marnie // User Search
marnie // User Search
Jun 29, 2005, 3:34pm
[View Quote]Marnie wrote:
> Marnie wrote:
> Thanks to the people who telegrammed me. xaw36 and family have opened
> up new vistas.
Again thanks to more people who telegrammed me.
Aug 29, 2005, 12:32pm
[View Quote]SW Comit wrote:
> The next version of AWE is out. New features include more enhanced
> textures, further enhancements from the version 1.0 textures, some enhanced
> objects, and more passive avatar gestures.
> For those who don't know about AWE, it's a visual mod to Alphaworld which
> utilizes the local path function in the AW advanced settings, overriding a
> portion of the object path with the texture pack's custom, enhanced
> textures.
I don't understand the bit about the local function. Is there somewhere
I can look it up? Also how do you use AWE? Does it just work with the
normal browser?
Aug 30, 2005, 1:57pm
[View Quote]SW Comit wrote:
> It uses the local path function, as described here in the AW Help files:
> http://www.activeworlds.com/help/aw36/advanced.html
> That should answer both questions ;D
> "Marnie" <big_mart_98 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:43131c6d at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Oct 30, 2005, 3:53pm
[View Quote]SW Comit wrote:
> Also just a side-note. There probably won't be another release for a good
> long time because I can't really find any more textures that need work
> (aside from complicated textures which are hopeless). Soo for those who
> hate updating stuff, this would be a good time to jump onboard ;D
> - Com
it's great: thanks to all concerned. One query, dating from the first
time I downloaded AWE. From a few angles, unoccupied land looks like
grass, but mostly it looks palin green like before.
Oct 31, 2005, 2:57pm
[View Quote]77 wrote:
> I think they where talking about the blue area under the terrain isn't blue
> anymore its green.
> "Marnie" <big_mart_98 at yahoo.com> wrote in message
> news:436516a2 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
Yes. I was really raising a new query.
Nov 18, 2005, 3:33pm
When I first used AW, I thought the figures were tiny and wanted to zoom
in more. I do not now use Third Person much as I build a lot, but
recently I switched to it and found that it was zoomed in so far that I
could only see the top half of my av. Is there a way to adjust this?
Nov 19, 2005, 1:23pm
[View Quote]Tengel wrote:
> You can change the distance by edit your aworld.ini
> [camera]
> distance=50
Thanks for all that. I've been using it for a year and a half and never
Dec 21, 2005, 2:24pm
[View Quote]tag SvA wrote:
> same place as the aw news letter i guess
> Directory Listing Denied
> This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.
For me it was only down for a few minutes yesterday.
Jan 2, 2006, 2:57pm
[View Quote]Tart Sugar wrote:
> Exactly. It's all in how you use it.
> ; )
> btw - hell in German means yellow.
No, it means light, for any colour. Gelb means yellow.
Jan 2, 2006, 3:02pm
[View Quote]Tart Sugar wrote:
> "equin0x" <xeroer at gmail.com> wrote in message
> news:43b94732$1 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
> hehehehehe The CA boots for "prick"
> and it can not tell *context*.
If you wrong us, shall we not revenge? Actually, I though twice about
cracking that one: some people are very literal minded.
Jan 29, 2006, 2:29pm
[View Quote]baro wrote:
> Why don't you just run and do the things that are fun for you, and not
> do the things that stress you out and bother you?
Amen to that. I mostly build when I am on. I can't be bothered with
the chat at GZ, which is mostly puerile.
Feb 6, 2006, 3:17pm
Since Feb 3 the enhanced scenery you get with AWE has gone off in my
browser and the old, blurry background with hardly any sky has come
back. I've tried downloading AWE again but it made no difference.
Feb 6, 2006, 4:32pm
[View Quote]Marnie wrote:
> Since Feb 3 the enhanced scenery you get with AWE has gone off in my
> browser and the old, blurry background with hardly any sky has come
> back. I've tried downloading AWE again but it made no difference.
False alarm: it popped back on tonight.
Feb 7, 2006, 4:32pm
[View Quote]SW Comit wrote:
> It's because of Alphaworld's winter season changing things, or it was
> originally anyway.
> Things look normal on my PC, and as far as I know it should be working just
> fine. Try an uninstall and reinstall maybe.
> Are you getting any of the AWE features at all?
I am now: it looks better than ever.
Mar 28, 2006, 3:39pm
Printed for later visit.
Jun 1, 2006, 5:44pm
[View Quote]BlueGuy wrote:
> Aww, do you need some comfort? *pats your back* It's ok... tomorrow will be
> better... I promise.
> "Tart Sugar" <tartsugar at comcast.net> wrote in message
> news:447d0d17 at server1.Activeworlds.com...
4.1 does not work at all for me. When I try to open it I get "Can't
load gdiplus.dll".
Jun 2, 2006, 4:09pm
[View Quote]BlueGuy wrote:
> Goto www.microsoft.com and do a search for gdiplus.dll and it will give you
> a page to download the .net dll files, install it, and all your worries...
> at least .dll worries should be done with.
Thanks. I'll try both of those.
Jun 4, 2006, 7:03am
[View Quote]Marnie wrote:
> BlueGuy wrote:
> Thanks. I'll try both of those.
I got that done. The program got as far as logging in, then I got
"invalid import from DDRAW.dll and a crash.
May 31, 2006, 4:42pm
How long is it going to be disabled? It is still disabled 19.40 GMT 31/5.
Jun 4, 2006, 7:09am
[View Quote]sweets wrote:
> a lot of times these 3d superchats need regular defrags...often....
> might give that a try (Full scan disk - My Computer....Right click C
> drive...then ....Properties...Tools....scan/repair - takes awhile but really
> finds problems, then a good defrag)
> xp scans disk on crashing (if you let it) but using the Full system scan
> does more. It is no longer at the Start Menu like 98. Not being able to find
> it for awhile my computer got slower, froze, crashed few times a day until
> someone told me how to find it in xp. Thanks to him my computer crashes and
> freezes less, as I now full scan and defrag regularly. Takes forever but
> seems to do the trick.
> I do know that chats like SL needed many defrag. This new 4.1 sounds like it
> may have the same problems
> good luck
> sweets
> *sitting in 3.6 awaiting D-Day June 12th
I'll try that. I hadn't heard of that before.
Jun 8, 2006, 4:40pm
[View Quote]Elyk wrote:
> Dragon, it is not just you that is having these problems with the new
> browser. Something that you and a several others need to understand is
> that it is just that, a new version of the browser.. there are bugs to
> be worked out still. New versions of computer programs do not always
> work perfectly right off the bat. I'd email beta at activeworlds.com or
> support at activeworlds.com and let them know any type of errors you may be
> receiving upon crashing in order for them to try and resolve the issues.
> But I wouldn't address the email in the tone you are taking in here,
> otherwise nothing will be accomplished. Have a little patience...the
> upgrade is brand new, we are all working through it.
Right. On their advice I downloaded DirectX 9 for W98 and it works.
Jun 17, 2006, 11:58am
With help from the support team I am now using AW4.1 with AWE1.4 on
W98SE with DirectX9.0. Plaudits to all who helped.
Jun 18, 2006, 12:10pm
[View Quote]Talisan wrote:
> Welcome back Marnie!
> Do tell us the story please! Every juicy detail. :)
I couldn't get into 4.1 at all. Someone at support told me about
(something).dll I can't remember. I got as far as logging in but got an
error message. The same guy told me to download DirectX 9.0. Presto:
there was still a version for 98SE. However I understand from the BBC
that support for 98 ends at the end of the month. Even MS come out of
this well, in my opinion.
Jul 1, 2006, 11:41am
[View Quote]Strike Rapier wrote:
> Looks like Elton John >_>
I thought it was Elton John.
Jul 16, 2006, 1:23pm
Since the latest update my tab controls don't work. If I open the
folder there is nothing there.
Jul 19, 2006, 4:48pm
[View Quote]Data26 wrote:
> I noticed that the search feature no longer works.
> Is this what your talking about?
> "Marnie" <buzzard554 at fastmail.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:44ba59db at server1.Activeworlds.com...
The tables do not appear: Worlds etc.
Jul 21, 2006, 3:38pm
[View Quote]Marnie wrote:
> Data26 wrote:
> The tables do not appear: Worlds etc.
I checked again, and they work when I boot AW up. They stop working
when I have been building for some time.