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cubic // User SearchRe: Roland, ya gotta check this out! (Was: Re: CPU)Nov 27, 1998, 9:54pm
I didn't think of that indeed.... Well; "genius".... :-> But indeed if Intel bought the whole thing; maybe there'd come better and more programmers working on Awb. <no offence intended> I don't wanna be rude to anybody, but right now Awb isn't really what it could be: Fast!!! I'm quite used to having > 3 fps, now. The download speed is not really cewl with a 33k6, but the rendering speed is worse: If I'm walking around on my own in a small world, of which I have downloaded all txtures already; the framerate is still too slow. And I have a Viper V330 for graphical adapter, so d3d-support is in my dreams in Aw. The damn thing won't help when using a window. So let's make things better..... (?....?...?..?.???A^$%#^??????) ;-) [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 22, 1998, 8:04pm
Well, who says he wasn't?
Better be a tourist than an arrogant citizen. This kinda people irritates me. [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 22, 1998, 10:18pm
Dumbass? I don't give worthless arguments!!!
Say what you heard? May I ask; from who did *you* hear that custom avatars ain't gonna happen? If from nobody; don't go claiming that they won't happen. BTW; this is the wishlist not the flamelist. They should make one, that's clear. But don't go calling me names. I can handle it; but that's not what this ng is meant for. [View Quote] >YOu know you should shut up, I"m jsut saying that people can put disgusting >stuff on avataras, and I was only saying what I heard, dumbass > [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 22, 1998, 10:21pm
Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 24, 1998, 2:20pm
Please continue this in awcommunity..
I did, fluxen did and many wishlist readers will be glad i guess.. [View Quote] > Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 24, 1998, 2:20pm
Please continue this in awcommunity..
I did, fluxen did and many wishlist readers will be glad i guess.. [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 24, 1998, 2:21pm
Please continue this in awcommunity..
I did, fluxen did and many wishlist readers will be glad i guess.. [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 24, 1998, 2:21pm
Please continue this in awcommunity..
I did, fluxen did and many wishlist readers will be glad i guess.. [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 24, 1998, 2:21pm
Please continue this in awcommunity..
I did, fluxen did and many wishlist readers will be glad i guess.. [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 24, 1998, 2:25pm
Sorry Xavarella and Dean,
But I don't think you have been reading much of this thread.. One of the points made in this thread by a.o. Klassi, me and Mgib was: Don't nag about age! That's is not a reasonable way of judging whether someone's right. So the elder shouldn't have anymore rights than the younger. Just make a good point if you wanna prove your right. Throwing with ages and citz# is tooo easy ;-) [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 24, 1998, 8:52pm
Your right about that..
But why am I immature? Have I been unreasonable or childish? Well sorry then.... It was not my intention, that's for sure. [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 24, 1998, 9:26pm
Why do people learn so slow... What we heave been discussing too was reasonable argumentation. My question was: Why am I immature? So again: Why have I been immature? Because I make my point? Please give an answer to that. Calling people childish is tooo easy. Besides; me and Fluxen were the ones who moved the discussion to awcommunity. Or is it also *there* forbidden to discuss thorouhly? P.S. Would you mind showing some cooperation moving this thread to awcommunity? Thnxx. I posted this one to both. Plz reply to awcommunity only if you don't want the wishlist to be bothered with long thorough discussion threads. [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 25, 1998, 4:57am
You want to know why grover finds you childish..... You may not have noticed it, but I have asked you that same question 2 times already. Plz let me know via e-mail what you think childish about my 'contributions' to this thread. [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 26, 1998, 1:12pm
Mmm.. Interesting indeed.
Psychology. As Charles Darwin said: Nobody does anything 'just as a favour' So there's gotta be a thought behind everything like 'I'll get something in return'. Or 'This is a profitable deed for me.' If we look at it like that, we probably flame each other just to *get* flamed. ;-) Or we think it's profitable (get nice reactions). So we flame each other to raise our reputation. :-S [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 27, 1998, 5:33am
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*I* really don't think so..
But some people might.;-) >Please note...this is neither a flame nor a favour. Just more of my senseless >prattling for which I expect nothing in return. :) <SNIPPPPP!!!!> Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 27, 1998, 5:48am
[View Quote]
Indeed. But then you don't want people to show up in a scuba-diving suit.
> >Also, the eject command still works...if you do happen to see a random >offence to your ocular organs you can just zip em outta there. And that >idea from grover about banning their URL's...genius! Why? Why? WHy banning people? Just make sure they can't do anything you don't want in your world. People who don't like your rules should go away and start their own wordl with their own rules. I really hate the idea of kicking and banning. C'mon: AW isn't some cheap chatbox! > >World setting to toggle cust avs could be added too, but I think, like I >said before, this would probably lead to a lot less traffic for those worlds >restricting user personalization. So you say: I won't enter a world that doesn't allow me to wear my own avatar?? Gee.... Why do you enter a world anyway? To *see* or to *be seen* ?!?!?! > >Ok l8tes > >-raiven- > > Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 28, 1998, 10:33am
Is THAT the best argument you can come up with? :-(
Like that proves anything at all... You sound like a little child! Besides; i agree with Klassi; If Roland says custom avatars going to happen, what reason heave you *not* to believe that? Well?? Maybe Roland doesn't have the final decission. But if he says yes and you say no; I'd believe HIM. Like *you* know it all. [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 28, 1998, 10:37am
You wish to go back to no tourists? Wow yur arrogant! You may be longer in Aw than a lot of others, but you don't sound like a real *citizen*. You talk like you wannabe left alone. Then what the heck are you ding in aw!?!?! Maybe you should try 3dstudio. There you can build whatever you lik, faster and better and absolutely *nobody* will come bother you... [View Quote] Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 28, 1998, 1:58pm
Custom avs are here! - yippee!Nov 29, 1998, 8:35pm
[View Quote]
Har har har.
Wow yer funny... NOT If you're asleep, why do you read mail? Are you a sleepwalker who needs a psych? :-) "..and if it offends you, *just don't listen* to it..." (c)1997 The Offspring. > [View Quote] AW Linux Browser!Nov 17, 1998, 1:59pm
Not a bad idea.
Me, prsonally, I am not so fond of Linux. M But a linux version of Aw-B is a good ideal; I'm quite sure that would lead to much more visitors for Active Worlds. The more people the more fun..... .....up to a certain point, that is! [View Quote] This newsgroupNov 17, 1998, 2:00pm
Who says he doesn't read them?
Besides: Active worlds and the Aw-browser are under constant change. Probably there wouldn't be so many changes when these newsgroups did not exist... [View Quote] This newsgroupNov 17, 1998, 9:07pm
This newsgroupNov 18, 1998, 4:08pm
I never even said i *did* think that COF implement a lot of changes...
Anyway; I'm sure the guyz at COF get to know somehow what's going on in this newsgroups, even though they don't always read them.. Just threaten massive departure. They'll know what's going ont, then ;-) [View Quote] This newsgroupNov 18, 1998, 4:14pm
If you are always complaining; why do you read these newsgroups. I must be very much mistaking if not < 50% of your posts is complaint. Mmm... Not a bad idea. Why don't we/them/somebody add a 9th nesgroup for "flame & complain" Then you could move there.. Guess you'd very much feel at home and understood. [View Quote] > must be new to AW. COF doesn't implement even 10% of what users suggest here, let alone what's on their OWN TheList™. AW is about stagnation, not development. > [View Quote] This newsgroupNov 24, 1998, 2:18pm
Yes they did.
And you can see the results of that: Every smart internetter has switched to.... MICROSOFT!!! Aaahh... then it musta been *really* bad.. <no offence intended to anyone> [View Quote] This newsgroupNov 24, 1998, 8:48pm
Choose for yourself. Me I never really liked netscape. But maybe just cuz I never really used it on my own pc. Msie if fine for me. It is integrated in win98 so no extra affort. That is the biggest real advantage i guess.... But i have no reason to complain so why try something else? That must count for u 2 i gues.. :-) [View Quote] oh, here's another wish...Nov 27, 1998, 9:31pm
I agree there should be a good snapshot feature in AW. But not only in AW
have i been wishing for that. Many cool games should have that feature too. Most games don't have it, unfortunately. I am personally very often busy with making screenshots and editing them. And most screen-capturers are really crap. Besides; most capturers are for Dos (prompt) and don't work (good) with Windows-apps. Even more than in good-looking games like Unreal, I think one comes across scenes in Active Worlds that are really worth snapping. And working with prt-scrn, alt-tab and ctrl-v really irritates me.... [View Quote] WorldsNov 29, 1998, 8:27pm
I'm *glad* the worlds aren't free. Like this only people who are seriously
interested will start a world. If it were free every fucking idiot would start a world, and 3 out of 4 worlds you'd visit would be worthless... [View Quote] |