan-willem de bleser // User Search

jan-willem de bleser // User Search

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what about an IRC channel ?

Oct 5, 1998, 8:15pm
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Is anyone interested. i may be able to host it, but depends what my dad says.

[View Quote] > in short, a text-based chat room. Basically like a location in AW but
> without the 3D objects and fancy music/sound. However, IRC does let you
> send files, private messages (like telegrams), etc., as well as seeing
> everyone who is in that chat room at the time.
[View Quote]

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Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
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begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


ICQ numbers

Oct 5, 1998, 7:07pm
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Too many contacts, and broadcasting messages would be annoying if you have
no idea or dont need the info. the newsgroup is better because you only
read the messages you want to read

[View Quote] > I propose we all put our ICQ numbers, in order to have better connected
> work:
> jeanphi
> ICQ: 3896622

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
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begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard



Oct 5, 1998, 7:05pm
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Roland knows, and as soon as he gets around to putting up sample program #2,
the rest of us wil know

[View Quote] > Hi,
> I wanted to use the AW_OBJECT_CHANGE function to move a previously created
> object.
> But, it creates another object next to the original one.
> Can someone help me to understand the mecanism or the protocol to move an
> object ?
> when I create an object, I store its number in an int value.
> then, how can I recall this object ?
> thank you for your help
> jeanphi

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Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
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begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


unresolved external symbols

Oct 6, 1998, 11:20pm
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has anyone actually found out what causes this error?

--------------------Configuration: roadbuilder - Win32
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
Debug/roadbuilder.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 11 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.
roadbuilder.exe - 12 error(s), 0 warning(s)

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
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begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


unresolved external symbols

Oct 7, 1998, 7:07pm
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he builds street1.rwx in a straight line. a stripped down robobuilder, that i
will probablye be allowed to use, because who is gonna cover a lot with roads?

[View Quote] > This error means that the code in roadbuilder.cpp and therefore the
> functions from roadbuilder.obj do not exist in the objects that are being
> included in the link command.
> I notice you are using the cpp suffix. This is a C++ suffix and is therefore
> compiled a little differently to C code. Look up function name mangling if
> you want to learn more.
> I am not sure what compiler you are using but you might want to try renaming
> you code to a .c (lower case "c") file and try again.
> Make sure that the link step includes the aw.lib file which is there all
> these finctions exist.
> Hey , I guess you are building a road builder, sounds cool. I hope you are
> going to add the guestures for pooring tar and driving big rollers and such.
> That will be fun to watch.
> Edward Sumerfield.
[View Quote]

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


unresolved external symbols

Oct 7, 1998, 7:31pm
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problem. i still get errors, but different odd ones that i cant figure out
C:\Windows\Desktop\Projects\roadbuilder\roadbuilder.c(97) : error C2143:
syntax error : missing ';' before 'type'
C:\Windows\Desktop\Projects\roadbuilder\roadbuilder.c(98) : error C2065:
'count' : undeclared identifier
Error executing cl.exe.
roadbuilder.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)

heres the code:
void console_command(char input[81])
if(strstr(input, "build"))
int north, west, length, rc;

scanf("%d", north);

scanf("%d", west);

printf("\nHow long?");
scanf("%d", length);

int count;
for(count = 0; count < length; count++)
aw_int_set (AW_OBJECT_X, west * 1000);
aw_int_set (AW_OBJECT_Y, 0);
aw_int_set (AW_OBJECT_Z, north * 1000);
aw_string_set (AW_OBJECT_MODEL, "street1.rwx");
if (rc = aw_object_add ())
printf ("Unable to add object (reason %d)\n", rc);
puts ("Object added");

west = west + 500;
north = north + 500;

[View Quote] > he builds street1.rwx in a straight line. a stripped down robobuilder, that i
> will probablye be allowed to use, because who is gonna cover a lot with roads?
[View Quote]

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


unresolved external symbols

Oct 8, 1998, 9:15am
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[View Quote] > OK. I copied you code and made the attached h.c file. The following errors

> existed prior to fixing:
> gcc -g -I. -I//f/edward/products/awsdk -c h.c -o h.o
> h.c: In function `console_command':
> h.c:19: parse error before `int'
> h.c:20: `count' undeclared (first use this function)
> h.c:20: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
> h.c:20: for each function it appears in.)
> h.c:22: `AW_OBJECT_X' undeclared (first use this function)
> h.c:23: `AW_OBJECT_Y' undeclared (first use this function)
> h.c:24: `AW_OBJECT_Z' undeclared (first use this function)
> h.c:25: `AW_OBJECT_MODEL' undeclared (first use this function)
> h.c:36: parse error before `int'
> make: *** [h.o] Error 1
> I dare say you have included the aw.h file, just didn't include it in the
> NG.


> So I added that afterwards.
> You were missing a } at the end of the function. Again, maybe a cut and
> paste error.

theres more of that function

> You can not declare a variable after a line of code in a block. A block
> starts with an open curly, {. I moved the int count; up to the top of the if
> statement.
> As you can see I didn't get the same errors as you did. I added a makefile
> for you if you don't have one already.
> I can not complete the link step because I am using the GNU compiler and the
> aw.lib object format is different but it should work for you.
> Good luck.
> Edward Sumerfield.
[View Quote]

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


unresolved external symbols

Oct 8, 1998, 9:17am
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i moved the var count and then got these familliar errors
--------------------Configuration: roadbuilder - Win32 Debug--------------------
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_term
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_destroy
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_wait
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_state_change
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_int_set
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_enter
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_login
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_string_set
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_create
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_init
roadbuilder.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __imp__aw_object_add
Debug/roadbuilder.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 11 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.
roadbuilder.exe - 12 error(s), 0 warning(s)

[View Quote] > OK. I copied you code and made the attached h.c file. The following errors
> existed prior to fixing:
> gcc -g -I. -I//f/edward/products/awsdk -c h.c -o h.o
> h.c: In function `console_command':
> h.c:19: parse error before `int'
> h.c:20: `count' undeclared (first use this function)
> h.c:20: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
> h.c:20: for each function it appears in.)
> h.c:22: `AW_OBJECT_X' undeclared (first use this function)
> h.c:23: `AW_OBJECT_Y' undeclared (first use this function)
> h.c:24: `AW_OBJECT_Z' undeclared (first use this function)
> h.c:25: `AW_OBJECT_MODEL' undeclared (first use this function)
> h.c:36: parse error before `int'
> make: *** [h.o] Error 1
> I dare say you have included the aw.h file, just didn't include it in the
> NG. So I added that afterwards.
> You were missing a } at the end of the function. Again, maybe a cut and
> paste error.
> You can not declare a variable after a line of code in a block. A block
> starts with an open curly, {. I moved the int count; up to the top of the if
> statement.
> As you can see I didn't get the same errors as you did. I added a makefile
> for you if you don't have one already.
> I can not complete the link step because I am using the GNU compiler and the
> aw.lib object format is different but it should work for you.
> Good luck.
> Edward Sumerfield.
[View Quote]

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


unresolved external symbols

Oct 8, 1998, 8:27pm
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[View Quote] > Tell me more about your development environment. When IDE/C compiler
> are you using.


> can you post your Makefile.

whats that?

> Some theory for you.
> Source file called aa.c
> int aa() {
> printf("In aa function.\n");
> }
> Source file called main.c
> int aa();
> main() {
> aa();
> }
> When you compile you will get main.obj and aa.obj. When you link you
> can get main.exe for example.
> However, if I linked main.obj without specifying aa.obj I would get
> main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol aa
> The next step is libraries. I can store the aa.obj in a library using
> "ar ru aa.lib aa.obj" (unix command). Now when I link I will specify
> main.obj and aa.lib. The linker is clever enough to open up .lib files
> and look inside to find obj files.
> The functions that are failing to link are all stored in the aw.lib
> file. So I am assuming that are are not specifying this library when
> you link.
> My only confusion is that you still have the __imp__ prefix to the
> funcitons. This prefix is usually due to C++ name mangling. This is
> the process of taking a function name and attaching a prefix that
> encodes the types of the arguments that it is passed. This allows C++
> to do function overloading. You should not be doing this in your C
> code.

i dont know what you mean. i have other files that i have set up the
same way and they were fine. i have no idea why its doin this.

> If you are using a C++ compiler maybe it is thinking that this is C++.
> You can add code to tell the compiler the type of "linkage spec" to
> follow. For example,
> extern "C" {
> int aa() {
> printf("In aa function.\n");
> }
> }
> With the extern "C" around the function a C++ compiler will not mangle
> the function name. So I guess you could add this around your code but
> there is probably a simpler way. This notation is in the standard
> header files. Say I assume you are including <stdio.h> and not
> <iostream.h>? That would certainly make a difference.
> Edward Sumerfield
[View Quote]
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


unresolved external symbols

Oct 8, 1998, 8:30pm
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[View Quote] > Tell me more about your development environment. When IDE/C compiler
> are you using. can you post your Makefile.
> Some theory for you.
> Source file called aa.c
> int aa() {
> printf("In aa function.\n");
> }
> Source file called main.c
> int aa();
> main() {
> aa();
> }
> When you compile you will get main.obj and aa.obj. When you link you
> can get main.exe for example.
> However, if I linked main.obj without specifying aa.obj I would get
> main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol aa
> The next step is libraries. I can store the aa.obj in a library using
> "ar ru aa.lib aa.obj" (unix command). Now when I link I will specify
> main.obj and aa.lib. The linker is clever enough to open up .lib files
> and look inside to find obj files.
> The functions that are failing to link are all stored in the aw.lib
> file. So I am assuming that are are not specifying this library when
> you link.
> My only confusion is that you still have the __imp__ prefix to the
> funcitons. This prefix is usually due to C++ name mangling. This is
> the process of taking a function name and attaching a prefix that
> encodes the types of the arguments that it is passed. This allows C++
> to do function overloading. You should not be doing this in your C
> code.
> If you are using a C++ compiler maybe it is thinking that this is C++.
> You can add code to tell the compiler the type of "linkage spec" to
> follow. For example,
> extern "C" {
> int aa() {
> printf("In aa function.\n");
> }
> }

if i do that, i get this error:--------------------Configuration:
roadbuilder - Win32 Debug--------------------
C:\Windows\Desktop\Projects\roadbuilder\roadbuilder.c(84) : error C2059:
syntax error : 'string'
Error executing cl.exe.
roadbuilder.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)

> With the extern "C" around the function a C++ compiler will not mangle
> the function name. So I guess you could add this around your code but
> there is probably a simpler way. This notation is in the standard
> header files. Say I assume you are including <stdio.h> and not
> <iostream.h>? That would certainly make a difference.
> Edward Sumerfield
[View Quote]
Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


unresolved external symbols

Oct 8, 1998, 8:35pm
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here's my makefile:

# Microsoft Developer Studio Generated NMAKE File, Format Version 4.00
# ** DO NOT EDIT **

# TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Console Application" 0x0103

!IF "$(CFG)" == ""
CFG=roadbuilder - Win32 Debug
!MESSAGE No configuration specified. Defaulting to roadbuilder - Win32

!IF "$(CFG)" != "roadbuilder - Win32 Release" && "$(CFG)" !=\
"roadbuilder - Win32 Debug"
!MESSAGE Invalid configuration "$(CFG)" specified.
!MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE on this
!MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example:
!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "roadbuilder.mak" CFG="roadbuilder - Win32 Debug"
!MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are:
!MESSAGE "roadbuilder - Win32 Release" (based on\
"Win32 (x86) Console Application")
!MESSAGE "roadbuilder - Win32 Debug" (based on\
"Win32 (x86) Console Application")
!ERROR An invalid configuration is specified.

!IF "$(OS)" == "Windows_NT"

# Begin Project
# PROP Target_Last_Scanned "roadbuilder - Win32 Debug"

!IF "$(CFG)" == "roadbuilder - Win32 Release"

# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0
# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Release"
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Release"
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0
# PROP Output_Dir "Release"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Release"
# PROP Target_Dir ""

ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\roadbuilder.exe"

- at erase ".\Release\roadbuilder.exe"
- at erase ".\Release\roadbuilder.obj"

"$(OUTDIR)" :
if not exist "$(OUTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OUTDIR)"

# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /YX
# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /GX /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE" /YX /c
CPP_PROJ=/nologo /ML /W3 /GX /D "WIN32" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CONSOLE"\
/Fp"$(INTDIR)/roadbuilder.pch" /YX /Fo"$(INTDIR)/" /c
# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "NDEBUG"
# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o"$(OUTDIR)/roadbuilder.bsc"
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib
comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib
/nologo /subsystem:console /machine:I386
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib
advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo
/subsystem:console /machine:I386
LINK32_FLAGS=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib
advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo\
/subsystem:console /incremental:no /pdb:"$(OUTDIR)/roadbuilder.pdb"\
/machine:I386 /out:"$(OUTDIR)/roadbuilder.exe"

"$(OUTDIR)\roadbuilder.exe" : "$(OUTDIR)" $(DEF_FILE) $(LINK32_OBJS)
$(LINK32) at <<

!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "roadbuilder - Win32 Debug"

# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1
# PROP BASE Output_Dir "Debug"
# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
# PROP BASE Target_Dir ""
# PROP Use_MFC 0
# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1
# PROP Output_Dir "Debug"
# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Debug"
# PROP Target_Dir ""

ALL : "$(OUTDIR)\roadbuilder.exe"

- at erase ".\Debug\roadbuilder.exe"
- at erase ".\Debug\roadbuilder.obj"
- at erase ".\Debug\roadbuilder.ilk"
- at erase ".\Debug\roadbuilder.pdb"
- at erase ".\Debug\vc40.pdb"
- at erase ".\Debug\vc40.idb"

"$(OUTDIR)" :
if not exist "$(OUTDIR)/$(NULL)" mkdir "$(OUTDIR)"

# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D
# ADD CPP /nologo /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D
CPP_PROJ=/nologo /MLd /W3 /Gm /GX /Zi /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_DEBUG" /D
/Fp"$(INTDIR)/roadbuilder.pch" /YX /Fo"$(INTDIR)/" /Fd"$(INTDIR)/" /c
# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /d "_DEBUG"
# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo
# ADD BSC32 /nologo
BSC32_FLAGS=/nologo /o"$(OUTDIR)/roadbuilder.bsc"
# ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib
comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib
/nologo /subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386
# ADD LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib
advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo
/subsystem:console /debug /machine:I386
LINK32_FLAGS=kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib
advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib /nologo\
/subsystem:console /incremental:yes /pdb:"$(OUTDIR)/roadbuilder.pdb"
/machine:I386 /out:"$(OUTDIR)/roadbuilder.exe"

"$(OUTDIR)\roadbuilder.exe" : "$(OUTDIR)" $(DEF_FILE) $(LINK32_OBJS)
$(LINK32) at <<


$(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<

$(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<

$(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<

$(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<

$(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<

$(CPP) $(CPP_PROJ) $<


# Begin Target

# Name "roadbuilder - Win32 Release"
# Name "roadbuilder - Win32 Debug"

!IF "$(CFG)" == "roadbuilder - Win32 Release"

!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "roadbuilder - Win32 Debug"



# Begin Source File


!IF "$(CFG)" == "roadbuilder - Win32 Release"

!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "roadbuilder - Win32 Debug"


# End Source File

# Begin Source File


"$(INTDIR)\roadbuilder.obj" : $(SOURCE) $(DEP_CPP_ROADB) "$(INTDIR)"

# End Source File
# End Target
# End Project

Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="vcard.vcf"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


unresolved external symbols

Oct 10, 1998, 7:05pm
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i use vc4.0. i have aw.lib in the lin directory. it has worked with other
bots. it doesnt work with this one or the sample one

[View Quote] > all external references having "__imp__" in front are references to an
> import library.
> i am quite sure the output is generated if you forget to link with aw.lib
> Walter
> Jan-willem De Bleser schrieb in Nachricht
> <361AC1F0.436F2673 at mediaone.net>...
> [.. above lines repeat sort of 9 times.. ]
> Debug/roadbuilder.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 11 unresolved externals

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fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
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x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


unresolved external symbols

Oct 11, 1998, 12:43pm
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[View Quote] > Jan,
> its not enough to have the aw.lib in some directory, you also have to change
> the project settings to actually link it to your programm.


> but VC4.0 might not like the library format. so if the programm settings
> really do try to link to it
> the linker would complain about using a corrupt library.

nope. i have compiled other bots using the same library

> Walter
> Jan-willem De Bleser schrieb in Nachricht
> <361FCC20.C1D22258 at mediaone.net>...

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begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


Non-Bot Ideas?

Oct 6, 1998, 11:57pm
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go away

[View Quote] > So what ELSE will one be able to do with the SDK besides bots? You
> can only do SO much with bots...

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fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


Non-Bot Ideas?

Oct 7, 1998, 7:05pm
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If you dont have anything constructive to say, go away. this NG is for
sharing info and helping people with sdk.

[View Quote] > <yawn> Still bots, dude. I'd much rather have REAL AW improvements
> like better collision detection, TRUE sound mixing, the clipping
> problems fixed, better 3D card hardware support for faster frame
> rates, etc. All this bot stuff is just fluff to me. If anything, this
> bot stuff should be implemented IN AW itself, without having to use an
> SDK. Any shmoe should be able to do it without having to learn C and
> have their own world. I should be able to do this stuff in the action
> field along with everything else.
[View Quote]
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If you dont have anything constructive to say, go away. this NG is for
sharing info and helping people with sdk.

[View Quote] [View Quote] --------------91E7E44BE47288647FF0B587--

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fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


Non-Bot Ideas?

Oct 7, 1998, 7:33pm
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[View Quote] > Ah yes...and just HOW many people IS that, hmm? I count 27 different
> people who've posted messages in this newsgroup since it was first
> created. Has Roland taken a poll to see just how many people are
> actually USING the SDK? I doubt it. And I can guarantee you that only
> a SMALL % of the TOTAL AW population is.

Your point?

> Where are the priorities? COF just seems to like to play and not
> really get any TRUE development done. How long do you think AW will
> last like this?

as long as people stay online

[View Quote] Eep, Go fuck yourself

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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard



Oct 9, 1998, 10:31pm
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[View Quote] > Ok got some questions...
> 1. can I make my bot respond to a gesture?
> if so can I get an example code in c

not sure

> 2. can I make my bot move in a foward in the direction a persons avatar
> is facing when they do something?
> if so can I get an example code in c

can you clarify

> 3. can I make my bot do something when an avatar gets close?
> if so can I get an example code in c

yes. by using the add_avatar event. there is documentation at

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begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


totally crazy idea

Oct 9, 1998, 10:35pm
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If Protagonist still has the original code, why doesnt he post it and we
all work together to make a new activeworlds?

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Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


Clickable URL's & Teleports on Chatscreen

Sep 24, 1998, 6:40pm
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Sure. ill help Beta Test

[View Quote] > OK, ppl.. here's my situation.... since an accident did me in and gives me
> lots of time to either find something to do or go crazy.. I have ben working
> on several programs and projects related to the AW/OW environment.
> Why does this matter? Because I program well and like challenges. If I
> post programs here to assist with AW, such as catching URL, etc.... would
> anyone care to beta-test them? Of course, I would release source code, since
> most are rightfully paranoid about hackers, etc.
> I have been trying to follow the wishlist ng for a while and compile list
> of things that I have not already started to address. Basically, I would need
> a concise set of things to make and if ppl are willing to beta-test them when
> the time comes.... if ppl seem to respond well to this, I shall soon set up a
> webpage to register for beta-testing and get basic system info.. to know what
> I might be dealing with <hates Win98,btw>.
> If anyone is interested.... might someone help compile a list of
> features? I do not desire to read the 1400 posts in this ng to get the whole
> picture. Many thanks.
> -- mailto:Randovich at BellSouth.Net NetSearch: Randovich
> All email is read as quickly as possible and replied to when Randovich
> deems a reply necessary. Delays in reply may occur due to occasional
> real-life issues and technical problems.
[View Quote]

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


Clickable URL's & Teleports on Chatscreen

Sep 26, 1998, 5:13pm
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Id love to help as a beta tester

[View Quote] > OK, ppl.. here's my situation.... since an accident did me in and gives me
> lots of time to either find something to do or go crazy.. I have ben working
> on several programs and projects related to the AW/OW environment.
> Why does this matter? Because I program well and like challenges. If I
> post programs here to assist with AW, such as catching URL, etc.... would
> anyone care to beta-test them? Of course, I would release source code, since
> most are rightfully paranoid about hackers, etc.
> I have been trying to follow the wishlist ng for a while and compile list
> of things that I have not already started to address. Basically, I would need
> a concise set of things to make and if ppl are willing to beta-test them when
> the time comes.... if ppl seem to respond well to this, I shall soon set up a
> webpage to register for beta-testing and get basic system info.. to know what
> I might be dealing with <hates Win98,btw>.
> If anyone is interested.... might someone help compile a list of
> features? I do not desire to read the 1400 posts in this ng to get the whole
> picture. Many thanks.
> -- mailto:Randovich at BellSouth.Net NetSearch: Randovich
> All email is read as quickly as possible and replied to when Randovich
> deems a reply necessary. Delays in reply may occur due to occasional
> real-life issues and technical problems.
[View Quote]

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Card for Jan-willem De Bleser
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


Offline building

Oct 3, 1998, 6:59pm
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how did they find you?

[View Quote] > hehe, they DO check..
> I was cought and banned from AW for a weekend by Roland.
> cheese
> --
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
> Check out my homepage, it is chocked full of awesome graphics!
> http://thecheese.home.ml.org
> Maybe check out my town in AW!
> AW- 10000N 500W
> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
[View Quote]

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begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


Offline building

Oct 3, 1998, 7:03pm
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how does he reconnect?

[View Quote] > A friend of mine use to build offline sometimes.
> He press the skip button on the splash screen and start
> building. Then, without closing AW, he connects and the
> building stands right where they were (c:
> I've never tried this myself, but it may work just fine (c:
> CyberTwins

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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="vcard.vcf"

begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


Virtual Money

Oct 9, 1998, 5:09pm
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That would suck!

[View Quote] > There should be a virtual bank set-up giving out virtual loans - people
> who cannot make their monthly repayments have their buildings
> repossessed! If the person cannot pay after a week then their building
> is demolished.
> In this siuation you will find who you friends are, if they decide to
> lend you their money or not...
> Of course begging may be made illegal so that the person in debt will
> also go to virtual jail and possibly have their registration revoked!!
> Now that's virtual reality.
> Nas
[View Quote]

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begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


Virtual Money

Oct 9, 1998, 5:11pm
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Money is a bad idea for activeworlds. AW is a virtual community where people
can escape the hellhole they call reality for a while. If you make it too real,
it will be cheaper just to forget AW and come back to RL.

[View Quote] > Here's an idea (It's late, I think weird when it's late). How about VR
> money. When your a tourist you don't get any (To hard to code). When you
> register you get say $100. Then you could transfer that among people. For
> example:
> John Doe REALLY helps you in building your house. So you give him $10.
> Basically stuff like that. You earn money by doing jobs and you can give
> money to people. If your bad in AW they might charge you a 'fine'. Also if
> you help out or do good deeds Peacekeepers and other such AW personal could
> give you money. Hey, It's just an idea.
> --
> Jason Fox

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begin: vcard
fn: Jan-willem De Bleser
n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


Virtual Virus

Oct 10, 1998, 2:03pm
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if you make it too real, people wont come anymore. they'l just exist in rl
and wont come to AW to get away from rl for a while. see my previous
message: news://news.activeworlds.com/361E5FDC.99A6241C%40mediaone.net

[View Quote] > I was just thinking to add even more reality to activeworlds, why isn't
> a program introduced that would release a certain amount virtual virus
> into the population? It could float in the virtual atmosphere in random
> areas of town so that when someone passed through they got infected.
> Symtoms such as the avatar turning slightly pale and having nervous
> twitches could alert other people to this infection. A new branch of
> peacekeepers could be created to deal with outbreaks of disease and put
> the infected person into quarantine. Of course, to add a bit of spice to
> the affair, there should be a 1 in a thousand chance of the virus being
> lethal - which would mean that the particular avatar would have to be
> put down ie be disconnected indefintely.
> The only way for the destroyed avatar to be allowed back in, if if the
> Virtual Hospital develops a cure which would eradicate the virus ;-)
> Nas

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n: De Bleser;Jan-willem
org: High school
email;internet: debleser at mediaone.net
x-mozilla-cpt: ;0
x-mozilla-html: FALSE
version: 2.1
end: vcard


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