Threats in the name of ALaskanShadow? (General Discussion)

Threats in the name of ALaskanShadow? // General Discussion

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Nov 28, 2003, 4:59am
To the person who sent me 350 more love letters, this time pretending to be
ALaskanShadow, you are wasting your time more than mine. Since you left me
no way to contact you because of your fear, I have to write here. Your
threats against me and others in AW don't worry me, but it wasn't nice to
make them. And the extremely naughty words you use could cause you to become
sterile. You better stop now. Thank you.


Nov 28, 2003, 5:52am wasn't a very good idea to post it.....especially when those who
don't know what you are talking about could automatically stereotype against
AS if they didn't completely understand your post.....

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Nov 28, 2003, 6:31am
Your point is a good one and I did think about that. That's why I said
"pretending to be" and also asked AS if I might say the mail bomber used
their name in the way I am telling you now, and it seemed to be OK with
them. I did gram ALaskanShadow, who I do not know, and told him or her (I
forgot to ask which they were) the story and they said it wasn't them. I
tend to believe them because you can tell by the 550 total emails that the
emailer would not be the type to purposely say who they are and put
themselves in danger. Though I can't know for sure, of course. I do have
people working on that though. But, the emails were the vilest stuff and
said they were practicing their talent for that kind of stuff on me so they
could work toward worse stuff. There's a lot more to it, I tried not to get
wordy, but still it was important to me that the person knew when they
threatened me against posting in the NG anymore, that it was not their
choice to make. The second mail attack said they didn't really care what I
said in the news groups, they just wanted to attack. If they'd have given me
a valid email address instead of the strange ones they emailed with, I would
have contacted them that way. Seriously, if I'd have known who to ask, I'd
have asked for help or suggestions instead.

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Nov 28, 2003, 7:10am
Yea...AlaskanShadow is a girl. She wouldnt do something like that ;)

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Nov 28, 2003, 1:23pm
I told carolann it was ok to use my name, I really don't see how using it is
a big deal, if someone reads it wrong oh well, other peoples opinions of me
don't matter much anyways =)

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bowen ten.sardna@newob

Nov 28, 2003, 4:55pm
[View Quote] > To the person who sent me 350 more love letters, this time pretending to be
> ALaskanShadow, you are wasting your time more than mine. Since you left me
> no way to contact you because of your fear, I have to write here. Your
> threats against me and others in AW don't worry me, but it wasn't nice to
> make them. And the extremely naughty words you use could cause you to become
> sterile. You better stop now. Thank you.

The more you post about it the more he's going to send you. Here's an
idead. Take your e-mail and switch it into a form that no one can just
hit "reply" to and send you junk.

Give me ideas.


Nov 28, 2003, 7:01pm
Yes, that is something I could do, thanks for the tip, but-wouldn't that
affect my email in general? This person already has my email address so
changing it wouldn't help for this particular psychopath. And no one in
these newsgroups has ever used it (mine) for unfriendly purposes before. I
have had people from the AW newsgroups reply to me in friendly terms several
times on other posts though, using email or grams for various reasons. On
this particular issue I've already had more than one person contact me
within AW to say they've also had similar stuff happen, one being contacted
via telegram by someone claiming to be AS. I just thought that might be kind
of important.

I didn't think my news group views were really radical enough to deserve
what he/she did (and they finally claimed it had nothing to do with my
views) nor do I appreciate having to hide behind the nearest tree like
he/she is doing (by not identifying himself).

By the way, I've just received an email that has the OP passwords of many
worlds including 2 of mine....somehow related?

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Nov 28, 2003, 7:02pm
Right, and she seemed very nice, and concerned about whether it could have
happened to anyone else. I'm glad I contacted her. When the first mail
bombing said it was the poem about Bush that made them mad, and then the
second attack said it was ALaskanShadow (written that way), I did a search
on that name-and a website I found under that name showed that the owner was
not exactly a Bush fan. That's anyone's right to express.

By the way, I've just received an email that has the OP passwords of many
worlds including 2 of mine....somehow related?

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bowen ten.sardna@newob

Nov 28, 2003, 7:27pm
[View Quote] He may or may not have it saved. Rearranging the letter like mine may
help you solve that problem.

Give me ideas.


Nov 28, 2003, 8:06pm
What was the citname/number of the person claiming to be me? o.O *only has 1

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Nov 28, 2003, 8:09pm
if the person signed it "ALaskanShadow" that's kinda weird, heck i dont even
write my name that way lol, its only got a capital L so people don't
impersonate me.

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Nov 28, 2003, 8:18pm
I'll send you the exact texts privately (and I only say so here so it
doesn't look like I'm not responding) because it does look incriminating so
I'm sure you will want to get to the bottom of it also.

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Nov 29, 2003, 7:20pm
Telegram from Elyk, sent 3 minutes ago:
Telegram from Rikku, sent Sat Nov 29, 2003 12:42 AM:
Excuse me young lad, but you are impersonating me. i would appreciate it if
you got off my nickname and would use your own name.Sincerely - Kyle Foerst

Kyle (Elyk) got that tgram from Rikku-She's claiming he's using her name,
when in fact he isnt. This situation seems VERY similar to the one involving
me that Carolann posted, and seems quite logical considering Rikku is very
anti-awnewbie, the place where both Elyk and I volunteer.

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Nov 30, 2003, 5:50am
ahhhh... why are you posting this???

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