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Lara Update!

Aug 15, 2002, 5:06pm
Not wanting to take too much of the point off of Lara, but AWTeen is now open to tourists, granted its no max size world but it is P-3000 and has its got thousands of its own objects, building schools, texture yards, and events. Id like to encourage the tourists and citizens who used to enjoy AW because of the tourists to come allong to AWTeen. I think ive finally beat the CT's into submission and so forth its no longer just for teens, but for everyone, it definatly has the most features of any world I know of and if you enjoy regular events you will love that too.

Just a word of caution, if your gonna go nuclear if shift is turned off for 5 minutes for a event or such and are on 24 hours a day you may get steamed once or twice every month, but all in the name of entertainment for the many.

Id encourage anyone who wants to move on from AlphaWorld to drop by AWTeen, feel free to ignore the Just Ask Me "helpers" at GZ, theyre useless. But if you would like to play a part in what is the most active community in AW id recomend you stop by. Especially if your looking to get involved in the community and do something for it.

-AWTeen Major Events / Bots / Yarda Yarda Yarda

Lara Update!

Aug 15, 2002, 5:47pm
Just cause u act like a complete ______ towards em and they repay the favor after yuor months of insults dosent mean they are dissrespectfull

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Lara Update!

Aug 15, 2002, 8:24pm
So insulting everyone about time zones, calling em stupid and deliberatly annoying em are them starting it?

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Lara Update!

Aug 16, 2002, 3:55pm
When ur 7 foot u could try, but it would be suicide on your part :)


Someone said
> I'd kick your bloody ass around the block a time or two.

Lara Update!

Aug 16, 2002, 4:06pm
BTW, Since when I have been AWTeens PR person? Thats Erics job, lol, I do the Major Events, Bots, Special Effects, Partys and Planning etc.

So before you have a heart attack from the mind bending horror of what Ive just done check the subject, if U didnt wanna know about AWTeen, dont read it! Even better, filter it, or even better, go hit yourself around the blocks a few times to release all this pent up anger you have in your life.

And if you cant see the obvious link between AW being shut down and people looking for a place to go (tourist wise) you need to seek rapid mental analasis.

So in short, Kindly shut up, physical threats of violence are not at all welcome on this, nor any other AW newsgroup, if it were not so laughable id flame you for it, but ill leave that to someone like Eepster to do if he feels like it.

- Mark

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Lara Update!

Aug 16, 2002, 5:02pm
For being a "Mental Midgit" if you manage to get a IQ up in the 130's come tell me, you might begin to compare, anyhow, yes, 50 worlds + may have tourist access, but even A!!CT isnt a P-3000 with its own development teams and AWC endorsement, and actually, the thread about Lara had been dead for quite a while before I posted, check your posting dates. And while Im at it my Mum and Dad are divorced, and both have enough intelligence to realise physical violence with me is pure stupidity, so when im in the UK, making billions on the stock market, and your in Jail for assulting your kids, im going to be a very happy bunny, :)

Now drop the thread, the sight of your text is begging to annoy me.

- Mark

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Lara Update!

Aug 16, 2002, 6:57pm
And, to make sure, you can consider yourself filtered for a few weeks :) Have fun. ANd dont forget to get with the times.

- Mark

Lara Update!

Aug 16, 2002, 7:10pm
Btw, just to add 1 final point to my own.. when the hell did someone with authority pop up? Onesummer has absolutly zero, you probably have even less, lol.

- Mark
*Going to work on a event now*

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Lara Update!

Aug 16, 2002, 7:22pm
Last time I checked I was not a punk, infact last time I checked im a well educated 6th former in the UK who has a great future ahead of him filting fools who like to stir up arguments based on morals they obvious dont have :)

Anyhows, I only take advice from people I respect, he most certainally, is not 1 of them.

- Mark

Lara Update!

Aug 16, 2002, 7:26pm
Ahhh, so this is regular for him? lol, some people dont know whats good for em, and what will give em a heart attack.

- Mark

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AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night

Aug 14, 2002, 5:37pm
A few things

1. Doing a stand up show and not insulting ANYONE in AW is impossable unless you sit there all day.
2. Your punney stand up show colides with AWTeens Fugitive event, so were going to have to beat you by doing a better event (which no doubt we will :) we do have the Virtual Major Events Team after all)
3. <Flame> Why the hell did you have to send this damn message to nearly every single person in telegrams as well, I hate recieving these darn things, if it wasnt for the fact you might actually need to contact me for something important for some reason id consider blocking you and allot of people would feel the same way. Down with spam! Down with AWEC's spamming </Flame>

- Mark
Joke: Why Did JP NOT cross the road?
Answer: To prevent Eep from running him over with a steam train!!!
*Du Duh Dum!* *Hits drums*

Hahahaha! Gawd im so funny its painfull ^_^

AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night

Aug 15, 2002, 5:06pm
LOL, Erics AWTeens PR officer, and Yes, I did, cause I was sick of them, I've said stop it in telegrams but I still get them. And no, its not truly great, that truly 1 is going to take us at least 4 month to plan and build, and sadly (watch out for news) but then again, lighten up, #1 was a pun, #2 is my personal thoughts and are not in any way endorsed by MaEC unless I say so, we have to deal with people like onesummer positing messages in every NG she can find and Telegramming every person she comes across, I have nothing against one summer, only the methods she uses, and #3, I will continue jumping down peoples throats when they stop annoying the hell out of me doing unnecessary posting and telegramming, hell we even had her post in the AWTeen NG right under where it says MaEC is holding an event at that time.

As for Eric / XelNaga I wasn't really around then and to be honest I couldn't care less, when I do PR I do it the way I think I should do it, PR never works the same with 2 people, never has, never will.

>Actions speak louder than words
Survivor 1
Survivor 2
Survivor 3
Survivor 4
Inauguration Day
Tourist Day
V-day Party
LaserTag MiEC
Global tournament
Halloween Party
Football MiEC
Disco Party T1
[..] and so on and so forth, hence we have Action, we also have words just for good measure. :)

- Mark
- AWTeen Major Events and Such

AWEC's Stand Up Comedy Night

Aug 15, 2002, 8:23pm
You need to watch a few more badly dubbed Japanise vids, its a pun where they say something like "your puney efforts pail in comparrison to my awsome power" or something like that.. get it now?

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Fwd: Security Update

Aug 14, 2002, 10:50pm
Yeah, there is a first time for everything (Pitty it takes Sleepy E to make em do it)
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Flowerbed / Street object generator - arcflwbd V3.0 released

Aug 14, 2002, 6:14pm
Andras has done more software for AW than AWC has o_o, maybe they should pay him outrageous sums of money to do it (to get the money they can just fire JP and pay Andras his money)

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Aug 15, 2002, 6:14pm
Wow... like they dont exist.. I made *counts* 4 of em in VB, woopy do.

- Mark

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Aug 15, 2002, 6:29pm
that didnt name sense

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Aug 15, 2002, 6:31pm
And 1 more thing, why the hell is this in the Community NG?


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Aug 15, 2002, 6:44pm
ahh realllly, Community means community issues, not the community advertising service

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Aug 15, 2002, 8:14pm
Its posted to community 2, lol, and yes its a community event believe it or not :)

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Aug 15, 2002, 8:15pm
Hehe, im annoyed at trying to get Poseidon to wake up :P and John is a general pain in the back side anyhow

- Mark

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Aug 16, 2002, 3:27pm
Sorry :P Im just wound up and stressed due to trying to do 50 differnt things at once each requiring 24/7 attension and I havent slept for 3 days. If I insult anyone during this time who isnt obviously being a idiot please take my biggest apologies, that includes people who I get annoyed with who say something I dont apreciate, but does not include Spammers, Idiots, Fools, AWTeen CT's or for that matter, anyone who should be marked with a big "irritation" sticker on them.

- Mark

Now im off to do 6 hours of C++, then fix up 3 other programs and while im at it try to visit my dads house for the first time in ages and catch up some sleep while im there.


Aug 16, 2002, 3:31pm
Tho are forgiven oh Goober the great.

- Mark

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Aug 16, 2002, 4:36pm
Im only 16, I cant drive.

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Aug 16, 2002, 4:41pm
Your concern is touching.

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Aug 16, 2002, 5:36pm
Yeah, tarmac costs a fortune now :P


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Aug 16, 2002, 5:51pm
But then u will have to pay for parking elsewhere? >_<

- Mark

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Aug 16, 2002, 7:55pm
Ahh, thats that then

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Nov 3, 2002, 1:07pm
Check the dates of your posts your replying to...
- Mark
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Aug 18, 2002, 8:54am
o.o Its a Kellie


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