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SDK 60 hangs on aw_init (Sdk)
SDK 60 hangs on aw_init // Sdkstrike rapierJun 3, 2006, 5:03am
Has anyone else had any problems with the SDK hanging / dying on aw_init?
Im simply getting a message box, There was an error starting this application. Event viewer has zip on the matter, looks like a thread just hangs, any ideas? Command Line: /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "WINVER 0x500" /D "_WIN32_WINNT 0x500" /D "WIN32_IE 0x500" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710" /D "_MBCS" /GF /Gm /EHsc /MTd /GS- /Gy /Yu"StdAfx.h" /Fp"c:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Desktop\Eclipse Evolution 1\41 debug\\$stdafx.pch" /Fo"41 debug\\" /Fd"41 debug"\vc80.pdb"" /FR"41 debug\\" /nologo /c /Zi /TP /errorReport:prompt Linker Line: /OUT:"41 debug\EclipseEvolution.exe" /NOLOGO /MANIFEST:NO /DELAYLOAD:"OleAcc.dll" /DEBUG /PDB:"c:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Desktop\Eclipse Evolution 1\41 debug\EclipseEvolution.pdb" /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT ws2_32.lib psapi.lib Kernel32.lib wininet.lib winmm.lib gdiplus.lib aw.lib DelayImp.lib -- - Mark Randall "We're Systems and Networks..." "It's our job to know..." andrasJun 3, 2006, 5:32am
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> Has anyone else had any problems with the SDK hanging / dying on aw_init?
> > Im simply getting a message box, There was an error starting this > application. > > Event viewer has zip on the matter, looks like a thread just hangs, any > ideas? > > Command Line: > > /Od /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_DEBUG" /D "WINVER 0x500" /D "_WIN32_WINNT > 0x500" /D "WIN32_IE 0x500" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D > "_VC80_UPGRADE=0x0710" /D "_MBCS" /GF /Gm /EHsc /MTd /GS- /Gy /Yu"StdAfx.h" > /Fp"c:\Documents and Settings\Mark\Desktop\Eclipse Evolution 1\41 > debug\\$stdafx.pch" /Fo"41 debug\\" /Fd"41 debug"\vc80.pdb"" /FR"41 debug\\" > /nologo /c /Zi /TP /errorReport:prompt > > Linker Line: > > /OUT:"41 debug\EclipseEvolution.exe" /NOLOGO /MANIFEST:NO > /DELAYLOAD:"OleAcc.dll" /DEBUG /PDB:"c:\Documents and > Settings\Mark\Desktop\Eclipse Evolution 1\41 debug\EclipseEvolution.pdb" > /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ERRORREPORT:PROMPT ws2_32.lib psapi.lib Kernel32.lib > wininet.lib winmm.lib gdiplus.lib aw.lib DelayImp.lib > Try to run your bot standalone - without the debugger. -- Andras "It's MY computer" (tm Steve Gibson) strike rapierJun 3, 2006, 5:35am
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That works, but would make developing an utter hell developing without the ability to debug. Do you know what the reason is? and if so if it will be fixed? -- - Mark Randall "We're Systems and Networks..." "It's our job to know..." equin0xJun 3, 2006, 9:56am
Yep.. Sucks. 4.1 security to stop debugging.. Something programmers should
never be able to do. [View Quote] strike rapierJun 3, 2006, 10:16am
I agree, its my f**king computer damnit, if it runs on my PC I want to be
able to rip it appart and find out what its doing to said PC. -- - Mark Randall "We're Systems and Networks..." "It's our job to know..." [View Quote] grimbleJun 13, 2006, 1:42pm
Is there any more information on this (i.e. does anyone know if it is at
least planned to be looked at)? I assume that build 60 is not the final SDK release for 4.1 - there's no static link library available at present. I have a similar (related?) problem when running multiple threads in an application within the Visual Studio IDE (.NET 2.0). In debug, when initiating a new thread (totally unrelated to any SDK activity) after making a call to the SDK in the parent thread, the application dies with a StackOverflowException (the same as if I try to step past the aw_init in debug mode). If the child threads are started before the first SDK call in the parent thread, then everything works fine. The child thread could be anything, even an empty method. The SDK call doesn't have to be aw_init, it could be any SDK call and I can't tell at this point where the StackOverflowException is being raised from. I may know a bit later - at the moment I'm assuming its raised within the SDK as the IDE doesn't catch it. Grims [View Quote] ima geniusJun 14, 2006, 12:21am
According to the most recent information I've heard, the static library and
DLL that allows debugging will only be available to you if you sign an NDA with Activeworlds. - Ima [View Quote] dr. squailboontJun 14, 2006, 2:39am
If you're trying to run the program in a debugger, the SDK will not
allow you to do that. As Ima Genius says, the latest we have been told is that the debuggable, static library, and Linux versions of the SDK will be available to those who have signed an NDA with AWI. I have attempted twice now to acquire an NDA, and both times JP has told me that he will notify me when more information is available. [View Quote] grimbleJun 14, 2006, 7:03am
Thanks for the info Ima and Dr - although this really should be publicised.
I don't mind the need for an NDA, but I think it would all sound much less paranoid and over-zealous if a simple distinction was made between a freely downloadable runtime-only license and a development license requiring a more formal agreement including an NDA. Having said that, there's all manner of scope for inadvertant distribution of the "debuggable" SDK. I wonder if we'd have to put similar anti-debugging restrictions in any DLLs we create that incorporate the SDK if we have the static link library from AWI. As for the debugger, until now, as long as I don't try to step through the code after making a call to the SDK, I could run the app from within Visual Studio in debug (i.e. F5). Now, though, crashes when initiating new threads within the application mean I've got to CTRL-F5 it instead - hardly a big deal I know, but perhaps a flaw in AWI's plan? When you think about it, its a shame that just as the SDK supports something new and exciting with all these additional 4.1 features, the SDK becomes less accessible. Personally, I don't see what AWI are trying to achieve with this, but that's their perogative. [View Quote] |