
object manipulation with sdk? (Sdk)

object manipulation with sdk? // Sdk

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Jan 14, 2000, 12:40am
anyone have any idea how in the world "the 13th floor" there
are bots (cars, etc.) that don't have names (ie, [mr. bot] ) over
them? are they avatars? objects? as far as I could see, making
an object move would require a sort of animation sequence where
one instance was destroyed and another created a few centimeters
away, etc. sounds really messy. I thought I'd ask around before
experimenting with the idea. anyone got the goods?



Jan 14, 2000, 2:46am
> anyone have any idea how in the world "the 13th floor" there
> are bots (cars, etc.) that don't have names (ie, [mr. bot] ) over
> them? are they avatars? objects? as far as I could see, making
> an object move would require a sort of animation sequence where
> one instance was destroyed and another created a few centimeters
> away, etc. sounds really messy. I thought I'd ask around before
> experimenting with the idea. anyone got the goods?

Names do not appear over avatars if they never speak to you. As long
as the bot never talks, you'll never see its name. So they may be
avatars. Or they can be objects being controlled by a bot.

As for moving objects, you should be able to do just that. Modify
the X,Y,Z,YAW parameters for the object. Unless you needed to change
the shape of the object, you can just mess with the one object and
move it. The advantage with using a bot is accuracy. If any of you
have tried to rotate a bunch of objects at once, you'll notice that
they "walk". The bot can have better control as they are changing
the actual coordinates of the objects and not using the browser's


Jan 14, 2000, 3:11pm
"the 13th floor" uses avatars for the moving "objects".

And I am pretty sure anything else can be easily detected, as only avatars
have a smooth movement generated by the aw browser.

Walter aka Faber

"serac" <serac at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:387eaa13 at
> Names do not appear over avatars if they never speak to you. As long
> as the bot never talks, you'll never see its name. So they may be
> avatars. Or they can be objects being controlled by a bot.
> As for moving objects, you should be able to do just that. Modify
> the X,Y,Z,YAW parameters for the object. Unless you needed to change
> the shape of the object, you can just mess with the one object and
> move it. The advantage with using a bot is accuracy. If any of you
> have tried to rotate a bunch of objects at once, you'll notice that
> they "walk". The bot can have better control as they are changing
> the actual coordinates of the objects and not using the browser's
> interface.

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