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cubic // User SearchWorldsNov 29, 1998, 8:30pm
Although your reply is somewhat longer than mine ;-), i agree with you.
Even if COF wouldn't really really need the money, I'd hope they kee the high setup fee. The number of 'impulsed' worlds is too high already now... [View Quote] WorldsNov 30, 1998, 2:08pm
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Nope. I know I don't have enough motivation to start a world and keep
running it. So I won't do it. >but state in an abusive manner that >many are around, who made you god?. ??? Did I say I was god? Sorry but then you have a big fantasy! > >I agree about the worthless worlds but most only visit them quickly , after >saying that some that seem useless to you are just what others are looking >for... horses for courses. Yep. But you must agree that free worlds will result in more world; of which a very high percentage won't really add something; they'll just polute the worlds-list. > >Klassi [View Quote] WorldsNov 30, 1998, 2:13pm
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What's your point? >Also >answer why ALL the so called impulse buyers haven't sold their worlds at a >reduced price. Am I supposed to answer some sort of question now? Well, I'm affraid you haven't really made yourself clear enough to even make me understand the question... > >Klassi [View Quote] WorldsNov 30, 1998, 5:15pm
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That's what I mean:
I didn't say I am god, and I don't why you think that I think so. Well...?? I just said: Only some of the worlds are worth visiting. If starting a world will be cheaper; the number of worlds that ain't world visiting will rise faster than the number of worlds that IS worth visiting... And I don't like that. > >-- > >[ Fluxen Dean-Christian Strik ] >[ ICQ: 11760568 ISG RhinoSoft ] >[ fluxen at dean2 at ] > >The nice thing of standards is that there are so many to choose from. >-- Andrew S. Tanenbaum > > [View Quote] WorldsNov 30, 1998, 7:47pm
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Gimme a break, man!
What the heck are you brabbling about? I said nothing abusive. And if u do think so, you have, as I said, a BIG fantasy. But don't get back on me for it.. >You said, " Sorry but I have a big fantasy".. If you believe what I said was >anything but symbolic you misunderstood. I hope so... I don't believe in (a) god(s) so I hope I am not a god myself, cause that would mean..... ;-) >Obviously free worlds would result in more worlds, and more worlds would mean >more to sort through and many wouldn't be that good BUT lots would be. I have >always been against free worlds I am too, so why are we flaming if we agree. >but for a discount on a second and or third world. I had already understood that that was your point. And indeed it's not a bad idea. WorldsNov 30, 1998, 7:56pm
As I now *do* understand what you want, here is a reply.
[View Quote] Of course I don't know any numbers. DUH!! But neither do you. >Also answer why ALL the so called impulse buyers haven't sold >their worlds at a >reduced price. Because if you buy something and sell it for reduced price, you lose money. DUHH!! That's one of the first rules of logic I guess.. >Klassi [View Quote] WorldsDec 1, 1998, 1:14pm
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Neither did I, smarty.
> money. > >But buying something and then not using it is a bigger waste of money than >buying something and recouping some of the outlay by reselling it.. Agreed? Yep. But what the heck does that have to do with this issue? Someone buys a world. Once a month he adds something. But generally he doesn't have very much time. Why would he sell his world? *He* enjoys it.. WorldsDec 1, 1998, 1:21pm
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Abuse to whom? :-)
I asked nobody to feel spoken to. I just claim there are fucking idiots out there, which is very likely to be true. And some of these fucking idiots, that are (as I said) very likely to exist, would buy a world if that was cheaper. > myself, > >Sounds like a contradiction in terms to me.. In english just plain nuts. > > >I don't recognize flaming, if I don't agree with some of what you say, I simply >reply saying so.. Nothing personal you could be anyone and I would answer the >same.I guess I just feel more strongly about something's, that is what makes >individuals interesting, our diversity. > > >Add it to my wish list! > >Klassi > > > > > WorldsDec 2, 1998, 5:12am
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Indeed. :-)
>Another thing: Yes, the owner would be losing money if he sold it for less >than he paid for it, but if he doesn't want it anymore and wants to sell it, how >many people would pay more for it than for a nice fresh clean world that they >won't have to pay an extra fee to change the name on? You can only sell a >product for as much as a person is willing to purchase it. You won't have many >takers if you try to sell a used car for more than you paid for it new (unless >it is a classic in good to mint condition, but that is the exception). Indeed. :-) But I still don't get *why* this aspect entered this thread. What the heck does that have to do with it? :-) > [View Quote] WorldsDec 2, 1998, 5:14am
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>Want to meet in AW?..... Ok.;-) But that's a bit hard now. Unless you mean Active Worlds. > >Klassi > > > WorldsDec 2, 1998, 8:45pm
I never said it was crap.
YOU read... I only said I find some worlds not worth visiting. Since when is it not allowed to think so??? [View Quote] WorldsDec 3, 1998, 5:32am
BTW: 1) Awprime is backonline and reachable for most of us I think. 2) Why not just go to AWgate? That's a lot easier way to appoint, I think :-) Are you in active worlds at regular times? If so, i'll just check to be there the same time as you some time. :-) [View Quote] WorldsDec 4, 1998, 1:13pm
Re: Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 22, 1998, 9:59pm
I ain't pickin' on nobody. All I say is you shouldn't bring up silly
arguments like citizen numbers and how long you've been in AW. You talk like the one who has most experience is always right. Don't you think that's nonsense? If we go judging like that we'd better stop all discussion and trade citizen numbers instead. Klassi's argument sounded a lot better to me, which was that till now they haven't done a thing of what they said they'd do. That's a better reason not to believe that custom avatars will be possible. You didn't bring any argument *why* you didn't believe it would happen. So for me it was better to believe the programmer, than believe a citizen who says he's right because his citz# is higher.... And like citz# don't matter, age doesn't matter at all to determine who's right. Just don't bring up silly arguments if you want people to believe you. No argument is better than a silly argument, because a silly argument lowers your reputation Cubic || Kiss the ICQ -- 18557607 || devil and cubic at || piss off || the saint. -----Original Message----- From: Josh <jrrodgers at> Newsgroups: wishlist To: Cubic <hans_bomers at> Date: maandag 23 november 1998 0:00 Subject: Re: Custom avs are here! - yippee! I don't know it all so maybe you should shutup, and maybe you SHOULD sotp picking on a 14 year old and go get a life and play with your people your own age sparky... [View Quote] > Is THAT the best argument you can come up with? :-( > Like that proves anything at all... > You sound like a little child! > > Besides; i agree with Klassi; > If Roland says custom avatars going to happen, what reason heave you *not* > to believe that? Well?? > Maybe Roland doesn't have the final decission. > But if he says yes and you say no; I'd believe HIM. > Like *you* know it all. > [View Quote] Re: Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 23, 1998, 8:05pm
That argument was indeed a bit limited (of *Josh* ;-) )
Anyway, I don't seem to be getting *your* point really... [View Quote] Re: Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 24, 1998, 2:15pm
That is the whole meaning of the thread:
You *weren't* making a point at all! You only side what you heard was not true.. And if I say you're unreasonable cuz you give bad arguments or none at all, you see *I* am nagging! I haven't been flaming btw. You started telling *me* to shut up! In contrast: all *I* said is why do you say that what Klassi said was *not* true, if you don't have good reasons to believe that. And if you *do* have good reasons: why didn't you tell them to us? Else, how could we ever believe *you* ? Denying is so easy.... So don't say *I* am flaming and don't say *I* am being unreasonable. If somebody says something I believe him untill i have *reasons* not to. You didn't bring any of these reasons so there was no reason to agree with you. [View Quote] Re: Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 26, 1998, 1:15pm
I think the 'owner' of the world should be able to determine whether custom
avatars are allowed in that specific world. If he decides not to allow it; you'd be able to choose between the world's own avatars. Ain't that better? [View Quote] Re: Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 26, 1998, 1:24pm
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Nothing. I think FLuxen and you agree that there should be an option to turn
custom avatars on or off. I agree to. But your conflict is: should this option be for the viewer or for the world-owner? I think the world-owner should be able to turn it on and off. If you make a world that looks like space (like Rolu is planning) and you want avatars like astronauts and aliens. Wouldn't it be horrible if somebody showed up in a bikini ?!?! If you start a world I think it's because you wanna make something that looks cool. So you want the avatars to fit in. SO I think the world owner should determine what avatars are available in his world. So if you want your own avatars, I think you should start your own world :-) > >Because different worlds have different "ratings", it may be possible to >to tag an avatar with a rating as well. As long as the avatar's rating is >lower or equal to the world's rating, it is allowed to be used there (if >custom avatars are allowed in that world). The problem is that the rating >of the avatars must be voluntary. > >Perhaps there needs to be a way to visually "mute" an offending avatar -- >turn it into a "tourist" avatar. > >ScottyDM > >-- >Please send all SPAMS, FLAMES, and CONSPIRACY THEORIES to >scottydm at >Send all other IMPORTANT CORRESPONDENCE to scottydm at > ___ > /////\\ Digitally Enhanced Portrait of: > {|-0-0-|} Scott D. Miller, > | % | Silicon Mercenary > \===/ Freelance Chip Designer > >always #5 FOO = ~FOO; // the sound of a beating heart Re: Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 27, 1998, 5:40am
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Because too much freedom is *usually* bad for the atmosphere.
Some people then forget to think about others too. Like the 'vulgaire' avatars: Nics if you like it, but do others like it? Like Fluxen said in some msgs: "You're free to go anywhere. But then you have to adapt to the situation and not the other way around." I think you shouldn't just be able to do just anything you like... > I think that the cons of RL should not be implemented in VL. > > >No. There's nothing wrong with it. It would be best. However, it's not the >way the custom avatars will be implemented... > > >Eh... ratings for *custom* avatars?? Doesn't look very useful. If one uses >an avatar s/he knows to be possibly offending... would s/he then accept to >be rated? Not many, at least... > > >Sounds good. The viewer able to mute specific avs according to their own >ideas. Swash The Poop Deck!Fast says shiver me timbersNov 29, 1998, 8:30am
I WISH you had ever heard of spam.
Well... This is quite near to that. So please go do this in the TEST-newsgroup you idiot. That's what it's meant for; useless posts and tests. [View Quote] Re: (no subject)Nov 29, 1998, 8:32pm
Never heard of 'wishlist'? Dump yer shit there!! Or better: alt.ascii-art ... This is a wishlist not a clipboard! [View Quote] Time (zone's)Dec 5, 1998, 9:26pm
I wish COF would implement day and night. Or at least a possibility for
world-owners to switch it on. And I don't necessarily want it to be a *24*-hour cyclus. Maybe that should be left a choice for the world-owner. Like (after Rolu's idea) 32 hours; that's much cooler. Cuz then, if you'd visit AW every night at the same time (RL), then you'd see a different stage everyday. (Night, noon, dawn, etc.) We don't have to copy RL to AW. So why take 24hour-cyclus if something else is cooler or more logical. I mean let's face it.. What the heck is 24 supposed to be? 104 devided by 4 and then reduced by the square-root of the difference between 39 and 37... ;-) Why not take 25 or 32 or hundred. Time (zone's)Dec 6, 1998, 4:41pm
Why not applaud COF rather than gripe?Dec 15, 1998, 10:35pm
Are you new!?!?!
Of course the idea is great and it's great to be able to use it. BUt they never pay any attention to wishes, they work slow, inefficient, weird. And so does the Aw-browser! I like the general idea, but COF could make a lot of improvements. And they don't!! That's the problem. What the heck do you expect with only one programmer? [View Quote] Wishlist FAQ?Dec 15, 1998, 10:41pm
>1. Better 3d hardware support (I really need to get the visibility and
>framerate up) Yep... Maybe it would be expensive but it would work. I mean: if you can play quake with 20 people at 50 fps why does AW run on 2fps with a Viper V330 !?!?! >2. A better building interface (perhaps a seperate program or module that >has each object type as a series of menus and sub-menues to select objects) And maybe off-line building followed by easy uploading to a spot specified by you as soon as you get onlin. >3. Individual avatars that can be carried throughout the universe (is so >I can be ME) And maybe a board to accept/reject these homemade avatars! >4. Voice over IP (admittedly hard especially in a group situation, but >maybe 1-to-1?) Rather 1 to 1 I think. I mean: if I remember correctly you want to speed thing *up* ;-) >5. File transfer to people in AW Shouldn't be too hard as far as I know anything at all about it ;-) >6. Real Vudio and Real Video inside AW Forget it! Not everyone has his private T1-connection... Too bad actually; cuz the idea of real audio and video is in fact quite cool... Wishlist FAQ?Dec 15, 1998, 10:43pm
Sorry but I think his idea's ain't that weird.
I suggest we all start promoting these things. Even if it won't work, it will at least result in *some* positive changes by COF ;-) [View Quote] |