oh, here's another wish... (Wishlist)

oh, here's another wish... // Wishlist

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Nov 21, 1998, 4:28pm
When you wish upon a star...

Well, here's my second wish: i wish that CoF could make a AWCamera(AWCam)!
i'm sick of using Save Screen and pasting it into Paint, then fixind the
height, width and format! and i'm sick of only being able to take a picture
each 5 minute or so, because my computer is reaaaalllyyy slooow... it shoul
be posible to take as many pictures you want and geting them out in the
format u want, and only gett the AW Picture, not the toolbar, the Web-thingi
and the other stuff...
are you guys with me?!


Nov 21, 1998, 7:02pm
I don't know about AW, but 3danarchy has a built in snapshot feature.
At the moment, if you try to take pictures in a succesion the last one will be
written over, but if you quickly change the name and get back to the browser,
you might not miss anything. I have been asking for a feature to write to a
different file each successive time snapshot is used. It is in beta testing so
bugs are the highest priority at present so it might be awhile until this frill
is implemented, but I have high hopes.

You can check out some of these snapshots at

My screenshots are in Anarchy City: Cinema and MeetingHall.

[View Quote] > When you wish upon a star...
> Well, here's my second wish: i wish that CoF could make a AWCamera(AWCam)!
> i'm sick of using Save Screen and pasting it into Paint, then fixind the
> height, width and format! and i'm sick of only being able to take a picture
> each 5 minute or so, because my computer is reaaaalllyyy slooow... it shoul
> be posible to take as many pictures you want and geting them out in the
> format u want, and only gett the AW Picture, not the toolbar, the Web-thingi
> and the other stuff...
> are you guys with me?!


Nov 21, 1998, 11:34pm
I use Paint Shop Pro in multiple captures mode - can wear down the resources
after a lot, but I took 28 snaps of the first real BotBall game using this
and didn't have any real problems.

[View Quote]

tyrell - alpha prime

Nov 23, 1998, 9:38am
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Hmmm... You'v not done much of a search if you can't find Win-based capture
utils that do the things you'd like... I use these utils:

Hyperionics with Frames

and can either 'multi-snap' (or auto-multi-snap) images using HyperSnap (which
are saved with consecutive file names) OR using HyperCam make AVIs of my walking
around in Alpha...

Just takes a search engine to find like utils...

[View Quote] > I agree there should be a good snapshot feature in AW. But not only in AW
> have i been wishing for that. Many cool games should have that feature too.
> Most games don't have it, unfortunately.
> I am personally very often busy with making screenshots and editing them.
> And most screen-capturers are really crap. Besides; most capturers are for
> Dos (prompt) and don't work (good) with Windows-apps.
> Even more than in good-looking games like Unreal, I think one comes across
> scenes in Active Worlds that are really worth snapping. And working with
> prt-scrn, alt-tab and ctrl-v really irritates me....
[View Quote] --
Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi"
"No matter where you go...there you are."
ICQ UN - 272905
All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
Hmmm... You'v not done much of a search if you can't find Win-based capture
utils that do the things you'd like... I use these utils:
<p>&nbsp;<a href="http://www.hyperionics.com/">Hyperionics with Frames</a>
<p>and can either 'multi-snap' (or auto-multi-snap) images using HyperSnap
(which are saved with consecutive file names) OR using HyperCam make AVIs
of my walking around in Alpha...
<p>Just takes a search engine to find like utils...
[View Quote] <p>--
<br>Tyrell - Alpha Prime - 21.8s 457e 90 - "Mundus vult decipi"
<br>"No matter where you go...there you are."
<br><A HREF="http://www.dlcwest.com/~rpatter/index.html">http://www.dlcwest.com/~rpatter/index.html</A>
<br>ICQ UN - 272905
<br>All those who believe in psychokinesis raise my hand.



Nov 23, 1998, 4:42pm
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Wish there were a freeware version, though :-)

[View Quote] > Hmmm... You'v not done much of a search if you can't find Win-based
> capture utils that do the things you'd like... I use these utils:
> Hyperionics with Frames
> and can either 'multi-snap' (or auto-multi-snap) images using
> HyperSnap (which are saved with consecutive file names) OR using
> HyperCam make AVIs of my walking around in Alpha...
> Just takes a search engine to find like utils...
[View Quote] --------------D38C1854BDE952EAFE93FD05
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Wish there were a freeware version, though :-)
[View Quote] --------------D38C1854BDE952EAFE93FD05--


Nov 26, 1998, 2:23pm
i HAVE seen cams in AW already, made with my friend's bots. can do
extrodinary things. he could make a lot of money, but doesn't want to
reslease them! and they're not hambot/sdk bots too! whole new program. it
can log chat text and bounce it from a website, take pictures, has radar..
lotsa stuff.. WIsh i had it tho..


Check out my homepage, it is chocked full of awesome graphics!
Maybe check out my town in AW!
AW- 10000N 500W
[View Quote]


Nov 27, 1998, 9:31pm
I agree there should be a good snapshot feature in AW. But not only in AW
have i been wishing for that. Many cool games should have that feature too.
Most games don't have it, unfortunately.
I am personally very often busy with making screenshots and editing them.
And most screen-capturers are really crap. Besides; most capturers are for
Dos (prompt) and don't work (good) with Windows-apps.

Even more than in good-looking games like Unreal, I think one comes across
scenes in Active Worlds that are really worth snapping. And working with
prt-scrn, alt-tab and ctrl-v really irritates me....

[View Quote]

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