Coronas (Wishlist)

Coronas // Wishlist

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saber mage

Dec 1, 2002, 11:10pm
Trust me, i didnt get this idea from technozeus! Anyway, i was thinking the
other day that it would be nice if there was a way to make a corona's size
set so that it wouldnt appear to get bigger as you went further away and get
smaller as u get closer, kinda like a normal object. I dont really have a
use for this i just thought it might be interesting ^_^


Dec 1, 2002, 11:26pm
[View Quote] So... you want it to get bigger as you get closer and smaller as you move further
away? Coronas don't change size at all.



Dec 2, 2002, 6:26pm
emm, you mean like a normal SPIRIT!

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saber mage

Dec 2, 2002, 10:47pm
yes swe. i realize they dont truely change size, but i want it so tat u can
make em be like normal objects instead of flares

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Dec 3, 2002, 8:30am
emm yes, thats what a normal spirit is, the further away you get, the
smaller it appears, like real objects. :)

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ncc 71854

Dec 3, 2002, 8:41am
That's how coronas should be.

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Dec 3, 2002, 2:12pm
[View Quote] Then it wouldn't be a corona.


ncc 71854

Dec 3, 2002, 3:01pm
Why not?

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Dec 3, 2002, 4:08pm
[View Quote] in real life:

Coronas don't change size as you move closer or farther away from them. It only
appears they are since your perception of other objects changing size with distance
is still there. They do fade after a certain distance (or get so blurry you just
can't resolve them). Squint while looking at car headlights in the dark... that's
basically a corona.


ncc 71854

Dec 3, 2002, 5:04pm
They would look more realistic if they behaved like regular facer objects

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Dec 3, 2002, 5:34pm
[View Quote] Mmm... not really. There's a reason why it wouldn't but then there's a couple of
instances where it could be better.


ncc 71854

Dec 3, 2002, 6:09pm
Then making it optional?
i.e. create corona flare1 size=10 shrink=on

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Dec 4, 2002, 9:56am
I also think the Corona command sould have more options, including an option to make it shrink on your screen as it gets farther away even though this would look more like a sprite and less like a corona, but I think if we really want better sprites, a facer command should be added...

For ZOrientY...
Create Facer Y
would cause the object to rotate around the Y axis to keep it's Z axis facing you.

For ZOrientX...
Create FacerX
would cause the object to rotate around it's X axis to keep the Z axis facing you.

For OrientXYZ...
Create Facer
would cause the object to always apear to face your screen directly with it's Z axis.

Alternatively, the object's orientation could be used so that the object could be pre-rotated, and the rotate command would still have an effect on it, but your avatar's orientation would also be added to the object's aparent facing direction... or this could be switchable with one or more additional parameters.


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Dec 11, 2002, 10:48pm
ok, about the shrinking, would that not ruin the whole point of having
bloody coranas?

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Dec 12, 2002, 6:51am
If it's an "option" it wouldn't hurt anything. The default would still be as it is now. I think there are several things that could be made optional, to allow the corona command to be used for many different effects rather than "only" for lense flare and corona effects.


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Dec 16, 2002, 7:44pm
yes well, for diffrent effects, use spirits
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Dec 17, 2002, 2:30am
Facer objects (Sprites) have only the fact that they turn to face you in common with coronas. When RenderWare stopped supporting them directly, Roland had to write a routine for AW to handle them, and he kept it very simple and quite different from how they used to be handled. For example, a flat panel facer pretty much vanishes when viewed from above. Also, facer objects are not displayed overlapping objects that would otherwise partially obscure them, and technically a corona "should" fade with distance, while such an effect is currently not possible with sprites OR coronas in AW.


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