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Feb 4, 1999, 11:21pm
I was considering working on a weatherbot but I wasn't sure where I could get some decent weather objects. :)
- Ima

[View Quote] > I agree with this one, we really need the worlds to become more dynamic. . .the staticness that surrounds them now is both boring,
> and totally unneeded . ..we have the technology now to do this. . .why doesnt someone do a weather boit ? It could have several
> differnt aspects. . .changing the backdrop when storms come . could go back for nice sunny times. ..a tornado disaster that
> ruins buildings, and of coruse, eeps rain an such. . .
> someone msut be able to do this. .instead of writing those boring damn greeter and advertising bots (which do jack in my opinion),
> you should all get along an do this., *sigh*. . if only I could program . ..but maths pisses me off so i never did get into it
> besides JS and HTML .. .
[View Quote]

Bots get boring...

Feb 6, 1999, 4:11am
Actually in AWGames, we already have a bot that does it. You can even set
boundaries so you get only the objects you want. :)
- Ima

[View Quote] > This may have already been done, and I'm just unaware of it. . .
> I've had several people mention that they'd like to move a site from one
> world to another, for various reasons. . .just bought a world, don't like
> the world owner, sick of the neighborhood, those darn dolphins are just too
> creepy (just kidding!)
> So I suspect that many builders would love a
> Photocopy Bot
> ---------------------
> Moves a designated area from one world to a designated area in another
> world.
> There are some serious kinks to this one. . .the worst, in my mind, being
> that of malicious use. Perhaps requiring the PS right in the target world in
> order to use the tool? Not sure.
> Another issue is the probability that objects used will not be available in
> the target world.
> Archon Manus
[View Quote]

A little thought

Oct 27, 1998, 11:07pm
I'm working on it right now :) I hope to have it done soon (a week or two
or three :) - Ima :)

Byte Me <byte_me1 at> wrote in article
<36365B3D.6A02 at>...
> WEas thinknig that someone could make a chatprogram with the sdk for
> citizens who don't wanna run the renderware drivers at the time the
> follwoing would be possible if it was done
> *teleport in the world
> *world switching
> *showing ps's, tourists, and citizens in their proper text
> *whispering (2.1 worlds)
> *list of people near you (showing PS's with a at next to their name,
> tourists with "'s around their name and citizens as regular
> *eject
> *if you have caretaker in a world you can add ps's by clciking the
> person on the list
> *a 2d map of the positions of the avatars around you
> *and a lot lot more!

Simple BallBot released

Jul 26, 1999, 7:29pm
The Simple BallBot has been released :) You can download it from
the ImaBot website, at:

- Ima


Nov 7, 1998, 2:49pm
So far it just respondes to all gestures. Today we're gonna change all the
gesture1's on the avs to kick and have the bot only accept those. And it
will also only let people kick it if they're within 1 meter of it. :)
- Ima
Edward Sumerfield <esumerfd at> wrote in article
<36445D43.835828FB at>...
> Never mind, I found it in AWPres.
> It Rocks.
> Does each gesture do a specific thing or are they random. It seems that
> ball moves a random distance and rolls around in circles a little.
> Edward Sumerfield
[View Quote]

RC Version

Nov 9, 1998, 12:00am
You're using a differnt version of the dll than the header and lib files.
My advice would be to download the SDK from the SDK webpage and just
recompile using that, then use the aw.dll file you downloaded :)

Dalthan <annette at> wrote in article
<3646371F.5EBB5624 at>...
> I'm trying to make a DJBot with a GNU C compiler and I keep
> coming up it a RC_VERSION_MISMATCH when I try to log the bot in my
> world. How do I fix this?

Oops - Build 9 now available

Nov 12, 1998, 10:36pm
Just finished upgrading all the bots to 8 :)
Oh well :)
- Ima

Roland Vilett <roland at> wrote in article <364b7a6c.0 at homer>...
> Sorry, a potential crash bug crept into aw_destroy() with build 8. Build
> should fix the problem.
> -Roland

Problem with AW_EVENT_EJECT ?

Nov 29, 1998, 7:20pm
Trying to program an eject handler into my bot, i discovered
AW_EVENT_EJECT seems to be missing... I get the error
'AW_EVENT_EJECT' : undeclared identifier when I try to compile, and I
can't find AW_EVENT_EJECT in the header file... Any ideas?
- Ima

Format of TimeStamp field

Dec 1, 1998, 7:38pm
Thats in seconds since 1970 :)
- Ima

Lucio Pascarelli <lucio at> wrote in article
<36646015.0 at homer>...
sorry, I was unclear.

I am referring to the AW_OBJECT_BUILD_TIMESTAMP attribute returned by the
AW_QUERY. It is a long integer which I am trying to decode into a Time
field for a database :)

[View Quote] struct tm
int tm_sec;
int tm_min;
int tm_hour;
int tm_mday;
int tm_mon;
int tm_year;
int tm_wday;
int tm_yday;
int tm_isdst;

Edward Sumerfield.

[View Quote] Can anybody help decode the field into a standard date/time format



Dec 11, 1998, 6:40pm
We could do it in AWGames world :)
- Ima

dean <challagar at> wrote in article
<36716B4A.9D5C6775 at>...
> well, the size board I was thinking of would be with squares at least
five to
> ten meters each, I don't have any world big enough for a board that
sized. A
> board any smaller might have rendering difficulties due to the amount of
> textures needed.
> However, if each square is done with signs instead (which I think it
would not
> look nearly as attractive, though), it might be doable at a smaller
> I would love to see it done. Anybody want to make some Monopoly avatars?
[View Quote]

Need help to build a AW Universe

Dec 13, 1998, 7:33pm
Because SDK bots require 2.1 universes which aren't released yet. There's
only two 2.1 universes, one being AW.
- Ima

dean <challagar at> wrote in article
<367427E0.9D5CB199 at>...
> why not? isn't it the same program, with slight modifications?
[View Quote]

Need help to build a AW Universe

Dec 16, 1998, 5:52pm
If you want I can write a quick bot that lets you set the bot_rights. :)
- Ima

XelaG <x at> wrote in article
<3677afb3.88760771 at>...
> Thank you very much, Roland, for your explanation. I will forward this
> information to the Amigos group.
> On Wed, 16 Dec 1998 00:13:54 -0800, "Roland Vilett" <roland at>
[View Quote]


Jan 22, 2000, 6:42pm
Actually I think it would be better if he provided a link to the page with the bot instead of
uploading the bot to his site (especially snce he did not ask us before uploading our bots to
his site).
- Ima

[View Quote] [View Quote]

values for certain attributes

Jan 18, 1999, 4:41pm
[View Quote] > Roland:
> I would like to know which are the possible values for these
> attributes:

0 - 255


1500 = Normal
2500 = Large
4000 = Huge


0 = G
1 = PG
2 = R
3 = X


0 - a big number :)


Hope this helps,

How can I create Object in my world?

Jan 26, 1999, 6:31pm
Also, keep in mind that the 2.1 uniservers haven't been released yet so it won't
work anyway.
- Ima

[View Quote] > The prototype for aw_create is as follows.
> int aw_create (const char* domain, int port, void** instance);
> This is copied out of the aw.h header file from version 10 of the sdk.
> When you say the first argument is a long, I will agree that it takes up four
> bytes on the intel platform just like the char *.
> If you want to access the AW universe and insist on specifying the arguments
> then
> void *instance;
> aw_create("", 5670, &instance);
> but
> aw_create(0, 0, 0);
> does the same thing and is adequate if you only want one bot in you program.
> You can find this information out using the DOS/windows command netstat -an.
> It will show the active connections on your machine. So run active worlds
> browser and do a netstat and you will see it there.
> May the create force be with you.
[View Quote]

How can I create Object in my world?

Jan 26, 1999, 8:50pm
Yep. He said in his original post "And how can I located Bot in my
universe server?".
- Ima

[View Quote] > You mean that it will not work with any other universe other than the
> AW universe which is already a 2.1 server.
[View Quote]

Bot access in AW

Mar 14, 1999, 5:14pm
Anyone have any idea why bot access is restricted in AW?
- Ima

New BoneClient and Bone SDK released

May 3, 2000, 6:07pm
BoneClient Build 7 and Bone SDK Build 7 have been released.

What's new in Bone SDK Build 7:
* Support for offline messages including a new event
BONE_CALLBACK_DELAYEDTEXT which is called when you receive an offline
message from the server.
* Two new errors.
* Some minor protocol changes.

What's new in BoneClient Build 7:
* Support for offline messages.
* Lots of minor changes.

You can download both at:

- Ima Genius

Totally confused about object query

Mar 30, 2000, 5:37pm
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

First of all, rc is an integer. You should not confuse people by comparing
it to 'true' or 'false' since those are for booleans. In if statements, C/C++
considers something 0 or NULL as false and anything else as true. == is the
comparison operator and = is the assignment operator. What

if (rc = aw_query (0, 0, sequence))

really means is this:

rc = aw_query (0, 0, sequence);
if (rc != 0) {...}.

However, it is a lot easier to put all in one line. Also, for integers in C,
it was still if (!rc) which would be true if rc was 0. ~ is the bitwise not
operator, you shouldn't confuse this with the logical not operator (!).
- Ima

[View Quote] > [Also, out of curiosity, how does the SDK get away with things like:
> if (rc = aw_query (0, 0, sequence))
> I'm a novice but it seems I was trained that you need double equal signs for
> Boolean expressions]

> If (rc) /* Actually equates to : If (rc == true), but you do not need to do
> this in C++ . . . If you wanted the code to execute if rc was false, you'd
> do : If (!rc), where '!' is the C++ symbol for NOT (In C it was '~', that's
> why Class Destructors are always ClassName::~ClassName(void);, but that's
> another story :)) */

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; First of all, rc is an integer.&nbsp; You should
not confuse people by comparing it to 'true' or 'false' since those are
for booleans. In if statements, C/C++ considers something 0 or NULL as
false and anything else as true.&nbsp; == is the comparison operator and
= is the assignment operator.&nbsp; What
<p>if (rc = aw_query (0, 0, sequence))
<p>really means is this:
<p>rc = aw_query (0, 0, sequence);
<br>if (rc != 0) {...}.
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; However, it is a lot easier to put all in one line.
Also, for integers in C, it was still if (!rc) which would be true if rc
was 0.&nbsp; ~ is the bitwise not operator, you shouldn't confuse this
with the logical not operator (!).
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; - Ima
[View Quote] <blockquote TYPE=CITE>
<pre>If (rc) /* Actually equates to : If (rc == true), but you do not need to do
this in C++ . . . If you wanted the code to execute if rc was false, you'd
do : If (!rc), where '!' is the C++ symbol for NOT (In C it was '~', that's
why Class Destructors are always ClassName::~ClassName(void);, but that's
another story :)) */</pre>


Totally confused about object query

Mar 31, 2000, 12:07am
That would work, however you could not tell which error occurred. You could
just tell than an error occurred.
- Ima

[View Quote] > I understand that the functions are returning an int (i.e., rc), and I know
> that 0 is false and anything else is true. But, it seems to me that you get
> the same thing by:
> if (aw_query (0, 0, sequence)) ...
> and you save on the "rc =" in front and you avoid the possible confusion of
> = vs. ==.
[View Quote]

New BoneClient and Bone SDK released

May 3, 2000, 6:07pm
BoneClient Build 7 and Bone SDK Build 7 have been released.

What's new in Bone SDK Build 7:
* Support for offline messages including a new event
BONE_CALLBACK_DELAYEDTEXT which is called when you receive an offline
message from the server.
* Two new errors.
* Some minor protocol changes.

What's new in BoneClient Build 7:
* Support for offline messages.
* Lots of minor changes.

You can download both at:

- Ima Genius

Passing a Variable to a url

Aug 10, 2001, 5:51pm
Don't forget that when using CString in an variable argument list, you
have to explicitly cast it to LPCTSTR. For example:
(LPCTSTR) urlParm);

- Ima

[View Quote]

Passing a Variable to a url

Aug 10, 2001, 6:59pm
I checked the docs to be sure, and they say:

When you pass a character string as an optional argument, you must cast it
explicitly as LPCTSTR.

CString::operator LPCTSTR
// If the prototype of a function is known to the compiler,
// the LPCTSTR cast operator may be invoked implicitly
lstrcpy(sz, strSports);

// If the prototype isn't known, or is a va_arg prototype,
// you must invoke the cast operator explicitly. For example,
// the va_arg part of a call to sprintf() needs the cast:

sprintf(sz, "I think that %s!\n", (LPCTSTR) strSports);

- Ima :)

[View Quote]

New BoneClient, Bone SDK, and VB Bone SDK Wrapper released :)

Jun 9, 2002, 1:21am
The new version of Bone is finally finished. Bone is an internet
messaging system. There are lots of new things in this version including
automated user creation, password retrieval, and new channel options. :)
For more information, please see:

- Ima :)

SDK 60 hangs on aw_init

Jun 14, 2006, 12:21am
According to the most recent information I've heard, the static library and
DLL that allows debugging will only be available to you if you sign an NDA
with Activeworlds.
- Ima

[View Quote]

bingobot and awgames bots

May 4, 2001, 6:21pm
Sure he does ;) The reason that we haven't released the BallBot used in
AWGames is because it is difficult to set up the boundaries and goals with
the current
implementation. However, I believe HamFon's publicly released BallBot does
support this.

- Ima
P.S. New Preston coming soon :)

[View Quote]

Preston 32 beta now available

May 6, 2001, 5:46pm
Preston 32 beta is now available. You can get it at . Release notes are also there.
- Ima Genius

Passing a Variable to a url

Aug 10, 2001, 5:51pm
Don't forget that when using CString in an variable argument list, you
have to explicitly cast it to LPCTSTR. For example:
(LPCTSTR) urlParm);

- Ima

[View Quote]

Passing a Variable to a url

Aug 10, 2001, 6:59pm
I checked the docs to be sure, and they say:

When you pass a character string as an optional argument, you must cast it
explicitly as LPCTSTR.

CString::operator LPCTSTR
// If the prototype of a function is known to the compiler,
// the LPCTSTR cast operator may be invoked implicitly
lstrcpy(sz, strSports);

// If the prototype isn't known, or is a va_arg prototype,
// you must invoke the cast operator explicitly. For example,
// the va_arg part of a call to sprintf() needs the cast:

sprintf(sz, "I think that %s!\n", (LPCTSTR) strSports);

- Ima :)

[View Quote]

The bird bot

Aug 6, 2001, 12:09pm
A new version of BirdBot will be released soon which allows you to
choose how many birds to run :)
- Ima

[View Quote]

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