Media command (Wishlist)

Media command // Wishlist

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Aug 15, 2004, 12:22am
How about a way to mute/stop media via the settings? Kinda annoying
when you have sound turned off, and not to download and you still have
background noise because of the media command.

tony m

Aug 15, 2004, 12:39am
Look at the very bottom of the "Downloads" tab in the "Settings" dialog.

[View Quote]


Aug 15, 2004, 12:49am
[View Quote] > Look at the very bottom of the "Downloads" tab in the "Settings" dialog.

Well to be honest, if you're going to make a feature similar to other
features you should at least include a design in the settings to mimic
them. As to not have me think that I would need to explicitly click it
(as what I read that as when I first saw it).

tony m

Aug 15, 2004, 2:40am
[View Quote] [View Quote] Er, sorry, I'm not quite understanding you. Do you mean to say it should be in the "General" tab? Then I somewhat agree, as even I missed it when I went to look for it.


Aug 15, 2004, 12:19pm
"bowen" <bowen at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:411ec8c9$1 at
> How about a way to mute/stop media via the settings? Kinda annoying
> when you have sound turned off, and not to download and you still have
> background noise because of the media command.

create sign, name=stream; activate media url=...

To mute (equals to set volume to zero):

activate media set vol=0 name=stream

To stop, either click the media sign itsself or:

activate media stop name=stream

For advanced examples look at AW 32743N 15000E.

Enjoy it!



Aug 15, 2004, 12:19pm
Or, you might mean:

Menu/Options/Settings/Downloads - checkmark 'Disable media urls'.


"bowen" <bowen at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:411ec8c9$1 at
> How about a way to mute/stop media via the settings? Kinda annoying
> when you have sound turned off, and not to download and you still have
> background noise because of the media command.


Aug 15, 2004, 2:11pm
[View Quote] Yes that's what I mean. You might want to give users the ability to
limit the size of what they want to download. Also the formats as well.
Some people may not want movies, but want sounds.


Aug 15, 2004, 3:12pm
"bowen" <bowen at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:411f8b3c$1 at
[View Quote] When we talk about streaming media, the amount of data downloaded depends on
the stream content and quality itsself, and even may vary during the time
the stream is running.

Unlike the sound command, the media command does not download the file into
the browser's cache because the content actually may change, in particular
if the feed is broadcasted live.

The purpose of the media command is not to replace the sound command, which
has differnt features and purposes. Even the media command has capabilities
to play files and formats which could be used by the sound and the noise
command too, the usage of the media command is focused to support a wide
varity of streaming (non-caching) audio and video formats the from the
internet ( from the web or from media servers).

A file's extension does not tell you the actually used format in many cases,
in particular not if streaming from a media server using the mss:// prefix.
Also, one may call a file .wav for example, containing a mpg formated
stream for example, where the stream still will display the video.



Aug 15, 2004, 3:46pm
[View Quote] Well, you're looking at it from entirely the wrong contect then. You're
obviously looking at it like we know everything ahead of time, when we
don't. When you limit things, you can stop it at _any_ time. This
includes mid download. This isn't exactly the best thing, but some
people want such things (like me). As for differentiating between
movies and sounds, you need only determine if it's on an object that can
show it.

You have to be intuitive about things too. ;) Again, they're optional
data for people who want to conserve bandwidth and save their eyes...
without completely limiting what they can do with it.

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