brez // User Search

brez // User Search

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Feb 28, 2000, 4:03pm

I got a question concerning bandwidth and bots. I have
a bot that's running on the same machine as my world ... since the
bot is logging into the local host, is there any internet
activity (outside of the inital authentication through aw)?

Thanks y'all


Unable to initalize the API

Jan 6, 2000, 6:51pm
hello. I've been experimenting with the greetbot. it builds with no
warnings/errors, but when
I try to initalise the API (aw_init( )) I get an rc of 454
using build 15 (the original SDK for C) and the header (aw.h) has it defined
as 15? Am I missing
something obvious? Thanks.

Unable to initalize the API

Jan 7, 2000, 6:42am
it was something, 'obvious.' I didn't have the 'aw.dll' in the debug dir.
thanks for the reply though. actually, while I got everyone's attention,

are there any other resources for the aw sdk besides the few pages at aw?
any open source (GPL) projects? Thanks.


object manipulation with sdk?

Jan 14, 2000, 12:40am
anyone have any idea how in the world "the 13th floor" there
are bots (cars, etc.) that don't have names (ie, [mr. bot] ) over
them? are they avatars? objects? as far as I could see, making
an object move would require a sort of animation sequence where
one instance was destroyed and another created a few centimeters
away, etc. sounds really messy. I thought I'd ask around before
experimenting with the idea. anyone got the goods?


circles in a square world.......

Jan 28, 2000, 12:23am
'sup yall. this is the source (highlights) to my circle bot;
circles in a square world proved to be an easier task
than I first expected, but to save y'all a little grey matter if
ya come across it.....btw, all my values are hardcoded, but
a generic "circleBot" could be easily adapted from this..

1. prototypes......

void legwork(int x_axis, double z_axis, int yaw);
double the_math(int x);

2. source........

while (1)

while (x_axis < 17000) { //first quarter circle
legwork(x_axis += 100, the_math(x_axis), yaw += 5);
while (x_axis > 0) { //second quarter circle
legwork(x_axis -= 100, -(the_math(x_axis)), yaw +=5);
while (x_axis > -17000) { //third quarter circle
legwork(x_axis -= 100, -(the_math(x_axis)), yaw += 5);
yaw = 0; //reset to 0 degrees
while (x_axis < 0) { //fourth quarter circle
legwork(x_axis += 100, the_math(x_axis), yaw += 5);

void legwork(int x_axis, double z_axis, int yaw)
aw_int_set(AW_MY_YAW, yaw);
aw_int_set(AW_MY_X, x_axis);
aw_int_set(AW_MY_Z, (int) z_axis);
if (aw_state_change())
printf("aw_state_changed failed");

double the_math(int x) //returns the z coordinate
return sqrt((-(x * x)) + 255000000); // x^2 + y^2 = sqrt(r)


Checking for URL's

Feb 7, 2000, 4:54pm
I'm try make a bot check for new URL's put in by tourist or citizens.
I'm using C++ and have the bots basic design done, I'm stuck on how to make
it loop get just the NEW url's
and return a report that is displayed in a GUI window, open to any ideals.

Yaw calculations?

Feb 28, 2000, 4:26pm
you have to manipulate the yaw while manipulating your
x/z planes; unfortunatly there's no simple equation that will
work in every situation... what's really going on in "backwards, sideways,
etc" is that the yaw is remaining constant while
your x/z planes are changing (Einstein would have preferred
this model over the two trains at the train station, I reckon)...

if you can't figure it out, send me what you got and I'll have
a go at it..

btw, who the h*** posted "Checking for URLs" under the guise
of brez? ....whoever it was, you'll have to query each
individual object for the URL zone by zone, and GUIs take too
long to develop (in C anyhow), just to cater to the lazy.


>Alright, my bot moves from point A to point B fine. The problem is it
>sometimes does it backwards, sideways, etc. I need to find an equation
>which calculates yaw based on a given set of two points, the bot's current
>X/Z and it's target X/Z thanks for your help.


Mar 12, 2000, 6:22am

what about compiling into linux? compiling would be no problem with the
library, but what about the aw.dll? has aw ever ported it to linux?
reason being that I'm running my world on a linux box and would like to run
my bots on the same to cut down on bandwidth use...


What is API?

Apr 12, 2000, 5:14am

"An API (application program interface) is the specific method prescribed by
a computer operating system or by another application program by which a
programmer writing an application program can make requests of the operating
system or another application. "

The API is written for C, not C++ . but there is a wrapper:

"In programming, a wrapper is a program or script that sets the stage and
makes possible the running of another, more important program."

for C++:

the aw sdk is a good introduction to APIs actually; fairly compact and
documented... I just wish there were a linux version [hint] [hint].......


>Forgive me, this is my first year programing with C++ and I am only on
>pointers and dynamic arrays. I do not understand what the Documentation for
>the sdk means when it says API.
>I understand how to call aw_init and what initialize means, but what is
>Call aw_init to initialize the API
>(is API the class?)
>Thanks in advance

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